Republicans target child tax break for illegal immigrants


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
Republicans target child tax break for illegal immigrants

The proposal, which would require people who claim the federal credit to have Social Security numbers to prove they're legal workers, is being offered as a way to help pay for extending the Social Security tax cut for most American wage-earners. It would trim federal spending by about $10 billion over a decade.

Republicans and some Democrats say what's crazy is even having a debate over whether the government should be cutting checks to people who have sneaked into the country illegally. It's hard to imagine there isn't a healthy majority, even in the Democratic-controlled Senate, to stop the practice -- if it's actually brought to a vote.

"We have rules about tax credits and benefits, and it seems to me they need to be applied fairly and across the board," said Democrat Sen. Claire McCaskill, who is facing a difficult re-election bid in Missouri. "If there are rules, they need to be enforced. I think it's just that simple. I don't think it's complicated."

The situation has Democrats in a box. If they fight the GOP effort to cut back payments of the tax credit, they'll be favoring the delivery of refunds to people who not only don't owe income taxes but aren't supposed to be in the country in the first place.

What's more, closing the loophole would raise real money -- an estimated $10 billion over 10 years under the approach favored by House Republicans.

One option under consideration is to require tax filers to supply a Social Security number for the child when claiming the tax credit instead of requiring that at least one of the parents possess one.

That would respond to criticism that the GOP proposal is unfair to the citizen children of illegal immigrants.

"We're not in favor of fraudulent payments or payments that shouldn't be made, but we don't want to create obstacles to supporting low-income families who are trying to care for their children," said Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill. "Even though the parent doesn't have a Social Security number, they could still be entitled under their tax return, for a child tax credit."
This last point is a valid one, and one I can support. If they can furnish a SS# for the child, as opposed to at least one parent, then I have no problem with them getting the credit, as it is supposed to be for the child anyway.
I've always had to include my children's social security numbers on tax returns. How have illegal aliens not had to do that?
The single accomplishment of the conservative movement has been to convince millions of weak minded individuals that selfishness, greed, and hate of the poor are good Christian values.
Whereas liberalism teaches hatred to levels unseen of the wealthy.

Reasonable individuals are taught not to hate anyone.
The single accomplishment of the conservative movement has been to convince millions of weak minded individuals that selfishness, greed, and hate of the poor are good Christian values.

care to actually discuss the topic, asshat?

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