Residing while black: African-American man harassed in his own apartment building on video


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
Another incident of being harassed by people with no authority to demand anything of the African American victims.

December 21, 2018 06:12 PM EST
WASHINGTON (CIRCA) — An African-American man shared a video on social media this week of a racial profiling incident that occurred in his own apartment building.

Chika Okafor uploaded the video to Instagram and Twitter, saying he was waiting for a Lyft to arrive when a man started questioning where he lived.

Residing while black: African-American man harassed in his own apartment building on video

Another incident of being harassed by people with no authority to demand anything of the African American victims.

December 21, 2018 06:12 PM EST
WASHINGTON (CIRCA) — An African-American man shared a video on social media this week of a racial profiling incident that occurred in his own apartment building.

Chika Okafor uploaded the video to Instagram and Twitter, saying he was waiting for a Lyft to arrive when a man started questioning where he lived.

Residing while black: African-American man harassed in his own apartment building on video

Days Wacists Everywhere. :iagree:
This happened in liberal New York. Nothing to see here.

And what the hell kind of name is "Chika Okafor"?
To be honest, if someone harassed me like that, I would just call the police and not deal with this liberal New Yorker.
Another incident of being harassed by people with no authority to demand anything of the African American victims.

December 21, 2018 06:12 PM EST
WASHINGTON (CIRCA) — An African-American man shared a video on social media this week of a racial profiling incident that occurred in his own apartment building.

Chika Okafor uploaded the video to Instagram and Twitter, saying he was waiting for a Lyft to arrive when a man started questioning where he lived.

Residing while black: African-American man harassed in his own apartment building on video

This manifestation of racism is common to far too many conservatives.

It can be considered the right’s neo-segregationist mentality – that there are certain places, neighborhoods, and locations ‘blacks shouldn’t be’; and if an African-American is in a given neighborhood or location where ‘he shouldn’t be,’ then his being there is suspect, and it should be assumed he is ‘guilty of something,’ where it’s appropriate and warranted for a white resident to confront and challenge him.
Another incident of being harassed by people with no authority to demand anything of the African American victims.

December 21, 2018 06:12 PM EST
WASHINGTON (CIRCA) — An African-American man shared a video on social media this week of a racial profiling incident that occurred in his own apartment building.

Chika Okafor uploaded the video to Instagram and Twitter, saying he was waiting for a Lyft to arrive when a man started questioning where he lived.

Residing while black: African-American man harassed in his own apartment building on video

Why didn't he think that that was identity theft unfolding on him?
If black people whining is a personal problem then they need to keep their personal problems to themselves.
I was referring to you getting harassed a lot.

Then not having the balls to defend your rights.
So, you equate whining with defending your rights?
No, you're the one who equated people defending their rights with whining, but apparently only if said people are black.
If black people whining is a personal problem then they need to keep their personal problems to themselves.
I was referring to you getting harassed a lot.

Then not having the balls to defend your rights.
So, you equate whining with defending your rights?
No, you're the one who equated people defending their rights with whining, but apparently only if said people are black.
Before they derail your thread, I curiously insert this question, why didn't he think of identity theft when the attacker forces him to disclose his home address?
If black people whining is a personal problem then they need to keep their personal problems to themselves.
I was referring to you getting harassed a lot.

Then not having the balls to defend your rights.
So, you equate whining with defending your rights?
No, you're the one who equated people defending their rights with whining, but apparently only if said people are black.
Before they derail your thread, I curiously insert this question, why didn't he think of identity theft when the attacker forces him to disclose his home address?
There are all types of implications with giving people who you don't know, particularly if they already know the building in which you live, your personal information.

The identify theft aspect is another issue as well, once your name goes into a police report, in many states it then becomes public record accessible to the very people who caused there to be a police report in the first place.
Needless to say, it was the killing of Trayvon Martin that brought into light the right’s neo-segregationist mentality.

Most conservatives sought to ‘justify’ the killing with racist references to young black men being ‘thugs’ and ‘predisposed to crime’; efforts were made to demonize and vilify Martin by associating him with the ‘criminality’ of popular black culture.

For most on the right, Martin was ‘guilty’ of being ‘black in the wrong place,’ Zimmerman’s confronting Martin was thus ‘warranted,’ and Martian solely responsible for his death.

If Martin had only ‘stayed where he belonged…”
Another incident of being harassed by people with no authority to demand anything of the African American victims.

December 21, 2018 06:12 PM EST
WASHINGTON (CIRCA) — An African-American man shared a video on social media this week of a racial profiling incident that occurred in his own apartment building.

Chika Okafor uploaded the video to Instagram and Twitter, saying he was waiting for a Lyft to arrive when a man started questioning where he lived.

Residing while black: African-American man harassed in his own apartment building on video

There is no evidence of racial profiling in the video, jackass.

It's just a drunken old man that apparently wants everybody to know that he's lived there for 27 years.
If black people whining is a personal problem then they need to keep their personal problems to themselves.
I was referring to you getting harassed a lot.

Then not having the balls to defend your rights.
So, you equate whining with defending your rights?
No, you're the one who equated people defending their rights with whining, but apparently only if said people are black.
Before they derail your thread, I curiously insert this question, why didn't he think of identity theft when the attacker forces him to disclose his home address?
There are all types of implications with giving people who you don't know, particularly if they already know the building in which you live, your personal information.

The identify theft aspect is another issue as well, once your name goes into a police report, in many states it then becomes public record accessible to the very people who caused there to be a police report in the first place.

From my experience with snooty apartment dwelling family in NYCity, this is just how EVERYONE greets new neighbors. It all will end up fine. :2up: The black "victim" was dressed far better than the 27 year resident, so he probably moved into "an upper floor".. LOL....... Should have asked Mr. snotty where HE lived..

It's like a free range chicken shack. A lot of posturing. A lot "Hey -- you talkin' to me?" poking and then they make arrangements to take an cab for some Argentinian tapas and get to know each other.

It's lifestyles of the "confined". Not at all like folks with lawns and decks and patios...

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