Republicans want to decrease turnout by pretending to think that mail ballots will result in fraud.

Their minions actually do believe mail in ballots are a sure sign of illegal votes, just like they believe all the other crap that right wing leaders spout at them. The leaders, however, know better.

City councilman among 4 facing voter fraud charges in New Jersey

Mail in ballots open people up to influence from friends and family
Mail in ballots open up vote farming
If it's safe enough for Trump and his staff to vote by mail, it's safe enough for everyone else.
You're not trying to equate absentee voting to massive mail in voting, are you?

You're not trying to equate the risk of fraud to the risk of exposure to a "deadly" virus, are you?

But, if it takes ID to get a firearm, surely we can justify requiring ID to vote, right?

If you have to have ID to buy alcohol and tobacco, surely it is no big deal to require ID to vote, right?
If there’s a risk of fraud for absentee voting, there’s a risk of fraud for mail in voting.

Why would you accept a little fraud?

Sorry. If everyone can’t do it, no one should.

The risk is smaller because of the smaller # of absentee ballots.

Voting should be onsite, and 1 day, a 24 hour period from say 9 PM local time the night before to 9 PM the night of election day.

Absentee ballots for cause only.
Why? Because you say so? There are millions more people on the planet than when voting in the United States began. Voting should adapt as a result. You may die before it happens but we WILL be voting online within 20 years.

Online voting will be the death of the Republic.

Voting is a once a year thing, maybe 2-3 times for primaries and special elections. Make Election day a National Holiday, and have a 24 vote window to get people who have to work and work nights.
Making it a holiday is a step in the right direction, but that ship has sailed. You've heard the phrase "so goes California, so goes the nation"? California was already voting primarily by mail before this pandemic. Once more people get exposed to the ease and convenience of voting by mail, they won't go back to archaic polling places.

And like it or not, todays youth does EVERYTHING online. When they are running the country, we will be voting online. The seeds have been sown with Remote Accessible Vote by Mail (RAVBAM). (Which will also be available to al California voters in November.)

Just more ways for people to cheat that are as untraceable as possible.

It's amazing how progressives seem to love voting methods that are easier to falsify.
But how would or could citizens cheat, by voting absentee/mail in Marty?

Lets see, harvesting, groups pressuring people to vote for their candidate in their homes, theft of ballots, miscounting of ballots, "loss" of ballots from areas the ruling party knows votes against them.
Incidents of Vote by Mail Fraud over the last 20 years....0.000006%. You are much more likely to be struck by lightning AND get COVID.

Yes, that we know about. What are the procedures to figure it out? Dems vote against any bill that improves voting safety?

Dems: There is no voter fraud!
Reps: Well lets pass laws to verify that
Dems: We don't need those laws because there is no voter fraud!
There’s been a lot of attempts by Republicans to prove the large scale voter fraud they’ve been so concerned about. All have failed.
Their minions actually do believe mail in ballots are a sure sign of illegal votes, just like they believe all the other crap that right wing leaders spout at them. The leaders, however, know better.

City councilman among 4 facing voter fraud charges in New Jersey

Mail in ballots open people up to influence from friends and family
Mail in ballots open up vote farming
If it's safe enough for Trump and his staff to vote by mail, it's safe enough for everyone else.
You're not trying to equate absentee voting to massive mail in voting, are you?

You're not trying to equate the risk of fraud to the risk of exposure to a "deadly" virus, are you?

But, if it takes ID to get a firearm, surely we can justify requiring ID to vote, right?

If you have to have ID to buy alcohol and tobacco, surely it is no big deal to require ID to vote, right?
If there’s a risk of fraud for absentee voting, there’s a risk of fraud for mail in voting.

Why would you accept a little fraud?

Sorry. If everyone can’t do it, no one should.

The risk is smaller because of the smaller # of absentee ballots.

Voting should be onsite, and 1 day, a 24 hour period from say 9 PM local time the night before to 9 PM the night of election day.

Absentee ballots for cause only.
Why? Because you say so? There are millions more people on the planet than when voting in the United States began. Voting should adapt as a result. You may die before it happens but we WILL be voting online within 20 years.

