Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

As sealy, he brought it up, it is his gig, not mine. Maybe you two should get together, you seem to be interested.
Whatever lol. Do you dare tell us what transportation job you did so well at?

Why would you need to know? I really don't reveal a lot to a bunch of nutters on a message board.
I don't blame you. But the nutters are all GOPers as far as I've seen...take your brainwashed belittlement of teachers. RW idiocy. It's damn hard, especially if you don't have the disciplinary gene.

You are the asshole that makes claims he can't back, so please spare me your opinions, they are like assholes, everyone has one, in your case, you are one.

As far as teachers, I have worked with them because our company had an account with them and they were for the most part the dumbest people we dealt with. We would laugh at them when they would leave, because they had no clue.
I can and have before, but get tired of schooling you dupes after 10 years. Those teachers are still teachers as they're in a socialist network and no doubt couldn't give a shytte about transportation. I'll get the info on why prosecuting criminally if you really want. If they were GOP prosecuting they probably would have, but Dems never do that corrupt shytte. That's why nobody actually prosecutes Hilary, Bill or any other Dems, except on their bs propaganda...Tel us all about Bill lying about BJs now dupe. All the GOP did was lie about wrecking the country financially and the world financially AND militarily LOL.
Omg I went to lunch with my GOP co-worker. He said Democrats don't really care about Russia they just want to use it against republicans. He heard it on rush. I said, "you mean like Monica?" And it dawned on him Republicans do it too. Same with Benghazi or fast and furious or Hillary using a private email.
I never said the rich should get tax cuts. I have never said unions aren't necessary any more. I do believe in less regulation to help small business get started and to grow. I am against the box store mentality. More companies, more start ups is better for America. I have never blamed Hillary for Iraq. So all four of the points you brought up to frame me as a Republican, you are dead wrong. You are a partisan idiot who is incapable of thinking on your own, you need the Democratic Party to do it for you.

You never said the rich should get tax breaks but the party you voted for says they should. So you disagree with them? Then why vote for them. You may not say unions aren't necessary but the people you vote for say they are.

What regulations on small business are Republicans going to repeal that's going to help small business?

I don't vote straight Republican pothead. I voted Republican for the Senate and Democrat for the House, third party for President. Local elections I am all over the board. I voted against incumbents for the House and Senate, party doesn't matter. Local level party doesn't really matter.
You aren't all over this board. Straight ticket Republican here

Yeah, and you are a drug dealing, tax evading Democrat, so tough to believe your bullshit about Dems being truthful and honest.
Please, we need to understand how Obama wronged you and you took a step back in the Obama years. How and why were the bush years better for transportation? Got any proof your industry and state did well in the bush years? You probably forget even in 2008 Republicans were denying a recession was coming. I remember even Romney claimed Michigan was in a one state recession. So I know your memory is very short when it comes to how bad the bush years actually we're.

You were defending bushanomics so much you forget how wrong you were. Best you can say now is everyone's to blame. How big of you

Never stated Obama wronged me, I said I made more money in the Bush years. I didn't pay any attention to Romney in 08, it wasn't until the 12 election. So my memory is fine, I would suggest all the drugs you have done and continue to do have screwed up your memory.
So your figure is complete and utter BS! Thanks for admitting you are a tool for your leaders.
Yup, nice corrupt bubble and huge debt under Booosh's good times lol. How'd that work out? What business were you in? Screwing the chumps on real estate or selling stuff to people on their 3rd mortgage money? lol

Franco, I have had enough of your bullshit, you don't even read what is written or the context. I didn't have a cushy, non thinking job of screwing kids education like you did. I was in the transportation business. So while you were sitting in a classroom doing nothing but pushing paper and your fucked up agenda, I was working.
Were you an importer or exporter when you worked at Vandalay industries?

What the heck is Vandalay industries?
Seinfeld reference.

Rarely watched it.
You aren't looking at the REAL unemployment number, remember? We are actually at 101% unemployment.

So your figure is complete and utter BS! Thanks for admitting you are a tool for your leaders.
Yup, nice corrupt bubble and huge debt under Booosh's good times lol. How'd that work out? What business were you in? Screwing the chumps on real estate or selling stuff to people on their 3rd mortgage money? lol

Franco, I have had enough of your bullshit, you don't even read what is written or the context. I didn't have a cushy, non thinking job of screwing kids education like you did. I was in the transportation business. So while you were sitting in a classroom doing nothing but pushing paper and your fucked up agenda, I was working.
Where do I give Trump a pass on lying? Where do I give Republicans a pass on lying? All ready admitted both Democrats and Republicans are out only for the rich, man you go on rants and it shows you read what I post because you go back to Republican stereotyping BS.

Democrats scream about Trump lies and excuse Democratic lies, cuts both ways. Nutters never see that.

As far as the recession, I blamed both Republicans and Democrats, I hold every Congressman and President since the mid 70's. Again, you don't comprehend what you read because you are a partisan nutter.

So when I blame both parties you claim I am giving Republicans a pass? You are a dumb shit partisan bitch.

When Republicans blame "both parties" that's a cop out.

And no matter how hard you try to pretend you aren't a republican you are just the other side of the coin to me. In the end it comes down to you think the GOP is the lesser of the two evils.

But why do you think that? Do you think tax cuts to the rich will trickle down?

