Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

This issue is I am not duped by either party. The Republican party is a mess and with Trump as President I don't see it getting better however, the left has no answers, they just cry and whine about the other guy, just like you are doing now.
You have no clue about Dem policies, which beside ACA have been blocked for 30 years, or the lies about Dems. You're not lying, you're totally duped as far as I can tell...lovely fellow, totally misinformed. Like 30% of the country AT LEAST.

You are the dupe, the Dem policies aren't what they were, they have changed and they are the party for the rich. I sent you the links from one of your liberal friends and you choose to ignore what many are seeing. The ACA cost the middle class, not the rich, not the poor. Rich Dems write laws for rich Dems. And all your BS about being blocked is just that, BS.
Sure, we don't need a tax cut for the nonrich, or a living wage, or heath care reform, or infrastructure, or training, or cheap ed.- Everything's great. lol. We need a tax cut for the richest and a military-industrial buildup. Funny how repeal of ACA is ALSO a giant tax cut for the rich...

So Papa, we get it that you can't/won't or just don't want to blame Bush for the great recession that he created. You insist there was plenty of blame to go around. Ok, so there is probably some truth to that but still papa you are a right wing dupe and here is why.

Did you like Bill Clinton? Why not? He fucking rocked the house. What did you not like about him? Because the only thing I really give a shit about is the economy and his was fucking great. But then Bush sucked balls and you want to blame Clinton and bubbles and fanny and freddy and pelosi and everyone else.

Ok, so now lets also admit that Obama did a great fucking job too. The economy isn't horrible. What's horrible about it? Ok, then lets see Trump do better. This is why I'm glad republicans are in charge. They talk a lot of fucking shit. Well, lets see labor do better under them. Lets see the middle class do better under them. But they won't. But will that stop papa from being a republican? Fuck no. And will he admit that the middle class are being hurt by Republican policies? Fuck no.

What I want to know is if he voted for Obama in 2008. If he had the common sense to do that, why the fuck did he go back to the GOP? You'd have to be brainfucking retarded to have gone back to the GOP.

I think it's funny that under Obama the stock market was doing great and Republicans said that didn't matter to blue collar. Now Republicans will point to the stock market and say Trumps doing great. Sure, for the corporations and the rich he is. But what about those blue collar fools he conned into voting for them.

One other thing. I believe Republicans keep talking about Hillary and Elizabeth Warren little lies because then it excuses the GOP for all the lies they are about to tell. And because Warren lied once it gives Republicans a free pass on all the lies they are about to tell. I don't care about the russia stuff. Unimportant just like Monica and Hillary NOT taking friendly fire. Trump reminds me of Capone. Thinks he can get away with all the shit he's going to do? He may be sadly mistaken.

Trump impeached? You can bet on it

Mook: Trump aides 'should be prosecuted for treason' if they conspired with Russia

But so what? Trump would still be in charge? BFD.

One thing is if Trump is dealing with this kind of crap it's going to be tough to get his agenda passed.

Where do I give Trump a pass on lying? Where do I give Republicans a pass on lying? All ready admitted both Democrats and Republicans are out only for the rich, man you go on rants and it shows you read what I post because you go back to Republican stereotyping BS.

Democrats scream about Trump lies and excuse Democratic lies, cuts both ways. Nutters never see that.

As far as the recession, I blamed both Republicans and Democrats, I hold every Congressman and President since the mid 70's. Again, you don't comprehend what you read because you are a partisan nutter.

So when I blame both parties you claim I am giving Republicans a pass? You are a dumb shit partisan bitch.

When Republicans blame "both parties" that's a cop out.

And no matter how hard you try to pretend you aren't a republican you are just the other side of the coin to me. In the end it comes down to you think the GOP is the lesser of the two evils.

But why do you think that? Do you think tax cuts to the rich will trickle down?

At least Democrats are the party for unions. Oh yea, I forgot, you've been CONNED into believing that unions are not necessary anymore.