Online voting will be the death of the Republic.

Voting is a once a year thing, maybe 2-3 times for primaries and special elections. Make Election day a National Holiday, and have a 24 vote window to get people who have to work and work nights.
Making it a holiday is a step in the right direction, but that ship has sailed. You've heard the phrase "so goes California, so goes the nation"? California was already voting primarily by mail before this pandemic. Once more people get exposed to the ease and convenience of voting by mail, they won't go back to archaic polling places.

And like it or not, todays youth does EVERYTHING online. When they are running the country, we will be voting online. The seeds have been sown with Remote Accessible Vote by Mail (RAVBAM). (Which will also be available to al California voters in November.)

Just more ways for people to cheat that are as untraceable as possible.

It's amazing how progressives seem to love voting methods that are easier to falsify.
But how would or could citizens cheat, by voting absentee/mail in Marty?

Lets see, harvesting, groups pressuring people to vote for their candidate in their homes, theft of ballots, miscounting of ballots, "loss" of ballots from areas the ruling party knows votes against them.
Incidents of Vote by Mail Fraud over the last 20 years....0.000006%. You are much more likely to be struck by lightning AND get COVID.

Yes, that we know about. What are the procedures to figure it out? Dems vote against any bill that improves voting safety?

Dems: There is no voter fraud!
Reps: Well lets pass laws to verify that
Dems: We don't need those laws because there is no voter fraud!
There’s been a lot of attempts by Republicans to prove the large scale voter fraud they’ve been so concerned about. All have failed.

Because of the lack of verification methods, such as requiring ID's and in person voting only, with actual absence exceptions.
Their minions actually do believe mail in ballots are a sure sign of illegal votes, just like they believe all the other crap that right wing leaders spout at them. The leaders, however, know better.

City councilman among 4 facing voter fraud charges in New Jersey

Mail in ballots open people up to influence from friends and family
Mail in ballots open up vote farming
If it's safe enough for Trump and his staff to vote by mail, it's safe enough for everyone else.
You're not trying to equate absentee voting to massive mail in voting, are you?

You're not trying to equate the risk of fraud to the risk of exposure to a "deadly" virus, are you?

But, if it takes ID to get a firearm, surely we can justify requiring ID to vote, right?

If you have to have ID to buy alcohol and tobacco, surely it is no big deal to require ID to vote, right?
If there’s a risk of fraud for absentee voting, there’s a risk of fraud for mail in voting.

Why would you accept a little fraud?

Sorry. If everyone can’t do it, no one should.

The risk is smaller because of the smaller # of absentee ballots.

Voting should be onsite, and 1 day, a 24 hour period from say 9 PM local time the night before to 9 PM the night of election day.

Absentee ballots for cause only.
Why? Because you say so? There are millions more people on the planet than when voting in the United States began. Voting should adapt as a result. You may die before it happens but we WILL be voting online within 20 years.

Online voting will be the death of the Republic.

Voting is a once a year thing, maybe 2-3 times for primaries and special elections. Make Election day a National Holiday, and have a 24 vote window to get people who have to work and work nights.
Making it a holiday is a step in the right direction, but that ship has sailed. You've heard the phrase "so goes California, so goes the nation"? California was already voting primarily by mail before this pandemic. Once more people get exposed to the ease and convenience of voting by mail, they won't go back to archaic polling places.

And like it or not, todays youth does EVERYTHING online. When they are running the country, we will be voting online. The seeds have been sown with Remote Accessible Vote by Mail (RAVBAM). (Which will also be available to al California voters in November.)

Just more ways for people to cheat that are as untraceable as possible.

It's amazing how progressives seem to love voting methods that are easier to falsify.
Cheat how? How is it "easier to falsify"?

Filling out ballots for people. Harvesting ballots. Casting ballots from phantom people.
You can't cast a ballot from a phantom person, they have to be a registered voter..... You can't cast a ballot by mail unless you have a signature on file at the registrar's office and IT HAS TO MATCH. Those are not major issues.

