Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

UE compensation is simply more cost effective, that is all.

Not with people who are capable of work and do not.

Better yet, requiring people who are on unemployment to work, once again. It worked in 1996, it will work again.
That is where it is most effective; means tested welfare should be reserved for those for whom solving for a simple poverty of money, may not be enough.

At will Official poverty!
it is about capitalism versus socialism. the right wing, never gets it.
Sure they did, but not in dupe world. But the whole idea was GOP crap and cost the economy 1% in GDP growth each time. Great job. For NOTHING.
Did you find yet where I complained about the victims?
Yup- the next post.
Provide a quote for analysis.
I already did. Anytime you blame the poor or the nonrich for anything, you do.
Not seeing any quotes. You didn't just make stuff up did you?

Now, are you trying to say that people are blameless and not responsible for anything in their lives simply because they have less than someone else?
When half the country is going to hell, it just MIGHT in most cases have something to do with pander to the rich GOP policies of the last 35 years, dupe. You just did it AGAIN, blaming the victims. The corrupt Boosh giveaway to financial institutions/crony "oversight"/ bubble/bust/world MELTDOWN also killed the nonrich EVERYWHERE. Obama gave us the world's best economy, so guess how weak countries are doing in the ME and Africa and where those "Libyan" refugees are coming from.
Last edited:
Great bs propaganda spam, superdupe! Funny how F+F's share of the market went down at least 50% in 2003 and 4 and almost ALL the toxic loans came after Clinton. And that GlassSteagal repeal came from the GOP. Idiot dupes

True, the repeal of Glass/Steagle came from a Republican Congress and, like the lowering of qualifications for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac purchased loans, it was signed by President Bill Clinton. Perhaps he was concentrating on a Lewinski more than his real job.

HUD to Fight Discrimination, Boost Minority Homeownership and Work With Urban League to Further Goals - Free Online Library
The Country Club Left Always Serves the Country Club Right

Those were flipper loans. The banks wanted to lend to those they knew would default. That way they could repossess whole ghetto-rat neighborhoods, tear them down, and make huge profits turning them into upscale apartments for up and coming upchuck yuppies to get drunk in.
...with crap GOP oversight of Countrywide AIG etc etc mainly...
So you don't know who Thomas Frank is, you should just say so.
He's an idiot who writes all kinds of crap. Harpers, books. BS. 2009 was no time to go after business, and Obama had "control" for 24 days, all used to pass ACA. The article was FOS.

Didn't need Congress for the Justice Dept. to go after the crooks. So I have no idea what you are saying.

Maybe Obama and the Democrats were too stupid to figure out that you didn't need Congress to prosecute.
The Booshies changed so many regs and oversight rules and just plain oversight there wasn't much to prosecute. Just watch the Trumpettes do the same...
Bush drive for home ownership fueled housing bubble - The New York ...
Dec 21, 2008 - Bush drive for home ownership fueled housing bubble ... But his housing policies and hands-off approach to regulation encouraged ... "It would have conflicted with the president's own policies. ... A lot has changed since then. ... But Bush populated the financial system's alphabet soup of oversightagencies ...
Bush's Philosophy Stoked the Mortgage Bonfire - The New York Times
Dec 20, 2008 - President Bush, who vowed to spread the dream of homeownership, is leaving ... But hishousing policies and hands-off approach to regulation ... “No one wanted to stop that bubble,” Mr. Lindsey said. ... A lot has changed since then. .... said, that the Oxley bill would have produced “the worst of allpossible ...►
Government policies and the subprime mortgage crisis - Wikipedia
Government policies and the subprime mortgage crisis - Wikipedia
The U.S. subprime mortgage crisis was a set of events and conditions that led to a financial ... The FCIC wrote that U.S. government affordable housing policies and the .... policy or markets do not by themselves explain the U.S. housing bubble. .... possible—and they should have responded by extending regulationsand the ...
Hey, Barney Frank: The Government Did Cause the Housing Crisis ...
Dec 13, 2011 - The Bush administration was just as guilty of this error as the Clinton administration. ... It is certainly possible to find prime mortgages among borrowers below ... This continued through the 1990s and 2000s until the housing bubble--created by all ... Have the Republicans "blame[d] the housing crisis on the ...
George W. Bush - 25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis - TIME,28804,1877351_1877350_1877320,00.html
That trickled down to federal oversight agencies, which in turn eased off on ... Bush backed and signed the aggressively regulatory Sarbanes-Oxley Act. But ... he was blocked by Bush's advisers at the WhiteHouse as well as other powerful ...

The wiki article is pretty accurate and no very partisan and blames several reason. It wasn't one issue or action it was several by several people over the decades. Thanks for proving my point.

I have used the Time article several times, it will also show Clinton was one of 25 key players in the debacle.
I heard families making $150k plus are getting tax breaks and people under our taxes will go up a little. I guess I can live with that
You are the asshole that makes claims he can't back, so please spare me your opinions, they are like assholes, everyone has one, in your case, you are one.