I don't see you being pro labor at all. I know you probably are so you must really believe Republicans will fix the economy with their trickle down, free markets, less regulations,

Ok, I'm cool with you. Now lets just see if the GOP fuck up AGAIN and if when they do, if you try to give "everyone a share of the blame" including the Democrats in the minority.

We know you will blame the Democrats in the minority because you blame Hillary for Iraq. Even when the GOP lies us into a war you feel the need to blame "both parties". Truly pathetic, but I get it.
No lie was told getting us into war with Iraq, too many Democrat leaders believed what Bush believed based on evidence. So Bush was the smartest person in the world, or Democrats are just too stupid to breathe dumb,
Purposely cherry picker bad Intel and threw out good Intel and sold us all. You can sugarcoat it all you like. Then they rushed us in.
Anyone--Left or Right--Who Was Born With a Silver Spoon in His Mouth Will Always Speak With a Forked Tongue

You've given a perfect description of the Warmalarmies' fake presentations. Both Libs and RINOs are equally dishonest. You know perfectly well that Libs are snobs; that indicates that they are as Preppy as Dumbo Dubya. Their media prominence and their slickster education was bought for them by their Daddies. Too bad HeirDads couldn't buy them a conscience.
I consider myself a rich liberal. Certainly I make enough I should be a republican. At least that's what my republican friends tell me.
Bad Cop, Good Cop Trick

From the 1960s on, Postmodern Liberals have been driven by class instinct to come up with an agenda that intentionally disgusts, angers, and threatens the majority and tricks it into voting Conservative against its economic self-interest. You don't have minds of your own but are subconsciously driven to become agents provocateurs. Puppets can't see their strings because they literally don't have any vision.

If people applied common sense to every solution like I do we could solve everything. For example, Trump tapped into a nerve with the American people when he said he's not just going to let companies send jobs overseas. Well it's about time Republicans. Had they not pushed to do that at such a fast pace, maybe we wouldn't have had the great recession. No one said don't do free trade. Free trade isn't 100% bad. But when Bush sent out 700,000 jobs a month overseas and when those were our best paying blue collar jobs, don't ask why Americans aren't doing as good now as they did under Bush. We all know why.
Forbidden Thoughts in the Preppy Republic

If we cut off the children of the rich at age 18, they'd be subject to the same conditions their Daddies make the rest of us go through. The son of a millionaire would have just as much chance of winding up a blue-collar worker as the son of a blue-collar worker does.

If we have to do it on our own, so must they. Or no one has to. If these protected brats continue to have their way to get in our way, we must run them over. All Leftists and RINOs come from that class; you can tell by their conceited Born to Rule attitudes.
You have no clue about Dem policies, which beside ACA have been blocked for 30 years, or the lies about Dems. You're not lying, you're totally duped as far as I can tell...lovely fellow, totally misinformed. Like 30% of the country AT LEAST.
Wow, even more stuff to be amazed at. I don't even question if you believe it now.
Believe in facts and reputable media? Damn straight, dupe. At least not a hater dupe. Felicitations.

So tell us some other Dem policies passed in the last 35 years!
The big lie IMO is that the GOP cares a
Sure, we don't need a tax cut for the nonrich, or a living wage, or heath care reform, or infrastructure, or training, or cheap ed.- Everything's great. lol. We need a tax cut for the richest and a military-industrial buildup. Funny how repeal of ACA is ALSO a giant tax cut for the rich...

Who prosecuted the bankers? Wasn't the Obama administration, he gave them a pass.

Thomas Frank on How Democrats Went From Being the ‘Party of the People’ to the Party of Rich Elites

Read it, then read his book, it will open you eyes to why the Democrats are the party for the rich.
Baloney. 2009 was no time to go after business, and Obama had "control" for 24 days, all used to pass ACA.

''Sure, we don't need a tax cut for the nonrich, or a living wage, or heath care reform, or infrastructure, or training, or cheap ed.- Everything's great. lol. We need a tax cut for the richest and a military-industrial buildup. Funny how repeal of ACA is ALSO a giant tax cut for the rich...

