Republicans Will Pay For This In Spades

At this point in the Bush years we had two hot wars and a stream of young dead Americans showing up at Dover each day:

Hamstrung by Congress, GOP opposition, Obama heads to Paris to clinch global climate agreement

"President Barack Obama is trying to negotiate a legacy-making climate change pact this coming week in Paris with one hand tied behind his back. Congress can't even agree whether global warming is real.

Scientists point to the global agreement, years in the making, as the last, best hope for averting the worst effects of global warming. Obama has spent months prodding other countries to make ambitious carbon-cutting pledges to the agreement, which he hopes will become the framework for countries to tackle the climate issue long beyond the end of his presidency in early 2017.

But Republicans have tried to undermine the president by sowing uncertainty about whether the U.S. will make good on its promises. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other GOP leaders have warned other countries not to trust any deal Obama may strike; other GOP allies are working to nullify Obama's emissions-cutting steps at home."

Have you even read the proposed agreement, Campbell? China...the country that is by FAR the biggest polluter right now agrees to cap it's carbon pollution by the year 2030...which means for the next FIFTEEN years they are free to increase the amount of pollution they are putting into the atmosphere while WE will be cutting our carbon levels! Who negotiated that? John Kerry? Barry? It's a joke! The Chinese get to keep right on polluting while keeping their energy costs low while we decrease our pollution and incur higher energy costs. Then we turn around and ask American industry to "compete" with the Chinese? Say what you will about Donald Trump but he's right about one thing...the Chinese are OWNING us when it comes to negotiations!

I wasn't glued to the news while they were holding the conference but I thought they all set a top rise of 2 degree Celsius by the end of the century as a goal for all countries at the conference. Anyway....what went on looks bad for the Republican naysayers. They are addressing it.

How does it look bad for Republican "naysayers?" Did they prove AGW is true? No? Then they look like a gang of fools. Nothing decided at that conference is binding on the United States unless the Senate approves it by 2/3 vote, and there is absolutely no chance of that.

We'll see about that. The president has had to figure ways to get things done without the Do_Nothing Republicans:

So you think that the president can just wipe his ass on the Constitution if Republicans don't go along with his agenda?
Typical of the RightW
Earth to OP author: The climate is starting to cool, not warm. Polar ice has seen an aggregate increase over the last few decades, not a decrease. 2014 was not the "hottest year on record" but in fact set many records for cold temps. Polar bears are not going extinct. Etc., etc., etc. It's a hoax.

Ooops! New NASA study: Antarctica isn't losing ice mass after all !

Polar ice packs | Watts Up With That?

You're not supposed to bring up where it got colder. Last February, we broke a half-dozen records up north. No mention about it by the Global Warming people. We kept hearing about how warm it was instead.

This year we are having a pretty warm winter so far. I guarantee you now we will be in the spotlight for the GW crowd.

Typical of Right Wingers.....pick a couple of anomalies and set up a whole new system.

The Goddam Planet is Warming. If you folks can't see it it's because you choose not to. 'Course most of your voters believe the whole damn thing was created in six days a few thousand years ago.
At this point in the Bush years we had two hot wars and a stream of young dead Americans showing up at Dover each day:

Hamstrung by Congress, GOP opposition, Obama heads to Paris to clinch global climate agreement

"President Barack Obama is trying to negotiate a legacy-making climate change pact this coming week in Paris with one hand tied behind his back. Congress can't even agree whether global warming is real.

Scientists point to the global agreement, years in the making, as the last, best hope for averting the worst effects of global warming. Obama has spent months prodding other countries to make ambitious carbon-cutting pledges to the agreement, which he hopes will become the framework for countries to tackle the climate issue long beyond the end of his presidency in early 2017.

But Republicans have tried to undermine the president by sowing uncertainty about whether the U.S. will make good on its promises. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other GOP leaders have warned other countries not to trust any deal Obama may strike; other GOP allies are working to nullify Obama's emissions-cutting steps at home."

Have you even read the proposed agreement, Campbell? China...the country that is by FAR the biggest polluter right now agrees to cap it's carbon pollution by the year 2030...which means for the next FIFTEEN years they are free to increase the amount of pollution they are putting into the atmosphere while WE will be cutting our carbon levels! Who negotiated that? John Kerry? Barry? It's a joke! The Chinese get to keep right on polluting while keeping their energy costs low while we decrease our pollution and incur higher energy costs. Then we turn around and ask American industry to "compete" with the Chinese? Say what you will about Donald Trump but he's right about one thing...the Chinese are OWNING us when it comes to negotiations!

I wasn't glued to the news while they were holding the conference but I thought they all set a top rise of 2 degree Celsius by the end of the century as a goal for all countries at the conference. Anyway....what went on looks bad for the Republican naysayers. They are addressing it.

Have you ever heard of executive orders?

