Republicans Trying to not pay for their big Spending Programs again

No. He didn’t. No President ever passes legislation. Bubba did sign it. He had no choice. Thank you Newt.

Thanks Newt!

It was the Republicans who passed it. Reality really rankles the Wanker. 🤣
He retard.

No republican at all voted for the deficit reduction act.
not one moron
you bury yourself on a daily basis. you have no knowledge of history.

Reality is vicious, and reality is the republicans are a total failure and you are a brainwashed gullible sheep that has been played for a total sucker.
All the wins are form dems, all the debt deficit failed wars and recession are from republicans.
if biden is so great why doesnt he have 50% or better approval ratings?.....thanks....
I asked you before and you did your typical duck and didn't answer me, per usual. You are the duck king, nobody ducks on here more than you.
I am not answering anything you say until you man up and answer my question I asked you before about how you find it so acceptable that Bush destroyed Bill Clinton's balanced budget. The balanced budget is gone all because of republicans. Republicans are the reason and solely to blame for destroying Bill Clinton's balanced budget.

I love putting you feet to the fire and watching you defend your beloved GOP. The undercover wanna be independents that are really republicans are cowards and its so easy to see through your bullshit.

Your boy bush destroyed america and the republicans are reason why Bill Clinton's balanced budget is gone. All because of the republicans. You idiot republicans should be real proud.

Admit that Bush destroyed Bill Clinton's balanced budget.
No. You retard. 👍

Irrelevant. It was Republicans who voted for the balanced budget during the Bubba Administration.

You have nothing of value or of any honesty to contribute.
what are you retarded, you are dumb as fuck. The reason bill Clinton balanced the budget was because he passed the 1993 deficit reduction act, a bill that no republican at all voted for because the bill raised taxes on the wealthy and cut spending. Republicans never cut spending ever, and they never raise taxes on the billionaires ever. Republicans handout free money to billionaires.

Its so laughable that you trash can't even admit Bill Clinton passed the deficit reduction act and then Bill Clinton balanced the budget, it pains you to have to accept that Bull Clinton balanced the budget.

What did Bush and the GOP congress and senate do with Bill Clinton's balanced budget? I forget, what did Bush do with the bill Clinton balanced budget????
what are you retarded,
Mom. That’s you.
you are dumb as fuck.

No. Still you.
The reason bill Clinton balanced the budget

He never did.
was because he passed the 1993 deficit reduction act,

Wrong. The sole reason Bubba was compelled to accept the House GOP budget bill was because he had no viable way to prevent it.

It’s history. Facts control. Not your idiot lies.
I asked you before and you did your typical duck and didn't answer me, per usual. You are the duck king, nobody ducks on here more than you.
I am not answering anything you say until you man up and answer my question I asked you before about how you find it so acceptable that Bush destroyed Bill Clinton's balanced budget. The balanced budget is gone all because of republicans. Republicans are the reason and solely to blame for destroying Bill Clinton's balanced budget.

I love putting you feet to the fire and watching you defend your beloved GOP. The undercover wanna be independents that are really republicans are cowards and its so easy to see through your bullshit.

Your boy bush destroyed america and the republicans are reason why Bill Clinton's balanced budget is gone. All because of the republicans. You idiot republicans should be real proud.

Admit that Bush destroyed Bill Clinton's balanced budget. say basically the same shit with every have to be just fucking with us body can be that controlled...
Mom. That’s you.

No. Still you.

He never did.

Wrong. The sole reason Bubba was compelled to accept the House GOP budget bill was because he had no viable way to prevent it.

It’s history. Facts control. Not your idiot lies.
hey retard the deficit reduction act was passed in 1993, with no republican votes at all.
end of story.
You can cry like a pussy all you want
Waaaaaa !
Waaaaaa !
but it doesn't change facts and history

what did Bush and the GOP do with Bill Clinton's balanced budget.
No. He didn’t. No President ever passes legislation. Bubba did sign it. He had no choice. Thank you Newt.

Thanks Newt!

It was the Republicans who passed it. Reality really rankles the Wanker. 🤣
Remnd us how good old Newt was run out of the HOR due to scandals too numerous to count, ass goblin.

Or are you too touched by them?
Remnd us how good old Newt was run out of the HOR due to scandals too numerous to count, ass goblin.