All blocked after Scott feqing Brown...Thomas Frank is just another lying GOP propagandist.
IMO Clinton was a pretty good president. Republicans say he signed NAFTA. Yes I remember he let us liberals down. Republicans were pushing NAFTA back then.

GW sucked but Republicans argued he was good even after the great recession that happened at the end of his presidency. Then they said Obama sucked even though he did a good job.why cant papa see he's rooting for the wrong team?

The Democrats care about the poor is a bigger lie.

That tells me you have bought into the republican concept that social programs aren't designed to help the poor they are designed to keep the poor dependent on government. Is that what I'm hearing?

Well there is some truth to that too. I agree we need to cut off the slackers and get people who can back to work. I just feel bad for the people who need it because a lot of them get hurt when Republicans apply their policies. They just don't cut funding to the slackers. They cut EVERYONE off.

Did you hear how much costs would go up on Paul Ryan's healthcare costs for someone 64 years old? $14,000 a year. So basically their plan is don't get old or sick if you are poor or middle class.

The Dems buy votes, I know, then they don't deliver, what good is health care if you can't afford the deductibles?
tips are considered wages you idiot that's why they have to be claimed on your taxes
I need to proof read better.

Why do other Firms not use the restaurant model? Why the exception for those Firms.

Commerce, well regulated, is what we should be getting.
not all employees deal directly with the public so they do not get tips

it ain't rocket science man
does fast food pay tips?

I'd tip a Fast Food Worker. Why not? Those jobs suck miserably. I enjoy helping folks out. That's why i don't call myself a Republican anymore. Most Republicans are greedy hateful-types. Yet ironically, most of em consider themselves 'Good Christians.' Most of those types i've come across, really are the most hateful greedy SOB's. Jesus is not proud of them.

You have no clue what most anyone is like, you are stereotyping and doing a bad job of it. I know some pretty greedy Democrats, they want minimum wage raised except their employees, they should make the master money.

Sorry, but most white Republican 'Good Christians' are the worst SOB's you'll ever run into. Very greedy hateful folks. They don't practice Jesus' teachings in their daily lives. They go to Church on Sundays and think that's all it takes to call themselves 'Good Christians.' As soon as they leave the Church, they get right back to being awful people.
I need to proof read better.

Why do other Firms not use the restaurant model? Why the exception for those Firms.

Commerce, well regulated, is what we should be getting.
not all employees deal directly with the public so they do not get tips

it ain't rocket science man
does fast food pay tips?

I'd tip a Fast Food Worker. Why not? Those jobs suck miserably. I enjoy helping folks out. That's why i don't call myself a Republican anymore. Most Republicans are greedy hateful-types. Yet ironically, most of em consider themselves 'Good Christians.' Most of those types i've come across, really are the most hateful greedy SOB's. Jesus is not proud of them.

You have no clue what most anyone is like, you are stereotyping and doing a bad job of it. I know some pretty greedy Democrats, they want minimum wage raised except their employees, they should make the master money.
all US firms in the US, should adhere to our minimum wage laws; tips are a form of "bonus"--and, the wealthiest got to keep their bonuses, while on means tested corporate welfare while not affecting their regular wage income.

Greedy white Republican mentality: Tips/Bonuses for poor struggling fellow Americans = 'Bad' but Enormous obscene Bonuses for Millionaires and Billionaires = 'Good.'

They're all-in on Corporate brainwashing. They truly believe hating the struggling Worker, while worshipping the Corporate Fatcat, is 'Righteous.' They've been Corporate mind-flucked. They know not what they do.
And it is so bizarre that most of y'all really do believe you're 'Good Christians.'

Because we are good Christians.