Executive Orders
Subject Index for Barack Obama - 2009-Present

EO 13535
  • Afghanistan; Afghanistan and Pakistan Strategic Partnership Office, establishment: EO 13656
  • American Indian and Alaska Native Educational Opportunities; improvement: EO 13592
  • Armed Forces, U.S.
    • Appointments and promotions; assignment of functions relating to: EO 13598
    • Defense Meritorious Service Medal; expanding eligibility: EO 13666
    • Ordering selected reserve and certain individual ready reserve members to active duty to assist with managing Ebola outbreak in West Africa: EO 13680
    • Ordering selected reserve and certain individual ready reserve members to active duty to assist in Haitian earthquake relief efforts: EO 13529
    • Principles of excellence for educational institutions serving service members, veterans, spouses, and other family members; establishment: EO 13607
  • Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, White House Initiative on; establishment: EO 13515
EO 13681
  • Belarus; waiver under the Trade Act of 1974: EO 13510
  • Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015; delegation of authorities and assignment of certain functions: EO 13568
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina; International Organizations Immunities Act, provision extension: EO 13568
  • Broadband infrastructure; accelerating deployment: EO 13616
  • Burma
    • Blocking property of persons threatening the peace, security, or stability: EO 13619
    • Prohibiting certain imports of Burmese Jadeite and Rubies: EO 13651
  • Business and industry; automotive communities and workers, policy coordination: EO 13578
EO 13667
  • Climate-Resilient International Development; efforts to strengthen policy: EO 13677
  • Combating Wildlife Trafficking: EO 13648
  • Commissions, Boards, Committees, Task Forces, etc.
    • Arctic Executive Steering Committee; establishment: EO 13689
    • 21st Century Policing, President's Task Force on; establishment: EO 13684
    • Advisory Council; continuance: EO 13640
    • Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, President's Advisory Commission on; establishment: EO 13515
    • Automotive Communities and Workers, White House Council on; establishment: EO 13509
    • Bioethical Issues, Presidential Commission for the Study of; establishment: EO 13521
    • BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling, National Commission on the; establishment: EO 13543
    • Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria, Task Force for; establishment: EO 13676
    • Commercial Advocacy, Interagency Task Force on; establishment: EO 13630
    • Community Solutions, White House Council for; establishment: EO 13560
    • Council of Governors; establishment: EO 13528
    • Detainee Disposition, Special Interagency Task Force on; establishment: EO 13493
    • Doing Business in Africa, President's Advisory Council on; establishment: EO 13675
    • Domestic Energy Development and Permitting in Alaska, Interagency Working Group on Coordination of; establishment: EO 13580
    • Domestic Policy Council; amendments to Executive Order 12859: EO 13500
    • Economic Council, National; amendments to Executive Order 12835: EO 13499
    • Economic Recovery Advisory Board, President's; establishment: EO 13501
    • Educational Excellence for African Americans, White House Initiative on; establishment: EO 13621
    • Educational Excellence for Hispanics, White House Initiative on; establishment: EO 13555
    • Election Administration, Presidential Commission on; establishment: EO 13639
    • Emergency board to investigate disputes between certain railroads represented by the National Carriers' Conference Committee of the National Railway Labor Conference and their employees; establishment: EO 13586
    • Emergency board to investigate disputes between Long Island Rail Road Company and certain of its employees; establishment: EO 13654
    • Emergency board to investigate disputes between Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority and certain of its employees; establishment: EO 13670; EO 13679
    • Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, President's Advisory Council for; establishment: EO 13498
    • Federal advisory committees, certain; continuance: EO 13511; EO 13585; EO 13591; EO 13652
    • Federal Labor-Management Relations, National Council on; establishment: EO 13522
    • Financial Capability, President's Advisory Council on; establishment: EO 13530
    • Financial Capability for Young Americans, President's Advisory Council on; establishment: EO 13646
    • Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force; establishment: EO 13519
    • Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, National Commission on; establishment: EO 13531
    • Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition, President's Council on; amendments to Executive Order 13265: EO 13545
    • Global Development Council, President's; establishment: EO 13600
    • Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force; establishment: EO 13554
    • Historically Black Colleges and Universities, President's Board of Advisers on; establishment: EO 13532
    • Homeland Security Partnership Council, White House; establishment: EO 13629
    • Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force; establishment: EO 13632
    • Insular Areas, Interagency Group on; establishment: EO 13537
    • Intellectual Property Enforcement Advisory Committees; establishment: EO 13565
    • Interagency Trade Enforcement Center; establishment: EO 13601
    • Jobs and Competitiveness, President's Council on; establishment: EO 13564
    • Law Enforcement Equipment Working Group; establishment: EO 13688
    • National Security Staff; name change to National Security Council Staff: EO 13657
    • Native American Affairs Council, White House; establishment: EO 13647
    • New Jersey Transit Rail, labor dispute emergency board; establishment: EO 13700
    • Ocean Council, National; establishment: EO 13547
    • President's Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanics; reestablishment: EO 13634
    • President's Management Advisory Board; establishment: EO 13538
    • Prevention, Health Promotion, and Integrative and Public Health, Advisory Group on; reestablishment: EO 13631
    • Prevention, Health Promotion, and Public Health Council, National; establishment: EO 13544
    • Rural Council, White House; establishment: EO 13575
    • Science and Technology, President's Council of Advisors on; establishment: EO 13539
    • State, Local, Tribal, and Private Sector Entities Advisory Committee; establishment: EO 13549
    • Strong Cities, Strong Communities, White House Council on; establishment: EO 13602
    • Task Force on Travel and Competitiveness; establishment: EO 13597
    • Toxic Substances and Worker Health Advisory Board; establishment: EO 13699
    • Veterans Small Business Development, Interagency Task Force on; establishment: EO 13540
    • Women and Girls, White House Council on; establishment: EO 13506
    • Women, Peace, and Security, National Action Plan on; establishment: EO 13595
  • Congo, Democratic Republic of the; taking additional steps to address the national emergency with respect to the conflict in: EO 13671
EO 13697
  • Defense, national
    • Biological select agents and toxins; use and security of: EO 13546
    • Biological weapons attack; medical countermeasures: EO 13527
    • Classified national security information: EO 13526; EO 13587
    • Classified National Security Information Program for State, local, tribal, and private sector entities; establishment: EO 13549
    • Controlled Unclassified Information: EO 13556
    • Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity; improving EO 13636
    • Guantanamo Bay Naval Base; closure of detention facilities and review of detentions: EO 13492; EO 13567
    • Hostage recovery policy guidance: EO 13698
    • Interrogation of individuals in U.S. custody or control in armed conflicts; standards and practices: EO 13491
    • Resources Preparedness, National Defense: EO 13603
EO 13691
  • Flood management; establishing a flood risk management standard and a process for further soliciting and considering stakeholder input: EO 13690
  • Energy
    • Accelerating Investment in Industrial Energy Efficiency: EO 13624
    • Unconventional domestic and natural gas resources, supporting safe and responsible development: EO 13605
  • Environment
    • Arctic Region policies; National efforts to improve coordination: EO 13689
    • Chesapeake Bay, protection and restoration efforts: EO 13508
    • Federal sustainability in the next decade; planning: EO 13693
    • Oceans, coasts, and the Great Lakes; protection, maintenance, and restoration efforts: EO 13547
    • Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration: EO 13626
  • Executive orders
    • Executive Order 11030; amendment: EO 13683
    • Executive Order 11246; amendment: EO 13672
    • Executive Order 11478; amendment: EO 13672
    • Executive Order 12131; amendment: EO 13596
    • Executive Order 12163; amendment: EO 13656
    • Executive Order 12425; amendment: EO 13524
    • Executive Order 12777; amendment: EO 13638
    • Executive Order 12824; amendment: EO 13569
    • Executive Order 12835; amendment: EO 13569
    • Executive Order 12859; amendment: EO 13569
    • Executive Order 13183; amendment: EO 13517
    • Executive Order 13390; amendment: EO 13512
    • Executive Order 13462; amendment: EO 13516
    • Executive Order 13494; amendment: EO 13517
    • Executive Order 13498; reestablishment: EO 13569
    • Executive Order 13507; revocation: EO 13569
    • Executive Order 13532; amendment: EO 13569
    • Executive Order 13539; amendment: EO 13596
    • Executive Order 13639; amendment: EO 13644
    • Executive Order 13653; amendment: EO 13683
    • Executive Order 13673; amendment: EO 13683
    • Technical amendments: EO 13503
EO 13559
  • Flood management; Federal flood risk management standard establishment and a process for soliciting and considering stakeholder input: EO 13690
EO 13542; EO 13612
  • Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives; conversion authority for criminal investigators (special agents): EO 13678
  • Closing of Executive Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government on Monday, December 24, 2012: EO 13633
  • Closing of Executive Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government on Friday, December 26, 2014: EO 13682
  • Commerce, Department of; order of succession: EO 13613
  • Construction projects; use of project labor agreements: EO 13502
  • Contract employees
    • Compensation information; nonretaliation for disclosure: EO 13665
    • Contracts; economical and efficient administration: EO 13494
    • Contracts; strengthening protections against trafficking in persons: EO 13627
    • Minimum wage for Federal contractors; establishment: EO 13658
    • Fair pay and safe workplaces: labor law policy reform: EO 13673
    • Nondisplacement of qualified workers: EO 13495
    • Notification of rights under Federal labor laws: EO 13496
  • Counterterrorism communications initiative and Government-wide communications activities directed abroad; establishment and development: EO 13584
  • Customer service and service delivery; improvement and streamlining: EO 13571
  • Defense, Department of; order of succession: EO 13533
  • Disabilities, individuals with; expanding Federal employment opportunities for: EO 13548
  • Efficient, effective, and accountable Government; delivery: EO 13576
  • Efficient spending; promotion: EO 13589
  • Environmental, energy, and economic performance; Federal policy regarding: EO 13514
  • Environmental Protection Agency; order of succession: EO 13614
  • Equal Employment Opportunity; Amendments to EO 11246 and EO 11478: EO 13672
  • Executive branch appointees; ethics commitments: EO 13490
  • Export Enforcement Coordination Center; establishment: EO 13558
  • Federal permitting and review of infrastructure projects; improving performance: EO 13604
  • Federal programs; efforts to eliminate payment error, waste, fraud, and abuse: EO 13520
  • Government information; new default to make open and machine readable: EO 13642
  • Half-day closing of Executive Departments and Agencies on December 24: EO 13523
  • Justice, Department of; order of succession: EO 13557
  • National security and emergency preparedness communications functions; assignment: EO 13618
  • Office of Management and Budget; order of succession: EO 13615
  • Regulation and independent regulatory agencies: EO 13579
  • Regulation and regulatory review; improvement: EO 13563
  • Regulatory burdens; identifying and reducing: EO 13610
  • Regulatory planning and review; revocation of previous Executive orders: EO 13497
  • SelectUSA Initiative; establishment: EO 13577
  • State, Department of
    • Iraq Strategic Partnership Office; establishment: EO 13541
    • Pakistan and Afghanistan Support Office; establishment: EO 13550
    • Pakistan and Afghanistan Strategic Partnership Office; establishment: EO 13656
  • Students and recent graduates, recruiting and hiring: EO 13562
  • Sustainability, Federal; planning for the next decade: EO 13693
  • White House Office of Health Reform; establishment: EO 13507
  • White House Office of Urban Affairs; establishment: EO 13503
  • Veterans; expansion of employment opportunities in the Federal Government: EO 13518
EO 13529
  • Health care
    • Antibiotic-resistant bacteria; efforts to combat: EO 13676
    • Biological weapons attack, medical countermeasures: EO 13527
    • Prescription drug shortages; reduction: EO 13588
    • Quarantinable communicable diseases; revised list: EO 13674
  • Historically Black Colleges and Universities, White House Initiative on; establishment: EO 13532
  • HIV Prevention and Care in the U.S. through HIV Care Continuum Initiative; efforts to improve acceleration: EO 13649
EO 13650
  • Infrastructure; Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity; improving EO 13636
  • Iran
    • Authorizing additional sanctions: EO 13622
    • Blocking property and suspending entry into the U.S. of certain persons with respect to grave human rights abuses by the Governments of Iran and Syria via information technology: EO 13606
    • Blocking property of certain persons with respect to serious human rights abuses by the Government of Iran: EO 13553
    • Blocking property of the Government of Iran and Iranian financial institutions: EO 13599
    • Implementation of certain sanctions set forth in the Iran Sanctions Act of 1996, as amended; authorization: EO 13574
    • Implementation of certain sanctions set forth in the Iran Freedom and Counter-Proliferation Act of 2012 and additional sanctions with respect to Iran; authorization: EO 13645
    • Implementation of certain sanctions set forth in the Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act of 2012 and additional sanctions with respect to Iran; authorization: EO 13628
    • Petrochemical sectors, goods, services, technology, or support; imposition of sanctions: EO 13590
    • Prohibiting certain transactions with and suspending entry into the U.S. of foreign sanctions evaders with respect to Iran and Syria: EO 13608
  • Iraq
    • Development Fund for Iraq; ending immunities: EO 13668
    • Iraq Strategic Partnership Office; establishment: EO 13541
EO 13568
EO 13654

