Republicans Will Pass Obama's Jobs Bill or Find Themselves Unemployed


Jul 19, 2011
Where have the Democrats been hiding that version of Barack Obamaall summer?

In a fiery speech before Congress, President Obama laid out an effective, workable jobs plan and demanded (not asked, but demanded) that Congress get off its butt and pass the bill. The attitude change is a far cry from the near begging tone Obama took with the GOP when the Republicans took the entire country hostage during the debt ceiling fight.

For starters, the bill itself is good, if not great. Could it be bigger and more progressive? Sure. Instead, it's exactly what the split government, bipartisan times calls for: some Democratic ideas, some Republican ideas, and a price tag that is offset with future cuts and tax loophole closings. In other words, it is the perfect bill.

Source: Republicans Will Pass Obama's Jobs Bill or Find Themselves Unemployed | Benzinga
Where have the Democrats been hiding that version of Barack Obamaall summer?

In a fiery speech before Congress, President Obama laid out an effective, workable jobs plan and demanded (not asked, but demanded) that Congress get off its butt and pass the bill. The attitude change is a far cry from the near begging tone Obama took with the GOP when the Republicans took the entire country hostage during the debt ceiling fight.

For starters, the bill itself is good, if not great. Could it be bigger and more progressive? Sure. Instead, it's exactly what the split government, bipartisan times calls for: some Democratic ideas, some Republican ideas, and a price tag that is offset with future cuts and tax loophole closings. In other words, it is the perfect bill.

Source: Republicans Will Pass Obama's Jobs Bill or Find Themselves Unemployed | Benzinga

Are you kidding? What's great about doing a repeat of something that already failed? We spent a trillion dollars on Stimulus I and it didn't create jobs. Now you want to spend half a trillion on Stimulus II and you expect that THIS time it it's going to work?

To be blunt? What the hell are you thinking? Do you REALLY not understand that we can't keep blowing money on these stupid stimulus bills that are nothing more than temporary fixes that don't create long term jobs? Do you REALLY not understand that if we don't get our spending under control that we WILL have our credit rating downgraded yet again?

The stupidity of the far left is almost mind numbing at this point. Barack Obama could stand up in front of a microphone and read the contents list off of a box of Frosted Flakes and you idiots would think it was a "perfect bill".
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It is the same as the last effort, only half as much.

So that means it will fail only half so badly.

According to the hype for the orignal jobs plan, unemployment would not cross 8% (it got over 10%) and we would now be having near full employment (around 5 1/2%) even with a large increase in the work force. We now have 9.1% unemployment with a substantially smaller workforce.

With the last great plan we didn't get any of the promised results. He wants to repeat the same stupid and expect that the result would be any different from the last experiment. That is the definition of insanity.

The republicans are not interested in repeating stupid.
Obama is not planning for the Repubix to sign it.... he is banking on them not going for it so he can blame them for the bad economy.

Obama is not planning for the Repubix to sign it.... he is banking on them not going for it so he can blame them for the bad economy.

Where have the Democrats been hiding that version of Barack Obamaall summer?

In a fiery speech before Congress, President Obama laid out an effective, workable jobs plan and demanded (not asked, but demanded) that Congress get off its butt and pass the bill. The attitude change is a far cry from the near begging tone Obama took with the GOP when the Republicans took the entire country hostage during the debt ceiling fight.

For starters, the bill itself is good, if not great. Could it be bigger and more progressive? Sure. Instead, it's exactly what the split government, bipartisan times calls for: some Democratic ideas, some Republican ideas, and a price tag that is offset with future cuts and tax loophole closings. In other words, it is the perfect bill.

Source: Republicans Will Pass Obama's Jobs Bill or Find Themselves Unemployed | Benzinga

We can only hope. Unfortunately, too many people think anything Obama does is a failure, because... well, because they hate Obama.

In 2008 the Dow slid almost 40%. There were days when it was falling 5-10% per day. Entire industries were collapsing, banks were afraid to lend to each other, and serious, intelligent people worried that the financial system itself was on the verge of collapse.

That was the last year of the Bush presidency.

Now the financial system is more or less sound, banks are lending, GM is viable, profit-making company, not one person lost $1 in an FDIC account, and the economy is growing again.

What's the Republican response? "You promised unemployment would go down to 8.5%, and it's actually 9.1%." (Never mind that none of that is true.)

Look, it doesn't matter what Obama does or doesn't do. Republicans hate him, and want him to fail. In fact, the #1 reason the economy isn't better than it is is Republican obstructionism.

How much did that fake crisis over the debt ceiling, alone, hurt us?
Where have the Democrats been hiding that version of Barack Obamaall summer?

