Republicans turn on Trey Gowdy--over Benghazi


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
This is great--LOL. So Trey Gowdy, (in charge of the 8th investigation over Benghazi) is forced to clear Hillary Clinton of any negligence or wrong doing regarding Benghazi, and now the Right Wing is going after him.

"With the Republicans’ Benghazi Committee uncovering no meaningful new information, and with the panel’s investigation effectively exonerating Hillary Clinton, right-wing conspiracy theorists this week had no choice but to give up and find a new hobby.

No, I’m just kidding. They’re actually redirecting their ire towards Benghazi Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.).

Just yesterday, I predicted that some conservatives would turn on Gowdy, in whom they’d invested so much hope. The far-right South Carolinian was supposed to bury, not exonerate, Hillary Clinton, I wrote, and his inability to deliver a useful campaign weapon will likely be seen as both a failure and a betrayal.

A few hours later, far-right radio personality Michael Savage told his audience,Trey Gowdy should be impeached for wasting my time! He promised us a lot! Remember?” (Members of Congress can be expelled, but not impeached, under the U.S. Constitution.)"

Of course, Savage isn’t alone. The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank explained today that “conspiracy-minded” conservatives are blaming Gowdy “for failing to deliver the goods.” There was a meeting yesterday of the “Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi,” where members agreed the far-right South Carolinian let them down by failing to confirm their beliefs.

A woman in the crowd floated a new Benghazi conspiracy. “Has someone in the GOP leadership gotten their fingers involved in watering down some of this to benefit Secretary Clinton?” she asked. Nobody rebutted this idea.

Herein lies a lesson for Republicans who are perpetually trying to appease the far right: It’s a fool’s errand. They went to the tea party – and now they’re taking Donald Trump to the prom. Likewise, then-House Speaker John Boehner named the Benghazi committee because activists were dissatisfied that seven previous congressional investigations had failed to uncover major scandal material. Now an eighth has produced more of the same – and the agitators are as agitated as ever.

There’s a certain twisted logic to this. The unhinged right starts with the ideologically satisfying answer – President Obama and Hillary Clinton are guilty of horrible Benghazi-related wrongdoing – and then works backwards, looking for “proof” that matches the conclusion. When their ostensible allies fail to tell these activists what they want to hear, they could reevaluate their bogus assumptions, but it’s vastly easier to believe Republicans have let them down.

This is what it’s come to: Benghazi conspiracy theorists are so creative, and so unmoved by evidence or reason, that they can convince themselves that congressional Republicans are in on the conspiracy.

As Donald Trump and his allies try to incorporate ridiculous Benghazi rhetoric into their 2016 platform, keep in mind who his unhinged allies are."
With Clinton exonerated, conspiracy theorists turn on Trey Gowdy

Clinton isn't exonerated. Who writes this shit. There is no conspiracy against Clinton but there is one to protect her.

The findings prove that she is the one who screwed up any reasonable rescue attempt.

She should be in jail.

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Clinton isn't exonerated. Who writes this shit. There is no conspiracy against Clinton but there is one to protect her.

The findings prove that she is the one who screwed up any reasonable rescue attempt.

She should be in jail.

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NOPE-the Republican house Benghazi committee lead by Trey Gowdy found no evidence of negligence or wrong doing by Hillary Clinton during the 8th investigation, and now the Reich wing is going after Trey Gowdy.

The best part of this article and one that is so trrrruuuue is: "Herein lies a lesson for Republicans who are perpetually trying to appease the far right: It’s a fool’s errand. They went to the tea party – and now they’re taking Donald Trump to the prom."

You tea partiers, anti establishment groupies roll your favorite candidates faster that my 5 year old grand daughter changes boyfriends.



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They found out about the Beast's compromising national security which triggered an FBI and DoJ investigations. That, in itself, is hugely successful from a Republican and national security standpoint.

