Respected, educated leaders speak out against socialism

no, no... not childlike


There's a difference. Jesus said to turn and become like children but he didn't mean to be childish like the libtards.. Maybe he meant: Grow up but don't give up ... I dunno.. innocence? Trust in God? Children naturally trust (until that trust is destroyed, a very tragic thing obviously..)

libs are like children who are denied something they think they shouldn't be denied.. raging temper tantrum ensues

Child like
Child like in intelligence and discernment.
Most of Americans are stubbornly of the opinion that capitalism doesn't include some socialist policies that are proven to work very well in the world's leading democratic countries.

Even communist China practices capitalism of a style that includes socially responsible government for all their people!

Without the social responsibility, China would have never been able to demonstrate the greatest accomplishments any government has ever achieved.. The elevating of hundredss of millions of people up out of poverty in a few short years!

While the hardcore American right professed that all social responsibility in government must be eliminated!

Stunning ignorance on your part donnyboy.
Child like
Child like in intelligence and discernment.
no, children are very perceptive. That's why when parents see a child doesn't like some adult in his/her presence, they know that person is not trustworthy

It is wrong also to imply children are not intelligent
Chinese people have no rights. The ccp can do whatever they want. Not surprised you brought this up. It's what the Democrats want in the USA.
I don't think the Democrats have come to understand and much less accept China's successes yet.
Thanks for that quote from Adam Smith. I had not heard that one

Maybe all us conservatives should start schools... to teach children what they are not being taught in the public schools, which again, parents who objectively love their children do not send them to public schools..
Maybe without realizing it, I think you hit on a fundamental truth of how to fix what ails us. Indeed good parents should start finding ways to expand and fund good private and parochial schools that will teach children real science, real history, real civics and economics and teach them how to think critically and evaluate ideas rationally and without prejudice, i.e. actually educate instead of indoctrinate again.

Right now the Marxists, socialists, 'woke' fanatics control almost all of public education and the universities. We need to get the kids away from that so they will know when and how they are being lied to by those who promote these 'woke' socialist ideas.
I don't think the Democrats have come to understand and much less accept China's successes yet.
Like I said that's what you want. No constitutional rights. You think you will be in control. You get the bullet in the brain first, useful idiot.
Maybe without realizing it, I think you hit on a fundamental truth of how to fix what ails us. Indeed good parents should start finding ways to expand and fund good private and parochial schools that will teach children real science, real history, real civics and economics and teach them how to think critically and evaluate ideas rationally and without prejudice, i.e. actually educate instead of indoctrinate again.

Right now the Marxists, socialists, 'woke' fanatics control almost all of public education and the universities. We need to get the kids away from that so they will know when and how they are being lied to by those who promote these 'woke' socialist ideas.
If I had more money, I would start a school to do this for our future generation. I would present both sides of the political arguments Re this or that topic but frankly, I know much more about the conservative side since .. well, when I hear liberal "thoughts" it is like fingernails on a chalkboard 90% of the time. So the students would have to get their info against such things as capitalism from some other source, at least sometimes.. I would never stop anyone from investigating the claims of the opposition like what is done to conservatives all the time (though I can't say I wouldn't be tempted... LOL).
Notice Amazon and Amazon-LIKE warehouses going up LIKE crazy these days? Anyone really looking forward asking how their children's or grandchildren's day went after pushing a cart around for miles, sorting cheap, foreign junk into bins all day like a zombie? Not even allowed to privately listen to music? Sound like freedom or liberty? Is replacing every last Mom and Pop and making Jeff Bezos astronomically richer your ultimate goal or what?

Then there is this found in a book by Michael Savage Stop the Coming Civil War

Page 111 (my comments are in brackets / bolded. Savage's comments in brackets are not bolded)

Catholicism [once] hated communism. Pope Leo XIII wrote an encyclical condemning it. Let me give you some quotes from... Encyclical on Capital and Labor, written more than a hundred years ago:

The socialists, working on the poor man's envy of the rich, are striving to do away with private property, and contend that individual possessions should become the common property of all, to be administered by the State... [Gee, we could just stop right there, couldn't we?]. They hold that by thus transferring property from private individuals to the community, the present mischievous state of things [the gap between the rich and the poor] will be set to rights... each citizen will.. get his fair share of whatever there is to enjoy. But... [were these plans] carried into effect
the working man himself would be among the first to suffer. They are... emphatically unjust, for they would rob the lawful possessor [and] distort the functions of the state [which should not be interfering all the time, in every damn way]... Socialists... strike at the interests of every wage-earner, since they would deprive him of the liberty of disposing of his wages, and thereby of all hope... of increasing his resources and of bettering his condition in life [not to mention that state control is a monstrous thing (human nature being what it is)].
Isnt Mr Savage banned from the UK ?
A right wing gobshite.
no, no... not childlike


There's a difference. Jesus said to turn and become like children but he didn't mean to be childish like the libtards.. Maybe he meant: Grow up but don't give up ... I dunno.. innocence? Trust in God? Children naturally trust (until that trust is destroyed, a very tragic thing obviously..)

libs are like children who are denied something they think they shouldn't be denied.. raging temper tantrum ensues
Socialism has saved America after the failure of capitalism. Several times I believe.
Notice Amazon and Amazon-LIKE warehouses going up LIKE crazy these days? Anyone really looking forward asking how their children's or grandchildren's day went after pushing a cart around for miles, sorting cheap, foreign junk into bins all day like a zombie? Not even allowed to privately listen to music? Sound like freedom or liberty? Is replacing every last Mom and Pop and making Jeff Bezos astronomically richer your ultimate goal or what?
This is the Q they need to answer

But I wouldn't even care about their dumbass answer .. if it weren't for the fact that libtards are taking over (have taken over) gummit

Then there is this found in a book by Michael Savage Stop the Coming Civil War

Page 111 (my comments are in brackets / bolded. Savage's comments in brackets are not bolded)

Catholicism [once] hated communism. Pope Leo XIII wrote an encyclical condemning it. Let me give you some quotes from... Encyclical on Capital and Labor, written more than a hundred years ago:

The socialists, working on the poor man's envy of the rich, are striving to do away with private property, and contend that individual possessions should become the common property of all, to be administered by the State... [Gee, we could just stop right there, couldn't we?]. They hold that by thus transferring property from private individuals to the community, the present mischievous state of things [the gap between the rich and the poor] will be set to rights... each citizen will.. get his fair share of whatever there is to enjoy. But... [were these plans] carried into effect
the working man himself would be among the first to suffer. They are... emphatically unjust, for they would rob the lawful possessor [and] distort the functions of the state [which should not be interfering all the time, in every damn way]... Socialists... strike at the interests of every wage-earner, since they would deprive him of the liberty of disposing of his wages, and thereby of all hope... of increasing his resources and of bettering his condition in life [not to mention that state control is a monstrous thing (human nature being what it is)].

Micheal Savage is is a far-right author & conspiracy theorist. This is who you respect?

His position with others on vaccine got hundreds of thousands of Americans killed... Does he take responsibility for damage he caused?

I have said it before, people like that will get a warm place in hell... They spread lies for personal gain...

Holocaust denier rank higher than this prick..
Cheap, selfish, conservative pricks speak out for socialism:

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