Resistance from within: Federal workers push back against Trump

fire those fuckers. And prosecute them. They violate the terms of their employment every day with their bs.
Hmmmmm... not really sure that's true... Federal workers are, indeed, operating with a few restrictions; however, the First Amendment applies to them, as well; it's tricky...

A good example would be the (amended) Hatch Act; prohibiting Federal workers from political campaigning on agency time, but leaving them free to speak, beyond that...
its not tricky.
Yes, it IS tricky, to distinguish, at law, between political activity and the exercise of free speech, even in the workplace.

...They dont get to exercise their first amendment rights while being paid to do something else...
They are allowed to breathe.

They are allowed to have a heart-beat.

They are allowed to walk and talk.

Even while they are doing their jobs.

...They dont get to use federal resources to spread lies, harass prople, and racketeer.

They do not get to use Federal resources in pursuit of political goals or activities.

No using of Federal PCs and Internet and copiers and phones and faxes, etc.

That does not mean that they are not allowed to talk while on-duty.

As to spreading lies, harassing people or racketeering...

Do you have specific examples in-mind, that you can cite for us?

I have not encountered this myself, in my extensive and routine daily dealings with Federal employees.

Nobody told them they couldn't talk, asshat.

The Unusual Story of How This Government Agency Broke the Law Using Twitter
Now there's an intelligent response... stick to bumper-sticker slogans, dearie.. your intellectual deficiencies are showing...

Yes, a specific example, as requested.

Your system appears to have taken quite a shock. Perhaps a cup of tea and a little rest in a dark room is in order?
They're attending seminars and workshops on how to get away with dissent. What can the president do about it? Many are career civil servants who are almost impossible to fire.

The signs of popular dissent from President Trump’s opening volley of actions have been plain to see on the nation’s streets, at airports in the aftermath of his refugee and visa ban, and in the blizzard of outrage on social media. But there’s another level of resistance to the new president that is less visible and potentially more troublesome to the administration: a growing wave of opposition from the federal workers charged with implementing any new president’s agenda.

This is but one of several articles I';ve seen on the subject. More @ Resistance from within: Federal workers push back against Trump

Thank god. It's about time they showed up. I've been wondering there those fuckers were at. Seriously.
wtf with the two retards who ask questions, get answers, and then apparently don't understand what the answers mean and deny the answers are actually answers, then deny they asked the question? Or maybe they don't know what an *answer* is?
A couple of points. When Congress passed the law about firing VA employees, action was taken to do so. Can't remember the name of the federal labor bureau, but they were soon reinstated.

In most cases, when bureaus/agencies are downsized, it simply means that civil servants are given preference to be hired at other agencies. Many are given the option of retirement which means a lifetime of receiving taxpayer's money.

We just go from one waste of money to another.

Which goes to show you what's wrong in our government particularly with unions involved.

Time to drain the swamp.
They're attending seminars and workshops on how to get away with dissent. What can the president do about it? Many are career civil servants who are almost impossible to fire.

The signs of popular dissent from President Trump’s opening volley of actions have been plain to see on the nation’s streets, at airports in the aftermath of his refugee and visa ban, and in the blizzard of outrage on social media. But there’s another level of resistance to the new president that is less visible and potentially more troublesome to the administration: a growing wave of opposition from the federal workers charged with implementing any new president’s agenda.

This is but one of several articles I';ve seen on the subject. More @ Resistance from within: Federal workers push back against Trump

They should be updating their resumes and looking for work.

They aren't fit to work.

They should be getting their affairs in order because many of them are going to end up in prison or in nuthouses.
Scott Pruitt hasn’t even been confirmed and EPA employees are already protesting


One only has to look at the professionally produced signs to ask where the $ came from to prepare them. Is this just another Soros-funded sham? Or is it a sign that EPA hacks know their jobs are on the line?

Roughly 300 people — a third of whom work for the agency— took to the street Monday outside the agency’s Chicago regional office. Both staff, represented by the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), and managers attended the rally, which took place during their lunch breaks, organizers said.

More @ Scott Pruitt hasn’t even been confirmed and EPA employees are already protesting

Now that we have a picture, they should be the first to go.
Hmmmmm... not really sure that's true... Federal workers are, indeed, operating with a few restrictions; however, the First Amendment applies to them, as well; it's tricky...

A good example would be the (amended) Hatch Act; prohibiting Federal workers from political campaigning on agency time, but leaving them free to speak, beyond that...
its not tricky.
Yes, it IS tricky, to distinguish, at law, between political activity and the exercise of free speech, even in the workplace.

...They dont get to exercise their first amendment rights while being paid to do something else...
They are allowed to breathe.

They are allowed to have a heart-beat.

They are allowed to walk and talk.

Even while they are doing their jobs.

...They dont get to use federal resources to spread lies, harass prople, and racketeer.

They do not get to use Federal resources in pursuit of political goals or activities.

No using of Federal PCs and Internet and copiers and phones and faxes, etc.

That does not mean that they are not allowed to talk while on-duty.

As to spreading lies, harassing people or racketeering...

