Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

You are the dupe, the Dem policies aren't what they were, they have changed and they are the party for the rich. I sent you the links from one of your liberal friends and you choose to ignore what many are seeing. The ACA cost the middle class, not the rich, not the poor. Rich Dems write laws for rich Dems. And all your BS about being blocked is just that, BS.
Sure, we don't need a tax cut for the nonrich, or a living wage, or heath care reform, or infrastructure, or training, or cheap ed.- Everything's great. lol. We need a tax cut for the richest and a military-industrial buildup. Funny how repeal of ACA is ALSO a giant tax cut for the rich...

Who prosecuted the bankers? Wasn't the Obama administration, he gave them a pass.

Thomas Frank on How Democrats Went From Being the ‘Party of the People’ to the Party of Rich Elites

Read it, then read his book, it will open you eyes to why the Democrats are the party for the rich.
Baloney. 2009 was no time to go after business, and Obama had "control" for 24 days, all used to pass ACA.

''Sure, we don't need a tax cut for the nonrich, or a living wage, or heath care reform, or infrastructure, or training, or cheap ed.- Everything's great. lol. We need a tax cut for the richest and a military-industrial buildup. Funny how repeal of ACA is ALSO a giant tax cut for the rich...

All blocked after Scott feqing Brown...Thomas Frank is just another lying GOP propagandist.

So you don't know who Thomas Frank is, you should just say so.
He's an idiot who writes all kinds of crap. Harpers, books. BS. 2009 was no time to go after business, and Obama had "control" for 24 days, all used to pass ACA. The article was FOS.

Didn't need Congress for the Justice Dept. to go after the crooks. So I have no idea what you are saying.

Maybe Obama and the Democrats were too stupid to figure out that you didn't need Congress to prosecute.
Sure, we don't need a tax cut for the nonrich, or a living wage, or heath care reform, or infrastructure, or training, or cheap ed.- Everything's great. lol. We need a tax cut for the richest and a military-industrial buildup. Funny how repeal of ACA is ALSO a giant tax cut for the rich...

So Papa, we get it that you can't/won't or just don't want to blame Bush for the great recession that he created. You insist there was plenty of blame to go around. Ok, so there is probably some truth to that but still papa you are a right wing dupe and here is why.

Did you like Bill Clinton? Why not? He fucking rocked the house. What did you not like about him? Because the only thing I really give a shit about is the economy and his was fucking great. But then Bush sucked balls and you want to blame Clinton and bubbles and fanny and freddy and pelosi and everyone else.

Ok, so now lets also admit that Obama did a great fucking job too. The economy isn't horrible. What's horrible about it? Ok, then lets see Trump do better. This is why I'm glad republicans are in charge. They talk a lot of fucking shit. Well, lets see labor do better under them. Lets see the middle class do better under them. But they won't. But will that stop papa from being a republican? Fuck no. And will he admit that the middle class are being hurt by Republican policies? Fuck no.

What I want to know is if he voted for Obama in 2008. If he had the common sense to do that, why the fuck did he go back to the GOP? You'd have to be brainfucking retarded to have gone back to the GOP.

I think it's funny that under Obama the stock market was doing great and Republicans said that didn't matter to blue collar. Now Republicans will point to the stock market and say Trumps doing great. Sure, for the corporations and the rich he is. But what about those blue collar fools he conned into voting for them.

One other thing. I believe Republicans keep talking about Hillary and Elizabeth Warren little lies because then it excuses the GOP for all the lies they are about to tell. And because Warren lied once it gives Republicans a free pass on all the lies they are about to tell. I don't care about the russia stuff. Unimportant just like Monica and Hillary NOT taking friendly fire. Trump reminds me of Capone. Thinks he can get away with all the shit he's going to do? He may be sadly mistaken.

Trump impeached? You can bet on it

Mook: Trump aides 'should be prosecuted for treason' if they conspired with Russia

But so what? Trump would still be in charge? BFD.

One thing is if Trump is dealing with this kind of crap it's going to be tough to get his agenda passed.

Where do I give Trump a pass on lying? Where do I give Republicans a pass on lying? All ready admitted both Democrats and Republicans are out only for the rich, man you go on rants and it shows you read what I post because you go back to Republican stereotyping BS.

Democrats scream about Trump lies and excuse Democratic lies, cuts both ways. Nutters never see that.

As far as the recession, I blamed both Republicans and Democrats, I hold every Congressman and President since the mid 70's. Again, you don't comprehend what you read because you are a partisan nutter.

So when I blame both parties you claim I am giving Republicans a pass? You are a dumb shit partisan bitch.

When Republicans blame "both parties" that's a cop out.

And no matter how hard you try to pretend you aren't a republican you are just the other side of the coin to me. In the end it comes down to you think the GOP is the lesser of the two evils.

But why do you think that? Do you think tax cuts to the rich will trickle down?

At least Democrats are the party for unions. Oh yea, I forgot, you've been CONNED into believing that unions are not necessary anymore.

I don't see you being pro labor at all. I know you probably are so you must really believe Republicans will fix the economy with their trickle down, free markets, less regulations,

Ok, I'm cool with you. Now lets just see if the GOP fuck up AGAIN and if when they do, if you try to give "everyone a share of the blame" including the Democrats in the minority.

We know you will blame the Democrats in the minority because you blame Hillary for Iraq. Even when the GOP lies us into a war you feel the need to blame "both parties". Truly pathetic, but I get it.

I never said the rich should get tax cuts. I have never said unions aren't necessary any more. I do believe in less regulation to help small business get started and to grow. I am against the box store mentality. More companies, more start ups is better for America. I have never blamed Hillary for Iraq. So all four of the points you brought up to frame me as a Republican, you are dead wrong. You are a partisan idiot who is incapable of thinking on your own, you need the Democratic Party to do it for you.