Why do you believe that using the money earned by others, to support those who do not work (other than those incapable of work)?
A "moral of goodwill toward men"?
good will is not enabling a lazy fuck to keep being a lazy fuck

Your greedy white Republican hate is showing again. You're just demonizing and generalizing. Most American Workers aren't "lazy fucks." You just wanna believe that so you can feel you're justified in treating fellow Americans poorly. Y'all see that 'Lazy Welfare Boogeyman' hiding under every bed. It's irrational hate.
No lie was told getting us into war with Iraq, too many Democrat leaders believed what Bush believed based on evidence. So Bush was the smartest person in the world, or Democrats are just too stupid to breathe dumb,
Purposely cherry picker bad Intel and threw out good Intel and sold us all. You can sugarcoat it all you like. Then they rushed us in.
Anyone--Left or Right--Who Was Born With a Silver Spoon in His Mouth Will Always Speak With a Forked Tongue

You've given a perfect description of the Warmalarmies' fake presentations. Both Libs and RINOs are equally dishonest. You know perfectly well that Libs are snobs; that indicates that they are as Preppy as Dumbo Dubya. Their media prominence and their slickster education was bought for them by their Daddies. Too bad HeirDads couldn't buy them a conscience.
I consider myself a rich liberal. Certainly I make enough I should be a republican. At least that's what my republican friends tell me.
Bad Cop, Good Cop Trick

From the 1960s on, Postmodern Liberals have been driven by class instinct to come up with an agenda that intentionally disgusts, angers, and threatens the majority and tricks it into voting Conservative against its economic self-interest. You don't have minds of your own but are subconsciously driven to become agents provocateurs. Puppets can't see their strings because they literally don't have any vision.

If people applied common sense to every solution like I do we could solve everything. For example, Trump tapped into a nerve with the American people when he said he's not just going to let companies send jobs overseas. Well it's about time Republicans. Had they not pushed to do that at such a fast pace, maybe we wouldn't have had the great recession. No one said don't do free trade. Free trade isn't 100% bad. But when Bush sent out 700,000 jobs a month overseas and when those were our best paying blue collar jobs, don't ask why Americans aren't doing as good now as they did under Bush. We all know why.

So, 700,000 jobs a month, is 8,400,000 a year and 67,200,000 in eight years? The labor force at the beginning of Bush's administration was 143,800,000, unemployment was 4.2%. At the end of the Bush administration the labor force was 154,210,000 and yet you claim he sent 67,200,000 overseas, almost half the work force? That means that during the Bush administration almost 80,000,000 jobs were created. I think you are full of it my man. BTW, I mad more money under Bush than under Clinton or Obama or Trump.
Wow, even more stuff to be amazed at. I don't even question if you believe it now.
Believe in facts and reputable media? Damn straight, dupe. At least not a hater dupe. Felicitations.

So tell us some other Dem policies passed in the last 35 years!
The big lie IMO is that the GOP cares a
Who prosecuted the bankers? Wasn't the Obama administration, he gave them a pass.

Thomas Frank on How Democrats Went From Being the ‘Party of the People’ to the Party of Rich Elites

Read it, then read his book, it will open you eyes to why the Democrats are the party for the rich.
Baloney. 2009 was no time to go after business, and Obama had "control" for 24 days, all used to pass ACA.

''Sure, we don't need a tax cut for the nonrich, or a living wage, or heath care reform, or infrastructure, or training, or cheap ed.- Everything's great. lol. We need a tax cut for the richest and a military-industrial buildup. Funny how repeal of ACA is ALSO a giant tax cut for the rich...

All blocked after Scott feqing Brown...Thomas Frank is just another lying GOP propagandist.
IMO Clinton was a pretty good president. Republicans say he signed NAFTA. Yes I remember he let us liberals down. Republicans were pushing NAFTA back then.

GW sucked but Republicans argued he was good even after the great recession that happened at the end of his presidency. Then they said Obama sucked even though he did a good job.why cant papa see he's rooting for the wrong team?

The Democrats care about the poor is a bigger lie.

That tells me you have bought into the republican concept that social programs aren't designed to help the poor they are designed to keep the poor dependent on government. Is that what I'm hearing?

Well there is some truth to that too. I agree we need to cut off the slackers and get people who can back to work. I just feel bad for the people who need it because a lot of them get hurt when Republicans apply their policies. They just don't cut funding to the slackers. They cut EVERYONE off.