At least Democrats are the party for unions. Oh yea, I forgot, you've been CONNED into believing that unions are not necessary anymore.

I don't see you being pro labor at all. I know you probably are so you must really believe Republicans will fix the economy with their trickle down, free markets, less regulations,

Ok, I'm cool with you. Now lets just see if the GOP fuck up AGAIN and if when they do, if you try to give "everyone a share of the blame" including the Democrats in the minority.

We know you will blame the Democrats in the minority because you blame Hillary for Iraq. Even when the GOP lies us into a war you feel the need to blame "both parties". Truly pathetic, but I get it.

I never said the rich should get tax cuts. I have never said unions aren't necessary any more. I do believe in less regulation to help small business get started and to grow. I am against the box store mentality. More companies, more start ups is better for America. I have never blamed Hillary for Iraq. So all four of the points you brought up to frame me as a Republican, you are dead wrong. You are a partisan idiot who is incapable of thinking on your own, you need the Democratic Party to do it for you.
Oh lighten up francis. It's good to hear you aren't a total dingbat.
Too bad the New BS GOP is just for the megarich and giants corporations, the poor dupe.

So they are no different than the Democrats. Thanks for the clarification.
Except on POLICY and the issues, dupe. You can gossip about PEOPLE forever.

For much of Bush's tenure, government statistics show, incomes for most families remained relatively stagnant while housing prices skyrocketed. That put home ownership increasingly out of reach for first-time buyers like West.

So Bush had to, in his words, "use the mighty muscle of the federal government" to meet his goal. He proposed affordable housing tax incentives. He insisted that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac meet ambitious new goals for low-income lending.

Concerned that down payments were a barrier, Bush persuaded Congress to spend as much as $200 million a year to help first-time buyers with down payments and closing costs.

And he pushed to allow first-time buyers to qualify for government insured mortgages with no money down. Republican congressional leaders and some housing advocates balked, arguing that homeowners with no stake in their investments would be more prone to walk away, as West did. Many economic experts, including some in the White House, now share that view.

The president also leaned on mortgage brokers and lenders to devise their own innovations. "Corporate America," he said, "has a responsibility to work to make America a compassionate place."

And corporate America, eyeing a lucrative market, delivered in ways Bush might not have expected, with a proliferation of too-good-to-be-true teaser rates and interest-only loans that were sold to investors in a loosely regulated environment. But Bush populated the financial system's alphabet soup of oversight agencies with people who, like him, wanted fewer rules, not more.

The president's first chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission promised a "kinder, gentler" agency. The second was pushed out amid industry complaints that he was too aggressive. Under its current leader, the agency failed to police the catastrophic decisions that toppled the investment bank Bear Stearns and contributed to the current crisis, according to a recent inspector general's report.

As for Bush's banking regulators, they once brandished a chain saw over a 9,000-page pile of regulations as they promised to ease burdens on the industry. When states tried to use consumer protection laws to crack down on predatory lending, the comptroller of the currency blocked the effort, asserting that states had no authority over national banks.

The administration won that fight at the Supreme Court. But Roy Cooper, North Carolina's attorney general, said, "They took 50 sheriffs off the beat at a time when lending was becoming the Wild West."

The president did push rules aimed at requiring lenders to explain loan terms more clearly. But the White House shelved them in 2004, after industry-friendly members of Congress threatened to block confirmation of his new housing secretary.

In the 2004 election cycle, mortgage bankers and brokers poured nearly $847,000 into Bush's re-election campaign, more than triple their contributions in 2000, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics. The administration did not complete the new rules until last month.

Today, administration officials say it is fair to ask whether Bush's ownership push backfired. Paulson said the administration, like others before it, "over-incented housing."

Hennessey put it this way: "I would not say too much emphasis on expanding home ownership. I would say not enough early focus on easy lending practices."

Kitty Bennett contributed reporting.

Rich Addicks/The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Baloney. 2009 was no time to go after business, and Obama had "control" for 24 days, all used to pass ACA.

''Sure, we don't need a tax cut for the nonrich, or a living wage, or heath care reform, or infrastructure, or training, or cheap ed.- Everything's great. lol. We need a tax cut for the richest and a military-industrial buildup. Funny how repeal of ACA is ALSO a giant tax cut for the rich...

All blocked after Scott feqing Brown...Thomas Frank is just another lying GOP propagandist.

So you don't know who Thomas Frank is, you should just say so.
He's an idiot who writes all kinds of crap. Harpers, books. BS. 2009 was no time to go after business, and Obama had "control" for 24 days, all used to pass ACA. The article was FOS.

Didn't need Congress for the Justice Dept. to go after the crooks. So I have no idea what you are saying.