The ballot harvesting has been a problem, in a big way in North Carolina, with the Republican Party cheating.... they actually had to do the vote over, because a republican operative hired by one of the Republican candidates harvested the ballots in black neighborhoods, and envelopes that were not sealed as required, he and his team went in and changed votes, or held the ballot back and did not turn them in.... hundreds, if not thousands of them.....

What states did that actually wanted to correct these loose ends leading to cheaters like these Republicans did to commit fraud that have taken place, is change election laws on harvesting ballots and made it illegal to harvest more than 3 ballots, and have a spot on the ballot envelope for the harvester to put their name and sign it.

And put Ballot boxes, like Mail boxes in to neighborhoods or high trafficked areas, and also drive through drop offs....with a duel purpose of needing no harvesters and preventing the US Postal service from being overwhelmed.

We can do this, and do it safely, and securely.....and save the lives of the at risk who do not want to go to the polls to vote.... we are the United States of America, for goodness sake!
Their minions actually do believe mail in ballots are a sure sign of illegal votes, just like they believe all the other crap that right wing leaders spout at them. The leaders, however, know better.

City councilman among 4 facing voter fraud charges in New Jersey

Mail in ballots open people up to influence from friends and family
Mail in ballots open up vote farming
If it's safe enough for Trump and his staff to vote by mail, it's safe enough for everyone else.
You're not trying to equate absentee voting to massive mail in voting, are you?

You're not trying to equate the risk of fraud to the risk of exposure to a "deadly" virus, are you?

But, if it takes ID to get a firearm, surely we can justify requiring ID to vote, right?

If you have to have ID to buy alcohol and tobacco, surely it is no big deal to require ID to vote, right?
If there’s a risk of fraud for absentee voting, there’s a risk of fraud for mail in voting.

Why would you accept a little fraud?

Sorry. If everyone can’t do it, no one should.

The risk is smaller because of the smaller # of absentee ballots.

Voting should be onsite, and 1 day, a 24 hour period from say 9 PM local time the night before to 9 PM the night of election day.

Absentee ballots for cause only.
Why? Because you say so? There are millions more people on the planet than when voting in the United States began. Voting should adapt as a result. You may die before it happens but we WILL be voting online within 20 years.

Online voting will be the death of the Republic.

Voting is a once a year thing, maybe 2-3 times for primaries and special elections. Make Election day a National Holiday, and have a 24 vote window to get people who have to work and work nights.
Making it a holiday is a step in the right direction, but that ship has sailed. You've heard the phrase "so goes California, so goes the nation"? California was already voting primarily by mail before this pandemic. Once more people get exposed to the ease and convenience of voting by mail, they won't go back to archaic polling places.

And like it or not, todays youth does EVERYTHING online. When they are running the country, we will be voting online. The seeds have been sown with Remote Accessible Vote by Mail (RAVBAM). (Which will also be available to al California voters in November.)

Just more ways for people to cheat that are as untraceable as possible.

It's amazing how progressives seem to love voting methods that are easier to falsify.
But how would or could citizens cheat, by voting absentee/mail in Marty?

Lets see, harvesting, groups pressuring people to vote for their candidate in their homes, theft of ballots, miscounting of ballots, "loss" of ballots from areas the ruling party knows votes against them.
Again, whine all you want. Mail in ballots will be adopted, and the repub party will have to change or die.

Because of the the Dem cheating right?

I'm sure that's the conspiracy theory you'll go with, unless you can come up with something better.

It's why you are so hard up on mail in voting. It allows you to find obvious non voters, either registered legally or illegally, and harvest their votes for your side.

It certainly allows you to spout unfounded conspiracy theories. Oregon, Washington and Colorado vote 100% by mail. Oregon has been doing it for years.

