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Jun 4, 2007
"We read to know that we are not alone." C.S. Lewis

One of the great ones passed into the great unknown, and if he is right he is someplace else. While I didn't always agree with his writing, you had to admire his style, grace, and deep intelligence.

Hermits and Cranks: Lessons from Martin Gardner on Recognizing Pseudoscientists: Scientific American

Profile: Martin Gardner, the Mathematical Gamester (1914-2010): Scientific American

Check these out and think a bit.

[ame=] The Whys of a Philosophical Scrivener (9780312206826): Martin Gardner: Books[/ame]

[ame=] The Night Is Large: Collected Essays, 1938-1995 (9780312169497): Martin Gardner: Books[/ame]

"“[Oprah] Winfrey’s enthusiasm for New Age books reached its apex,” Gardner reports, when she promoted the monumental idiocy of The Secret. It can be described as a hilarious parody of books by Norman Vincent Peale. Instead of God working miracles, the universe itself does it. The Secret teaches that the universe consists of a vibrating energy that can be tapped into with positive thoughts, allowing you to obtain anything you desire—happiness, love, and of course fabulous wealth. Want to lose weight? Then stop having fat thoughts and think thin! Want to become wealthy? Stop thinking poor thoughts. Think rich!" Roger's Rules Martin Gardner, 1914-2010 R.I.P.
Try positive thinking your way into stopping the tides sometime.

Time and tides wait for no man (however positive his thinking)
Try positive thinking your way into stopping the tides sometime.

Time and tides wait for no man (however positive his thinking)

You mean you haven't honed in on the vibrations? Takes practice. Think positive harder. :lol:

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