In a fiery speech before Congress, President Obama laid out an effective, workable jobs plan and demanded (not asked, but demanded) that Congress get off its butt and pass the bill. The attitude change is a far cry from the near begging tone Obama took with the GOP when the Republicans took the entire country hostage during the debt ceiling fight.

For starters, the bill itself is good, if not great. Could it be bigger and more progressive? Sure. Instead, it's exactly what the split government, bipartisan times calls for: some Democratic ideas, some Republican ideas, and a price tag that is offset with future cuts and tax loophole closings. In other words, it is the perfect bill.

Source: Republicans Will Pass Obama's Jobs Bill or Find Themselves Unemployed | Benzinga

We can only hope. Unfortunately, too many people think anything Obama does is a failure, because... well, because they hate Obama.

In 2008 the Dow slid almost 40%. There were days when it was falling 5-10% per day. Entire industries were collapsing, banks were afraid to lend to each other, and serious, intelligent people worried that the financial system itself was on the verge of collapse.

That was the last year of the Bush presidency.

Now the financial system is more or less sound, banks are lending, GM is viable, profit-making company, not one person lost $1 in an FDIC account, and the economy is growing again.

What's the Republican response? "You promised unemployment would go down to 8.5%, and it's actually 9.1%." (Never mind that none of that is true.)

Look, it doesn't matter what Obama does or doesn't do. Republicans hate him, and want him to fail. In fact, the #1 reason the economy isn't better than it is is Republican obstructionism.

How much did that fake crisis over the debt ceiling, alone, hurt us?

Fake crisis? My god but you people are clueless. Do you not "get" that we've been downgraded because of our deficit? Do you not "get" that the rating agencies are threatening us with a further downgrade if we don't cut our deficit? Every time that we raise the debt ceiling now without addressing the deficit it's going to come back to bite us in the ass. The credit rating agencies are telling us that we have to address this problem and what is Barack Obama doing? He's asking to spend another 1/2 trillion on the same stimulus that didn't work two years ago.

And for your information, Christina Romer stood in front of the White House as President Barack Obama's Chief Economic Adviser and stated that if the original stimulus was passed it would keep unemployment from going over 8%. For you to say that isn't "true" is total, unadulterated, grade A, bull shit. It not only went over went well over 10%.

As for your claim that the financial system is "sound" and the economy is "growing"? What exactly are you smoking? The banks in this country are in terrible shape and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are a disaster...while the economy is "growing" at a 1% rate. That's not something to brag about...we are teetering on the brink of a double dip recession.

It doesn't matter what Obama does or doesn't do? Did you really say that? Your guy had a freaking super majority. He didn't do DIDDLY with it except pass one of the worst pieces of legislation in the history of our country...ObamaCare...and a trillion dollar stimulus plan that didn't create new jobs. The reason people view him as a failure is that he is one.
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Tell your Reps. to stand firm ON NOT giving this idiot ANOTHER DIME of OUR MONEY.

HE already blew 800 billion and we are STILL at 9.1% unemployment. don't let the dumb threats get to you. Obama is DOWN at 40% approval. the People have had ENOUGHT OF HIS crap. The Republicans were elected in November to put A STOP to THIS OUTRAGIOUS SPENDING...I will agree with one thing if the Republicans pass this bill, we need to make sure they and the Democrats lose their jobs in the next election.

Fiery speech? It was a sad display of a failed administration. "Jobs bill"? Where are the jobs when the half trillion dollars runs out?
Fiery speech? It was a sad display of a failed administration. "Jobs bill"? Where are the jobs when the half trillion dollars runs out?

They will disappear as soon as the stimulus money runs out...just like the jobs from the FIRST stimulus did. Then we'll be right back to where we started...only a 1/2 trillion further in debt.
Fiery speech? It was a sad display of a failed administration. "Jobs bill"? Where are the jobs when the half trillion dollars runs out?

They will disappear as soon as the stimulus money runs out...just like the jobs from the FIRST stimulus did. Then we'll be right back to where we started...only a 1/2 trillion further in debt.
Exactly. Government-funded jobs are unsustainable. When the money runs out and the contract's over, so are the jobs.
Where have the Democrats been hiding that version of Barack Obamaall summer?

In a fiery speech before Congress, President Obama laid out an effective, workable jobs plan and demanded (not asked, but demanded) that Congress get off its butt and pass the bill. The attitude change is a far cry from the near begging tone Obama took with the GOP when the Republicans took the entire country hostage during the debt ceiling fight.

