Republicans: Stupid or Lying to themselves

occupied like all twisted leftists will not rest until every U.S. household contains one faggot, one illegal wetback, one chick with a dick, one criminal and one taxpayer dependent bottom feeder.
They hate the decent, traditional, moral, principled core American….they love indecent, immoral abnormalities.
Yeah, but I still don't get it...Most of these people are also parents. Do they not see that this warped agenda of giving up their rights as a parent, subjecting their children to pure immoral, and lewd over sexualization, and coming out of our schools not being able to read, or do math is not good for them, or our nation?

Talk about voting against their own interests....sheesh...
You realize that many "Republicans" are co-conspirators with the democrat Party, right? The PA Legislature allowed the CCP/democrat Party/Sinaloa Cartel Dream Team to illegally alter the method by which votes were cast -- and did NOTHING to stop it. Like I said Republicans were either stupid, lying to themselves or let me add, working with the CCP/democrat Party/Sinaloa Cartel Dream Team
Sure I understand that, but one thing at a time there buddy....What do you think is accomplished by perpetuating infighting at this point? It only ensures further progressive Democrat rule....Is that what you want?
If Russia was manipulating anyone it would be poor voters in red states. They are the key to keeping Tennessee RED. So they push god, conspiracy theories on vaccines ad global warming. Irritate them with Woke LGBTQ shit. DiSantis is doing it in Florida. Liberals want to take your guns. This is the stuff the KGB is telling conservative Americans.
You loons do want to take guns away. Starting with AR 15's.
That's not what you said though...What? you have no interest in explaining yourself? Typical....

You said: "The boomers that rule the republican party have decided that the twentieth century must continue at all costs even if it means neglecting our biggest problems."

I'm asking you what you mean, and like most dishonest liberals, you try and change the subject....So, I'll give you one more chance....What do you mean?
I should not have to explain it to you. Resisting change is in your blood. It's the soul of classic conservatism. It's not even a bad thing if it were honest. Unfortunately this fear of social and technological change has been hijacked by opportunists who claim they can hold back all the scary things that are changing too fast. Of course it's bullshit.
Haven't you heard the fantastic plans for the GOP to get into the early voting & vote harvesting game?
Many Repubs think this is the ticket back into power.

It's foolish to think we will ever out-cheat the Dems when they have been institutionalizing this for many decades.

Either we go back to same day paper ballot, hand checked with photo ID & totally transparent counts. the Repubs will be a permanent minority.
The GOP is obviously OK with this or else they would get serious about secure elections.
They won't do that because most of them are in the same corrupted & captured NWO bed with the Dems.

The democrat Party is on record that an accurate voter database is an "Existential threat"

Trump could easily have ordered the creation of databases for each State and let the courts hash out whose was more accurate. How would Los Angeles be able to explain 1.2MM more votes that eligible voters than shown on the Federal database that eliminates illegals, the non-living, people who have no Social Security number, etc.

That's all just create and publish an accurate database
You loons are fighting to teach 8 year olds about sex. You aren't sane at all.
You loons eager to sign away rights just for spite is not sane. It's been done so many times before that you really should recognize the song and dance by now. At some point it will be decided that we all need to give up some freedom for you to feel safer.
I should not have to explain it to you.

If you make the claim, then be prepared to explain, and defend what you said....It's really that simple....

Resisting change is in your blood. It's the soul of classic conservatism.

Not resistant to change as long as what you want to change, and the manner in which you change it is Constitutional...But you progressive libs don't care one bit about the Constitution.

Unfortunately this fear of social and technological change has been hijacked by opportunists who claim they can hold back all the scary things that are changing too fast.

Social - You think you're winning over American's by what your doing on the social front?

Drag shows for children
Parents have no say in education
Labeling Parents as Domestic terrorists
1619 project

I got news for ya, most rational people reject your change....

Of course it's bullshit.

What you post sure is....
You loons are fighting to teach 8 year olds about sex. You aren't sane at all.
Age appropriate sexual education is intended to teach 8 year olds how to protect themselves after sexual predators.

That’s what we are doing.

You think that’s insane? I don’t.
If you make the claim, then be prepared to explain, and defend what you said....It's really that simple....

Not resistant to change as long as what you want to change, and the manner in which you change it is Constitutional...But you progressive libs don't care one bit about the Constitution.

Social - You think you're winning over American's by what your doing on the social front?

Drag shows for children
Parents have no say in education
Labeling Parents as Domestic terrorists
1619 project

I got news for ya, most rational people reject your change....

What you post sure is....
Rational people know rage to be their enemy. You think it's a friend. Everyone is all pissed off about something, they demand something simple, direct and final to deal with it. It's the fuel of fascism. They never allow you people a single moment of clarity.
Your post is a great example of why republicans are having difficulty. You blame everyone but yourselves. Your world of baseless conspiracy theories and gratuitous sadism just does not appeal to those who want a better world.
i NEVER HAD SEX WITH THAT WOMAN...Ms Lewinsky....I just gave her a collectible dress
Rational people know rage to be their enemy. You think it's a friend. Everyone is all pissed off about something, they demand something simple, direct and final to deal with it. It's the fuel of fascism. They never allow you people a single moment of clarity.
never ever defend....always attack
It is the people who must make a better world. Politicians can't do it. Sadly the people aren't much interested either. :(

They are, the political class cheats the people.

The time for a reset is coming.

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