Repubs should chase the white vote like dems chase black/hispanic vote

Blacks and Hispanics don't have all that much in common ideologically. The one thing that they do have in common is the belief in the Democratic Party as the best party for them. We are but a decade or so away from the fact that only a Black or Hispanic can win the top Federal Government positions, from the White House down. But Hillary will get her 8 years in first. This is not a racist statement, just a numerical fact.
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It's unconscionable how may people do not vote.

I never voted in my life...

And precisely what in the mother fuck voice do you have here?

The same as you have there.

One vote. One voice.

You aren't part of the chorus. Neither here nor there.

Yep. Be they left or right, the instant that they state, "I don't vote" they have lost all credibility. In a democracy, your vote is your voice.
Repubs should chase the white vote like dems chase black/hispanic vote

America won't survive like that. The only thing that makes us homogeneous is being a melting pot of shared ideas. The Liberal way is a formula for civil war and an end to our Republic.
If democrats can be racist why can't repubs? If repubs could get just 70% of the white vote they'd be invincible. Dems call white the people the enemy and repubs should call blacks and browns the enemy and promise that they will end all racial preferences in jobs and college. Repubs should also promise they will stop all immigration ( legal and illegal) from mexico.

Republicans are already 90% white. Fool. The only enemy here is you. The enemy of intelligence.
If democrats can be racist why can't repubs? If repubs could get just 70% of the white vote they'd be invincible. Dems call white the people the enemy and repubs should call blacks and browns the enemy and promise that they will end all racial preferences in jobs and college. Repubs should also promise they will stop all immigration ( legal and illegal) from mexico.

Republicans are already 90% white. Fool. The only enemy here is you. The enemy of intelligence.

Dean believes in tribalism. He wants each race in America chucking spears at each other.
Blacks and Hispanics don't have all that much in common ideologically. The one thing that they do have in common is the belief in the Democratic Party as the best party for them. We are but a decade or so away from the fact that only a Black or Hispanic can win the top Federal Government positions, from the White House down. But Hillary will get her 8 years in first. This is not a racist statement, just a numerical fact.

Mostly would agree but Hillary won't get anywhere near the white house again without a guest pass.

Hispanics are actually much closer to conservatives in alignment but for some reason just haven't made the switch. I think Rubio will go a long way toward fixing that.

I'm looking for more of an ideology to vote for than a race but apparently many don't do that.
If democrats can be racist why can't repubs? If repubs could get just 70% of the white vote they'd be invincible. Dems call white the people the enemy and repubs should call blacks and browns the enemy and promise that they will end all racial preferences in jobs and college. Repubs should also promise they will stop all immigration ( legal and illegal) from mexico.

Republicans are already 90% white. Fool. The only enemy here is you. The enemy of intelligence.

Dean believes in tribalism. He wants each race in America chucking spears at each other.

See what I've been saying about ignorant right wingers imagining what others are saying and then attacking their own delusion? Then they walk away with a "fist pump" saying "Nailed It". Such strange behavior.
Republicans are already 90% white. Fool. The only enemy here is you. The enemy of intelligence.

Dean believes in tribalism. He wants each race in America chucking spears at each other.

See what I've been saying about ignorant right wingers imagining what others are saying and then attacking their own delusion? Then they walk away with a "fist pump" saying "Nailed It". Such strange behavior.

I, of course, nailed it, and I will be reminding your of tribalism philosophy each and every time you trot it out from here on in.

Hope that helps!
Dean believes in tribalism. He wants each race in America chucking spears at each other.

See what I've been saying about ignorant right wingers imagining what others are saying and then attacking their own delusion? Then they walk away with a "fist pump" saying "Nailed It". Such strange behavior.

I, of course, nailed it, and I will be reminding your of tribalism philosophy each and every time you trot it out from here on in.

Hope that helps!

I was reminded of it every time I looked at a Republican rally and they all looked like "Children of the Damned" grown old.


If democrats can be racist why can't repubs? If repubs could get just 70% of the white vote they'd be invincible. Dems call white the people the enemy and repubs should call blacks and browns the enemy and promise that they will end all racial preferences in jobs and college. Repubs should also promise they will stop all immigration ( legal and illegal) from mexico.

Republicans are already 90% white. Fool. The only enemy here is you. The enemy of intelligence.

While I abhor the idea proposed in the OP, I hate even more the insinuation you make that Republicans MUST be racist because of the party's demographics. You sling that race card around like a truncheon and claim 'victory', never bothering to address ANY racial 'issue' being discussed.

Against Illegal Immigration? RACIST!
Against Affirmative Action? RACIST!
Against Voter Fraud? RACIST!

It's getting old, Deanie...

Grow the fuck up.
The GOP needs to show the white voter Democraps choose blacks and hispanics over them. Amnesty isn't for white people, so why should any poor white person keep protecting Democraps that are trying to push them further down the welfare line with more competition.

White people need to understand they can afford birth control on their own, they can get a job on their own, they can raise their family on their own, etc. They also need to understand the military is priority #1 for this country if one wants long term stability.....welfare checks don't protect you from terrorists and evil countries.

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