  • New Jersey Transit Rail; labor disputes: EO 13700
  • Law enforcement agencies, local; Federal support for acquisition of certain Federal equipment: EO 13688
  • Libya; blocking property and prohibiting certain transactions related: EO 13566
EO 13700
  • North Korea
    • Blocking property of certain persons: EO 13551
    • Prohibiting certain transactions: EO 13570
    • Imposing additional sanctions: EO 13687
EO 13656
  • Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; enforcing and implementing restrictions on abortion: EO 13535
  • Presidential Records Act; policies and procedures: EO 13489
EO 13654; EO 13679; EO 13700
  • Regulatory cooperation; international promotion efforts: EO 13609
  • Russian Federation
    • Blocking property relating to the disposition of highly enriched uranium extracted from nuclear weapons: EO 13617
    • U.S. national emergency with respect to the accumulation of a large volume of weapons-usable fissile material, termination: EO 13695
EO 13702
  • Security, national
    • Blocking property of persons engaging in malicious cyber-enabled activities: EO 13694
    • Cybersecurity, promoting private sector information sharing: EO 13691
  • Somalia
    • Blocking property of certain persons contributing to the conflict: EO 13536
    • Taking additional steps to address the national emergency: EO 13620
  • South Sudan; blocking property of certain persons with respect to: EO 13664
  • Stem cells; removing research barriers: EO 13505
  • Strategic Computing Initiative, National; establishment: EO 13702
  • Syria
    • Blocking property and suspending entry into the U.S. of certain persons with respect to grave human rights abuses by the Governments of Iran and Syria via information technology: EO 13606
    • Blocking property of certain persons with respect to human rights abuses: EO 13572
    • Blocking property of senior officials of the Government of Syria: EO 13573
    • Prohibiting certain transactions with and suspending entry into the U.S. of foreign sanctions evaders with respect to Iran and Syria: EO 13608
EO 13699
  • Trade
    • Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015; delegation of authorities and assignment of functions to the U.S. Trade Representative: EO 13701
    • Export controls, reformed; administration: EO 13637
    • Export-Import process for America's businesses; efforts to streamline: EO 13659
    • Export Initiative, National; establishment: EO 13534
    • Export Promotion Cabinet; establishment: EO 13534
  • Trafficking in persons; strengthening protections against in Federal contracts: EO 13627
  • Transportation; text messaging while driving, Federal efforts to reduce: EO 13513
EO 13685
EO 13692
  • Veterans
    • Employment opportunities in the Federal Government, expansion: EO 13518
    • Mental health services for veterans, service members, and military families; improving access: EO 13625
EO 13623
EO 13611

How does it look bad for Republican "naysayers?" Did they prove AGW is true? No? Then they look like a gang of fools. Nothing decided at that conference is binding on the United States unless the Senate approves it by 2/3 vote, and there is absolutely no chance of that.

We'll see about that. The president has had to figure ways to get things done without the Do_Nothing Republicans:

So you think that the president can just wipe his ass on the Constitution if Republicans don't go along with his agenda?

Not Exactly...have you ever heard of executive orders?

