Republicans worry that Trump endorsements in statewide elections could cost them Senate


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Many of the candidates he is endorsing are kooks. Sure, he can endorse kooks for the House in districts like Greene and Boebert's.. Statewide elections? No possibility. Greitens, Walker, Miller and Parnell are particularly problematic. For some reason he seems to like the idiots who abuse women. Of course, Donald is the one who stupidly endorsed kiddie diddler Roy Moore. We all know how THAT went. ;)

Herschel Walker, Eric Greitens, and Sean Parnell are all considered serious contenders to win the Republican nominations for Senate seats in, respectively, Georgia, Missouri, and Pennsylvania. Each of them has been accused of aggressively threatening and violating women in their lives.
If they win their party’s nominations, it may complicate life for the aspiring Youngkins of 2022.

This is very good news for the Republican Party.

It is good news for me, too. I was a Republican for over a quarter of a century. That ended when Trump drove me out of the party, and I officially became a conservative Independent. Perhaps I will rejoin the Republican Party providing the conditions are right. We'll see.

ABC News reports, "Many Republican elected officials developed selective hearing and Tweet-reading in choosing when and how to respond to Donald Trump when he was president.

"It's a skill that remains on display in his post-presidency. For all the spot-on talk of how Republicans fear crossing Trump, signs of defiance or simply ignoring his statements have emerged anew inside the GOP.

"Trump is churning out statements fuming at McConnell, with no apparent impact on McConnell's chances of continuing to lead his conference. Likewise, Trump's not-so-kind words about House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy -- as reported by ABC's Jonathan Karl -- are doing little to diminish his standing."

On the other hand, there is this from ABC. "The never-Trump wing of the GOP is not ascendant -- far from it. But at least around the edges, Republicans see a way to win that doesn't involve fealty to the former president."

The Wyoming GOP no longer recognizes Liz Cheney as a member of the Republican Party.

House GOP leaders turned a blind eye to Gosar's depiction of him killing AOC and threatening the President.

Republican leaders in the House want to punish the 13 Republicans who voted for President Joe Biden's extremely popular $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill by stripping them of committee assignments. The infrastructure bill was popular with American voters and Republicans alike. Ironically, those who voted against the well liked bill will see marked improvements in their state.

Okay, so its a work in progress.
extremely popular infrastructure plan?? Who's it popular with? China and Russia? LOLOL If it were popular, the right would not be furious with 13 traitor rinos who voted with the left as they usually do. We are so waiting for a 2022 and 2024 and we are gonna kick leftist butt but good.
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LOL what kind of info challenged does one have to be to post something like that? LOLOL
His last several picks LOST. But you go on & vote for the wife beaters & kiddy diddlers.
Is Roy Moore still around? :D
The former POTUS is a polestar until enough Republican voters say otherwise…
Gee for a guy you say is the kiss of death for any Reps he backs you sure seem to worry about him all the time. You should be encouraging him to back every Rep so they loose. LOL

Where are your Hail Bidung threads where you brag about all the incompetent boob YOU voted for has done???

Oh wait. I forgot. He's a walking, talking disaster and hasn't accomplished anything for America or Americans. Never mind.
Gee for a guy you say is the kiss of death for any Reps he backs you sure seem to worry about him all the time. You should be encouraging him to back every Rep so they loose. LOL

Where are your Hail Bidung threads where you brag about all the incompetent boob YOU voted for has done???

Oh wait. I forgot. He's a walking, talking disaster and hasn't accomplished anything for America or Americans. Never mind.

Well Claudette, Ol' Uncle Joe only accomplished in less than a year what Donnie couldn't in four despite 150 or so Infrastructure Weeks which he tanked every time by saying something stupid. Largest rail investment since the creation of Amtrak an the largest overall in at least 30 years.

The problem is not that Donnie's endorsement doesn't mean anything, The problem is that he often endorses kooks who wear the loyalty kneepads and often they are crazies who abuse their wives and girlfriends. Many of those guys are utterly unelectable.

What he's doing right now is akin to what he did in Georgia when you lost two Senate seats. Trashing Republicans who have been absolutely loyal, but cast ONE VOTE he didn't like is not a winning formula.

Some infrastructure bill. Only 45% of it is for infrastructure the rest is a pack of green shit and more social programs we don't need.

Oh and Amtrack has been a loosing proposition since it was instituted. No amount of money will change that.

That bill was one lousy bill and we tax payers will get hosed to pay for it.

I'll just stand over here and LMAO at your stupidity.
Nobody is going to have 100% of their picks win. Trump is still popular and can still help GOP candidates.
He can only help the ones who are sane, OR in a district like Boebert's or Greene's the kookiest ones. :)
His last several picks LOST. But you go on & vote for the wife beaters & kiddy diddlers.
Is Roy Moore still around? :D

I think it's a big disingenuous to claim Moore's downfall had much to do with Trump. Moore had been a controversial figure in Alabama for many years before that. Plus, Trump won Alabama by almost 30 points.
I think it's a big disingenuous to claim Moore's downfall had much to do with Trump. Moore had been a controversial figure in Alabama for many years before that. Plus, Trump won Alabama by almost 30 points.
Genghis Khan would win Alabama by 30 points too.
Roy was just too much for them however. ;)

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