Chalk one up for the good guys!
Clinton isn't exonerated. Who writes this shit. There is no conspiracy against Clinton but there is one to protect her.

The findings prove that she is the one who screwed up any reasonable rescue attempt.

She should be in jail.

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Ditto--DaveCmarino--just admitted he has another conspiracy theory--lol

They found out about the Beast's compromising national security which triggered an FBI and DoJ investigations. That, in itself, is hugely successful from a Republican and national security standpoint.

Chalk one up for the good guys!

Republicans have wasted millions of taxpayer dollars for this political witch hunt. The Republican lead attack on Hillary Clinton (8 investigations in all) exonerated her.

EMAILS--The FBI has already stated that found no criminal wrong doing--so there will be no forthcoming charges. And while they're at it, they might as well do investigations into Colin Powell's and Condi Rice's emails as they have also received classified documents through unauthorized servers.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

All of this was nothing more than a Clinton political dog and pony show for more support and RNC donations at great expense to the taxpayers of this country.

You Hillary ass suckers are something else. She could shit in your coffee and you would still protect her.

That brainwashing on the left goes deep. Stupid morons.

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They found out about the Beast's compromising national security which triggered an FBI and DoJ investigations. That, in itself, is hugely successful from a Republican and national security standpoint.

Chalk one up for the good guys!

Republicans have wasted millions of taxpayer dollars for this political witch hunt. The Republican lead attack on Hillary Clinton (8 investigations in all) exonerated her.

EMAILS--The FBI has already stated that found no criminal wrong doing--so there will be no forthcoming charges. And while they're at it, they might as well do investigations into Colin Powell's and Condi Rice's emails as they have also received classified documents through unauthorized servers.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

All of this was nothing more than a Clinton political dog and pony show for more support and RNC donations at great expense to the taxpayers of this country.

Come on oreo. Be serious. If the Philadelphia Phillies can spend $7 million for 2 months of Ryan Howard's hitting (about .150) and fielding (ugh), surely the federal government can spend the same amount to uncover a Secretary of State compromising national security and why 4 Americans and an ambassador were murdered.
They found out about the Beast's compromising national security which triggered an FBI and DoJ investigations. That, in itself, is hugely successful from a Republican and national security standpoint.

Chalk one up for the good guys!

Republicans have wasted millions of taxpayer dollars for this political witch hunt. The Republican lead attack on Hillary Clinton (8 investigations in all) exonerated her.

EMAILS--The FBI has already stated that found no criminal wrong doing--so there will be no forthcoming charges. And while they're at it, they might as well do investigations into Colin Powell's and Condi Rice's emails as they have also received classified documents through unauthorized servers.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

All of this was nothing more than a Clinton political dog and pony show for more support and RNC donations at great expense to the taxpayers of this country.

Come on oreo. Be serious. If the Philadelphia Phillies can spend $7 million for 2 months of Ryan Howard's hitting (about .150) and fielding (ugh), surely the federal government can spend the same amount to uncover a Secretary of State compromising national security and why 4 Americans and an ambassador were murdered.

The Republican platform foundation calls for less government spending--which is contrary to what you're saying. So I guess you're trying to make lite of this--LOL Maybe politics has turned into team sports??

Let's spend taxpayer dollars chasing our tails? But clearly this was done for campaign donations-which seems inappropriate too me. After all, these taxpayer dollars wasted came from Democrat pockets also.

Keeping in mind that Reagan lost 240 U.S. Marines in a U.S. Embassy in Lebanon, and only 1 investigation came out of that. Benghazi has now been investigated 8 times. Democrats didn't use the Lebanon attack to smear Ronald Reagan, in fact they didn't even bring it up when on the campaign trail.

Quite a difference, I would say.


Not anymore, they don't.
They found out about the Beast's compromising national security which triggered an FBI and DoJ investigations. That, in itself, is hugely successful from a Republican and national security standpoint.

Chalk one up for the good guys!