You never said the rich should get tax breaks but the party you voted for says they should. So you disagree with them? Then why vote for them. You may not say unions aren't necessary but the people you vote for say they are.

What regulations on small business are Republicans going to repeal that's going to help small business?

I don't vote straight Republican pothead. I voted Republican for the Senate and Democrat for the House, third party for President. Local elections I am all over the board. I voted against incumbents for the House and Senate, party doesn't matter. Local level party doesn't really matter.
Bad Cop, Good Cop Trick

From the 1960s on, Postmodern Liberals have been driven by class instinct to come up with an agenda that intentionally disgusts, angers, and threatens the majority and tricks it into voting Conservative against its economic self-interest. You don't have minds of your own but are subconsciously driven to become agents provocateurs. Puppets can't see their strings because they literally don't have any vision.

If people applied common sense to every solution like I do we could solve everything. For example, Trump tapped into a nerve with the American people when he said he's not just going to let companies send jobs overseas. Well it's about time Republicans. Had they not pushed to do that at such a fast pace, maybe we wouldn't have had the great recession. No one said don't do free trade. Free trade isn't 100% bad. But when Bush sent out 700,000 jobs a month overseas and when those were our best paying blue collar jobs, don't ask why Americans aren't doing as good now as they did under Bush. We all know why.

So, 700,000 jobs a month, is 8,400,000 a year and 67,200,000 in eight years? The labor force at the beginning of Bush's administration was 143,800,000, unemployment was 4.2%. At the end of the Bush administration the labor force was 154,210,000 and yet you claim he sent 67,200,000 overseas, almost half the work force? That means that during the Bush administration almost 80,000,000 jobs were created. I think you are full of it my man. BTW, I mad more money under Bush than under Clinton or Obama or Trump.

What do you do that your industry did well under Bush and why isn't it doing well today? People aren't paying what they used to for butt sex?

IButt sex is your deal, I know nothing about it and it is really TMI about yourself, I was in the transportation industry and it flourished during the Bush years.

Transportation took a huge blow under Bush. First there was 9/11, which resulted in a year or two of reduced numbers of passengers, as well as new costs associated with beefed-up airline security requirements. Then there's been the increase in fuel prices, punctuated most recently by a spike in prices in the wake of 2005's Hurricane Katrina. And through it all, airliners, like companies in all industries in the U.S., have been faced with higher and higher health care costs for employees. The consequences have included lots of strife between labor and management, as workers fight to keep the benefits they believe they've earned while management struggles to cut costs and make their airlines profitable. Ask any insider, and he or she will tell you: The airline industry has been an ugly mess of late.

The airline industry has been having problems for quite awhile. It doesn't bother me.
Bad Cop, Good Cop Trick

From the 1960s on, Postmodern Liberals have been driven by class instinct to come up with an agenda that intentionally disgusts, angers, and threatens the majority and tricks it into voting Conservative against its economic self-interest. You don't have minds of your own but are subconsciously driven to become agents provocateurs. Puppets can't see their strings because they literally don't have any vision.

If people applied common sense to every solution like I do we could solve everything. For example, Trump tapped into a nerve with the American people when he said he's not just going to let companies send jobs overseas. Well it's about time Republicans. Had they not pushed to do that at such a fast pace, maybe we wouldn't have had the great recession. No one said don't do free trade. Free trade isn't 100% bad. But when Bush sent out 700,000 jobs a month overseas and when those were our best paying blue collar jobs, don't ask why Americans aren't doing as good now as they did under Bush. We all know why.

So, 700,000 jobs a month, is 8,400,000 a year and 67,200,000 in eight years? The labor force at the beginning of Bush's administration was 143,800,000, unemployment was 4.2%. At the end of the Bush administration the labor force was 154,210,000 and yet you claim he sent 67,200,000 overseas, almost half the work force? That means that during the Bush administration almost 80,000,000 jobs were created. I think you are full of it my man. BTW, I mad more money under Bush than under Clinton or Obama or Trump.

What do you do that your industry did well under Bush and why isn't it doing well today? People aren't paying what they used to for butt sex?

IButt sex is your deal, I know nothing about it and it is really TMI about yourself, I was in the transportation industry and it flourished during the Bush years.

Can you show us that transportation as an industry did well under Bush? I see no evidence. Maybe it did. I know Oil companies did real well under Bush so maybe transportation did too. Kind of vague though

The transportation industry is enormous, encompassing everything from municipal bus, subway, and commuter-train systems that get folks to and from work and school to the container ships that transport goods from port to port all around the globe; from the rail and trucking networks that move those containers across states, countries, and continents to the airliners we use to fly to destinations near and far for work and pleasure, to the express shipping companies "for when it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight."

The industry encompasses all those businesses that move people or goods, by land, sea, or air, from one point to another. This is a big industry, employing millions: In addition to the package deliverer, truck driver, and airline attendant-the ambassadors of the industry-there's a beehive of behind-the-scenes workers bustling to load containers, fuel airplanes, coordinate the logistics of thousands of railroad cars, and chart the best routes for truck drivers to take across America.

Got a point?
You do and will, methinks.
Oh, but please do show where. Go ahead, I'll wait. If you'd like, I can keep reminding you that you have yet to show it.
The debt ceiling crises were all "no compromise, un-American TP GOP" (TIME). Dupe. lol
And the democrats refused to negotiate anything.
Sure they did, but not in dupe world. But the whole idea was GOP crap and cost the economy 1% in GDP growth each time. Great job. For NOTHING.
Did you find yet where I complained about the victims?
Yup- the next post.
Provide a quote for analysis.
I already did. Anytime you blame the poor or the nonrich for anything, you do.
If people applied common sense to every solution like I do we could solve everything. For example, Trump tapped into a nerve with the American people when he said he's not just going to let companies send jobs overseas. Well it's about time Republicans. Had they not pushed to do that at such a fast pace, maybe we wouldn't have had the great recession. No one said don't do free trade. Free trade isn't 100% bad. But when Bush sent out 700,000 jobs a month overseas and when those were our best paying blue collar jobs, don't ask why Americans aren't doing as good now as they did under Bush. We all know why.