Executive Orders
Subject Index for Barack Obama - 2009-Present

EO 13535
  • Afghanistan; Afghanistan and Pakistan Strategic Partnership Office, establishment: EO 13656
  • American Indian and Alaska Native Educational Opportunities; improvement: EO 13592
  • Armed Forces, U.S.
    • Appointments and promotions; assignment of functions relating to: EO 13598
    • Defense Meritorious Service Medal; expanding eligibility: EO 13666
    • Ordering selected reserve and certain individual ready reserve members to active duty to assist with managing Ebola outbreak in West Africa: EO 13680
    • Ordering selected reserve and certain individual ready reserve members to active duty to assist in Haitian earthquake relief efforts: EO 13529
    • Principles of excellence for educational institutions serving service members, veterans, spouses, and other family members; establishment: EO 13607
  • Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, White House Initiative on; establishment: EO 13515
EO 13681
  • Belarus; waiver under the Trade Act of 1974: EO 13510
  • Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015; delegation of authorities and assignment of certain functions: EO 13568
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina; International Organizations Immunities Act, provision extension: EO 13568
  • Broadband infrastructure; accelerating deployment: EO 13616
  • Burma
    • Blocking property of persons threatening the peace, security, or stability: EO 13619
    • Prohibiting certain imports of Burmese Jadeite and Rubies: EO 13651
  • Business and industry; automotive communities and workers, policy coordination: EO 13578
EO 13667
  • Climate-Resilient International Development; efforts to strengthen policy: EO 13677
  • Combating Wildlife Trafficking: EO 13648
  • Commissions, Boards, Committees, Task Forces, etc.
    • Arctic Executive Steering Committee; establishment: EO 13689
    • 21st Century Policing, President's Task Force on; establishment: EO 13684
    • Advisory Council; continuance: EO 13640
    • Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, President's Advisory Commission on; establishment: EO 13515
    • Automotive Communities and Workers, White House Council on; establishment: EO 13509
    • Bioethical Issues, Presidential Commission for the Study of; establishment: EO 13521
    • BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling, National Commission on the; establishment: EO 13543
    • Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria, Task Force for; establishment: EO 13676
    • Commercial Advocacy, Interagency Task Force on; establishment: EO 13630
    • Community Solutions, White House Council for; establishment: EO 13560
    • Council of Governors; establishment: EO 13528
    • Detainee Disposition, Special Interagency Task Force on; establishment: EO 13493
    • Doing Business in Africa, President's Advisory Council on; establishment: EO 13675
    • Domestic Energy Development and Permitting in Alaska, Interagency Working Group on Coordination of; establishment: EO 13580
    • Domestic Policy Council; amendments to Executive Order 12859: EO 13500
    • Economic Council, National; amendments to Executive Order 12835: EO 13499
    • Economic Recovery Advisory Board, President's; establishment: EO 13501
    • Educational Excellence for African Americans, White House Initiative on; establishment: EO 13621
    • Educational Excellence for Hispanics, White House Initiative on; establishment: EO 13555
    • Election Administration, Presidential Commission on; establishment: EO 13639
    • Emergency board to investigate disputes between certain railroads represented by the National Carriers' Conference Committee of the National Railway Labor Conference and their employees; establishment: EO 13586
    • Emergency board to investigate disputes between Long Island Rail Road Company and certain of its employees; establishment: EO 13654
    • Emergency board to investigate disputes between Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority and certain of its employees; establishment: EO 13670; EO 13679
    • Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, President's Advisory Council for; establishment: EO 13498
    • Federal advisory committees, certain; continuance: EO 13511; EO 13585; EO 13591; EO 13652
    • Federal Labor-Management Relations, National Council on; establishment: EO 13522
    • Financial Capability, President's Advisory Council on; establishment: EO 13530
    • Financial Capability for Young Americans, President's Advisory Council on; establishment: EO 13646
    • Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force; establishment: EO 13519
    • Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, National Commission on; establishment: EO 13531
    • Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition, President's Council on; amendments to Executive Order 13265: EO 13545
    • Global Development Council, President's; establishment: EO 13600
    • Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force; establishment: EO 13554
    • Historically Black Colleges and Universities, President's Board of Advisers on; establishment: EO 13532
    • Homeland Security Partnership Council, White House; establishment: EO 13629
    • Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force; establishment: EO 13632
    • Insular Areas, Interagency Group on; establishment: EO 13537
    • Intellectual Property Enforcement Advisory Committees; establishment: EO 13565
    • Interagency Trade Enforcement Center; establishment: EO 13601
    • Jobs and Competitiveness, President's Council on; establishment: EO 13564
    • Law Enforcement Equipment Working Group; establishment: EO 13688
    • National Security Staff; name change to National Security Council Staff: EO 13657
    • Native American Affairs Council, White House; establishment: EO 13647
    • New Jersey Transit Rail, labor dispute emergency board; establishment: EO 13700
    • Ocean Council, National; establishment: EO 13547
    • President's Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanics; reestablishment: EO 13634
    • President's Management Advisory Board; establishment: EO 13538
    • Prevention, Health Promotion, and Integrative and Public Health, Advisory Group on; reestablishment: EO 13631
    • Prevention, Health Promotion, and Public Health Council, National; establishment: EO 13544
    • Rural Council, White House; establishment: EO 13575
    • Science and Technology, President's Council of Advisors on; establishment: EO 13539
    • State, Local, Tribal, and Private Sector Entities Advisory Committee; establishment: EO 13549
    • Strong Cities, Strong Communities, White House Council on; establishment: EO 13602
    • Task Force on Travel and Competitiveness; establishment: EO 13597
    • Toxic Substances and Worker Health Advisory Board; establishment: EO 13699
    • Veterans Small Business Development, Interagency Task Force on; establishment: EO 13540
    • Women and Girls, White House Council on; establishment: EO 13506
    • Women, Peace, and Security, National Action Plan on; establishment: EO 13595
  • Congo, Democratic Republic of the; taking additional steps to address the national emergency with respect to the conflict in: EO 13671
EO 13697
  • Defense, national
    • Biological select agents and toxins; use and security of: EO 13546
    • Biological weapons attack; medical countermeasures: EO 13527
    • Classified national security information: EO 13526; EO 13587
    • Classified National Security Information Program for State, local, tribal, and private sector entities; establishment: EO 13549
    • Controlled Unclassified Information: EO 13556
    • Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity; improving EO 13636
    • Guantanamo Bay Naval Base; closure of detention facilities and review of detentions: EO 13492; EO 13567
    • Hostage recovery policy guidance: EO 13698
    • Interrogation of individuals in U.S. custody or control in armed conflicts; standards and practices: EO 13491
    • Resources Preparedness, National Defense: EO 13603
EO 13691
  • Flood management; establishing a flood risk management standard and a process for further soliciting and considering stakeholder input: EO 13690
  • Energy
    • Accelerating Investment in Industrial Energy Efficiency: EO 13624
    • Unconventional domestic and natural gas resources, supporting safe and responsible development: EO 13605
  • Environment
    • Arctic Region policies; National efforts to improve coordination: EO 13689
    • Chesapeake Bay, protection and restoration efforts: EO 13508
    • Federal sustainability in the next decade; planning: EO 13693
    • Oceans, coasts, and the Great Lakes; protection, maintenance, and restoration efforts: EO 13547
    • Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration: EO 13626
  • Executive orders
    • Executive Order 11030; amendment: EO 13683
    • Executive Order 11246; amendment: EO 13672
    • Executive Order 11478; amendment: EO 13672
    • Executive Order 12131; amendment: EO 13596
    • Executive Order 12163; amendment: EO 13656
    • Executive Order 12425; amendment: EO 13524
    • Executive Order 12777; amendment: EO 13638
    • Executive Order 12824; amendment: EO 13569
    • Executive Order 12835; amendment: EO 13569
    • Executive Order 12859; amendment: EO 13569
    • Executive Order 13183; amendment: EO 13517
    • Executive Order 13390; amendment: EO 13512
    • Executive Order 13462; amendment: EO 13516
    • Executive Order 13494; amendment: EO 13517
    • Executive Order 13498; reestablishment: EO 13569
    • Executive Order 13507; revocation: EO 13569
    • Executive Order 13532; amendment: EO 13569
    • Executive Order 13539; amendment: EO 13596
    • Executive Order 13639; amendment: EO 13644
    • Executive Order 13653; amendment: EO 13683
    • Executive Order 13673; amendment: EO 13683
    • Technical amendments: EO 13503
EO 13559
  • Flood management; Federal flood risk management standard establishment and a process for soliciting and considering stakeholder input: EO 13690
EO 13542; EO 13612
  • Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives; conversion authority for criminal investigators (special agents): EO 13678
  • Closing of Executive Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government on Monday, December 24, 2012: EO 13633
  • Closing of Executive Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government on Friday, December 26, 2014: EO 13682
  • Commerce, Department of; order of succession: EO 13613
  • Construction projects; use of project labor agreements: EO 13502
  • Contract employees
    • Compensation information; nonretaliation for disclosure: EO 13665
    • Contracts; economical and efficient administration: EO 13494
    • Contracts; strengthening protections against trafficking in persons: EO 13627
    • Minimum wage for Federal contractors; establishment: EO 13658
    • Fair pay and safe workplaces: labor law policy reform: EO 13673
    • Nondisplacement of qualified workers: EO 13495
    • Notification of rights under Federal labor laws: EO 13496
  • Counterterrorism communications initiative and Government-wide communications activities directed abroad; establishment and development: EO 13584
  • Customer service and service delivery; improvement and streamlining: EO 13571
  • Defense, Department of; order of succession: EO 13533
  • Disabilities, individuals with; expanding Federal employment opportunities for: EO 13548
  • Efficient, effective, and accountable Government; delivery: EO 13576
  • Efficient spending; promotion: EO 13589
  • Environmental, energy, and economic performance; Federal policy regarding: EO 13514
  • Environmental Protection Agency; order of succession: EO 13614
  • Equal Employment Opportunity; Amendments to EO 11246 and EO 11478: EO 13672
  • Executive branch appointees; ethics commitments: EO 13490
  • Export Enforcement Coordination Center; establishment: EO 13558
  • Federal permitting and review of infrastructure projects; improving performance: EO 13604
  • Federal programs; efforts to eliminate payment error, waste, fraud, and abuse: EO 13520
  • Government information; new default to make open and machine readable: EO 13642
  • Half-day closing of Executive Departments and Agencies on December 24: EO 13523
  • Justice, Department of; order of succession: EO 13557
  • National security and emergency preparedness communications functions; assignment: EO 13618
  • Office of Management and Budget; order of succession: EO 13615
  • Regulation and independent regulatory agencies: EO 13579
  • Regulation and regulatory review; improvement: EO 13563
  • Regulatory burdens; identifying and reducing: EO 13610
  • Regulatory planning and review; revocation of previous Executive orders: EO 13497
  • SelectUSA Initiative; establishment: EO 13577
  • State, Department of
    • Iraq Strategic Partnership Office; establishment: EO 13541
    • Pakistan and Afghanistan Support Office; establishment: EO 13550
    • Pakistan and Afghanistan Strategic Partnership Office; establishment: EO 13656
  • Students and recent graduates, recruiting and hiring: EO 13562
  • Sustainability, Federal; planning for the next decade: EO 13693
  • White House Office of Health Reform; establishment: EO 13507
  • White House Office of Urban Affairs; establishment: EO 13503
  • Veterans; expansion of employment opportunities in the Federal Government: EO 13518
EO 13529
  • Health care
    • Antibiotic-resistant bacteria; efforts to combat: EO 13676
    • Biological weapons attack, medical countermeasures: EO 13527
    • Prescription drug shortages; reduction: EO 13588
    • Quarantinable communicable diseases; revised list: EO 13674
  • Historically Black Colleges and Universities, White House Initiative on; establishment: EO 13532
  • HIV Prevention and Care in the U.S. through HIV Care Continuum Initiative; efforts to improve acceleration: EO 13649
EO 13650
  • Infrastructure; Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity; improving EO 13636
  • Iran
    • Authorizing additional sanctions: EO 13622
    • Blocking property and suspending entry into the U.S. of certain persons with respect to grave human rights abuses by the Governments of Iran and Syria via information technology: EO 13606
    • Blocking property of certain persons with respect to serious human rights abuses by the Government of Iran: EO 13553
    • Blocking property of the Government of Iran and Iranian financial institutions: EO 13599
    • Implementation of certain sanctions set forth in the Iran Sanctions Act of 1996, as amended; authorization: EO 13574
    • Implementation of certain sanctions set forth in the Iran Freedom and Counter-Proliferation Act of 2012 and additional sanctions with respect to Iran; authorization: EO 13645
    • Implementation of certain sanctions set forth in the Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act of 2012 and additional sanctions with respect to Iran; authorization: EO 13628
    • Petrochemical sectors, goods, services, technology, or support; imposition of sanctions: EO 13590
    • Prohibiting certain transactions with and suspending entry into the U.S. of foreign sanctions evaders with respect to Iran and Syria: EO 13608
  • Iraq
    • Development Fund for Iraq; ending immunities: EO 13668
    • Iraq Strategic Partnership Office; establishment: EO 13541
EO 13568
EO 13654