For starters, the bill itself is good, if not great. Could it be bigger and more progressive? Sure. Instead, it's exactly what the split government, bipartisan times calls for: some Democratic ideas, some Republican ideas, and a price tag that is offset with future cuts and tax loophole closings. In other words, it is the perfect bill.

Source: Republicans Will Pass Obama's Jobs Bill or Find Themselves Unemployed | Benzinga

Are you kidding? What's great about doing a repeat of something that already failed? We spent a trillion dollars on Stimulus I and it didn't create jobs. Now you want to spend half a trillion on Stimulus II and you expect that THIS time it it's going to work?

To be blunt? What the hell are you thinking? Do you REALLY not understand that we can't keep blowing money on these stupid stimulus bills that are nothing more than temporary fixes that don't create long term jobs? Do you REALLY not understand that if we don't get our spending under control that we WILL have our credit rating downgraded yet again?

The stupidity of the far left is almost mind numbing at this point. Barack Obama could stand up in front of a microphone and read the contents list off of a box of Frosted Flakes and you idiots would think it was a "perfect bill".

You're wrong. The stimulus was effective but could have been much more effective but for the Republicans primary goal of defeating Obama in the next election. The R's entire agenda is to getting back the power they lost in 2008; "Country First" like most of the Republican rhetoric are words without substance.
Where have the Democrats been hiding that version of Barack Obamaall summer?

In a fiery speech before Congress, President Obama laid out an effective, workable jobs plan and demanded (not asked, but demanded) that Congress get off its butt and pass the bill. The attitude change is a far cry from the near begging tone Obama took with the GOP when the Republicans took the entire country hostage during the debt ceiling fight.

For starters, the bill itself is good, if not great. Could it be bigger and more progressive? Sure. Instead, it's exactly what the split government, bipartisan times calls for: some Democratic ideas, some Republican ideas, and a price tag that is offset with future cuts and tax loophole closings. In other words, it is the perfect bill.

Source: Republicans Will Pass Obama's Jobs Bill or Find Themselves Unemployed | Benzinga

We can only hope. Unfortunately, too many people think anything Obama does is a failure, because... well, because they hate Obama.

In 2008 the Dow slid almost 40%. There were days when it was falling 5-10% per day. Entire industries were collapsing, banks were afraid to lend to each other, and serious, intelligent people worried that the financial system itself was on the verge of collapse.

That was the last year of the Bush presidency.

Now the financial system is more or less sound, banks are lending, GM is viable, profit-making company, not one person lost $1 in an FDIC account, and the economy is growing again.

What's the Republican response? "You promised unemployment would go down to 8.5%, and it's actually 9.1%." (Never mind that none of that is true.)

Look, it doesn't matter what Obama does or doesn't do. Republicans hate him, and want him to fail. In fact, the #1 reason the economy isn't better than it is is Republican obstructionism.

How much did that fake crisis over the debt ceiling, alone, hurt us?

Fake crisis? My god but you people are clueless. Do you not "get" that we've been downgraded because of our deficit? Do you not "get" that the rating agencies are threatening us with a further downgrade if we don't cut our deficit? Every time that we raise the debt ceiling now without addressing the deficit it's going to come back to bite us in the ass. The credit rating agencies are telling us that we have to address this problem and what is Barack Obama doing? He's asking to spend another 1/2 trillion on the same stimulus that didn't work two years ago.

Yes, a fake crisis. A crisis manufactured by the Republicans in the hope of hurting Obama. (The damage it did to the country was collateral damage.)

And who cares what S&P says? (And by the way, there's three of them, and the other two assign the highest possible rating to US debt.) The markets are saying US debt is the safest investment there is - that's why interest rates have fallen, and continue to fall. Nothing could be a surer repudiation of S&P's opinion.

And for your information, Christina Romer stood in front of the White House as President Barack Obama's Chief Economic Adviser and stated that if the original stimulus was passed it would keep unemployment from going over 8%. For you to say that isn't "true" is total, unadulterated, grade A, bull shit. It not only went over went well over 10%.


As for your claim that the financial system is "sound" and the economy is "growing"? What exactly are you smoking? The banks in this country are in terrible shape and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are a disaster...while the economy is "growing" at a 1% rate. That's not something to brag about...we are teetering on the brink of a double dip recession.

Yes, I claim the financial system is sound and that the economy is growing. I didn't say that every bank was doing great (although they did claim record profits last year) or that the economy is growing as fast as it should. In fact it's growing slower than it should, which is why Congress needs to pass the President's jobs bill.

It doesn't matter what Obama does or doesn't do? Did you really say that? Your guy had a freaking super majority. He didn't do DIDDLY with it except pass one of the worst pieces of legislation in the history of our country...ObamaCare...and a trillion dollar stimulus plan that didn't create new jobs. The reason people view him as a failure is that he is one.

