Resignations around the world - this is unprecedented

There’s going to be an awful lot of crying :lol:

We're still waiting for Hillary, who apparently has committed 3,400,104 crimes for which she has not been convicted, to go to jail.

Far right wet dreams about mass convictions of liberals don't have a whole lot of cred.
There’s going to be an awful lot of crying :lol:

We're still waiting for Hillary, who apparently has committed 3,400,104 crimes for which she has not been convicted, to go to jail.

Far right wet dreams about mass convictions of liberals don't have a whole lot of cred.
Since the people who should put them in prison are criminals themself, you are correct.
I'm not sure about resignations world wide, but I do know that there are more Republicans who are retiring or not seeking reelection than there are Democrats this election cycle. | Notable Resignations Worldwide

For people who don’t think anything is changing since Trump took office.. just read this list of all the different people in government and business that have resigned since he took office. If you don’t think the swamp is being drained you’re delusional. The biggest names of people about to go down for treason are still to come. Grab the popcorn and enjoy the show. Many of you are really missing out on something amazing.
Who is about to go down for treason? In a war? Don't be so vague.

Comey, brennan, clapper, Obama, Pelosi, Biden, the list is quite long.
You didn't have to put Obama's name in there. We all know he goes down regularly.
Back to the homoerotic fantasies hey Mikey? | Notable Resignations Worldwide

For people who don’t think anything is changing since Trump took office.. just read this list of all the different people in government and business that have resigned since he took office. If you don’t think the swamp is being drained you’re delusional. The biggest names of people about to go down for treason are still to come. Grab the popcorn and enjoy the show. Many of you are really missing out on something amazing.
Who is about to go down for treason? In a war? Don't be so vague.

Comey, brennan, clapper, Obama, Pelosi, Biden, the list is quite long.
You sure cherry-picked from around the world. Actually, you didn't.
Actually you don't what he did, you're just another liar like all your kind.
You are an asshole, period. Hows that MFR. | Notable Resignations Worldwide

For people who don’t think anything is changing since Trump took office.. just read this list of all the different people in government and business that have resigned since he took office. If you don’t think the swamp is being drained you’re delusional. The biggest names of people about to go down for treason are still to come. Grab the popcorn and enjoy the show. Many of you are really missing out on something amazing.
Who is about to go down for treason? In a war? Don't be so vague.

Comey, brennan, clapper, Obama, Pelosi, Biden, the list is quite long.
You don't have a clue what treason is. More q bullshit.
Do you know what treason is? Open borders supporters are traitors Democrats in general are traitors. RINOS are traitors

Learn to pronounce
  1. the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. | Notable Resignations Worldwide

For people who don’t think anything is changing since Trump took office.. just read this list of all the different people in government and business that have resigned since he took office. If you don’t think the swamp is being drained you’re delusional. The biggest names of people about to go down for treason are still to come. Grab the popcorn and enjoy the show. Many of you are really missing out on something amazing.
Who is about to go down for treason? In a war? Don't be so vague.

Comey, brennan, clapper, Obama, Pelosi, Biden, the list is quite long.
You sure cherry-picked from around the world. Actually, you didn't.
Actually you don't what he did, you're just another liar like all your kind.
You are an asshole, period. Hows that MFR.
Keep your mother off the street. | Notable Resignations Worldwide

For people who don’t think anything is changing since Trump took office.. just read this list of all the different people in government and business that have resigned since he took office. If you don’t think the swamp is being drained you’re delusional. The biggest names of people about to go down for treason are still to come. Grab the popcorn and enjoy the show. Many of you are really missing out on something amazing.
Who is about to go down for treason? In a war? Don't be so vague.

Comey, brennan, clapper, Obama, Pelosi, Biden, the list is quite long.
You didn't have to put Obama's name in there. We all know he goes down regularly.
There’s going to be an awful lot of crying :lol:

We're still waiting for Hillary, who apparently has committed 3,400,104 crimes for which she has not been convicted, to go to jail.

Far right wet dreams about mass convictions of liberals don't have a whole lot of cred.
I think God is letting her slip through life. She will pay in hell.
You guys need to be patient. The nation has to wake up to the corruption on a macro level first so that they’ll be able to process and accept it as truth when the indictments are declassified. First they need to show the public that there’s been FBI corruption from the Obama admin, as well as the looting of our tax dollars through overseas shell companies. This sets the stage for understanding how corrupt these people were. After that it’ll be much easier to accept the truth that Obama, Bill, Hillary, etc, have committed treason. I know a lot of you are foaming at the mouth for perp walks but you need to trust the process. The public needs to be ready to accept the truth first. We’re getting closer but there’s still more waking up that needs to happen. This is the purpose of Q. If you follow Q you can see everything that’s going on. It’s the largest public classified intel release in the history of the world. You can confirm it all simply by investigating. It’s your choice if you want to stay asleep or wake up and join the real world. What is about to happen is going to shock the entire world.
Cause and effect? How many resigned when Obama entered office? This is the classic case of information not being knowledge. Spend some time on something useful or better yet, have a merry Christmas.
Cause and effect? How many resigned when Obama entered office? This is the classic case of information not being knowledge. Spend some time on something useful or better yet, have a merry Christmas.
We’re not just talking about people in the government. There’s been more CEO resignations in the last 3 years than any other time in history and it’s not even close. There’s been more foreign minister resignations than ever before in history. There’s been more heads of churches resigning than any other time in history.

Welcome to the great awakening.

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