So, 700,000 jobs a month, is 8,400,000 a year and 67,200,000 in eight years? The labor force at the beginning of Bush's administration was 143,800,000, unemployment was 4.2%. At the end of the Bush administration the labor force was 154,210,000 and yet you claim he sent 67,200,000 overseas, almost half the work force? That means that during the Bush administration almost 80,000,000 jobs were created. I think you are full of it my man. BTW, I mad more money under Bush than under Clinton or Obama or Trump.

What do you do that your industry did well under Bush and why isn't it doing well today? People aren't paying what they used to for butt sex?

IButt sex is your deal, I know nothing about it and it is really TMI about yourself, I was in the transportation industry and it flourished during the Bush years.
Butt sex on the bus? lol. Very mysterious.

As sealy, he brought it up, it is his gig, not mine. Maybe you two should get together, you seem to be interested.
Whatever lol. Do you dare tell us what transportation job you did so well at?
If people applied common sense to every solution like I do we could solve everything. For example, Trump tapped into a nerve with the American people when he said he's not just going to let companies send jobs overseas. Well it's about time Republicans. Had they not pushed to do that at such a fast pace, maybe we wouldn't have had the great recession. No one said don't do free trade. Free trade isn't 100% bad. But when Bush sent out 700,000 jobs a month overseas and when those were our best paying blue collar jobs, don't ask why Americans aren't doing as good now as they did under Bush. We all know why.

So, 700,000 jobs a month, is 8,400,000 a year and 67,200,000 in eight years? The labor force at the beginning of Bush's administration was 143,800,000, unemployment was 4.2%. At the end of the Bush administration the labor force was 154,210,000 and yet you claim he sent 67,200,000 overseas, almost half the work force? That means that during the Bush administration almost 80,000,000 jobs were created. I think you are full of it my man. BTW, I mad more money under Bush than under Clinton or Obama or Trump.

You aren't looking at the REAL unemployment number, remember? We are actually at 101% unemployment.

So your figure is complete and utter BS! Thanks for admitting you are a tool for your leaders.
Yup, nice corrupt bubble and huge debt under Booosh's good times lol. How'd that work out? What business were you in? Screwing the chumps on real estate or selling stuff to people on their 3rd mortgage money? lol

Franco, I have had enough of your bullshit, you don't even read what is written or the context. I didn't have a cushy, non thinking job of screwing kids education like you did. I was in the transportation business. So while you were sitting in a classroom doing nothing but pushing paper and your fucked up agenda, I was working.
I did that for 6 years- It's hell on wheels- 6, 7, 8th graders. You dare to say wtf you're talking about? Transportation? I wish. lol. I also taught college French. Now THAT is pretty cushy. Christ, half the country is in the transportation business.
The big lie IMO is that the GOP cares a
IMO Clinton was a pretty good president. Republicans say he signed NAFTA. Yes I remember he let us liberals down. Republicans were pushing NAFTA back then.

GW sucked but Republicans argued he was good even after the great recession that happened at the end of his presidency. Then they said Obama sucked even though he did a good job.why cant papa see he's rooting for the wrong team?

The Democrats care about the poor is a bigger lie.

That tells me you have bought into the republican concept that social programs aren't designed to help the poor they are designed to keep the poor dependent on government. Is that what I'm hearing?

Well there is some truth to that too. I agree we need to cut off the slackers and get people who can back to work. I just feel bad for the people who need it because a lot of them get hurt when Republicans apply their policies. They just don't cut funding to the slackers. They cut EVERYONE off.

Did you hear how much costs would go up on Paul Ryan's healthcare costs for someone 64 years old? $14,000 a year. So basically their plan is don't get old or sick if you are poor or middle class.

The Dems buy votes, I know, then they don't deliver, what good is health care if you can't afford the deductibles?
ACA recognizes the ACTUAL costs of our stupid GOP system and goes after them, and should more and more if the bought off GOP and its silly dupes would get the feq out of the way, dupe.

You get a cheap doctor visit each year and many free tests and cheap medicine under ACA, and a low annual cap if you get sick or accidented- NO BANKRUPTCY and losing everything. The way it all was going ANYWAY. Trumpcare will go back to the bad old days with no guarantees, many with no care, many deaths, many bankruptcies and worries, and no built in progress.

So far ACA has guaranteed the middle class more of a burden.
I hear the price controls will be removed and prices will go higher faster. We will see
If people applied common sense to every solution like I do we could solve everything. For example, Trump tapped into a nerve with the American people when he said he's not just going to let companies send jobs overseas. Well it's about time Republicans. Had they not pushed to do that at such a fast pace, maybe we wouldn't have had the great recession. No one said don't do free trade. Free trade isn't 100% bad. But when Bush sent out 700,000 jobs a month overseas and when those were our best paying blue collar jobs, don't ask why Americans aren't doing as good now as they did under Bush. We all know why.

So, 700,000 jobs a month, is 8,400,000 a year and 67,200,000 in eight years? The labor force at the beginning of Bush's administration was 143,800,000, unemployment was 4.2%. At the end of the Bush administration the labor force was 154,210,000 and yet you claim he sent 67,200,000 overseas, almost half the work force? That means that during the Bush administration almost 80,000,000 jobs were created. I think you are full of it my man. BTW, I mad more money under Bush than under Clinton or Obama or Trump.

You aren't looking at the REAL unemployment number, remember? We are actually at 101% unemployment.