Maybe Obama and the Democrats were too stupid to figure out that you didn't need Congress to prosecute.
The Booshies changed so many regs and oversight rules and just plain oversight there wasn't much to prosecute. Just watch the Trumpettes do the same...
Bush drive for home ownership fueled housing bubble - The New York ...
Dec 21, 2008 - Bush drive for home ownership fueled housing bubble ... But his housing policies and hands-off approach to regulation encouraged ... "It would have conflicted with the president's own policies. ... A lot has changed since then. ... But Bush populated the financial system's alphabet soup of oversightagencies ...
Bush's Philosophy Stoked the Mortgage Bonfire - The New York Times
Dec 20, 2008 - President Bush, who vowed to spread the dream of homeownership, is leaving ... But hishousing policies and hands-off approach to regulation ... “No one wanted to stop that bubble,” Mr. Lindsey said. ... A lot has changed since then. .... said, that the Oxley bill would have produced “the worst of allpossible ...►
Government policies and the subprime mortgage crisis - Wikipedia
Government policies and the subprime mortgage crisis - Wikipedia
The U.S. subprime mortgage crisis was a set of events and conditions that led to a financial ... The FCIC wrote that U.S. government affordable housing policies and the .... policy or markets do not by themselves explain the U.S. housing bubble. .... possible—and they should have responded by extending regulationsand the ...
Hey, Barney Frank: The Government Did Cause the Housing Crisis ...
Dec 13, 2011 - The Bush administration was just as guilty of this error as the Clinton administration. ... It is certainly possible to find prime mortgages among borrowers below ... This continued through the 1990s and 2000s until the housing bubble--created by all ... Have the Republicans "blame[d] the housing crisis on the ...
George W. Bush - 25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis - TIME,28804,1877351_1877350_1877320,00.html
That trickled down to federal oversight agencies, which in turn eased off on ... Bush backed and signed the aggressively regulatory Sarbanes-Oxley Act. But ... he was blocked by Bush's advisers at the WhiteHouse as well as other powerful ...

The wiki article is pretty accurate and no very partisan and blames several reason. It wasn't one issue or action it was several by several people over the decades. Thanks for proving my point.

I have used the Time article several times, it will also show Clinton was one of 25 key players in the debacle.
Over my lifetime......82 years, I've learned to be more concerned for folks who are simply trying to get three meals a day and rent than the ultra-rich moguls who use their usually inherited money to screw poor folks!

Nothing is occurring which makes me want to reconsider or re-evaluate.

Your ignorance is duly noted as well as expected.

Personally, it seems to me that your far left Socialist cause would be better served by facing and posting the truth as opposed to lying.

You know, or SHOULD know that your statement about the "ultra rich" usually inherit their money is totally bogus. No surprise. How have any one of them, inherited or not, "screwed" poor folks? How have they taken anything out of the pockets of the poor?

For your extremely reluctant edification.

OCT 3, 2014 @ 11:09 AM
There Are More Self-Made Billionaires In The Forbes 400 Than Ever Before
Agustino Fontevecchia, contributor


The trend began to break down in 1994, when we saw an equal number of inherited and self-made billionaires, but at the extreme, it was still totally skewed. Our percentage of 1s stood at 17.75%, compared to 3% for 10s (absolutely self-made).

Already in the 2000s, our data finally showed a greater proportion of self-made billionaires. In 2004, we had 59% of the Forbes 400 having made their own fortune, as opposed to 41% who inherited it. But, again, at the extremes we still saw a full one-tenth of the list, or 40 of them, having fully inherited their fortunes and not working to grow it, and only 4.75% of them, or 19, as totally self-made, having battled adversity to reach the top.

Thus, the most encouraging results come from this year’s Forbes 400. For the first time in our data set, we see the number of self-made billionaires who rose from nothing, and overcame various tough obstacles, outpacing those that just sat on their fortunes. A total of 34 billionaires, or 8.5%, scored as 10s, or more than three times as many as in 1984. The number of 100% inherited fortunes as a percentage of the total fell to 7%, with 28 billionaires in the 1 category, compared to 99 back in 1984.


There Are More Self-Made Billionaires In The Forbes 400 Than Ever Before
So your figure is complete and utter BS! Thanks for admitting you are a tool for your leaders.
Yup, nice corrupt bubble and huge debt under Booosh's good times lol. How'd that work out? What business were you in? Screwing the chumps on real estate or selling stuff to people on their 3rd mortgage money? lol

Franco, I have had enough of your bullshit, you don't even read what is written or the context. I didn't have a cushy, non thinking job of screwing kids education like you did. I was in the transportation business. So while you were sitting in a classroom doing nothing but pushing paper and your fucked up agenda, I was working.
When Republicans blame "both parties" that's a cop out.

And no matter how hard you try to pretend you aren't a republican you are just the other side of the coin to me. In the end it comes down to you think the GOP is the lesser of the two evils.

But why do you think that? Do you think tax cuts to the rich will trickle down?

At least Democrats are the party for unions. Oh yea, I forgot, you've been CONNED into believing that unions are not necessary anymore.

I don't see you being pro labor at all. I know you probably are so you must really believe Republicans will fix the economy with their trickle down, free markets, less regulations,

Ok, I'm cool with you. Now lets just see if the GOP fuck up AGAIN and if when they do, if you try to give "everyone a share of the blame" including the Democrats in the minority.

We know you will blame the Democrats in the minority because you blame Hillary for Iraq. Even when the GOP lies us into a war you feel the need to blame "both parties". Truly pathetic, but I get it.

I never said the rich should get tax cuts. I have never said unions aren't necessary any more. I do believe in less regulation to help small business get started and to grow. I am against the box store mentality. More companies, more start ups is better for America. I have never blamed Hillary for Iraq. So all four of the points you brought up to frame me as a Republican, you are dead wrong. You are a partisan idiot who is incapable of thinking on your own, you need the Democratic Party to do it for you.
Oh lighten up francis. It's good to hear you aren't a total dingbat.
Too bad the New BS GOP is just for the megarich and giants corporations, the poor dupe.