Over the past 20 years, they write, more than 250 million ballots have been cast by mail nationwide, while there have been just 143 criminal convictions for election fraud related to mail ballots. That averages out to about one case per state every six or seven years, or a fraud rate of 0.00006%.​
"Expanding voting by mail will be a challenge in most states in 2020," they write. "But we reiterate: There is no evidence that mail-balloting results in rampant voter fraud, nor that election officials lack the knowledge about how to protect against abuses."​
Their minions actually do believe mail in ballots are a sure sign of illegal votes, just like they believe all the other crap that right wing leaders spout at them. The leaders, however, know better.

City councilman among 4 facing voter fraud charges in New Jersey

Mail in ballots open people up to influence from friends and family
Mail in ballots open up vote farming
If it's safe enough for Trump and his staff to vote by mail, it's safe enough for everyone else.
You're not trying to equate absentee voting to massive mail in voting, are you?

You're not trying to equate the risk of fraud to the risk of exposure to a "deadly" virus, are you?

But, if it takes ID to get a firearm, surely we can justify requiring ID to vote, right?

If you have to have ID to buy alcohol and tobacco, surely it is no big deal to require ID to vote, right?
If there’s a risk of fraud for absentee voting, there’s a risk of fraud for mail in voting.

Why would you accept a little fraud?

Sorry. If everyone can’t do it, no one should.

The risk is smaller because of the smaller # of absentee ballots.

Voting should be onsite, and 1 day, a 24 hour period from say 9 PM local time the night before to 9 PM the night of election day.

Absentee ballots for cause only.
Why? Because you say so? There are millions more people on the planet than when voting in the United States began. Voting should adapt as a result. You may die before it happens but we WILL be voting online within 20 years.

Online voting will be the death of the Republic.

Voting is a once a year thing, maybe 2-3 times for primaries and special elections. Make Election day a National Holiday, and have a 24 vote window to get people who have to work and work nights.
Making it a holiday is a step in the right direction, but that ship has sailed. You've heard the phrase "so goes California, so goes the nation"? California was already voting primarily by mail before this pandemic. Once more people get exposed to the ease and convenience of voting by mail, they won't go back to archaic polling places.

And like it or not, todays youth does EVERYTHING online. When they are running the country, we will be voting online. The seeds have been sown with Remote Accessible Vote by Mail (RAVBAM). (Which will also be available to al California voters in November.)

Just more ways for people to cheat that are as untraceable as possible.

It's amazing how progressives seem to love voting methods that are easier to falsify.
Cheat how? How is it "easier to falsify"?

Filling out ballots for people. Harvesting ballots. Casting ballots from phantom people.
You can't cast a ballot from a phantom person, they have to be a registered voter..... You can't cast a ballot by mail unless you have a signature on file at the registrar's office and IT HAS TO MATCH. Those are not major issues.

The ballot harvesting has been a problem, in a big way in North Carolina, with the Republican Party cheating.... they actually had to do the vote over, because a republican operative hired by one of the Republican candidates harvested the ballots in black neighborhoods, and envelopes that were not sealed as required, he and his team went in and changed votes, or held the ballot back and did not turn them in.... hundreds, if not thousands of them.....

What states did that actually wanted to correct these loose ends leading to cheaters like these Republicans did to commit fraud that have taken place, is change election laws on harvesting ballots and made it illegal to harvest more than 3 ballots, and have a spot on the ballot envelope for the harvester to put their name and sign it.

And put Ballot boxes, like Mail boxes in to neighborhoods or high trafficked areas, and also drive through drop offs....with a duel purpose of needing no harvesters and preventing the US Postal service from being overwhelmed.

We can do this, and do it safely, and securely.....and save the lives of the at risk who do not want to go to the polls to vote.... we are the United States of America, for goodness sake!

So the Jersey Democrat cheating didn't happen? What about issues with automatic voter registration in States that allow illegal immigrants to get licenses?

Vote in person, 24 hour voting window, national holiday.
Their minions actually do believe mail in ballots are a sure sign of illegal votes, just like they believe all the other crap that right wing leaders spout at them. The leaders, however, know better.

City councilman among 4 facing voter fraud charges in New Jersey

Mail in ballots open people up to influence from friends and family
Mail in ballots open up vote farming
If it's safe enough for Trump and his staff to vote by mail, it's safe enough for everyone else.
You're not trying to equate absentee voting to massive mail in voting, are you?