So your figure is complete and utter BS! Thanks for admitting you are a tool for your leaders.
Yup, nice corrupt bubble and huge debt under Booosh's good times lol. How'd that work out? What business were you in? Screwing the chumps on real estate or selling stuff to people on their 3rd mortgage money? lol

Franco, I have had enough of your bullshit, you don't even read what is written or the context. I didn't have a cushy, non thinking job of screwing kids education like you did. I was in the transportation business. So while you were sitting in a classroom doing nothing but pushing paper and your fucked up agenda, I was working.
Were you an importer or exporter when you worked at Vandalay industries?
So Papa, we get it that you can't/won't or just don't want to blame Bush for the great recession that he created. You insist there was plenty of blame to go around. Ok, so there is probably some truth to that but still papa you are a right wing dupe and here is why.

Did you like Bill Clinton? Why not? He fucking rocked the house. What did you not like about him? Because the only thing I really give a shit about is the economy and his was fucking great. But then Bush sucked balls and you want to blame Clinton and bubbles and fanny and freddy and pelosi and everyone else.

Ok, so now lets also admit that Obama did a great fucking job too. The economy isn't horrible. What's horrible about it? Ok, then lets see Trump do better. This is why I'm glad republicans are in charge. They talk a lot of fucking shit. Well, lets see labor do better under them. Lets see the middle class do better under them. But they won't. But will that stop papa from being a republican? Fuck no. And will he admit that the middle class are being hurt by Republican policies? Fuck no.

What I want to know is if he voted for Obama in 2008. If he had the common sense to do that, why the fuck did he go back to the GOP? You'd have to be brainfucking retarded to have gone back to the GOP.

I think it's funny that under Obama the stock market was doing great and Republicans said that didn't matter to blue collar. Now Republicans will point to the stock market and say Trumps doing great. Sure, for the corporations and the rich he is. But what about those blue collar fools he conned into voting for them.

One other thing. I believe Republicans keep talking about Hillary and Elizabeth Warren little lies because then it excuses the GOP for all the lies they are about to tell. And because Warren lied once it gives Republicans a free pass on all the lies they are about to tell. I don't care about the russia stuff. Unimportant just like Monica and Hillary NOT taking friendly fire. Trump reminds me of Capone. Thinks he can get away with all the shit he's going to do? He may be sadly mistaken.

Trump impeached? You can bet on it

Mook: Trump aides 'should be prosecuted for treason' if they conspired with Russia

But so what? Trump would still be in charge? BFD.

One thing is if Trump is dealing with this kind of crap it's going to be tough to get his agenda passed.

Where do I give Trump a pass on lying? Where do I give Republicans a pass on lying? All ready admitted both Democrats and Republicans are out only for the rich, man you go on rants and it shows you read what I post because you go back to Republican stereotyping BS.

Democrats scream about Trump lies and excuse Democratic lies, cuts both ways. Nutters never see that.

As far as the recession, I blamed both Republicans and Democrats, I hold every Congressman and President since the mid 70's. Again, you don't comprehend what you read because you are a partisan nutter.

So when I blame both parties you claim I am giving Republicans a pass? You are a dumb shit partisan bitch.

When Republicans blame "both parties" that's a cop out.

And no matter how hard you try to pretend you aren't a republican you are just the other side of the coin to me. In the end it comes down to you think the GOP is the lesser of the two evils.

But why do you think that? Do you think tax cuts to the rich will trickle down?

At least Democrats are the party for unions. Oh yea, I forgot, you've been CONNED into believing that unions are not necessary anymore.

I don't see you being pro labor at all. I know you probably are so you must really believe Republicans will fix the economy with their trickle down, free markets, less regulations,

Ok, I'm cool with you. Now lets just see if the GOP fuck up AGAIN and if when they do, if you try to give "everyone a share of the blame" including the Democrats in the minority.

We know you will blame the Democrats in the minority because you blame Hillary for Iraq. Even when the GOP lies us into a war you feel the need to blame "both parties". Truly pathetic, but I get it.

I never said the rich should get tax cuts. I have never said unions aren't necessary any more. I do believe in less regulation to help small business get started and to grow. I am against the box store mentality. More companies, more start ups is better for America. I have never blamed Hillary for Iraq. So all four of the points you brought up to frame me as a Republican, you are dead wrong. You are a partisan idiot who is incapable of thinking on your own, you need the Democratic Party to do it for you.

You never said the rich should get tax breaks but the party you voted for says they should. So you disagree with them? Then why vote for them. You may not say unions aren't necessary but the people you vote for say they are.

What regulations on small business are Republicans going to repeal that's going to help small business?

I don't vote straight Republican pothead. I voted Republican for the Senate and Democrat for the House, third party for President. Local elections I am all over the board. I voted against incumbents for the House and Senate, party doesn't matter. Local level party doesn't really matter.
You aren't all over this board. Straight ticket Republican here
So, 700,000 jobs a month, is 8,400,000 a year and 67,200,000 in eight years? The labor force at the beginning of Bush's administration was 143,800,000, unemployment was 4.2%. At the end of the Bush administration the labor force was 154,210,000 and yet you claim he sent 67,200,000 overseas, almost half the work force? That means that during the Bush administration almost 80,000,000 jobs were created. I think you are full of it my man. BTW, I mad more money under Bush than under Clinton or Obama or Trump.

What do you do that your industry did well under Bush and why isn't it doing well today? People aren't paying what they used to for butt sex?

IButt sex is your deal, I know nothing about it and it is really TMI about yourself, I was in the transportation industry and it flourished during the Bush years.
Butt sex on the bus? lol. Very mysterious.

As sealy, he brought it up, it is his gig, not mine. Maybe you two should get together, you seem to be interested.
Whatever lol. Do you dare tell us what transportation job you did so well at?