Did you hear how much costs would go up on Paul Ryan's healthcare costs for someone 64 years old? $14,000 a year. So basically their plan is don't get old or sick if you are poor or middle class.

The Dems buy votes, I know, then they don't deliver, what good is health care if you can't afford the deductibles?

You can't afford $3500 if you get sick? Do you think people who get sick should have to pay nothing? How is that doable?
Purposely cherry picker bad Intel and threw out good Intel and sold us all. You can sugarcoat it all you like. Then they rushed us in.
Anyone--Left or Right--Who Was Born With a Silver Spoon in His Mouth Will Always Speak With a Forked Tongue

You've given a perfect description of the Warmalarmies' fake presentations. Both Libs and RINOs are equally dishonest. You know perfectly well that Libs are snobs; that indicates that they are as Preppy as Dumbo Dubya. Their media prominence and their slickster education was bought for them by their Daddies. Too bad HeirDads couldn't buy them a conscience.
I consider myself a rich liberal. Certainly I make enough I should be a republican. At least that's what my republican friends tell me.
Bad Cop, Good Cop Trick

From the 1960s on, Postmodern Liberals have been driven by class instinct to come up with an agenda that intentionally disgusts, angers, and threatens the majority and tricks it into voting Conservative against its economic self-interest. You don't have minds of your own but are subconsciously driven to become agents provocateurs. Puppets can't see their strings because they literally don't have any vision.

If people applied common sense to every solution like I do we could solve everything. For example, Trump tapped into a nerve with the American people when he said he's not just going to let companies send jobs overseas. Well it's about time Republicans. Had they not pushed to do that at such a fast pace, maybe we wouldn't have had the great recession. No one said don't do free trade. Free trade isn't 100% bad. But when Bush sent out 700,000 jobs a month overseas and when those were our best paying blue collar jobs, don't ask why Americans aren't doing as good now as they did under Bush. We all know why.

So, 700,000 jobs a month, is 8,400,000 a year and 67,200,000 in eight years? The labor force at the beginning of Bush's administration was 143,800,000, unemployment was 4.2%. At the end of the Bush administration the labor force was 154,210,000 and yet you claim he sent 67,200,000 overseas, almost half the work force? That means that during the Bush administration almost 80,000,000 jobs were created. I think you are full of it my man. BTW, I mad more money under Bush than under Clinton or Obama or Trump.

You aren't looking at the REAL unemployment number, remember? We are actually at 101% unemployment.
Purposely cherry picker bad Intel and threw out good Intel and sold us all. You can sugarcoat it all you like. Then they rushed us in.
Anyone--Left or Right--Who Was Born With a Silver Spoon in His Mouth Will Always Speak With a Forked Tongue

You've given a perfect description of the Warmalarmies' fake presentations. Both Libs and RINOs are equally dishonest. You know perfectly well that Libs are snobs; that indicates that they are as Preppy as Dumbo Dubya. Their media prominence and their slickster education was bought for them by their Daddies. Too bad HeirDads couldn't buy them a conscience.
I consider myself a rich liberal. Certainly I make enough I should be a republican. At least that's what my republican friends tell me.
Bad Cop, Good Cop Trick

From the 1960s on, Postmodern Liberals have been driven by class instinct to come up with an agenda that intentionally disgusts, angers, and threatens the majority and tricks it into voting Conservative against its economic self-interest. You don't have minds of your own but are subconsciously driven to become agents provocateurs. Puppets can't see their strings because they literally don't have any vision.

If people applied common sense to every solution like I do we could solve everything. For example, Trump tapped into a nerve with the American people when he said he's not just going to let companies send jobs overseas. Well it's about time Republicans. Had they not pushed to do that at such a fast pace, maybe we wouldn't have had the great recession. No one said don't do free trade. Free trade isn't 100% bad. But when Bush sent out 700,000 jobs a month overseas and when those were our best paying blue collar jobs, don't ask why Americans aren't doing as good now as they did under Bush. We all know why.