So they are no different than the Democrats. Thanks for the clarification.
Except on POLICY and the issues, dupe. You can gossip about PEOPLE forever.

For much of Bush's tenure, government statistics show, incomes for most families remained relatively stagnant while housing prices skyrocketed. That put home ownership increasingly out of reach for first-time buyers like West.

So Bush had to, in his words, "use the mighty muscle of the federal government" to meet his goal. He proposed affordable housing tax incentives. He insisted that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac meet ambitious new goals for low-income lending.

Concerned that down payments were a barrier, Bush persuaded Congress to spend as much as $200 million a year to help first-time buyers with down payments and closing costs.

And he pushed to allow first-time buyers to qualify for government insured mortgages with no money down. Republican congressional leaders and some housing advocates balked, arguing that homeowners with no stake in their investments would be more prone to walk away, as West did. Many economic experts, including some in the White House, now share that view.

The president also leaned on mortgage brokers and lenders to devise their own innovations. "Corporate America," he said, "has a responsibility to work to make America a compassionate place."

And corporate America, eyeing a lucrative market, delivered in ways Bush might not have expected, with a proliferation of too-good-to-be-true teaser rates and interest-only loans that were sold to investors in a loosely regulated environment. But Bush populated the financial system's alphabet soup of oversight agencies with people who, like him, wanted fewer rules, not more.

The president's first chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission promised a "kinder, gentler" agency. The second was pushed out amid industry complaints that he was too aggressive. Under its current leader, the agency failed to police the catastrophic decisions that toppled the investment bank Bear Stearns and contributed to the current crisis, according to a recent inspector general's report.

As for Bush's banking regulators, they once brandished a chain saw over a 9,000-page pile of regulations as they promised to ease burdens on the industry. When states tried to use consumer protection laws to crack down on predatory lending, the comptroller of the currency blocked the effort, asserting that states had no authority over national banks.

The administration won that fight at the Supreme Court. But Roy Cooper, North Carolina's attorney general, said, "They took 50 sheriffs off the beat at a time when lending was becoming the Wild West."

The president did push rules aimed at requiring lenders to explain loan terms more clearly. But the White House shelved them in 2004, after industry-friendly members of Congress threatened to block confirmation of his new housing secretary.

In the 2004 election cycle, mortgage bankers and brokers poured nearly $847,000 into Bush's re-election campaign, more than triple their contributions in 2000, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics. The administration did not complete the new rules until last month.

Today, administration officials say it is fair to ask whether Bush's ownership push backfired. Paulson said the administration, like others before it, "over-incented housing."

Hennessey put it this way: "I would not say too much emphasis on expanding home ownership. I would say not enough early focus on easy lending practices."

Kitty Bennett contributed reporting.

Rich Addicks/The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

And the Democrat and the Republicans are the same, thanks for clarification.
Why would you need to know? I really don't reveal a lot to a bunch of nutters on a message board.
I don't blame you. But the nutters are all GOPers as far as I've seen...take your brainwashed belittlement of teachers. RW idiocy. It's damn hard, especially if you don't have the disciplinary gene.

You are the asshole that makes claims he can't back, so please spare me your opinions, they are like assholes, everyone has one, in your case, you are one.

As far as teachers, I have worked with them because our company had an account with them and they were for the most part the dumbest people we dealt with. We would laugh at them when they would leave, because they had no clue.
I can and have before, but get tired of schooling you dupes after 10 years. Those teachers are still teachers as they're in a socialist network and no doubt couldn't give a shytte about transportation. I'll get the info on why prosecuting criminally if you really want. If they were GOP prosecuting they probably would have, but Dems never do that corrupt shytte. That's why nobody actually prosecutes Hilary, Bill or any other Dems, except on their bs propaganda...Tel us all about Bill lying about BJs now dupe. All the GOP did was lie about wrecking the country financially and the world financially AND militarily LOL.

I wasn't in transportation back then. It was cell phones, and they were really stupid idiots.

As far as Dems not doing corrupt shit. Jefferson from Louisiana, Rostenkowski from Illinois, then you have the Illinois governor Blago who is now in prison. Keep filling yourself with BS and I'll keep showing what a tool you are for the Dems.
Those are pissant little crimes, not like wrecking the world and the nonrich and the country stealing for their greedy idiot rich cronies thru POLICY, dupe. The GOP crooks ALSO does the pissant shytte duuhhhh.

Whatever dude, only in your little world, not in the world we live in.
Butt sex on the bus? lol. Very mysterious.

As sealy, he brought it up, it is his gig, not mine. Maybe you two should get together, you seem to be interested.
Whatever lol. Do you dare tell us what transportation job you did so well at?

Why would you need to know? I really don't reveal a lot to a bunch of nutters on a message board.
I don't blame you. But the nutters are all GOPers as far as I've seen...take your brainwashed belittlement of teachers. RW idiocy. It's damn hard, especially if you don't have the disciplinary gene.
Teachers are so dumb they get paid well have summers off and get pensions. Of course underpaid mid level managers in the bus company resent the teachers. Especially the ones that lean right. Jealous.

