Republicans: Stupid or Lying to themselves

Either we go back to same day paper ballot, hand checked with photo ID & totally transparent counts. the Repubs will be a permanent minority.
The GOP is obviously OK with this or else they would get serious about secure elections.
They won't do that because most of them are in the same corrupted & captured NWO bed with the Dems.
Go back to something that never happened?
Ted Kennedy reached out to Putin and the KGB to ask for their help to defeat Reagan, there are many sources for this, so spare me the "Conspiracy" BS, and in return Putin and the KGB would assist (aka: take control of) the Party
You realize that many "Republicans" are co-conspirators with the democrat Party, right? The PA Legislature allowed the CCP/democrat Party/Sinaloa Cartel Dream Team to illegally alter the method by which votes were cast -- and did NOTHING to stop it. Like I said Republicans were either stupid, lying to themselves or let me add, working with the CCP/democrat Party/Sinaloa Cartel Dream Team
Oh....So, we are stuck in the 20th century eh? Tell me, what are these 21st century 'values' you want considered?
occupied like all twisted leftists will not rest until every U.S. household contains one faggot, one illegal wetback, one chick with a dick, one criminal and one taxpayer dependent bottom feeder.
They hate the decent, traditional, moral, principled core American….they love indecent, immoral abnormalities.
occupied like all twisted leftists will not rest until every U.S. household contains one faggot, one illegal wetback, one chick with a dick, one criminal and one taxpayer dependent bottom feeder.
They hate the decent, traditional, moral, principled core American….they love indecent, immoral abnormalities.
Do you ever wonder why people think the right has lost it's mind? It's stupid rants like that. You can't even sound like sane people anymore.
Your post is a great example of why republicans are having difficulty. You blame everyone but yourselves. Your world of baseless conspiracy theories and gratuitous sadism just does not appeal to those who want a better world.
$6 gas, no Gas stove, $190s billions to Ukraine? Ten million new Illegals, $7T spending on $4T revenue? Unlimited GOVT waste?

This is your better world? Lol
Do you ever wonder why people think the right has lost it's mind? It's stupid rants like that. You can't even sound like sane people anymore.
We are not sending fags homeO & drag queens to 1st grade classes to show how to suck a shaft you POS. Its you and your ilk you disgusting creature. You should be caged with a 250lb black racist.
$6 gas, no Gas stove, $190s billions to Ukraine? Ten million new Illegals, $7T spending on $4T revenue? Unlimited GOVT waste?

This is your better world? Lol

We are not sending fags homeO & drag queens to 1st grade classes to show how to suck a shaft you POS. Its you and your ilk you disgusting creature. You should be caged with a 250lb black racist.
And now here's another one who is so scared of the future they want to live in a fascist state.
And now here's another one who is so scared of the future they want to live in a fascist state.

You stupid commee POS. Not worth electrons. The harrassment of pro-Trump, political prisoners by your bastards and you post facist? You are obviously a desperately lowIQ POS that needs to be punished for your support of Criminals. Get off my posts you dirty POS!
And now here's another one who is so scared of the future they want to live in a fascist state.
Don’t “fascists” champion the suppression of free speech, don’t they collude with a complicit media, don’t they force people to take medicine they don’t want, don’t they force people to wear face diapers they don’t want to wear, don’t they oppose the peoples rights granted by our founders?
Are you Libs sure you know what fascism is?
You stupid commee POS. Not worth electrons. The harrassment of pro-Trump, political prisoners by your bastards and you post facist? You are obviously a desperately lowIQ POS that needs to be punished for your support of Criminals. Get off my posts you dirty POS!
You talked to me first fool. If you can't take criticism find some other outlet for your impotent rage.
Don’t “fascists” champion the suppression of free speech, don’t they collude with a complicit media, don’t they force people to take medicine they don’t want, don’t they force people to wear face diapers they don’t want to wear, don’t they oppose the peoples rights granted by our founders?
Are you Libs sure you know what fascism is?
Fascism is easy to see. They sound just like the fool I was replying to.
Either we go back to same day paper ballot, hand checked with photo ID & totally transparent counts. the Repubs will be a permanent minority.
That's it in a nutshell and exactly why dems fight so vigorously against it....They will lie/cheat and go to any lengths to prevent it.

They know full well if there was a even playing field voting-wise that after a couple of election cycles they would have to revert to the dem party of the 60s to ever win a national election again.

Today's leftist dems would go the way the blue-dog dems did when the leftists started holding sway.
The people you think are not interested are just too scared. There's a world of brave people out there willing to do the hard work to save western civilization from it's destructive addiction to excess.
They should get busy; time is running out. ;)

"To save the world, start small; save yourself." -Woodznutz
If Russia was manipulating anyone it would be poor voters in red states. They are the key to keeping Tennessee RED. So they push god, conspiracy theories on vaccines ad global warming. Irritate them with Woke LGBTQ shit. DiSantis is doing it in Florida. Liberals want to take your guns. This is the stuff the KGB is telling conservative Americans.
Why would Russia encourage gun ownership in America?
They should get busy; time is running out. ;)

"To save the world, start small; save yourself." -Woodznutz
I really can't blame those who benefited from the twentieth century the most thinking things ought to just stay like that.
Are you allergic to looking at your own politics? OP is casting about for answers in his own sad conspiracy theory way. No interest in helping him out?
That's not what you said though...What? you have no interest in explaining yourself? Typical....

You said: "The boomers that rule the republican party have decided that the twentieth century must continue at all costs even if it means neglecting our biggest problems."

I'm asking you what you mean, and like most dishonest liberals, you try and change the subject....So, I'll give you one more chance....What do you mean?

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