So, 700,000 jobs a month, is 8,400,000 a year and 67,200,000 in eight years? The labor force at the beginning of Bush's administration was 143,800,000, unemployment was 4.2%. At the end of the Bush administration the labor force was 154,210,000 and yet you claim he sent 67,200,000 overseas, almost half the work force? That means that during the Bush administration almost 80,000,000 jobs were created. I think you are full of it my man. BTW, I mad more money under Bush than under Clinton or Obama or Trump.

What do you do that your industry did well under Bush and why isn't it doing well today? People aren't paying what they used to for butt sex?
You have no clue about Dem policies, which beside ACA have been blocked for 30 years, or the lies about Dems. You're not lying, you're totally duped as far as I can tell...lovely fellow, totally misinformed. Like 30% of the country AT LEAST.

You are the dupe, the Dem policies aren't what they were, they have changed and they are the party for the rich. I sent you the links from one of your liberal friends and you choose to ignore what many are seeing. The ACA cost the middle class, not the rich, not the poor. Rich Dems write laws for rich Dems. And all your BS about being blocked is just that, BS.
Sure, we don't need a tax cut for the nonrich, or a living wage, or heath care reform, or infrastructure, or training, or cheap ed.- Everything's great. lol. We need a tax cut for the richest and a military-industrial buildup. Funny how repeal of ACA is ALSO a giant tax cut for the rich...

So Papa, we get it that you can't/won't or just don't want to blame Bush for the great recession that he created. You insist there was plenty of blame to go around. Ok, so there is probably some truth to that but still papa you are a right wing dupe and here is why.

Did you like Bill Clinton? Why not? He fucking rocked the house. What did you not like about him? Because the only thing I really give a shit about is the economy and his was fucking great. But then Bush sucked balls and you want to blame Clinton and bubbles and fanny and freddy and pelosi and everyone else.

Ok, so now lets also admit that Obama did a great fucking job too. The economy isn't horrible. What's horrible about it? Ok, then lets see Trump do better. This is why I'm glad republicans are in charge. They talk a lot of fucking shit. Well, lets see labor do better under them. Lets see the middle class do better under them. But they won't. But will that stop papa from being a republican? Fuck no. And will he admit that the middle class are being hurt by Republican policies? Fuck no.

What I want to know is if he voted for Obama in 2008. If he had the common sense to do that, why the fuck did he go back to the GOP? You'd have to be brainfucking retarded to have gone back to the GOP.

I think it's funny that under Obama the stock market was doing great and Republicans said that didn't matter to blue collar. Now Republicans will point to the stock market and say Trumps doing great. Sure, for the corporations and the rich he is. But what about those blue collar fools he conned into voting for them.

One other thing. I believe Republicans keep talking about Hillary and Elizabeth Warren little lies because then it excuses the GOP for all the lies they are about to tell. And because Warren lied once it gives Republicans a free pass on all the lies they are about to tell. I don't care about the russia stuff. Unimportant just like Monica and Hillary NOT taking friendly fire. Trump reminds me of Capone. Thinks he can get away with all the shit he's going to do? He may be sadly mistaken.

Trump impeached? You can bet on it

Mook: Trump aides 'should be prosecuted for treason' if they conspired with Russia

But so what? Trump would still be in charge? BFD.

One thing is if Trump is dealing with this kind of crap it's going to be tough to get his agenda passed.

Where do I give Trump a pass on lying? Where do I give Republicans a pass on lying? All ready admitted both Democrats and Republicans are out only for the rich, man you go on rants and it shows you read what I post because you go back to Republican stereotyping BS.

Democrats scream about Trump lies and excuse Democratic lies, cuts both ways. Nutters never see that.

As far as the recession, I blamed both Republicans and Democrats, I hold every Congressman and President since the mid 70's. Again, you don't comprehend what you read because you are a partisan nutter.

So when I blame both parties you claim I am giving Republicans a pass? You are a dumb shit partisan bitch.

When Republicans blame "both parties" that's a cop out.

And no matter how hard you try to pretend you aren't a republican you are just the other side of the coin to me. In the end it comes down to you think the GOP is the lesser of the two evils.