  • New Jersey Transit Rail; labor disputes: EO 13700
  • Law enforcement agencies, local; Federal support for acquisition of certain Federal equipment: EO 13688
  • Libya; blocking property and prohibiting certain transactions related: EO 13566
EO 13700
  • North Korea
    • Blocking property of certain persons: EO 13551
    • Prohibiting certain transactions: EO 13570
    • Imposing additional sanctions: EO 13687
EO 13656
  • Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; enforcing and implementing restrictions on abortion: EO 13535
  • Presidential Records Act; policies and procedures: EO 13489
EO 13654; EO 13679; EO 13700
  • Regulatory cooperation; international promotion efforts: EO 13609
  • Russian Federation
    • Blocking property relating to the disposition of highly enriched uranium extracted from nuclear weapons: EO 13617
    • U.S. national emergency with respect to the accumulation of a large volume of weapons-usable fissile material, termination: EO 13695
EO 13702
  • Security, national
    • Blocking property of persons engaging in malicious cyber-enabled activities: EO 13694
    • Cybersecurity, promoting private sector information sharing: EO 13691
  • Somalia
    • Blocking property of certain persons contributing to the conflict: EO 13536
    • Taking additional steps to address the national emergency: EO 13620
  • South Sudan; blocking property of certain persons with respect to: EO 13664
  • Stem cells; removing research barriers: EO 13505
  • Strategic Computing Initiative, National; establishment: EO 13702
  • Syria
    • Blocking property and suspending entry into the U.S. of certain persons with respect to grave human rights abuses by the Governments of Iran and Syria via information technology: EO 13606
    • Blocking property of certain persons with respect to human rights abuses: EO 13572
    • Blocking property of senior officials of the Government of Syria: EO 13573
    • Prohibiting certain transactions with and suspending entry into the U.S. of foreign sanctions evaders with respect to Iran and Syria: EO 13608
EO 13699
  • Trade
    • Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015; delegation of authorities and assignment of functions to the U.S. Trade Representative: EO 13701
    • Export controls, reformed; administration: EO 13637
    • Export-Import process for America's businesses; efforts to streamline: EO 13659
    • Export Initiative, National; establishment: EO 13534
    • Export Promotion Cabinet; establishment: EO 13534
  • Trafficking in persons; strengthening protections against in Federal contracts: EO 13627
  • Transportation; text messaging while driving, Federal efforts to reduce: EO 13513
EO 13685
EO 13692
  • Veterans
    • Employment opportunities in the Federal Government, expansion: EO 13518
    • Mental health services for veterans, service members, and military families; improving access: EO 13625
EO 13623
EO 13611
Typical of the RightW
Earth to OP author: The climate is starting to cool, not warm. Polar ice has seen an aggregate increase over the last few decades, not a decrease. 2014 was not the "hottest year on record" but in fact set many records for cold temps. Polar bears are not going extinct. Etc., etc., etc. It's a hoax.