Not a mid-level but whatever floats your boat. I owned a company and now I am the second in command at the current company. Teachers are not bright, they never have been. Just the way it is.
Whatever lol. Do you dare tell us what transportation job you did so well at?

Why would you need to know? I really don't reveal a lot to a bunch of nutters on a message board.
I don't blame you. But the nutters are all GOPers as far as I've seen...take your brainwashed belittlement of teachers. RW idiocy. It's damn hard, especially if you don't have the disciplinary gene.

You are the asshole that makes claims he can't back, so please spare me your opinions, they are like assholes, everyone has one, in your case, you are one.

As far as teachers, I have worked with them because our company had an account with them and they were for the most part the dumbest people we dealt with. We would laugh at them when they would leave, because they had no clue.
I can and have before, but get tired of schooling you dupes after 10 years. Those teachers are still teachers as they're in a socialist network and no doubt couldn't give a shytte about transportation. I'll get the info on why prosecuting criminally if you really want. If they were GOP prosecuting they probably would have, but Dems never do that corrupt shytte. That's why nobody actually prosecutes Hilary, Bill or any other Dems, except on their bs propaganda...Tel us all about Bill lying about BJs now dupe. All the GOP did was lie about wrecking the country financially and the world financially AND militarily LOL.
Omg I went to lunch with my GOP co-worker. He said Democrats don't really care about Russia they just want to use it against republicans. He heard it on rush. I said, "you mean like Monica?" And it dawned on him Republicans do it too. Same with Benghazi or fast and furious or Hillary using a private email.

Yep, the Democrats and the Republicans are the same in that respect. I have been saying that and you denied it and now you agree. LOL!
If we cut off the children of the rich at age 18, they'd be subject to the same conditions their Daddies make the rest of us go through. The son of a millionaire would have just as much chance of winding up a blue-collar worker as the son of a blue-collar worker does.

Cut off? What? Specifically how?

You mean like this?

The hell it does LOL. That's the percent of their income they pay. And it show there's a flat tax system for everyone not poor. That's how the 1% end up with all the new wealth.

You really should have quit while you were behind.

You are right, your chart does not show the percentage of all income taxes paid by income group. It really shows nothing.

Here are the percentage of all income taxes paid by income group. Read and weep!


If that's impossible for you to comprehend, here it is in chart form.


National Taxpayers Union - Who Pays Income Taxes?
Yes, brainwashed shyttehead. Can you even get past the GOP propaganda about Fed Income tax lol? Then there's every other federal, state and local tax and fee which hit the nonrich much harder, so that basically EVERYONE pays between 20-30% of income to the government, and the rich end up with all the new wealth, and the nonrich and the country gth. Great job, dupe. see sig PP1. Only bs/hate propaganda keeps you ignoramuses in line...

The subject was and is Federal Income Tax. You need to take up the local taxes with the states, counties, and municipalities.

You're also lying, even by your own "chart" by saying that "EVERYONE" pays between 20-30% of their income to government. You have no worth, you simply love to stir the pot.

So you don't know who Thomas Frank is, you should just say so.
He's an idiot who writes all kinds of crap. Harpers, books. BS. 2009 was no time to go after business, and Obama had "control" for 24 days, all used to pass ACA. The article was FOS.

Didn't need Congress for the Justice Dept. to go after the crooks. So I have no idea what you are saying.

Maybe Obama and the Democrats were too stupid to figure out that you didn't need Congress to prosecute.
The Booshies changed so many regs and oversight rules and just plain oversight there wasn't much to prosecute. Just watch the Trumpettes do the same...
Bush drive for home ownership fueled housing bubble - The New York ...
Dec 21, 2008 - Bush drive for home ownership fueled housing bubble ... But his housing policies and hands-off approach to regulation encouraged ... "It would have conflicted with the president's own policies. ... A lot has changed since then. ... But Bush populated the financial system's alphabet soup of oversightagencies ...
Bush's Philosophy Stoked the Mortgage Bonfire - The New York Times
Dec 20, 2008 - President Bush, who vowed to spread the dream of homeownership, is leaving ... But hishousing policies and hands-off approach to regulation ... “No one wanted to stop that bubble,” Mr. Lindsey said. ... A lot has changed since then. .... said, that the Oxley bill would have produced “the worst of allpossible ...►
Government policies and the subprime mortgage crisis - Wikipedia
Government policies and the subprime mortgage crisis - Wikipedia
The U.S. subprime mortgage crisis was a set of events and conditions that led to a financial ... The FCIC wrote that U.S. government affordable housing policies and the .... policy or markets do not by themselves explain the U.S. housing bubble. .... possible—and they should have responded by extending regulationsand the ...
Hey, Barney Frank: The Government Did Cause the Housing Crisis ...
Dec 13, 2011 - The Bush administration was just as guilty of this error as the Clinton administration. ... It is certainly possible to find prime mortgages among borrowers below ... This continued through the 1990s and 2000s until the housing bubble--created by all ... Have the Republicans "blame[d] the housing crisis on the ...
George W. Bush - 25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis - TIME,28804,1877351_1877350_1877320,00.html
That trickled down to federal oversight agencies, which in turn eased off on ... Bush backed and signed the aggressively regulatory Sarbanes-Oxley Act. But ... he was blocked by Bush's advisers at the WhiteHouse as well as other powerful ...