But why do you think that? Do you think tax cuts to the rich will trickle down?

At least Democrats are the party for unions. Oh yea, I forgot, you've been CONNED into believing that unions are not necessary anymore.

I don't see you being pro labor at all. I know you probably are so you must really believe Republicans will fix the economy with their trickle down, free markets, less regulations,

Ok, I'm cool with you. Now lets just see if the GOP fuck up AGAIN and if when they do, if you try to give "everyone a share of the blame" including the Democrats in the minority.

We know you will blame the Democrats in the minority because you blame Hillary for Iraq. Even when the GOP lies us into a war you feel the need to blame "both parties". Truly pathetic, but I get it.

I never said the rich should get tax cuts. I have never said unions aren't necessary any more. I do believe in less regulation to help small business get started and to grow. I am against the box store mentality. More companies, more start ups is better for America. I have never blamed Hillary for Iraq. So all four of the points you brought up to frame me as a Republican, you are dead wrong. You are a partisan idiot who is incapable of thinking on your own, you need the Democratic Party to do it for you.
I need to proof read better.

Why do other Firms not use the restaurant model? Why the exception for those Firms.

Commerce, well regulated, is what we should be getting.
not all employees deal directly with the public so they do not get tips

it ain't rocket science man
does fast food pay tips?

I'd tip a Fast Food Worker. Why not? Those jobs suck miserably. I enjoy helping folks out. That's why i don't call myself a Republican anymore. Most Republicans are greedy hateful-types. Yet ironically, most of em consider themselves 'Good Christians.' Most of those types i've come across, really are the most hateful greedy SOB's. Jesus is not proud of them.

You have no clue what most anyone is like, you are stereotyping and doing a bad job of it. I know some pretty greedy Democrats, they want minimum wage raised except their employees, they should make the master money.

Sorry, but most white Republican 'Good Christians' are the worst SOB's you'll ever run into. Very greedy hateful folks. They don't practice Jesus' teachings in their daily lives. They go to Church on Sundays and think that's all it takes to call themselves 'Good Christians.' As soon as they leave the Church, they get right back to being awful people.

That is your reality, not mine.
Tips and Bonuses for Workers should be abolished immediately. Only the wealthy deserve Bonuses. ;)
This issue is I am not duped by either party. The Republican party is a mess and with Trump as President I don't see it getting better however, the left has no answers, they just cry and whine about the other guy, just like you are doing now.
You have no clue about Dem policies, which beside ACA have been blocked for 30 years, or the lies about Dems. You're not lying, you're totally duped as far as I can tell...lovely fellow, totally misinformed. Like 30% of the country AT LEAST.

You are the dupe, the Dem policies aren't what they were, they have changed and they are the party for the rich. I sent you the links from one of your liberal friends and you choose to ignore what many are seeing. The ACA cost the middle class, not the rich, not the poor. Rich Dems write laws for rich Dems. And all your BS about being blocked is just that, BS.
Sure, we don't need a tax cut for the nonrich, or a living wage, or heath care reform, or infrastructure, or training, or cheap ed.- Everything's great. lol. We need a tax cut for the richest and a military-industrial buildup. Funny how repeal of ACA is ALSO a giant tax cut for the rich...
/----- Here we go again with Lib rant #64 Tax cuts for the rich. View attachment 117870
why do the already rich, need more tax cuts?

The reason is very simple. They are special people who deserve the best of everything while banking their income. They've been that way all my life......'course I'm just 82.
And it is so bizarre that most of y'all really do believe you're 'Good Christians.'

Because we are good Christians.

Why do you believe that using the money earned by others, to support those who do not work (other than those incapable of work)?
A "moral of goodwill toward men"?
good will is not enabling a lazy fuck to keep being a lazy fuck
yet, you want to "enable the rich" to be "worthy of only hell"? why not tax them into Heaven.
heaven and hell are not the purview of government

besides I don't believe in heaven or hell
And it is so bizarre that most of y'all really do believe you're 'Good Christians.'

Because we are good Christians.