Or are you too touched by them?
Try to stay on topic rather than prove you have a problem with the glaring obviousness of your cheap-ass deflection efforts. 👍
Hey scumbag lying sack of shit:

Newt forced the budget. Bubba had fuck all to do with it.
wow some jealous republican group is crying about Bill Clinton's balanced budget.

Bill Clinton's deficit reduction act was mist responsible for bill Clinton's balanced budget.
Its so funny how desperate republicans are to take credit for democrat wins. Republicans have no wins, and are the party of failure so republicans need to take credit for democrat wins.

Bill Clinton passed the deficit reduction act and it worked perfectly and no republican voted for it. Republicans have no wins because they crashed the economy and they need to steal Bill Clinton's wins. how pathetic.
wow some jealous republican group is crying about Bill Clinton's balanced budget.

Bill Clinton's deficit reduction act was mist responsible for bill Clinton's balanced budget.
Its so funny how desperate republicans are to take credit for democrat wins. Republicans have no wins, and are the party of failure so republicans need to take credit for democrat wins.

Bill Clinton passed the deficit reduction act and it worked perfectly and no republican voted for it. Republicans have no wins because they crashed the economy and they need to steal Bill Clinton's wins. how pathetic.
You’re in full bullshit mode.

Your dishonesty and your sophistry aside, it was the Gingrich budget.

Old Bubba had to go along. Kicking and screaming.

Facts really hurt you libturd liars and your poor pathetic feelings.

Try to stay on topic rather than prove you have a problem with the glaring obviousness of your cheap-ass deflection efforts. 👍
You're the one bragging up your hero Gingrich so I rubbed your nose in the fact he was run out of D.C. because he was a crook.

Own it.
You're the one bragging up your hero Gingrich so I rubbed your nose in the fact he was run out of D.C. because he was a crook.

Own it.
I am not concerned with your always bullshit and overtly partisan spin efforts to deflect.

Toddle off now little hack troll bitch. Go. Shew.
Simple facts Republicans just can not admit:
1) In 1993 Bill Clinton passed the deficit reduction act and it worked perfectly and gave us the balanced budget. No republican voted for it at all and Gingrich said it would crash the economy.
2) Bush took the balanced budget, crashed the economy, and left office with trillion dollar deficits
3) Bush and the GOP pushed us into the war in Iraq and totally mis-managed it
4) Trump started his presidency with a $600B/yr deficit and left office with a $3+T/yr deficit
5) Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud
6) Trump lost all his court cases with Trump appointed judges ruling there was no fraud and no evidence of fraud at all.
7) MAGA republicans rioted and attacked and beat cops and took over the Capitol by force on Jan 6th chanting "hang Mike Pence"
8) Biden has lowered the massive $3+T/yr Trump deficit down to $1.4T/yr in 2022, lowering the massive Trump deficit.

It pains republicans to admit these facts and they never do. I love holding their feet to the fire and trying to get them to admit these facts, but they never ever do. They ignore my questions or try and dance around the issue everytime.

Thread topic: What else can republicans not admit. What am I leaving out, there is definitely a lot more.

Hunter, Hunter, Hunter, you have been very busy spamming the forum with your threads today. You seem to be scared shitless Trump will win in 2024. I don't blame you. You should be.
You’re in full bullshit mode.

Your dishonesty and your sophistry aside, it was the Gingrich budget.

Old Bubba had to go along. Kicking and screaming.

Facts really hurt you libturd liars and your poor pathetic feelings.


look how triggered you are because you have to accept Bill CLinton gave us a balanced budget due to his tax increase on the wealthy and spending cuts. Its laughable that you cant admit tax increases on the rich and spending cuts lead to a balanced budget. I love watching you pussies cry when you have to accpet the reality that Bush destroyed America and was a total failure, Trump exploded the deficit and bankrupted America and Bill Clinton gave us a balanced budget.

Republicans blow up America and the economy and the deficit
Democrats balance budgets and give us booming economies with high growth and low unemployment.

news flash when you raise taxes on the rich and cut spending, you get balanced budgets...
hey retard the deficit reduction act was passed in 1993, with no republican votes at all.
end of story.
You can cry like a pussy all you want
Waaaaaa !
Waaaaaa !
but it doesn't change facts and history

what did Bush and the GOP do with Bill Clinton's balanced budget.
Liar. There was never a “balanced budget”. All accounting gimmicks and “projected numbers” that people knew were never going to happen. Add in the dot com bubble bursting on Bubba on his way out the door (leaving Bush to get hit with the brunt of it) and that fantasy is even funnier.

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