Republicans seem sure that the Democratic Party is communist, but can never identify a specific policy as being communist

Democrats are sure ALL republicans are Nazis, although they can't define it themselves. Lets stop the hate.
I definitely don’t say that. I never hear a leftie say you all are. I mean you definitely have them IN your party. A few in your party worship Hitler. Some want to exterminate any race that isn’t white.

The Democratic Manifesto was written tongue and cheek by a writer for the Even they have taken that down. Here is a fact check on them.



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Liberal Democrat hippies protested the Vietnam War. Isn't that proof enough?

Vietnam had resisted the Japanese after they had defeated the French, and the US helped force the French back on the Vietnamese.
That was criminal.
So then Ho Chi Minh had to fight and defeat the French as well.
And the whole country considered Ho Chi Minh a hero for liberating the country.
The French and Vietnamese had agreed to elections in 1955 to then pick the ruler for the whole country.
It was criminal then for the US to prevent those elections by backing Diem in a military coup to depose Bau Dai.
Diem was not elected and was not legal, so the US had no right to ever be involved.
It had nothing to do with communism or capitalism, but about the sovereign rights of the Vietnamese people to pick their own political leader, which would have always been Ho Chi Minh.
I am far left and like communism and socialism, but I have to admit it is foolish to cut federal drilling grants and cut Russian oil, and then not expect prices to skyrocket.

I prefer state owned and run oil companies, but it is not legal to prevent private companies from buying drilling rights to federal land.
It is also not legal to impose sanctions on civilian goods, like Russian oil.
I definitely don’t say that. I never hear a leftie say you all are. I mean you definitely have them IN your party. A few in your party worship Hitler. Some want to exterminate any race that isn’t white.

So who are these representatives that worship Hitler and think we should have genocide of anybody not in the white race?
So what democratic policy is communist?

The President trying to force industry to make sure all their employees take a government shot whether they want it or not. Of course that was struck down by the Supreme court. The idea of using federal agencies like they personally work for you by sending them out with search warrants to find your daughters stolen diary. The entire FBI has been politicized right to the point of using lies to get surveillance warrants against a political foe, and yet nobody sees a day in jail.
The President trying to force industry to make sure all their employees take a government shot whether they want it or not. Of course that was struck down by the Supreme court. The idea of using federal agencies like they personally work for you by sending them out with search warrants to find your daughters stolen diary. The entire FBI has been politicized right to the point of using lies to get surveillance warrants against a political foe, and yet nobody sees a day in jail.
Lol what? How does any of that relate to communism? I mean you aren’t even being all that specific especially with that first example. The FBI getting surveillance warrants illegally would not be communism. You can’t equate the government overstepping its bounds with communism. Communism is an economic idea.
I am referring to the voters.

Oh please, if you want to go down that road.

Oh please, if you want to go down that road.

Um okay so the communist party endorsed Obama. How does that somehow make Obama policy communist?
Lol what? How does any of that relate to communism? I mean you aren’t even being all that specific especially with that first example. The FBI getting surveillance warrants illegally would not be communism. You can’t equate the government overstepping its bounds with communism. Communism is an economic idea.

This two-tier system of justice is Communism. You had an FBI director list all of Hillary's crimes and then end with "she shouldn't be prosecuted" and she wasn't. Hunter illegally purchased a firearm, and not even a slap on the hand yet alone charges. He's selling his paint-by-numbers artwork for up to a half-million dollars to anonymous buyers and nobody even looked into if it was buying influence to the White House. For all we know those purchases could be being made by the CCP. Imagine if Don Jr. did anything like that.

Two impeachments without one impeachable offense. The Communists are using our tax dollars and their time to go after an ex-President a year and a half after leaving office because they are so deathly scared of him running again. That's never been done in the history of our country.

I'm not sure if they are Communists or Nazi's at this point. They believe the entire federal government provides them with immunity of crimes and work for their party.
This two-tier system of justice is Communism. You had an FBI director list all of Hillary's crimes and then end with "she shouldn't be prosecuted" and she wasn't. Hunter illegally purchased a firearm, and not even a slap on the hand yet alone charges. He's selling his paint-by-numbers artwork for up to a half-million dollars to anonymous buyers and nobody even looked into if it was buying influence to the White House. For all we know those purchases could be being made by the CCP. Imagine if Don Jr. did anything like that.

Two impeachments without one impeachable offense. The Communists are using our tax dollars and their time to go after an ex-President a year and a half after leaving office because they are so deathly scared of him running again. That's never been done in the history of our country.

I'm not sure if they are Communists or Nazi's at this point. They believe the entire federal government provides them with immunity of crimes and work for their party.
Lol dude absolutely nothing about any of that is communism.
Lol that is not communism. Just because you don’t like the government doing something does not mean it is communism.
Funny how you are provided a specific example, yet you just claim “that’s not communism!”

Let me guess, no policy will ever be “communist” in your view.
I don't know. How does a few whack job Hitler lovers make the Republican party or Trump Hitler lovers too?
Lol i simply said there were Hitler lovers in the party. I never said anything about it being part of the platform. I sure as hell didn’t even mention Trump.

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