You're not trying to equate the risk of fraud to the risk of exposure to a "deadly" virus, are you?

But, if it takes ID to get a firearm, surely we can justify requiring ID to vote, right?

If you have to have ID to buy alcohol and tobacco, surely it is no big deal to require ID to vote, right?
If there’s a risk of fraud for absentee voting, there’s a risk of fraud for mail in voting.

Why would you accept a little fraud?

Sorry. If everyone can’t do it, no one should.

The risk is smaller because of the smaller # of absentee ballots.

Voting should be onsite, and 1 day, a 24 hour period from say 9 PM local time the night before to 9 PM the night of election day.

Absentee ballots for cause only.
Why? Because you say so? There are millions more people on the planet than when voting in the United States began. Voting should adapt as a result. You may die before it happens but we WILL be voting online within 20 years.

Online voting will be the death of the Republic.

Voting is a once a year thing, maybe 2-3 times for primaries and special elections. Make Election day a National Holiday, and have a 24 vote window to get people who have to work and work nights.
Making it a holiday is a step in the right direction, but that ship has sailed. You've heard the phrase "so goes California, so goes the nation"? California was already voting primarily by mail before this pandemic. Once more people get exposed to the ease and convenience of voting by mail, they won't go back to archaic polling places.

And like it or not, todays youth does EVERYTHING online. When they are running the country, we will be voting online. The seeds have been sown with Remote Accessible Vote by Mail (RAVBAM). (Which will also be available to al California voters in November.)

Just more ways for people to cheat that are as untraceable as possible.

It's amazing how progressives seem to love voting methods that are easier to falsify.
But how would or could citizens cheat, by voting absentee/mail in Marty?

Lets see, harvesting, groups pressuring people to vote for their candidate in their homes, theft of ballots, miscounting of ballots, "loss" of ballots from areas the ruling party knows votes against them.
Again, whine all you want. Mail in ballots will be adopted, and the repub party will have to change or die.

Because of the the Dem cheating right?

I'm sure that's the conspiracy theory you'll go with, unless you can come up with something better.

It's why you are so hard up on mail in voting. It allows you to find obvious non voters, either registered legally or illegally, and harvest their votes for your side.

It certainly allows you to spout unfounded conspiracy theories. Oregon, Washington and Colorado vote 100% by mail. Oregon has been doing it for years.

Over the past 20 years, they write, more than 250 million ballots have been cast by mail nationwide, while there have been just 143 criminal convictions for election fraud related to mail ballots. That averages out to about one case per state every six or seven years, or a fraud rate of 0.00006%.​
"Expanding voting by mail will be a challenge in most states in 2020," they write. "But we reiterate: There is no evidence that mail-balloting results in rampant voter fraud, nor that election officials lack the knowledge about how to protect against abuses."​

What are the safeguards in place? Every time someone proposes increasing ballot security, Progressives throw a shit fit.
Republicans don't think mail ballots are unsafe. Republicans are just pretending to think so in order to force as many in-person votes as possible. This is because Republican voters are more likely to be unafraid to be exposed to coronavirus (due to their ignorance about risk posed by being in a crowd). Democrats are more likely to be afraid of being out there in a crowd bring exposed to the virus.

Republicans know the state of Washington and Oregon have been conducting all-mail elections for years without problems.

They just don't mention Oregon and Washington.

Because they're playing dumb.

We know what you're trying to do.
Bullshit. Democrats showed up all over the nation in crowds to protest and still are. Bogus thread.
Republicans don't think mail ballots are unsafe. Republicans are just pretending to think so in order to force as many in-person votes as possible. This is because Republican voters are more likely to be unafraid to be exposed to coronavirus (due to their ignorance about risk posed by being in a crowd). Democrats are more likely to be afraid of being out there in a crowd bring exposed to the virus.

Republicans know the state of Washington and Oregon have been conducting all-mail elections for years without problems.

They just don't mention Oregon and Washington.

Because they're playing dumb.