The wiki article is pretty accurate and no very partisan and blames several reason. It wasn't one issue or action it was several by several people over the decades. Thanks for proving my point.

I have used the Time article several times, it will also show Clinton was one of 25 key players in the debacle.
The Times speaks the truth. Almost all the ridiculous mortgages came with BOOOSH.
I don't blame you. But the nutters are all GOPers as far as I've seen...take your brainwashed belittlement of teachers. RW idiocy. It's damn hard, especially if you don't have the disciplinary gene.

You are the asshole that makes claims he can't back, so please spare me your opinions, they are like assholes, everyone has one, in your case, you are one.

As far as teachers, I have worked with them because our company had an account with them and they were for the most part the dumbest people we dealt with. We would laugh at them when they would leave, because they had no clue.
I can and have before, but get tired of schooling you dupes after 10 years. Those teachers are still teachers as they're in a socialist network and no doubt couldn't give a shytte about transportation. I'll get the info on why prosecuting criminally if you really want. If they were GOP prosecuting they probably would have, but Dems never do that corrupt shytte. That's why nobody actually prosecutes Hilary, Bill or any other Dems, except on their bs propaganda...Tel us all about Bill lying about BJs now dupe. All the GOP did was lie about wrecking the country financially and the world financially AND militarily LOL.

I wasn't in transportation back then. It was cell phones, and they were really stupid idiots.

As far as Dems not doing corrupt shit. Jefferson from Louisiana, Rostenkowski from Illinois, then you have the Illinois governor Blago who is now in prison. Keep filling yourself with BS and I'll keep showing what a tool you are for the Dems.
Those are pissant little crimes, not like wrecking the world and the nonrich and the country stealing for their greedy idiot rich cronies thru POLICY, dupe. The GOP crooks ALSO does the pissant shytte duuhhhh.

Whatever dude, only in your little world, not in the world we live in.
Meanwhile, the GOP steals from the nonrich and gives to the greedy rich DUH. And baffles dupes like you with BS propaganda. The worst propaganda machine BY FAR in our history. You idiot dupes believe the poor just got lazy the last 35 years now. Racist fools...
He's an idiot who writes all kinds of crap. Harpers, books. BS. 2009 was no time to go after business, and Obama had "control" for 24 days, all used to pass ACA. The article was FOS.

Didn't need Congress for the Justice Dept. to go after the crooks. So I have no idea what you are saying.

Maybe Obama and the Democrats were too stupid to figure out that you didn't need Congress to prosecute.
The Booshies changed so many regs and oversight rules and just plain oversight there wasn't much to prosecute. Just watch the Trumpettes do the same...
Bush drive for home ownership fueled housing bubble - The New York ...
Dec 21, 2008 - Bush drive for home ownership fueled housing bubble ... But his housing policies and hands-off approach to regulation encouraged ... "It would have conflicted with the president's own policies. ... A lot has changed since then. ... But Bush populated the financial system's alphabet soup of oversightagencies ...
Bush's Philosophy Stoked the Mortgage Bonfire - The New York Times
Dec 20, 2008 - President Bush, who vowed to spread the dream of homeownership, is leaving ... But hishousing policies and hands-off approach to regulation ... “No one wanted to stop that bubble,” Mr. Lindsey said. ... A lot has changed since then. .... said, that the Oxley bill would have produced “the worst of allpossible ...►
Government policies and the subprime mortgage crisis - Wikipedia
Government policies and the subprime mortgage crisis - Wikipedia
The U.S. subprime mortgage crisis was a set of events and conditions that led to a financial ... The FCIC wrote that U.S. government affordable housing policies and the .... policy or markets do not by themselves explain the U.S. housing bubble. .... possible—and they should have responded by extending regulationsand the ...
Hey, Barney Frank: The Government Did Cause the Housing Crisis ...
Dec 13, 2011 - The Bush administration was just as guilty of this error as the Clinton administration. ... It is certainly possible to find prime mortgages among borrowers below ... This continued through the 1990s and 2000s until the housing bubble--created by all ... Have the Republicans "blame[d] the housing crisis on the ...
George W. Bush - 25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis - TIME,28804,1877351_1877350_1877320,00.html
That trickled down to federal oversight agencies, which in turn eased off on ... Bush backed and signed the aggressively regulatory Sarbanes-Oxley Act. But ... he was blocked by Bush's advisers at the WhiteHouse as well as other powerful ...

The wiki article is pretty accurate and no very partisan and blames several reason. It wasn't one issue or action it was several by several people over the decades. Thanks for proving my point.

I have used the Time article several times, it will also show Clinton was one of 25 key players in the debacle.
The Times speaks the truth. Almost all the ridiculous mortgages came with BOOOSH.
For much of Bush's tenure, government statistics show, incomes for most families remained relatively stagnant while housing prices skyrocketed. That put home ownership increasingly out of reach for first-time buyers like West.

So Bush had to, in his words, "use the mighty muscle of the federal government" to meet his goal. He proposed affordable housing tax incentives. He insisted that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac meet ambitious new goals for low-income lending.

Concerned that down payments were a barrier, Bush persuaded Congress to spend as much as $200 million a year to help first-time buyers with down payments and closing costs.