Republicans have wasted millions of taxpayer dollars for this political witch hunt. The Republican lead attack on Hillary Clinton (8 investigations in all) exonerated her.

EMAILS--The FBI has already stated that found no criminal wrong doing--so there will be no forthcoming charges. And while they're at it, they might as well do investigations into Colin Powell's and Condi Rice's emails as they have also received classified documents through unauthorized servers.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

All of this was nothing more than a Clinton political dog and pony show for more support and RNC donations at great expense to the taxpayers of this country.

Come on oreo. Be serious. If the Philadelphia Phillies can spend $7 million for 2 months of Ryan Howard's hitting (about .150) and fielding (ugh), surely the federal government can spend the same amount to uncover a Secretary of State compromising national security and why 4 Americans and an ambassador were murdered.

The Republican platform foundation calls for less government spending--which is contrary to what you're saying. So I guess you're trying to make lite of this--LOL Maybe politics has turned into team sports??

Let's spend taxpayer dollars chasing our tails? But clearly this was done for campaign donations-which seems inappropriate too me. After all, these taxpayer dollars wasted came from Democrat pockets also.

Keeping in mind that Reagan lost 240 U.S. Marines in a U.S. Embassy in Lebanon, and only 1 investigation came out of that. Benghazi has now been investigated 8 times. Democrats didn't use the Lebanon attack to smear Ronald Reagan, in fact they didn't even bring it up when on the campaign trail.

Quite a difference, I would say.

Seriously, you're whining about $7 million spent on not only national security but why 4 Americans, including an ambassador died because of Stat Department and Administration ineptness?!

That's about as much as Hillary and Bill made in a year giving speeches FFS!

That's about as feeble as it gets. I wish the Beast would use that argument.
They found out about the Beast's compromising national security which triggered an FBI and DoJ investigations. That, in itself, is hugely successful from a Republican and national security standpoint.

Chalk one up for the good guys!

Republicans have wasted millions of taxpayer dollars for this political witch hunt. The Republican lead attack on Hillary Clinton (8 investigations in all) exonerated her.

EMAILS--The FBI has already stated that found no criminal wrong doing--so there will be no forthcoming charges. And while they're at it, they might as well do investigations into Colin Powell's and Condi Rice's emails as they have also received classified documents through unauthorized servers.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

All of this was nothing more than a Clinton political dog and pony show for more support and RNC donations at great expense to the taxpayers of this country.

Come on oreo. Be serious. If the Philadelphia Phillies can spend $7 million for 2 months of Ryan Howard's hitting (about .150) and fielding (ugh), surely the federal government can spend the same amount to uncover a Secretary of State compromising national security and why 4 Americans and an ambassador were murdered.

The Republican platform foundation calls for less government spending--which is contrary to what you're saying. So I guess you're trying to make lite of this--LOL Maybe politics has turned into team sports??

Let's spend taxpayer dollars chasing our tails? But clearly this was done for campaign donations-which seems inappropriate too me. After all, these taxpayer dollars wasted came from Democrat pockets also.

Keeping in mind that Reagan lost 240 U.S. Marines in a U.S. Embassy in Lebanon, and only 1 investigation came out of that. Benghazi has now been investigated 8 times. Democrats didn't use the Lebanon attack to smear Ronald Reagan, in fact they didn't even bring it up when on the campaign trail.

Quite a difference, I would say.

Seriously, you're whining about $7 million spent on not only national security but why 4 Americans, including an ambassador died because of Stat Department and Administration ineptness?!

That's about as much as Hillary and Bill made in a year giving speeches FFS!

That's about as feeble as it gets. I wish the Beast would use that argument.

There has not been a President or Secretary of State that has walked out of their office without regrets. All the way from George Washington to Barack Obama. There isn't one single one of them that doesn't say to themselves--"I wish I wouldn't have done that, or we could have handled this better, etc etc."

Now if we are going to recklessly spend taxpayer dollars to crucify them all, we might as well line them all up now. All the way from George Washington to Barack Obama.