Ooops! New NASA study: Antarctica isn't losing ice mass after all !

Polar ice packs | Watts Up With That?

You're not supposed to bring up where it got colder. Last February, we broke a half-dozen records up north. No mention about it by the Global Warming people. We kept hearing about how warm it was instead.

This year we are having a pretty warm winter so far. I guarantee you now we will be in the spotlight for the GW crowd.

Typical of Right Wingers.....pick a couple of anomalies and set up a whole new system.

The Goddam Planet is Warming. If you folks can't see it it's because you choose not to. 'Course most of your voters believe the whole damn thing was created in six days a few thousand years ago.

Thank goodness you finally said it, "the ..... is warming." Now that you have made your informed pronouncement the rest of us can get on the fear bandwagon.


Screw the rest of the world.

Climate at a Glance | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
At this point in the Bush years we had two hot wars and a stream of young dead Americans showing up at Dover each day:

Hamstrung by Congress, GOP opposition, Obama heads to Paris to clinch global climate agreement

"President Barack Obama is trying to negotiate a legacy-making climate change pact this coming week in Paris with one hand tied behind his back. Congress can't even agree whether global warming is real.

Scientists point to the global agreement, years in the making, as the last, best hope for averting the worst effects of global warming. Obama has spent months prodding other countries to make ambitious carbon-cutting pledges to the agreement, which he hopes will become the framework for countries to tackle the climate issue long beyond the end of his presidency in early 2017.

But Republicans have tried to undermine the president by sowing uncertainty about whether the U.S. will make good on its promises. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other GOP leaders have warned other countries not to trust any deal Obama may strike; other GOP allies are working to nullify Obama's emissions-cutting steps at home."

Have you even read the proposed agreement, Campbell? China...the country that is by FAR the biggest polluter right now agrees to cap it's carbon pollution by the year 2030...which means for the next FIFTEEN years they are free to increase the amount of pollution they are putting into the atmosphere while WE will be cutting our carbon levels! Who negotiated that? John Kerry? Barry? It's a joke! The Chinese get to keep right on polluting while keeping their energy costs low while we decrease our pollution and incur higher energy costs. Then we turn around and ask American industry to "compete" with the Chinese? Say what you will about Donald Trump but he's right about one thing...the Chinese are OWNING us when it comes to negotiations!

I wasn't glued to the news while they were holding the conference but I thought they all set a top rise of 2 degree Celsius by the end of the century as a goal for all countries at the conference. Anyway....what went on looks bad for the Republican naysayers. They are addressing it.

How does it look bad for Republican "naysayers?" Did they prove AGW is true? No? Then they look like a gang of fools. Nothing decided at that conference is binding on the United States unless the Senate approves it by 2/3 vote, and there is absolutely no chance of that.

We'll see about that. The president has had to figure ways to get things done without the Do_Nothing Republicans:

One wonders if you would think it's appropriate for the President to "get things done without Congress" if the President was a Republican. Methinks that we would suddenly be hearing about how it's Congress's job and Constitutional duty to resist the Presidency on "principle".
At this point in the Bush years we had two hot wars and a stream of young dead Americans showing up at Dover each day:

Hamstrung by Congress, GOP opposition, Obama heads to Paris to clinch global climate agreement

"President Barack Obama is trying to negotiate a legacy-making climate change pact this coming week in Paris with one hand tied behind his back. Congress can't even agree whether global warming is real.

Scientists point to the global agreement, years in the making, as the last, best hope for averting the worst effects of global warming. Obama has spent months prodding other countries to make ambitious carbon-cutting pledges to the agreement, which he hopes will become the framework for countries to tackle the climate issue long beyond the end of his presidency in early 2017.

But Republicans have tried to undermine the president by sowing uncertainty about whether the U.S. will make good on its promises. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other GOP leaders have warned other countries not to trust any deal Obama may strike; other GOP allies are working to nullify Obama's emissions-cutting steps at home."

Have you even read the proposed agreement, Campbell? China...the country that is by FAR the biggest polluter right now agrees to cap it's carbon pollution by the year 2030...which means for the next FIFTEEN years they are free to increase the amount of pollution they are putting into the atmosphere while WE will be cutting our carbon levels! Who negotiated that? John Kerry? Barry? It's a joke! The Chinese get to keep right on polluting while keeping their energy costs low while we decrease our pollution and incur higher energy costs. Then we turn around and ask American industry to "compete" with the Chinese? Say what you will about Donald Trump but he's right about one thing...the Chinese are OWNING us when it comes to negotiations!

I wasn't glued to the news while they were holding the conference but I thought they all set a top rise of 2 degree Celsius by the end of the century as a goal for all countries at the conference. Anyway....what went on looks bad for the Republican naysayers. They are addressing it.

How does it look bad for Republican "naysayers?" Did they prove AGW is true? No? Then they look like a gang of fools. Nothing decided at that conference is binding on the United States unless the Senate approves it by 2/3 vote, and there is absolutely no chance of that.

We'll see about that. The president has had to figure ways to get things done without the Do_Nothing Republicans:

One wonders if you would think it's appropriate for the President to "get things done without Congress" if the President was a Republican. Methinks that we would suddenly be hearing about how it's Congress's job and Constitutional duty to resist the Presidency on "principle".

Hell No!! Screw the Republicans. I was a Republican the first thirty years I voted. I voted for Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon three times. I even voted for Reagan one time before I caught on to the new party's agenda. "Cut Taxes For The Wealthy and Corporations" then borrow the money from foreign banks to cover the shortfall.
I've only voted Democrat in a national election three times during the sixty years I've voted but one thing you can bet your ass on......I'll never vote Republican again if I live to 100.
Last edited:
At this point in the Bush years we had two hot wars and a stream of young dead Americans showing up at Dover each day:

Hamstrung by Congress, GOP opposition, Obama heads to Paris to clinch global climate agreement

"President Barack Obama is trying to negotiate a legacy-making climate change pact this coming week in Paris with one hand tied behind his back. Congress can't even agree whether global warming is real.

Scientists point to the global agreement, years in the making, as the last, best hope for averting the worst effects of global warming. Obama has spent months prodding other countries to make ambitious carbon-cutting pledges to the agreement, which he hopes will become the framework for countries to tackle the climate issue long beyond the end of his presidency in early 2017.

But Republicans have tried to undermine the president by sowing uncertainty about whether the U.S. will make good on its promises. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other GOP leaders have warned other countries not to trust any deal Obama may strike; other GOP allies are working to nullify Obama's emissions-cutting steps at home."

Have you even read the proposed agreement, Campbell? China...the country that is by FAR the biggest polluter right now agrees to cap it's carbon pollution by the year 2030...which means for the next FIFTEEN years they are free to increase the amount of pollution they are putting into the atmosphere while WE will be cutting our carbon levels! Who negotiated that? John Kerry? Barry? It's a joke! The Chinese get to keep right on polluting while keeping their energy costs low while we decrease our pollution and incur higher energy costs. Then we turn around and ask American industry to "compete" with the Chinese? Say what you will about Donald Trump but he's right about one thing...the Chinese are OWNING us when it comes to negotiations!