Why do you believe that using the money earned by others, to support those who do not work (other than those incapable of work)?
A "moral of goodwill toward men"?
good will is not enabling a lazy fuck to keep being a lazy fuck

Your greedy white Republican hate is showing again. You're just demonizing and generalizing. Most American Workers aren't "lazy fucks." You just wanna believe that so you can feel you're justified in treating fellow Americans poorly. Y'all see that 'Lazy Welfare Boogeyman' hiding under every bed. It's irrational hate.
tell me what good will am I performing paying a person who refuses to work?

in case you missed the gist of DP's whines, he thinks he should get paid almost 30 K a year for not working
And it is so bizarre that most of y'all really do believe you're 'Good Christians.'

Because we are good Christians.

Why do you believe that using the money earned by others, to support those who do not work (other than those incapable of work)?
A "moral of goodwill toward men"?
good will is not enabling a lazy fuck to keep being a lazy fuck

Your greedy white Republican hate is showing again. You're just demonizing and generalizing. Most American Workers aren't "lazy fucks." You just wanna believe that so you can feel you're justified in treating fellow Americans poorly. Y'all see that 'Lazy Welfare Boogeyman' hiding under every bed. It's irrational hate.
tell me what good will am I performing paying a person who refuses to work?

in case you missed the gist of DP's whines, he thinks he should get paid almost 30 K a year for not working

If true, that person doesn't represent most American Workers. I know you wanna believe he or she represents the norm, but they don't. Y'all need to stop generalizing and demonizing.
You have no clue about Dem policies, which beside ACA have been blocked for 30 years, or the lies about Dems. You're not lying, you're totally duped as far as I can tell...lovely fellow, totally misinformed. Like 30% of the country AT LEAST.

You are the dupe, the Dem policies aren't what they were, they have changed and they are the party for the rich. I sent you the links from one of your liberal friends and you choose to ignore what many are seeing. The ACA cost the middle class, not the rich, not the poor. Rich Dems write laws for rich Dems. And all your BS about being blocked is just that, BS.
Sure, we don't need a tax cut for the nonrich, or a living wage, or heath care reform, or infrastructure, or training, or cheap ed.- Everything's great. lol. We need a tax cut for the richest and a military-industrial buildup. Funny how repeal of ACA is ALSO a giant tax cut for the rich...
/----- Here we go again with Lib rant #64 Tax cuts for the rich. View attachment 117870
why do the already rich, need more tax cuts?

The reason is very simple. They are special people who deserve the best of everything while banking their income. They've been that way all my life......'course I'm just 82.
they already get a capital gains preference.
And it is so bizarre that most of y'all really do believe you're 'Good Christians.'

Because we are good Christians.

Why do you believe that using the money earned by others, to support those who do not work (other than those incapable of work)?
A "moral of goodwill toward men"?
good will is not enabling a lazy fuck to keep being a lazy fuck
yet, you want to "enable the rich" to be "worthy of only hell"? why not tax them into Heaven.
heaven and hell are not the purview of government

besides I don't believe in heaven or hell
now we know what the problem is; we have a Constitution to bail us out, whenever we may not be moral enough to follow Ten simple Commandments from a God.
And it is so bizarre that most of y'all really do believe you're 'Good Christians.'

Because we are good Christians.

Why do you believe that using the money earned by others, to support those who do not work (other than those incapable of work)?
A "moral of goodwill toward men"?
good will is not enabling a lazy fuck to keep being a lazy fuck

Your greedy white Republican hate is showing again. You're just demonizing and generalizing. Most American Workers aren't "lazy fucks." You just wanna believe that so you can feel you're justified in treating fellow Americans poorly. Y'all see that 'Lazy Welfare Boogeyman' hiding under every bed. It's irrational hate.
tell me what good will am I performing paying a person who refuses to work?

in case you missed the gist of DP's whines, he thinks he should get paid almost 30 K a year for not working
You would not be paying them to not work, unless you are not paying them to work.

social services cost. UE compensation is simply more cost effective, that is all.

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