Do you have specific examples in-mind, that you can cite for us?

I have not encountered this myself, in my extensive and routine daily dealings with Federal employees.

Nobody told them they couldn't talk, asshat.

The Unusual Story of How This Government Agency Broke the Law Using Twitter
Now there's an intelligent response... stick to bumper-sticker slogans, dearie.. your intellectual deficiencies are showing...

Yes, a specific example, as requested.

Your system appears to have taken quite a shock. Perhaps a cup of tea and a little rest in a dark room is in order?
A December 2015 article?

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, but I'll bet you had to scramble all over Google for that stale little tidbit, didn't you?

You are talking about "guerrilla marketing" by agency Public Relations staff in pursuit of their agency mission.

The public affairs officer(s) in question are more guilty of over-zealousness in pursuit of their agency mission than they are of any serious lawbreaking.

And, with this so-called 'example', you have failed to demonstrate "lies" and you have failed to demonstrate the "harassing of people" and "racketeering".

I, on the other hand, was talking about individual freedom of speech while in the Federal workplace... something quite obvious and clear to any rational and objective mind.

Agency-related "guerrilla marketing" versus "individual freedom of speech in the Federal workplace"...

Two completely different things... with only the thinnest and most threadbare and un-viable of connections to each other.

Then again, I seriously doubt that you have either the capacity to understand the difference nor the objectivity nor honesty to admit the vast difference between the two.

Nice attempt at deflection, by the way... not... a "D" at best... more likely a high "F".
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its not tricky.
Yes, it IS tricky, to distinguish, at law, between political activity and the exercise of free speech, even in the workplace.

...They dont get to exercise their first amendment rights while being paid to do something else...
They are allowed to breathe.

They are allowed to have a heart-beat.

They are allowed to walk and talk.

Even while they are doing their jobs.

...They dont get to use federal resources to spread lies, harass prople, and racketeer.

They do not get to use Federal resources in pursuit of political goals or activities.

No using of Federal PCs and Internet and copiers and phones and faxes, etc.

That does not mean that they are not allowed to talk while on-duty.

As to spreading lies, harassing people or racketeering...

Do you have specific examples in-mind, that you can cite for us?

I have not encountered this myself, in my extensive and routine daily dealings with Federal employees.

Nobody told them they couldn't talk, asshat.

The Unusual Story of How This Government Agency Broke the Law Using Twitter
Now there's an intelligent response... stick to bumper-sticker slogans, dearie.. your intellectual deficiencies are showing...

Yes, a specific example, as requested.

Your system appears to have taken quite a shock. Perhaps a cup of tea and a little rest in a dark room is in order?
A December 2015 article?

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, but I'll bet you had to scramble all over Google for that stale little tidbit, didn't you?

You are talking about "guerrilla marketing" by agency Public Relations staff in pursuit of their agency mission.

The public affairs officer(s) in question are more guilty of over-zealousness in pursuit of their agency mission than they are of any serious lawbreaking.

And, with this so-called 'example', you have failed to demonstrate "lies" and you have failed to demonstrate the "harassing of people" and "racketeering".

I, on the other hand, was talking about individual freedom of speech while in the Federal workplace... something quite obvious and clear to any rational and objective mind.

Agency-related "guerrilla marketing" versus "individual freedom of speech in the Federal workplace"...

Two completely different things... with only the thinnest and most threadbare and un-viable of connections to each other.

Then again, I seriously doubt that you have either the capacity to understand the difference nor the objectivity nor honesty to admit the vast difference between the two.

Nice attempt at deflection, by the way... not... a "D" at best... more likely a high "F".

I actually provided two examples, they were just the first two that popped up. And it took me about 15 seconds to find them, so no, it isn't deflection (I provided you what you asked are the one doing the deflecting) and it didn't require any scrambling at all.

You want me to get more? There are MANY.
They're attending seminars and workshops on how to get away with dissent. What can the president do about it? Many are career civil servants who are almost impossible to fire.

The signs of popular dissent from President Trump’s opening volley of actions have been plain to see on the nation’s streets, at airports in the aftermath of his refugee and visa ban, and in the blizzard of outrage on social media. But there’s another level of resistance to the new president that is less visible and potentially more troublesome to the administration: a growing wave of opposition from the federal workers charged with implementing any new president’s agenda.

This is but one of several articles I';ve seen on the subject. More @ Resistance from within: Federal workers push back against Trump
They are traitors and insubordinate employees. At the very least, they all deserve to be fired.
Maybe it's because they care about their work and Trump puts in people who actively want to destroy their agencies .

Imagine you work for doe and your new leader wants to destroy public schools !?

Hey dumbass! DOE is the Department of Energy.
Maybe it's because they care about their work and Trump puts in people who actively want to destroy their agencies .

Imagine you work for doe and your new leader wants to destroy public schools !?

Hey dumbass! DOE is the Department of Energy.

Then what's the Dept Of Education ? D-O-E!

Look it up yourself! I get paid for educating teenagers and I haven't received your check yet!

That's because what you offer is shit. And you can find that shti on any sidewalk in the town you live in.

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