I wasn't glued to the news while they were holding the conference but I thought they all set a top rise of 2 degree Celsius by the end of the century as a goal for all countries at the conference. Anyway....what went on looks bad for the Republican naysayers. They are addressing it.

How does it look bad for Republican "naysayers?" Did they prove AGW is true? No? Then they look like a gang of fools. Nothing decided at that conference is binding on the United States unless the Senate approves it by 2/3 vote, and there is absolutely no chance of that.

We'll see about that. The president has had to figure ways to get things done without the Do_Nothing Republicans:

One wonders if you would think it's appropriate for the President to "get things done without Congress" if the President was a Republican. Methinks that we would suddenly be hearing about how it's Congress's job and Constitutional duty to resist the Presidency on "principle".

The same liberals who now think it's WONDERFUL that Barack Obama is using his pen to circumvent a GOP controlled Congress will go ballistic when a Republican eventually does the same thing. It's wrong when Barry does it and it will be wrong when someone else does it. Our system of government was set up with checks on power built in. Barack Obama is a Constitutional scholar who should know how dangerous what he is doing is!
Isn't it odd that when you get past Yale'
At this point in the Bush years we had two hot wars and a stream of young dead Americans showing up at Dover each day:

Hamstrung by Congress, GOP opposition, Obama heads to Paris to clinch global climate agreement

"President Barack Obama is trying to negotiate a legacy-making climate change pact this coming week in Paris with one hand tied behind his back. Congress can't even agree whether global warming is real.

Scientists point to the global agreement, years in the making, as the last, best hope for averting the worst effects of global warming. Obama has spent months prodding other countries to make ambitious carbon-cutting pledges to the agreement, which he hopes will become the framework for countries to tackle the climate issue long beyond the end of his presidency in early 2017.

But Republicans have tried to undermine the president by sowing uncertainty about whether the U.S. will make good on its promises. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other GOP leaders have warned other countries not to trust any deal Obama may strike; other GOP allies are working to nullify Obama's emissions-cutting steps at home."
The problem with "global warming" is that it was thought up by a Bunco artist named Al Gore. Less then 7% of Americans see it as a threat. That is NOT going to harm us a bit.


"69 percent of Americans believed that global warming is caused mainly by human activities (57%), or caused equally by humans and natural changes (12%), while only 29 percent believed it is caused mostly by natural changes in the environment. - See more at:

American Opinions on Global Warming: A Yale/Gallup/Clearvision Poll

Isn't it odd that when you get passed Yale's interpretation of the story and go to the actual poll, the poll has a different interpretation.

In U.S., Most Do Not See Global Warming as Serious Threat
Have you even read the proposed agreement, Campbell? China...the country that is by FAR the biggest polluter right now agrees to cap it's carbon pollution by the year 2030...which means for the next FIFTEEN years they are free to increase the amount of pollution they are putting into the atmosphere while WE will be cutting our carbon levels! Who negotiated that? John Kerry? Barry? It's a joke! The Chinese get to keep right on polluting while keeping their energy costs low while we decrease our pollution and incur higher energy costs. Then we turn around and ask American industry to "compete" with the Chinese? Say what you will about Donald Trump but he's right about one thing...the Chinese are OWNING us when it comes to negotiations!

I wasn't glued to the news while they were holding the conference but I thought they all set a top rise of 2 degree Celsius by the end of the century as a goal for all countries at the conference. Anyway....what went on looks bad for the Republican naysayers. They are addressing it.

How does it look bad for Republican "naysayers?" Did they prove AGW is true? No? Then they look like a gang of fools. Nothing decided at that conference is binding on the United States unless the Senate approves it by 2/3 vote, and there is absolutely no chance of that.

We'll see about that. The president has had to figure ways to get things done without the Do_Nothing Republicans:

One wonders if you would think it's appropriate for the President to "get things done without Congress" if the President was a Republican. Methinks that we would suddenly be hearing about how it's Congress's job and Constitutional duty to resist the Presidency on "principle".

Hell No!! Screw the Republicans. I was a Republican the first thirty years I voted. I voted for Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon three times. I even voted for Reagan one time before I caught on to the new party's agenda. "Cut Taxes For The Wealthy and Corporations"
I've only voted Democrat in a national election three times during the sixty years I've voted but one thing you can bet your ass on......I'll never vote Republican again if I live to 100.

Ah, then you're in your late 70s or early 80s. That means that Alzheimer's is probably the explanation of your weird outlook..
Have you even read the proposed agreement, Campbell? China...the country that is by FAR the biggest polluter right now agrees to cap it's carbon pollution by the year 2030...which means for the next FIFTEEN years they are free to increase the amount of pollution they are putting into the atmosphere while WE will be cutting our carbon levels! Who negotiated that? John Kerry? Barry? It's a joke! The Chinese get to keep right on polluting while keeping their energy costs low while we decrease our pollution and incur higher energy costs. Then we turn around and ask American industry to "compete" with the Chinese? Say what you will about Donald Trump but he's right about one thing...the Chinese are OWNING us when it comes to negotiations!

I wasn't glued to the news while they were holding the conference but I thought they all set a top rise of 2 degree Celsius by the end of the century as a goal for all countries at the conference. Anyway....what went on looks bad for the Republican naysayers. They are addressing it.

How does it look bad for Republican "naysayers?" Did they prove AGW is true? No? Then they look like a gang of fools. Nothing decided at that conference is binding on the United States unless the Senate approves it by 2/3 vote, and there is absolutely no chance of that.

We'll see about that. The president has had to figure ways to get things done without the Do_Nothing Republicans:

One wonders if you would think it's appropriate for the President to "get things done without Congress" if the President was a Republican. Methinks that we would suddenly be hearing about how it's Congress's job and Constitutional duty to resist the Presidency on "principle".

Hell No!! Screw the Republicans. I was a Republican the first thirty years I voted. I voted for Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon three times. I even voted for Reagan one time before I caught on to the new party's agenda. "Cut Taxes For The Wealthy and Corporations"
I've only voted Democrat in a national election three times during the sixty years I've voted but one thing you can bet your ass on......I'll never vote Republican again if I live to 100.

I just heard "Right and wrong are all about getting what I want. I got old and became senile."
I wasn't glued to the news while they were holding the conference but I thought they all set a top rise of 2 degree Celsius by the end of the century as a goal for all countries at the conference. Anyway....what went on looks bad for the Republican naysayers. They are addressing it.

How does it look bad for Republican "naysayers?" Did they prove AGW is true? No? Then they look like a gang of fools. Nothing decided at that conference is binding on the United States unless the Senate approves it by 2/3 vote, and there is absolutely no chance of that.

We'll see about that. The president has had to figure ways to get things done without the Do_Nothing Republicans:

One wonders if you would think it's appropriate for the President to "get things done without Congress" if the President was a Republican. Methinks that we would suddenly be hearing about how it's Congress's job and Constitutional duty to resist the Presidency on "principle".

Hell No!! Screw the Republicans. I was a Republican the first thirty years I voted. I voted for Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon three times. I even voted for Reagan one time before I caught on to the new party's agenda. "Cut Taxes For The Wealthy and Corporations"
I've only voted Democrat in a national election three times during the sixty years I've voted but one thing you can bet your ass on......I'll never vote Republican again if I live to 100.

Ah, then you're in your late 70s or early 80s. That means that Alzheimer's is probably the explanation of your weird outlook..

I still get around pretty well......My Dad lived to 89 and my Mother to 102. This is a pretty typical scene for my german shepherd and me:[

What is it NOW that Republicans are going to pay for?