It doesn't matter what Obama does or doesn't do as far as Republicans are concerned. Obviously it matters to the rest of us. The stimulus (which was a number of different programs, not just one) was supported by Bush, as well as by Obama, and it kept the economy from sliding into another Great Depression. What we got was a Great Recession instead. It's bad, but better than the alternative.

By the way, did you see me say that Bush did something good?
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Where have the Democrats been hiding that version of Barack Obamaall summer?

In a fiery speech before Congress, President Obama laid out an effective, workable jobs plan and demanded (not asked, but demanded) that Congress get off its butt and pass the bill. The attitude change is a far cry from the near begging tone Obama took with the GOP when the Republicans took the entire country hostage during the debt ceiling fight.

For starters, the bill itself is good, if not great. Could it be bigger and more progressive? Sure. Instead, it's exactly what the split government, bipartisan times calls for: some Democratic ideas, some Republican ideas, and a price tag that is offset with future cuts and tax loophole closings. In other words, it is the perfect bill.

Source: Republicans Will Pass Obama's Jobs Bill or Find Themselves Unemployed | Benzinga

Unfortunately, the moonbat might be correct, it's good for Obama either way, but bad for the country. Of course, this is nothing but another money laundering scheme and will not create jobs. If the Repubs vote for it, Obama drags them down right with him. If the Repubs don't vote for it, Obama gets to spin his little fairy tale about how this would have created or saved 50 million jobs. Either way, the country gets fucked, but that does not matter to this President, only self preservation......

2009 - spent over $700,000,000,000 on job creation.
2010 - it didn't work.
2011 - calls a joint session and demands congress to pass a bill that repeats 2009.

Any questions?
hes adrift, he has actually reached back to 2009 to try and find a wedge, as he wasn't then able to muster sppt. for these increases amongst his own party who could have enacted whatever they liked at the time, I guess now he thinks he can, and of course the usual short memories are on display,

Obama’s Revenue Plans Hit Resistance in Congress

Published: April 19, 2009

WASHINGTON — President Obama is running into stiff Congressional resistance to his plans to raise money for his ambitious agenda, and the resulting hole in the budget is threatening a major health care overhaul and other policy initiatives.

The administration’s central revenue proposal — limiting the value of affluent Americans’ itemized deductions, including the one for charitable giving — fell flat in Congress, leaving the White House, at least for now, without $318 billion that it wants to set aside to help cover uninsured Americans. At the same time, lawmakers of both parties have warned against moving too quickly on a plan to auction carbon emission permits to produce more than $600 billion.

The unwillingness to embrace some of the major White House tax and revenue proposals has frustrated administration officials. They note that lawmakers, many of them supporters of the president’s ambitious agenda, clamor to hold down the deficit while balking at the proposals to finance his program.

Clint Stretch, a top tax policy analyst for the consulting firm Deloitte Tax, said, “The president and the budget committees have set very ambitious targets for revenue raising, and they did it against a set of proposals that are going to be very hard to enact.”

As Congress prepares to reconvene after a recess, senior lawmakers and aides say they are only now beginning to confront the lack of new sources of money, especially for moving the nation toward universal health coverage, a goal for which Democrats hope to deliver a plan this year.

“It is a challenge,” said the chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, Kent Conrad, Democrat of North Dakota. For the health care effort, “you are talking about hundreds of billions of dollars under any formulation.”

more at;

Obama’s Revenue Plans Hit Resistance in Congress -
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Where have the Democrats been hiding that version of Barack Obamaall summer?

In a fiery speech before Congress, President Obama laid out an effective, workable jobs plan and demanded (not asked, but demanded) that Congress get off its butt and pass the bill. The attitude change is a far cry from the near begging tone Obama took with the GOP when the Republicans took the entire country hostage during the debt ceiling fight.

For starters, the bill itself is good, if not great. Could it be bigger and more progressive? Sure. Instead, it's exactly what the split government, bipartisan times calls for: some Democratic ideas, some Republican ideas, and a price tag that is offset with future cuts and tax loophole closings. In other words, it is the perfect bill.

Source: Republicans Will Pass Obama's Jobs Bill or Find Themselves Unemployed | Benzinga

Im all for the jobs bill. Heck I'm all for just about any domestic spending. But I want to know where the money is going to come from, and I want the funding there before the money is spent.

Here is a clue guys, spending that is not paid for is paid for with inflation. Rest assured that big national debt we have is already half paid for, thats why everything is so expensive.

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