Why would you need to know? I really don't reveal a lot to a bunch of nutters on a message board.
So, 700,000 jobs a month, is 8,400,000 a year and 67,200,000 in eight years? The labor force at the beginning of Bush's administration was 143,800,000, unemployment was 4.2%. At the end of the Bush administration the labor force was 154,210,000 and yet you claim he sent 67,200,000 overseas, almost half the work force? That means that during the Bush administration almost 80,000,000 jobs were created. I think you are full of it my man. BTW, I mad more money under Bush than under Clinton or Obama or Trump.

You aren't looking at the REAL unemployment number, remember? We are actually at 101% unemployment.

So your figure is complete and utter BS! Thanks for admitting you are a tool for your leaders.
Yup, nice corrupt bubble and huge debt under Booosh's good times lol. How'd that work out? What business were you in? Screwing the chumps on real estate or selling stuff to people on their 3rd mortgage money? lol

Franco, I have had enough of your bullshit, you don't even read what is written or the context. I didn't have a cushy, non thinking job of screwing kids education like you did. I was in the transportation business. So while you were sitting in a classroom doing nothing but pushing paper and your fucked up agenda, I was working.
I did that for 6 years- It's hell on wheels- 6, 7, 8th graders. You dare to say wtf you're talking about? Transportation? I wish. lol. I also taught college French. Now THAT is pretty cushy. Christ, half the country is in the transportation business.

We were in transportation because you can make money. I was and am a manager.
So, 700,000 jobs a month, is 8,400,000 a year and 67,200,000 in eight years? The labor force at the beginning of Bush's administration was 143,800,000, unemployment was 4.2%. At the end of the Bush administration the labor force was 154,210,000 and yet you claim he sent 67,200,000 overseas, almost half the work force? That means that during the Bush administration almost 80,000,000 jobs were created. I think you are full of it my man. BTW, I mad more money under Bush than under Clinton or Obama or Trump.

You aren't looking at the REAL unemployment number, remember? We are actually at 101% unemployment.

So your figure is complete and utter BS! Thanks for admitting you are a tool for your leaders.
Yup, nice corrupt bubble and huge debt under Booosh's good times lol. How'd that work out? What business were you in? Screwing the chumps on real estate or selling stuff to people on their 3rd mortgage money? lol

Franco, I have had enough of your bullshit, you don't even read what is written or the context. I didn't have a cushy, non thinking job of screwing kids education like you did. I was in the transportation business. So while you were sitting in a classroom doing nothing but pushing paper and your fucked up agenda, I was working.
Were you an importer or exporter when you worked at Vandalay industries?

What the heck is Vandalay industries?
Where do I give Trump a pass on lying? Where do I give Republicans a pass on lying? All ready admitted both Democrats and Republicans are out only for the rich, man you go on rants and it shows you read what I post because you go back to Republican stereotyping BS.

Democrats scream about Trump lies and excuse Democratic lies, cuts both ways. Nutters never see that.

As far as the recession, I blamed both Republicans and Democrats, I hold every Congressman and President since the mid 70's. Again, you don't comprehend what you read because you are a partisan nutter.

So when I blame both parties you claim I am giving Republicans a pass? You are a dumb shit partisan bitch.

When Republicans blame "both parties" that's a cop out.

And no matter how hard you try to pretend you aren't a republican you are just the other side of the coin to me. In the end it comes down to you think the GOP is the lesser of the two evils.

But why do you think that? Do you think tax cuts to the rich will trickle down?

At least Democrats are the party for unions. Oh yea, I forgot, you've been CONNED into believing that unions are not necessary anymore.

I don't see you being pro labor at all. I know you probably are so you must really believe Republicans will fix the economy with their trickle down, free markets, less regulations,

Ok, I'm cool with you. Now lets just see if the GOP fuck up AGAIN and if when they do, if you try to give "everyone a share of the blame" including the Democrats in the minority.

We know you will blame the Democrats in the minority because you blame Hillary for Iraq. Even when the GOP lies us into a war you feel the need to blame "both parties". Truly pathetic, but I get it.

I never said the rich should get tax cuts. I have never said unions aren't necessary any more. I do believe in less regulation to help small business get started and to grow. I am against the box store mentality. More companies, more start ups is better for America. I have never blamed Hillary for Iraq. So all four of the points you brought up to frame me as a Republican, you are dead wrong. You are a partisan idiot who is incapable of thinking on your own, you need the Democratic Party to do it for you.

You never said the rich should get tax breaks but the party you voted for says they should. So you disagree with them? Then why vote for them. You may not say unions aren't necessary but the people you vote for say they are.

What regulations on small business are Republicans going to repeal that's going to help small business?

I don't vote straight Republican pothead. I voted Republican for the Senate and Democrat for the House, third party for President. Local elections I am all over the board. I voted against incumbents for the House and Senate, party doesn't matter. Local level party doesn't really matter.
You aren't all over this board. Straight ticket Republican here

Yeah, and you are a drug dealing, tax evading Democrat, so tough to believe your bullshit about Dems being truthful and honest.
I don't want workers paid more because it would "feel good." I want those who are willing and able to work to be fairly compensated because a strong middle class makes for a strong economy. Do you want fewer people on gov't assistance? The vast majority getting that kind of help are the working poor. We are subsidizing low wages with our tax money going to SNAP and WIC and Rental assistance and heating assistance and Medicaid. WE are making up for the company's lack of paying a living wage.
The company lives in the same world though. They have bills to pay as well. So they will need to charge more, that means fewer goods or services being sold which means employees drop to part time or are let go.

Government regulations is why so many hire two part timers instead of one full timer. If the government is spending our money they are taking it from us to begin with. You believe in trickle up economics and I believe the market decides best. Less government=more business=higher wages.

I feel for small businesses, but I know that corporate profits are at an all-time high, while they work to keep wages low. They aren't suffering, but still want to blame government for low wages, because they are "too regulated."

I cannot speak to every regulation out there, but many are for employee and consumer protections. Which ones would you eliminate?

