Republicans want Romney to go away!

After McCain lost in 2008, there were lots of second guessers on the Right who claimed McCain wasn't the best candidate available,

but, if you pressed them as to who would have been better, you either got stunned silence,

or the name of Mitt Romney.

Well, now, for those who don't think Mitt Romney was the best the GOP had to offer,

tell us who would have been.
Carter and Clinton both keep themselves up front and deserve reminders of just how bad they were.

At least they're men enough to not going into hiding, like some who shall remain nameless, because he apparently makes CONS break out in hives. :lol:
Speak for yourself. Id like to see him much more involved. It would be a waste of a man with his talents not to put them to some good.
Democrats are going to keep Romney going the way they've been keeping the Bush myths going. They need Romney, who is now done with politics and will no doubt go about increasing his wealth on his own.

When democrats make an enemy, they never let go. Bush, Palin and now Romney.

So the question is, why do you guys keep putting these people up?

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