We know what you're trying to do.
Yeah, were trying to keep you chinamen from destroying the country.
Republicans don't think mail ballots are unsafe. Republicans are just pretending to think so in order to force as many in-person votes as possible. This is because Republican voters are more likely to be unafraid to be exposed to coronavirus (due to their ignorance about risk posed by being in a crowd). Democrats are more likely to be afraid of being out there in a crowd bring exposed to the virus.

Republicans know the state of Washington and Oregon have been conducting all-mail elections for years without problems.

They just don't mention Oregon and Washington.

Because they're playing dumb.

We know what you're trying to do.

If voting by mail was the standard; NOBODY would be suggesting that voting in person is a better solution.
Why is it difficult to vote in person and show an ID? I find it to be very easy.
Republicans have been pushing for more mail in ballots for years... they've had an entire party push for them over the years in several states....

No we haven't.
Look up Florida as an example, MeBelle! They've had a whole push to increase their mail in votes... And have had more mail in voters than Democrats for a few elections now, after their push.... Democrats in Florida have had to scramble, to get their numbers up, to match the R push for voting by mail.

Dems are pushing for mail in ballots, not Republicans.
Perhaps someone can explain why voting in person is no longer good enough. Don't give me the Covid bullshit excuse if people can go out and protest and riot in Portland for 60 plus straight days and counting they can dam sure wear a mask and stand in line six feet apart to vote.
It's not the same set of people you dumb-ass.

When you start calling members names, you lose the debate.
Republicans don't think mail ballots are unsafe. Republicans are just pretending to think so in order to force as many in-person votes as possible. This is because Republican voters are more likely to be unafraid to be exposed to coronavirus (due to their ignorance about risk posed by being in a crowd). Democrats are more likely to be afraid of being out there in a crowd bring exposed to the virus.

Republicans know the state of Washington and Oregon have been conducting all-mail elections for years without problems.

They just don't mention Oregon and Washington.

Because they're playing dumb.

We know what you're trying to do.
Of the 100% of voters in Los Angeles County, 112% voted. That extra 12% is referred to as "voter fraud."
Republicans don't think mail ballots are unsafe. Republicans are just pretending to think so in order to force as many in-person votes as possible. This is because Republican voters are more likely to be unafraid to be exposed to coronavirus (due to their ignorance about risk posed by being in a crowd). Democrats are more likely to be afraid of being out there in a crowd bring exposed to the virus.

Republicans know the state of Washington and Oregon have been conducting all-mail elections for years without problems.

They just don't mention Oregon and Washington.

Because they're playing dumb.

We know what you're trying to do.
Mail in votes has created more voting fraud than any other scam. I don't know who you get your facts from but if I were you I would be looking for a different source.
Republicans have been pushing for more mail in ballots for years... they've had an entire party push for them over the years in several states....

No we haven't.
Look up Florida as an example, MeBelle! They've had a whole push to increase their mail in votes... And have had more mail in voters than Democrats for a few elections now, after their push.... Democrats in Florida have had to scramble, to get their numbers up, to match the R push for voting by mail.

Dems are pushing for mail in ballots, not Republicans.
What is the difference between mail in ballots and absentee ballots?

They are the exact same thing....?

And yes, Republicans are pushing their voters to mail in / absentee vote.

Absentee voting is mail in voting.... not going in person to vote at the polls, but through mailing in your ballot or by dropping it off.

In democratic circles, the two terms, absentee voting and mail in voting, are interchangeable.

How do they differ in the right wing world with our meaning?
Republicans want to decrease turnout

Republicans want people to turn out and vote at the polls...and this is evidence Republicans want to decrease turnout... :eusa_think:
Most people do not want to risk catching the virus, when voting in person... And the state's have shut most all of their local polling places and condensed them in to far away mega voting centers, because local poll workers who are usually seniors, do not want to work, and risk their lives during this pandemic...and smaller local precincts can't accommodate the 6ft of separation.

We want as many people as possible, to vote absentee ballot, so that those who want to vote in person, can do so safely, with separation, and not have to stand in line to vote, for 6 hours.

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