A company (any company) only pays labor what it is worth. This is dictated by the supply and demand market of employees.

You are only worth as much as the next person willing to do the same job and same quality of work as you do. That's how it's decided.

As for corporate profits, let's say you scratched off a lottery ticket today and won a small fortune--say 500K. Your house is paid for, your car is paid for, you have no outstanding bills. After taxes, you get about 300K of that money. What would you do with it?

Of course you would invests it. So you meet with a professional and discuss the situation. You tell him or her you want a nice safe and secure place for your money. Your professional boils it down to two companies. Company A has a growth of 5.5%. Company B has a growth of 3.2%. Which company will you choose to invest your money with?

Now before you answer, I have to tell you that company A has a gross of 3 million dollars a year. Company B has a gross of 200 million dollars a year. Does that change your mind any? Of course not. You don't care how much the company is worth, you only care about how much your own money will grow.

You do what most investors do every day. Companies heavily rely on investors to keep their operation running. Investors are much more important than what a company brings in every year.

Thank you for the lesson.

Can you answer which of those horribly restrictive regulations you'd eliminate, so as to free up the profit-making potential of a company (which would presumably trickle down to the workers)?

No, because like you, I'm not familiar with those regulations and I wasn't talking about regulations in the first place. What I'm talking about is why companies pay workers only what they are worth. They are trying to increase their growth to attract more investors.

You can't have everything. We as Americans want to see: good paying jobs, good growth for our retirement or personal investments, cheap products at the store.

You can't have all three. It's impossible to deliver. So we collectively chose cheap products and good investment growth over good paying jobs.

And yet these same corporations manage to pay living wages in other countries where they operate, and still make a profit.

You've bought into all these Republican notions of investment and growth, which are bullshit. It assumes a huge investor class profiting from these low wages which isn't the reality.

You need buyers for your products. People with disposable income. Half of Americans pay no income taxes.

The half that does pay taxes would rather subsidize the profits of these huge corporations than see the workers get a decent wage.
If people applied common sense to every solution like I do we could solve everything. For example, Trump tapped into a nerve with the American people when he said he's not just going to let companies send jobs overseas. Well it's about time Republicans. Had they not pushed to do that at such a fast pace, maybe we wouldn't have had the great recession. No one said don't do free trade. Free trade isn't 100% bad. But when Bush sent out 700,000 jobs a month overseas and when those were our best paying blue collar jobs, don't ask why Americans aren't doing as good now as they did under Bush. We all know why.

So, 700,000 jobs a month, is 8,400,000 a year and 67,200,000 in eight years? The labor force at the beginning of Bush's administration was 143,800,000, unemployment was 4.2%. At the end of the Bush administration the labor force was 154,210,000 and yet you claim he sent 67,200,000 overseas, almost half the work force? That means that during the Bush administration almost 80,000,000 jobs were created. I think you are full of it my man. BTW, I mad more money under Bush than under Clinton or Obama or Trump.

You aren't looking at the REAL unemployment number, remember? We are actually at 101% unemployment.

So your figure is complete and utter BS! Thanks for admitting you are a tool for your leaders.
Yup, nice corrupt bubble and huge debt under Booosh's good times lol. How'd that work out? What business were you in? Screwing the chumps on real estate or selling stuff to people on their 3rd mortgage money? lol

Franco, I have had enough of your bullshit, you don't even read what is written or the context. I didn't have a cushy, non thinking job of screwing kids education like you did. I was in the transportation business. So while you were sitting in a classroom doing nothing but pushing paper and your fucked up agenda, I was working.
Sure, we don't need a tax cut for the nonrich, or a living wage, or heath care reform, or infrastructure, or training, or cheap ed.- Everything's great. lol. We need a tax cut for the richest and a military-industrial buildup. Funny how repeal of ACA is ALSO a giant tax cut for the rich...

So Papa, we get it that you can't/won't or just don't want to blame Bush for the great recession that he created. You insist there was plenty of blame to go around. Ok, so there is probably some truth to that but still papa you are a right wing dupe and here is why.

Did you like Bill Clinton? Why not? He fucking rocked the house. What did you not like about him? Because the only thing I really give a shit about is the economy and his was fucking great. But then Bush sucked balls and you want to blame Clinton and bubbles and fanny and freddy and pelosi and everyone else.

Ok, so now lets also admit that Obama did a great fucking job too. The economy isn't horrible. What's horrible about it? Ok, then lets see Trump do better. This is why I'm glad republicans are in charge. They talk a lot of fucking shit. Well, lets see labor do better under them. Lets see the middle class do better under them. But they won't. But will that stop papa from being a republican? Fuck no. And will he admit that the middle class are being hurt by Republican policies? Fuck no.

What I want to know is if he voted for Obama in 2008. If he had the common sense to do that, why the fuck did he go back to the GOP? You'd have to be brainfucking retarded to have gone back to the GOP.

I think it's funny that under Obama the stock market was doing great and Republicans said that didn't matter to blue collar. Now Republicans will point to the stock market and say Trumps doing great. Sure, for the corporations and the rich he is. But what about those blue collar fools he conned into voting for them.

One other thing. I believe Republicans keep talking about Hillary and Elizabeth Warren little lies because then it excuses the GOP for all the lies they are about to tell. And because Warren lied once it gives Republicans a free pass on all the lies they are about to tell. I don't care about the russia stuff. Unimportant just like Monica and Hillary NOT taking friendly fire. Trump reminds me of Capone. Thinks he can get away with all the shit he's going to do? He may be sadly mistaken.

Trump impeached? You can bet on it

Mook: Trump aides 'should be prosecuted for treason' if they conspired with Russia

But so what? Trump would still be in charge? BFD.

One thing is if Trump is dealing with this kind of crap it's going to be tough to get his agenda passed.