And he pushed to allow first-time buyers to qualify for government insured mortgages with no money down. Republican congressional leaders and some housing advocates balked, arguing that homeowners with no stake in their investments would be more prone to walk away, as West did. Many economic experts, including some in the White House, now share that view.

The president also leaned on mortgage brokers and lenders to devise their own innovations. "Corporate America," he said, "has a responsibility to work to make America a compassionate place."

And corporate America, eyeing a lucrative market, delivered in ways Bush might not have expected, with a proliferation of too-good-to-be-true teaser rates and interest-only loans that were sold to investors in a loosely regulated environment. But Bush populated the financial system's alphabet soup of oversight agencies with people who, like him, wanted fewer rules, not more.

The president's first chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission promised a "kinder, gentler" agency. The second was pushed out amid industry complaints that he was too aggressive. Under its current leader, the agency failed to police the catastrophic decisions that toppled the investment bank Bear Stearns and contributed to the current crisis, according to a recent inspector general's report.

As for Bush's banking regulators, they once brandished a chain saw over a 9,000-page pile of regulations as they promised to ease burdens on the industry. When states tried to use consumer protection laws to crack down on predatory lending, the comptroller of the currency blocked the effort, asserting that states had no authority over national banks.

The administration won that fight at the Supreme Court. But Roy Cooper, North Carolina's attorney general, said, "They took 50 sheriffs off the beat at a time when lending was becoming the Wild West."

The president did push rules aimed at requiring lenders to explain loan terms more clearly. But the White House shelved them in 2004, after industry-friendly members of Congress threatened to block confirmation of his new housing secretary.

In the 2004 election cycle, mortgage bankers and brokers poured nearly $847,000 into Bush's re-election campaign, more than triple their contributions in 2000, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics. The administration did not complete the new rules until last month.

Today, administration officials say it is fair to ask whether Bush's ownership push backfired. Paulson said the administration, like others before it, "over-incented housing."

Hennessey put it this way: "I would not say too much emphasis on expanding home ownership. I would say not enough early focus on easy lending practices."

Kitty Bennett contributed reporting.

Rich Addicks/The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Over my lifetime......82 years, I've learned to be more concerned for folks who are simply trying to get three meals a day and rent than the ultra-rich moguls who use their usually inherited money to screw poor folks!

Nothing is occurring which makes me want to reconsider or re-evaluate.

Your ignorance is duly noted as well as expected.

Personally, it seems to me that your far left Socialist cause would be better served by facing and posting the truth as opposed to lying.

You know, or SHOULD know that your statement about the "ultra rich" usually inherit their money is totally bogus. No surprise. How have any one of them, inherited or not, "screwed" poor folks? How have they taken anything out of the pockets of the poor?

For your extremely reluctant edification.

OCT 3, 2014 @ 11:09 AM
There Are More Self-Made Billionaires In The Forbes 400 Than Ever Before
Agustino Fontevecchia, contributor


The trend began to break down in 1994, when we saw an equal number of inherited and self-made billionaires, but at the extreme, it was still totally skewed. Our percentage of 1s stood at 17.75%, compared to 3% for 10s (absolutely self-made).

Already in the 2000s, our data finally showed a greater proportion of self-made billionaires. In 2004, we had 59% of the Forbes 400 having made their own fortune, as opposed to 41% who inherited it. But, again, at the extremes we still saw a full one-tenth of the list, or 40 of them, having fully inherited their fortunes and not working to grow it, and only 4.75% of them, or 19, as totally self-made, having battled adversity to reach the top.

Thus, the most encouraging results come from this year’s Forbes 400. For the first time in our data set, we see the number of self-made billionaires who rose from nothing, and overcame various tough obstacles, outpacing those that just sat on their fortunes. A total of 34 billionaires, or 8.5%, scored as 10s, or more than three times as many as in 1984. The number of 100% inherited fortunes as a percentage of the total fell to 7%, with 28 billionaires in the 1 category, compared to 99 back in 1984.


There Are More Self-Made Billionaires In The Forbes 400 Than Ever Before
You ought to listen to your elders, superdupe.

Meanwhile, with all those new billionaires- (sounds like online ones), the middle class and the country go to hell. Great job, Reaganistas.

The Demise of the American Middle Class In Numbers.
Filed under Economicsno comments

The Demise of the American Middle Class In Numbers.

Over the past 60 years the American dream has gradually disappeared. The process was slow, so most people didn’t notice. They just worked a few more hours, borrowed a little more and cut back on non-essentials. But looking at the numbers and comparing them over long time periods, it is obvious that things have changed drastically. Here are the details:


Over the past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.

But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):

1950 = 101%
1960 = 105%
1970 = 105%
1980 = 105% – Reagan
1990 = 100%
2000 = 96%
2007 = 92%

A 13% drop since 1980


Share of National Income going to Top 10%:

1950 = 35%
1960 = 34%
1970 = 34%
1980 = 34% – Reagan
1990 = 40%
2000 = 47%
2007 = 50%

An increase of 16% since Reagan.


The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.

1950 = 6.0%
1960 = 7.0%
1970 = 8.5%
1980 = 10.0% – Reagan
1982 = 11.2% – Peak
1990 = 7.0%
2000 = 2.0%
2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)

A 12.3% drop after Reagan.