Do you actually believe that G.W Bush doesn't have sleepless nights over the invasion of Iraq? Do you actually believe that Bill Clinton doesn't have sleepless nights along with Madylene Albright about warning Pakistan that missiles would be flying over their air-space to hit Osama Bin Laden. Do you actually believe that Colin Powell and Condi Rice have no regrets, or wish they would have advised something different? Do you believe that when Ronald Reagan was alive and well he never thought about those 240 U.S. Marines that were killed in Lebanon, and wish he would have done something different? Do you believe that Hillary Clinton deliberately killed 4 Americans, including her friend Christopher Stevens?

They have all made mistakes that they regret, and they will live on with those regrets. Taxpayer dollars should not be used for any political parties gain, and that's exactly what Republicans did with Benghazi and Emails. And it came back and bite them hard in the ass.

Clinton isn't exonerated. Who writes this shit. There is no conspiracy against Clinton but there is one to protect her.

The findings prove that she is the one who screwed up any reasonable rescue attempt.

She should be in jail.

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What a shame that nutcases on the internet don't rule the world.
They found out about the Beast's compromising national security which triggered an FBI and DoJ investigations. That, in itself, is hugely successful from a Republican and national security standpoint.

Chalk one up for the good guys!

Republicans have wasted millions of taxpayer dollars for this political witch hunt. The Republican lead attack on Hillary Clinton (8 investigations in all) exonerated her.

EMAILS--The FBI has already stated that found no criminal wrong doing--so there will be no forthcoming charges. And while they're at it, they might as well do investigations into Colin Powell's and Condi Rice's emails as they have also received classified documents through unauthorized servers.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

All of this was nothing more than a Clinton political dog and pony show for more support and RNC donations at great expense to the taxpayers of this country.

Come on oreo. Be serious. If the Philadelphia Phillies can spend $7 million for 2 months of Ryan Howard's hitting (about .150) and fielding (ugh), surely the federal government can spend the same amount to uncover a Secretary of State compromising national security and why 4 Americans and an ambassador were murdered.

The Republican platform foundation calls for less government spending--which is contrary to what you're saying. So I guess you're trying to make lite of this--LOL Maybe politics has turned into team sports??

Let's spend taxpayer dollars chasing our tails? But clearly this was done for campaign donations-which seems inappropriate too me. After all, these taxpayer dollars wasted came from Democrat pockets also.

Keeping in mind that Reagan lost 240 U.S. Marines in a U.S. Embassy in Lebanon, and only 1 investigation came out of that. Benghazi has now been investigated 8 times. Democrats didn't use the Lebanon attack to smear Ronald Reagan, in fact they didn't even bring it up when on the campaign trail.

Quite a difference, I would say.

Seriously, you're whining about $7 million spent on not only national security but why 4 Americans, including an ambassador died because of Stat Department and Administration ineptness?!

That's about as much as Hillary and Bill made in a year giving speeches FFS!

That's about as feeble as it gets. I wish the Beast would use that argument.

Are you willing to spend 7 billion investigating why 4000+ Americans died in Iraq?
Clinton isn't exonerated. Who writes this shit. There is no conspiracy against Clinton but there is one to protect her.

The findings prove that she is the one who screwed up any reasonable rescue attempt.

She should be in jail.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What a shame that nutcases on the internet don't rule the world.

What is a shame is the scumbag nutcases who are doing everything in their power to protect the Clinton corruption. Like you you stupid liberal nutcase. Go get more talking points from your corrupt politicians now. The day you have an original thought outside of you party talking points is far from reality.

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Are you willing to spend 7 billion investigating why 4000+ Americans died in Iraq?
First of, it was $7 million not $7 billion idiot ( that's x1000 if you're stupid or/and black).

Of course. Then I would be willing to analyze whether the the downfall of Saddam was worth 7 million.

It was.

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