Oh... yeah... Bbbboooooooooooooooooooosssshhhhh !!!!!! ... how silly of the rest of us...
Now everyone can see how the left actually thinks..............look at good ole Joe there, businesses think the government has gone crazy, and along with high corporate tax rates, decide to bail out. Does Joe want them to stay? Yes! Will he change the policies that are chasing them away? No! He is going to try and FORCE them, kind of like living in a totalitarian country, to stay. He is going to punish them big time, and everybody is supposed to cheer because his ideas screw big business.

When someone stands up and says the policies are wrong, the left tells everyone that WE are for big business. No! We are against the government controlling everything, in an attempt guessed it..........CONTROL the climate, lololol! They are NOT trying to control the climate people, almost all of Europe is running out of money again, so they have to devise a NEW tax, and you guessed it...........climate is the vehicle for it!

Liberals and Communists control people through money. When in power, they threaten states with cutting funds if they don't march in lockstep with the Democrats. They've forced the purchase of health insurance by threatening to take away people's money. They've even suggested taxing ammunition so as to get around the right to own guns. And if they had the power, they would have done it too.

This is why it's more important than ever to make sure they never have any kind of leadership in this country. They are control freaks that could care less what the will of the people are. Do you think consumers want to pay much more for electricity because DumBama closed those coal fired power plants and forced the remaining open ones to invest millions of dollars to make cleaner electricity? Of course not, but again, they don't care what the people want--just what they want.

LOL....surely you jest. The Republican party don't appropriate a goddam cent for those among us who are in the worst shape.....only tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations. That's why after thirty years of solid Republican support now I wouldn't give them enough piss to take a pill.
Typical of the RightW
Earth to OP author: The climate is starting to cool, not warm. Polar ice has seen an aggregate increase over the last few decades, not a decrease. 2014 was not the "hottest year on record" but in fact set many records for cold temps. Polar bears are not going extinct. Etc., etc., etc. It's a hoax.

Ooops! New NASA study: Antarctica isn't losing ice mass after all !

Polar ice packs | Watts Up With That?

You're not supposed to bring up where it got colder. Last February, we broke a half-dozen records up north. No mention about it by the Global Warming people. We kept hearing about how warm it was instead.

This year we are having a pretty warm winter so far. I guarantee you now we will be in the spotlight for the GW crowd.

Typical of Right Wingers.....pick a couple of anomalies and set up a whole new system.

The Goddam Planet is Warming. If you folks can't see it it's because you choose not to. 'Course most of your voters believe the whole damn thing was created in six days a few thousand years ago.
How does it look bad for Republican "naysayers?" Did they prove AGW is true? No? Then they look like a gang of fools. Nothing decided at that conference is binding on the United States unless the Senate approves it by 2/3 vote, and there is absolutely no chance of that.

We'll see about that. The president has had to figure ways to get things done without the Do_Nothing Republicans:

One wonders if you would think it's appropriate for the President to "get things done without Congress" if the President was a Republican. Methinks that we would suddenly be hearing about how it's Congress's job and Constitutional duty to resist the Presidency on "principle".

Hell No!! Screw the Republicans. I was a Republican the first thirty years I voted. I voted for Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon three times. I even voted for Reagan one time before I caught on to the new party's agenda. "Cut Taxes For The Wealthy and Corporations"
I've only voted Democrat in a national election three times during the sixty years I've voted but one thing you can bet your ass on......I'll never vote Republican again if I live to 100.

Ah, then you're in your late 70s or early 80s. That means that Alzheimer's is probably the explanation of your weird outlook..

I still get around pretty well......My Dad lived to 89 and my Mother to 102. This is a pretty typical scene for my german shepherd and me:[

View attachment 56357

I'm glad you get around well and seem to be physically in good health. And I sincerely hope it continues that way for you for years and years. But, your outlook shows your mental abilities have deteriorated. For example, you believe that the agenda for the Right has been to "Cut Taxes For The Wealthy and Corporations", but if you had your full mental capacity, you'd know that Republicans cut taxes so much that the bottom 46% don't pay any income taxes at all...something the Democrats were NEVER able to accomplish.
Hey OP, you claim the right will pay for your pet peeve in spades.

No they won't, they will pay in dollars, because most of the taxpayers are GOP, so most any scheme you clowns come up with, we have to pay for, lol!
Hey OP, you claim the right will pay for your pet peeve in spades.

No they won't, they will pay in dollars, because most of the taxpayers are GOP, so most any scheme you clowns come up with, we have to pay for, lol!
I'd always wondered why their only platform was tax cuts for the rich and corporations.....that explains it.
Hey OP, you claim the right will pay for your pet peeve in spades.

No they won't, they will pay in dollars, because most of the taxpayers are GOP, so most any scheme you clowns come up with, we have to pay for, lol!
BS, dupe.When EVERYONE is paying 20-30% in all taxes and fees, and 95%+ of all new wealth goes to the 1%, only the greedy megarich Pubs and their silly dupes like you think all is well. The country needs a prosperous NONRICH to prosper. DUH, dingbat chump.
At this point in the Bush years we had two hot wars and a stream of young dead Americans showing up at Dover each day:

Hamstrung by Congress, GOP opposition, Obama heads to Paris to clinch global climate agreement

"President Barack Obama is trying to negotiate a legacy-making climate change pact this coming week in Paris with one hand tied behind his back. Congress can't even agree whether global warming is real.

Scientists point to the global agreement, years in the making, as the last, best hope for averting the worst effects of global warming. Obama has spent months prodding other countries to make ambitious carbon-cutting pledges to the agreement, which he hopes will become the framework for countries to tackle the climate issue long beyond the end of his presidency in early 2017.

But Republicans have tried to undermine the president by sowing uncertainty about whether the U.S. will make good on its promises. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other GOP leaders have warned other countries not to trust any deal Obama may strike; other GOP allies are working to nullify Obama's emissions-cutting steps at home."

Have you even read the proposed agreement, Campbell? China...the country that is by FAR the biggest polluter right now agrees to cap it's carbon pollution by the year 2030...which means for the next FIFTEEN years they are free to increase the amount of pollution they are putting into the atmosphere while WE will be cutting our carbon levels! Who negotiated that? John Kerry? Barry? It's a joke! The Chinese get to keep right on polluting while keeping their energy costs low while we decrease our pollution and incur higher energy costs. Then we turn around and ask American industry to "compete" with the Chinese? Say what you will about Donald Trump but he's right about one thing...the Chinese are OWNING us when it comes to negotiations!

I wasn't glued to the news while they were holding the conference but I thought they all set a top rise of 2 degree Celsius by the end of the century as a goal for all countries at the conference. Anyway....what went on looks bad for the Republican naysayers. They are addressing it.

How does it look bad for Republican "naysayers?" Did they prove AGW is true? No? Then they look like a gang of fools. Nothing decided at that conference is binding on the United States unless the Senate approves it by 2/3 vote, and there is absolutely no chance of that.

We'll see about that. The president has had to figure ways to get things done without the Do_Nothing Republicans:

One wonders if you would think it's appropriate for the President to "get things done without Congress" if the President was a Republican. Methinks that we would suddenly be hearing about how it's Congress's job and Constitutional duty to resist the Presidency on "principle".

Wait until Trump cancels all of Obama's executive orders. They'll all be screaming that it's unconstitutional, even though it's entirely constitutional. In their mind "unconstitutional" means whatever thwarts their agenda.

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