Where do I give Trump a pass on lying? Where do I give Republicans a pass on lying? All ready admitted both Democrats and Republicans are out only for the rich, man you go on rants and it shows you read what I post because you go back to Republican stereotyping BS.

Democrats scream about Trump lies and excuse Democratic lies, cuts both ways. Nutters never see that.

As far as the recession, I blamed both Republicans and Democrats, I hold every Congressman and President since the mid 70's. Again, you don't comprehend what you read because you are a partisan nutter.

So when I blame both parties you claim I am giving Republicans a pass? You are a dumb shit partisan bitch.

When Republicans blame "both parties" that's a cop out.

And no matter how hard you try to pretend you aren't a republican you are just the other side of the coin to me. In the end it comes down to you think the GOP is the lesser of the two evils.

But why do you think that? Do you think tax cuts to the rich will trickle down?

At least Democrats are the party for unions. Oh yea, I forgot, you've been CONNED into believing that unions are not necessary anymore.

I don't see you being pro labor at all. I know you probably are so you must really believe Republicans will fix the economy with their trickle down, free markets, less regulations,

Ok, I'm cool with you. Now lets just see if the GOP fuck up AGAIN and if when they do, if you try to give "everyone a share of the blame" including the Democrats in the minority.

We know you will blame the Democrats in the minority because you blame Hillary for Iraq. Even when the GOP lies us into a war you feel the need to blame "both parties". Truly pathetic, but I get it.

I never said the rich should get tax cuts. I have never said unions aren't necessary any more. I do believe in less regulation to help small business get started and to grow. I am against the box store mentality. More companies, more start ups is better for America. I have never blamed Hillary for Iraq. So all four of the points you brought up to frame me as a Republican, you are dead wrong. You are a partisan idiot who is incapable of thinking on your own, you need the Democratic Party to do it for you.
Oh lighten up francis. It's good to hear you aren't a total dingbat.
Too bad the New BS GOP is just for the megarich and giants corporations, the poor dupe.
Sure, we don't need a tax cut for the nonrich, or a living wage, or heath care reform, or infrastructure, or training, or cheap ed.- Everything's great. lol. We need a tax cut for the richest and a military-industrial buildup. Funny how repeal of ACA is ALSO a giant tax cut for the rich...

Who prosecuted the bankers? Wasn't the Obama administration, he gave them a pass.

Thomas Frank on How Democrats Went From Being the ‘Party of the People’ to the Party of Rich Elites

Read it, then read his book, it will open you eyes to why the Democrats are the party for the rich.
Baloney. 2009 was no time to go after business, and Obama had "control" for 24 days, all used to pass ACA.

''Sure, we don't need a tax cut for the nonrich, or a living wage, or heath care reform, or infrastructure, or training, or cheap ed.- Everything's great. lol. We need a tax cut for the richest and a military-industrial buildup. Funny how repeal of ACA is ALSO a giant tax cut for the rich...

All blocked after Scott feqing Brown...Thomas Frank is just another lying GOP propagandist.

So you don't know who Thomas Frank is, you should just say so.
He's an idiot who writes all kinds of crap. Harpers, books. BS. 2009 was no time to go after business, and Obama had "control" for 24 days, all used to pass ACA. The article was FOS.

Didn't need Congress for the Justice Dept. to go after the crooks. So I have no idea what you are saying.

Maybe Obama and the Democrats were too stupid to figure out that you didn't need Congress to prosecute.
The Booshies changed so many regs and oversight rules and just plain oversight there wasn't much to prosecute. Just watch the Trumpettes do the same...
Where do I give Trump a pass on lying? Where do I give Republicans a pass on lying? All ready admitted both Democrats and Republicans are out only for the rich, man you go on rants and it shows you read what I post because you go back to Republican stereotyping BS.

Democrats scream about Trump lies and excuse Democratic lies, cuts both ways. Nutters never see that.

As far as the recession, I blamed both Republicans and Democrats, I hold every Congressman and President since the mid 70's. Again, you don't comprehend what you read because you are a partisan nutter.

So when I blame both parties you claim I am giving Republicans a pass? You are a dumb shit partisan bitch.

When Republicans blame "both parties" that's a cop out.

And no matter how hard you try to pretend you aren't a republican you are just the other side of the coin to me. In the end it comes down to you think the GOP is the lesser of the two evils.

But why do you think that? Do you think tax cuts to the rich will trickle down?

At least Democrats are the party for unions. Oh yea, I forgot, you've been CONNED into believing that unions are not necessary anymore.

I don't see you being pro labor at all. I know you probably are so you must really believe Republicans will fix the economy with their trickle down, free markets, less regulations,

Ok, I'm cool with you. Now lets just see if the GOP fuck up AGAIN and if when they do, if you try to give "everyone a share of the blame" including the Democrats in the minority.

We know you will blame the Democrats in the minority because you blame Hillary for Iraq. Even when the GOP lies us into a war you feel the need to blame "both parties". Truly pathetic, but I get it.

I never said the rich should get tax cuts. I have never said unions aren't necessary any more. I do believe in less regulation to help small business get started and to grow. I am against the box store mentality. More companies, more start ups is better for America. I have never blamed Hillary for Iraq. So all four of the points you brought up to frame me as a Republican, you are dead wrong. You are a partisan idiot who is incapable of thinking on your own, you need the Democratic Party to do it for you.

You never said the rich should get tax breaks but the party you voted for says they should. So you disagree with them? Then why vote for them. You may not say unions aren't necessary but the people you vote for say they are.

What regulations on small business are Republicans going to repeal that's going to help small business?

I don't vote straight Republican pothead. I voted Republican for the Senate and Democrat for the House, third party for President. Local elections I am all over the board. I voted against incumbents for the House and Senate, party doesn't matter. Local level party doesn't really matter.
You aren't all over this board. Straight ticket Republican here
He should try issues ferchrissake...
What do you do that your industry did well under Bush and why isn't it doing well today? People aren't paying what they used to for butt sex?