Household Debt as percentage of GDP:

1965 = 46%
1970 = 45%
1980 = 50% – Reagan
1990 = 61%
2000 = 69%
2007 = 95%

A 45% increase after 1980.


Gap Between the Share of Capital Income earned by the top 1%
and the bottom 80%:

1980 = 10%
2003 = 56%

A 5.6 times increase.


The Probably of Moving Up from the Bottom 40% to the Top 40%:

1945 = 12%
1958 = 6%
1990 = 3%
2000 = 2%

A 10% Decrease.


1 =
1 =
1 = Clipboard01.jpg (image)
2 –
3 =
3 = U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
4 = Federated Prudent Bear Fund (A): Overview
4 = FRB: Z.1 Release - Financial Accounts of the United States - Current Release
5/6 =

Overview =
He's an idiot who writes all kinds of crap. Harpers, books. BS. 2009 was no time to go after business, and Obama had "control" for 24 days, all used to pass ACA. The article was FOS.

Didn't need Congress for the Justice Dept. to go after the crooks. So I have no idea what you are saying.

Maybe Obama and the Democrats were too stupid to figure out that you didn't need Congress to prosecute.
The Booshies changed so many regs and oversight rules and just plain oversight there wasn't much to prosecute. Just watch the Trumpettes do the same...
Bush drive for home ownership fueled housing bubble - The New York ...
Dec 21, 2008 - Bush drive for home ownership fueled housing bubble ... But his housing policies and hands-off approach to regulation encouraged ... "It would have conflicted with the president's own policies. ... A lot has changed since then. ... But Bush populated the financial system's alphabet soup of oversightagencies ...
Bush's Philosophy Stoked the Mortgage Bonfire - The New York Times
Dec 20, 2008 - President Bush, who vowed to spread the dream of homeownership, is leaving ... But hishousing policies and hands-off approach to regulation ... “No one wanted to stop that bubble,” Mr. Lindsey said. ... A lot has changed since then. .... said, that the Oxley bill would have produced “the worst of allpossible ...►
Government policies and the subprime mortgage crisis - Wikipedia
Government policies and the subprime mortgage crisis - Wikipedia
The U.S. subprime mortgage crisis was a set of events and conditions that led to a financial ... The FCIC wrote that U.S. government affordable housing policies and the .... policy or markets do not by themselves explain the U.S. housing bubble. .... possible—and they should have responded by extending regulationsand the ...
Hey, Barney Frank: The Government Did Cause the Housing Crisis ...
Dec 13, 2011 - The Bush administration was just as guilty of this error as the Clinton administration. ... It is certainly possible to find prime mortgages among borrowers below ... This continued through the 1990s and 2000s until the housing bubble--created by all ... Have the Republicans "blame[d] the housing crisis on the ...
George W. Bush - 25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis - TIME,28804,1877351_1877350_1877320,00.html
That trickled down to federal oversight agencies, which in turn eased off on ... Bush backed and signed the aggressively regulatory Sarbanes-Oxley Act. But ... he was blocked by Bush's advisers at the WhiteHouse as well as other powerful ...

The wiki article is pretty accurate and no very partisan and blames several reason. It wasn't one issue or action it was several by several people over the decades. Thanks for proving my point.

I have used the Time article several times, it will also show Clinton was one of 25 key players in the debacle.
The Times speaks the truth. Almost all the ridiculous mortgages came with BOOOSH.

I never said Bush was innocent. Did you read the issue with Clinton and his contribution? There were others besides Clinton and Bush.
You are the asshole that makes claims he can't back, so please spare me your opinions, they are like assholes, everyone has one, in your case, you are one.

As far as teachers, I have worked with them because our company had an account with them and they were for the most part the dumbest people we dealt with. We would laugh at them when they would leave, because they had no clue.
I can and have before, but get tired of schooling you dupes after 10 years. Those teachers are still teachers as they're in a socialist network and no doubt couldn't give a shytte about transportation. I'll get the info on why prosecuting criminally if you really want. If they were GOP prosecuting they probably would have, but Dems never do that corrupt shytte. That's why nobody actually prosecutes Hilary, Bill or any other Dems, except on their bs propaganda...Tel us all about Bill lying about BJs now dupe. All the GOP did was lie about wrecking the country financially and the world financially AND militarily LOL.

I wasn't in transportation back then. It was cell phones, and they were really stupid idiots.

As far as Dems not doing corrupt shit. Jefferson from Louisiana, Rostenkowski from Illinois, then you have the Illinois governor Blago who is now in prison. Keep filling yourself with BS and I'll keep showing what a tool you are for the Dems.
Those are pissant little crimes, not like wrecking the world and the nonrich and the country stealing for their greedy idiot rich cronies thru POLICY, dupe. The GOP crooks ALSO does the pissant shytte duuhhhh.

Whatever dude, only in your little world, not in the world we live in.
Meanwhile, the GOP steals from the nonrich and gives to the greedy rich DUH. And baffles dupes like you with BS propaganda. The worst propaganda machine BY FAR in our history. You idiot dupes believe the poor just got lazy the last 35 years now. Racist fools...

Where have I said the poor got lazy? Your stereotyping is pretty funny and very errant.

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