Republicans Trying to not pay for their big Spending Programs again

Simple facts Republicans just can not admit:
1) In 1993 Bill Clinton passed the deficit reduction act and it worked perfectly and gave us the balanced budget. No republican voted for it at all and Gingrich said it would crash the economy.
2) Bush took the balanced budget, crashed the economy, and left office with trillion dollar deficits
3) Bush and the GOP pushed us into the war in Iraq and totally mis-managed it
4) Trump started his presidency with a $600B/yr deficit and left office with a $3+T/yr deficit
5) Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud
6) Trump lost all his court cases with Trump appointed judges ruling there was no fraud and no evidence of fraud at all.
7) MAGA republicans rioted and attacked and beat cops and took over the Capitol by force on Jan 6th chanting "hang Mike Pence"
8) Biden has lowered the massive $3+T/yr Trump deficit down to $1.4T/yr in 2022, lowering the massive Trump deficit.

It pains republicans to admit these facts and they never do. I love holding their feet to the fire and trying to get them to admit these facts, but they never ever do. They ignore my questions or try and dance around the issue everytime.

Thread topic: What else can republicans not admit. What am I leaving out, there is definitely a lot more.

On #2, so then why were Democrats demanding larger budgets every year than W if you were so fiscally responsible?

On #3, I like a Bidenista whining about Republicans mismanaging a war. I mean they did, but so much better than you idiots ever did. Maybe you'd do better if you picked a side
Simple facts Republicans just can not admit:
1) In 1993 Bill Clinton passed the deficit reduction act

No. He didn’t. No President ever passes legislation. Bubba did sign it. He had no choice. Thank you Newt.
and it worked perfectly and gave us the balanced budget.

Thanks Newt!
No republican voted for it at all and Gingrich said it would crash the economy.
It was the Republicans who passed it. Reality really rankles the Wanker. 🤣
On #2, so then why were Democrats demanding larger budgets every year than W if you were so fiscally responsible?

On #3, I like a Bidenista whining about Republicans mismanaging a war. I mean they did, but so much better than you idiots ever did. Maybe you'd do better if you picked a side

On #4, you remember correctly W pushing us into war, but conveniently forgot Hillary, Gore at all doing it hand and hand with them, asshat liar

After that, you just go off the loony leftist reservation and need serious medical help
On #4, you remember correctly W pushing us into war, but conveniently forgot Hillary, Gore at all doing it hand and hand with them, asshat liar
yea nice try
The republicans pushed that war so hard and anybody that opposed the war was labeled un-patriotic.
Do you rememebr freedom fries?? The idiot republicans officially changed the name of french fries to freedom fries because France opposed the war in Iraq, that is how obsessed with war in Iraq the republicans were.
No republicans, no war in Iraq. period.
yea nice try
The republicans pushed that war so hard and anybody that opposed the war was labeled un-patriotic.
Do you rememebr freedom fries?? The idiot republicans officially changed the name of french fries to freedom fries because France opposed the war in Iraq, that is how obsessed with war in Iraq the republicans were.
No republicans, no war in Iraq. period.

Who said this?

If you don't believe that Iraq has WMD's, never vote for me
Does anybody see the problem that republicans keep fucking up the country and exploding the deficit and their voters and supporters are perfectly ok with them doing that all the time??

Republicans are terrible, but that's not as bad as your making every "we aren't responsible for anything ever" defense of Democrats.

It's stupid with how many times you've won the Presidency and controlled Congress and the Senate for you to sit here and say Democrats did nothing wrong, Democrats got nothing wrong, the Republicans did EVERYTHING and you were too inept to stop us.

You're a lying piece of shit and your claims of total purity are moronic
It was an internet boom. No politician was responsible for it. Not that it would ever stop a Democrat from running in and taking credit for something you had nothing to do with

Set in motion by Reagan and his policies.
  • Thanks
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BORING and Predictable.

And you claim you have so much to add to threads. NOPE.
Not a claim I’ve made, liar. But now I will make you happy. I do add more than you ever do. And calling out bullshit can be useful.

Learn to cope little Winky Dinky. 👍
Not a claim I’ve made, liar. But now I will make you happy. I do add more than you ever do. And calling out bullshit can be useful.

Learn to cope little Winky Dinky. 👍
You are dismissed.
You add nothing, so you can leave, I don't care.

See ya.
No. He didn’t. No President ever passes legislation. Bubba did sign it. He had no choice. Thank you Newt.

Thanks Newt!

It was the Republicans who passed it. Reality really rankles the Wanker. 🤣

Dems had both Houses in 1993.
You are dismissed.
You add nothing, so you can leave, I don't care.

See ya.
And I have no concern about being dismissed by a dishonest hack bitch troll.

You add nothing to the board.

And since you are dishonest, you never will. Now, go suck a bag of dicks and gfy. 😎

Also, for the sake of getting back on topic:

I admit that you’re a transparent fraud, little winky dinky. 👍
Simple facts Republicans just can not admit:
1) In 1993 Bill Clinton passed the deficit reduction act and it worked perfectly and gave us the balanced budget. No republican voted for it at all and Gingrich said it would crash the economy.
2) Bush took the balanced budget, crashed the economy, and left office with trillion dollar deficits
3) Bush and the GOP pushed us into the war in Iraq and totally mis-managed it
4) Trump started his presidency with a $600B/yr deficit and left office with a $3+T/yr deficit
5) Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud
6) Trump lost all his court cases with Trump appointed judges ruling there was no fraud and no evidence of fraud at all.
7) MAGA republicans rioted and attacked and beat cops and took over the Capitol by force on Jan 6th chanting "hang Mike Pence"
8) Biden has lowered the massive $3+T/yr Trump deficit down to $1.4T/yr in 2022, lowering the massive Trump deficit.

It pains republicans to admit these facts and they never do. I love holding their feet to the fire and trying to get them to admit these facts, but they never ever do. They ignore my questions or try and dance around the issue everytime.

Thread topic: What else can republicans not admit. What am I leaving out, there is definitely a lot more.

if biden is so great why doesnt he have 50% or better approval ratings?.....thanks....

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