IButt sex is your deal, I know nothing about it and it is really TMI about yourself, I was in the transportation industry and it flourished during the Bush years.
Butt sex on the bus? lol. Very mysterious.

As sealy, he brought it up, it is his gig, not mine. Maybe you two should get together, you seem to be interested.
Whatever lol. Do you dare tell us what transportation job you did so well at?

Why would you need to know? I really don't reveal a lot to a bunch of nutters on a message board.
I don't blame you. But the nutters are all GOPers as far as I've seen...take your brainwashed belittlement of teachers. RW idiocy. It's damn hard, especially if you don't have the disciplinary gene.
So, 700,000 jobs a month, is 8,400,000 a year and 67,200,000 in eight years? The labor force at the beginning of Bush's administration was 143,800,000, unemployment was 4.2%. At the end of the Bush administration the labor force was 154,210,000 and yet you claim he sent 67,200,000 overseas, almost half the work force? That means that during the Bush administration almost 80,000,000 jobs were created. I think you are full of it my man. BTW, I mad more money under Bush than under Clinton or Obama or Trump.

You aren't looking at the REAL unemployment number, remember? We are actually at 101% unemployment.

So your figure is complete and utter BS! Thanks for admitting you are a tool for your leaders.
Yup, nice corrupt bubble and huge debt under Booosh's good times lol. How'd that work out? What business were you in? Screwing the chumps on real estate or selling stuff to people on their 3rd mortgage money? lol

Franco, I have had enough of your bullshit, you don't even read what is written or the context. I didn't have a cushy, non thinking job of screwing kids education like you did. I was in the transportation business. So while you were sitting in a classroom doing nothing but pushing paper and your fucked up agenda, I was working.
So Papa, we get it that you can't/won't or just don't want to blame Bush for the great recession that he created. You insist there was plenty of blame to go around. Ok, so there is probably some truth to that but still papa you are a right wing dupe and here is why.

Did you like Bill Clinton? Why not? He fucking rocked the house. What did you not like about him? Because the only thing I really give a shit about is the economy and his was fucking great. But then Bush sucked balls and you want to blame Clinton and bubbles and fanny and freddy and pelosi and everyone else.

Ok, so now lets also admit that Obama did a great fucking job too. The economy isn't horrible. What's horrible about it? Ok, then lets see Trump do better. This is why I'm glad republicans are in charge. They talk a lot of fucking shit. Well, lets see labor do better under them. Lets see the middle class do better under them. But they won't. But will that stop papa from being a republican? Fuck no. And will he admit that the middle class are being hurt by Republican policies? Fuck no.

What I want to know is if he voted for Obama in 2008. If he had the common sense to do that, why the fuck did he go back to the GOP? You'd have to be brainfucking retarded to have gone back to the GOP.

I think it's funny that under Obama the stock market was doing great and Republicans said that didn't matter to blue collar. Now Republicans will point to the stock market and say Trumps doing great. Sure, for the corporations and the rich he is. But what about those blue collar fools he conned into voting for them.

One other thing. I believe Republicans keep talking about Hillary and Elizabeth Warren little lies because then it excuses the GOP for all the lies they are about to tell. And because Warren lied once it gives Republicans a free pass on all the lies they are about to tell. I don't care about the russia stuff. Unimportant just like Monica and Hillary NOT taking friendly fire. Trump reminds me of Capone. Thinks he can get away with all the shit he's going to do? He may be sadly mistaken.

Trump impeached? You can bet on it

Mook: Trump aides 'should be prosecuted for treason' if they conspired with Russia

But so what? Trump would still be in charge? BFD.

One thing is if Trump is dealing with this kind of crap it's going to be tough to get his agenda passed.

Where do I give Trump a pass on lying? Where do I give Republicans a pass on lying? All ready admitted both Democrats and Republicans are out only for the rich, man you go on rants and it shows you read what I post because you go back to Republican stereotyping BS.

Democrats scream about Trump lies and excuse Democratic lies, cuts both ways. Nutters never see that.

As far as the recession, I blamed both Republicans and Democrats, I hold every Congressman and President since the mid 70's. Again, you don't comprehend what you read because you are a partisan nutter.

So when I blame both parties you claim I am giving Republicans a pass? You are a dumb shit partisan bitch.

When Republicans blame "both parties" that's a cop out.

And no matter how hard you try to pretend you aren't a republican you are just the other side of the coin to me. In the end it comes down to you think the GOP is the lesser of the two evils.

But why do you think that? Do you think tax cuts to the rich will trickle down?

At least Democrats are the party for unions. Oh yea, I forgot, you've been CONNED into believing that unions are not necessary anymore.

I don't see you being pro labor at all. I know you probably are so you must really believe Republicans will fix the economy with their trickle down, free markets, less regulations,

Ok, I'm cool with you. Now lets just see if the GOP fuck up AGAIN and if when they do, if you try to give "everyone a share of the blame" including the Democrats in the minority.

We know you will blame the Democrats in the minority because you blame Hillary for Iraq. Even when the GOP lies us into a war you feel the need to blame "both parties". Truly pathetic, but I get it.

I never said the rich should get tax cuts. I have never said unions aren't necessary any more. I do believe in less regulation to help small business get started and to grow. I am against the box store mentality. More companies, more start ups is better for America. I have never blamed Hillary for Iraq. So all four of the points you brought up to frame me as a Republican, you are dead wrong. You are a partisan idiot who is incapable of thinking on your own, you need the Democratic Party to do it for you.
Oh lighten up francis. It's good to hear you aren't a total dingbat.
Too bad the New BS GOP is just for the megarich and giants corporations, the poor dupe.

So they are no different than the Democrats. Thanks for the clarification.

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