As far as teachers, I have worked with them because our company had an account with them and they were for the most part the dumbest people we dealt with. We would laugh at them when they would leave, because they had no clue.
I can and have before, but get tired of schooling you dupes after 10 years. Those teachers are still teachers as they're in a socialist network and no doubt couldn't give a shytte about transportation. I'll get the info on why prosecuting criminally if you really want. If they were GOP prosecuting they probably would have, but Dems never do that corrupt shytte. That's why nobody actually prosecutes Hilary, Bill or any other Dems, except on their bs propaganda...Tel us all about Bill lying about BJs now dupe. All the GOP did was lie about wrecking the country financially and the world financially AND militarily LOL.

I wasn't in transportation back then. It was cell phones, and they were really stupid idiots.

As far as Dems not doing corrupt shit. Jefferson from Louisiana, Rostenkowski from Illinois, then you have the Illinois governor Blago who is now in prison. Keep filling yourself with BS and I'll keep showing what a tool you are for the Dems.
Those are pissant little crimes, not like wrecking the world and the nonrich and the country stealing for their greedy idiot rich cronies thru POLICY, dupe. The GOP crooks ALSO does the pissant shytte duuhhhh.

Whatever dude, only in your little world, not in the world we live in.
Meanwhile, the GOP steals from the nonrich and gives to the greedy rich DUH. And baffles dupes like you with BS propaganda. The worst propaganda machine BY FAR in our history. You idiot dupes believe the poor just got lazy the last 35 years now. Racist fools...
Trumpets are former bushies
The Booshies changed so many regs and oversight rules and just plain oversight there wasn't much to prosecute. Just watch the Trumpettes do the same...
Bush drive for home ownership fueled housing bubble - The New York ...
Dec 21, 2008 - Bush drive for home ownership fueled housing bubble ... But his housing policies and hands-off approach to regulation encouraged ... "It would have conflicted with the president's own policies. ... A lot has changed since then. ... But Bush populated the financial system's alphabet soup of oversightagencies ...
Bush's Philosophy Stoked the Mortgage Bonfire - The New York Times
Dec 20, 2008 - President Bush, who vowed to spread the dream of homeownership, is leaving ... But hishousing policies and hands-off approach to regulation ... “No one wanted to stop that bubble,” Mr. Lindsey said. ... A lot has changed since then. .... said, that the Oxley bill would have produced “the worst of allpossible ...►
Government policies and the subprime mortgage crisis - Wikipedia
Government policies and the subprime mortgage crisis - Wikipedia
The U.S. subprime mortgage crisis was a set of events and conditions that led to a financial ... The FCIC wrote that U.S. government affordable housing policies and the .... policy or markets do not by themselves explain the U.S. housing bubble. .... possible—and they should have responded by extending regulationsand the ...
Hey, Barney Frank: The Government Did Cause the Housing Crisis ...
Dec 13, 2011 - The Bush administration was just as guilty of this error as the Clinton administration. ... It is certainly possible to find prime mortgages among borrowers below ... This continued through the 1990s and 2000s until the housing bubble--created by all ... Have the Republicans "blame[d] the housing crisis on the ...
George W. Bush - 25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis - TIME,28804,1877351_1877350_1877320,00.html
That trickled down to federal oversight agencies, which in turn eased off on ... Bush backed and signed the aggressively regulatory Sarbanes-Oxley Act. But ... he was blocked by Bush's advisers at the WhiteHouse as well as other powerful ...

The wiki article is pretty accurate and no very partisan and blames several reason. It wasn't one issue or action it was several by several people over the decades. Thanks for proving my point.

I have used the Time article several times, it will also show Clinton was one of 25 key players in the debacle.
The Times speaks the truth. Almost all the ridiculous mortgages came with BOOOSH.

I never said Bush was innocent. Did you read the issue with Clinton and his contribution? There were others besides Clinton and Bush.
Yes, and it was NOTHING in comparison. Mainly he signed the GOP long as we had Clinton regulators, nothing happened.
People don't realize how important it is we have the white house to keep them in check. If gore won no war with Iraq and no recession. Romney would have bankrupt the big 3 broke all the unions and finished off the middle class. It would have been their dream to win 2008 and 2012. America forgot how bad bush hastert and delay were.
Top 10%'s share highest EVER!!!

Unions’ Decline and the Rise of the Top 10 Percent’s Share of Income

Just hang it up, dupe, it'll just get worse until Dems can change Reaganist tax rates and policies...

They had 8 years you dupe.

And the New BS GOP wouldn't let them do a gd thing. Obama had 60 votes to block fiibusters for about 3 weeks in session. You dupes think he had 2 years lol and that his new policies DID SOMETHING. Wrong, dupe. He managed the stimulus and ACA. At least there was no corrupt GOP bubble.
Top 10%'s share highest EVER!!!

Unions’ Decline and the Rise of the Top 10 Percent’s Share of Income

Just hang it up, dupe, it'll just get worse until Dems can change Reaganist tax rates and policies...

They had 8 years you dupe.

And the New BS GOP wouldn't let them do a gd thing. Obama had 60 votes to block fiibusters for about 3 weeks in session. You dupes think he had 2 years lol and that his new policies DID SOMETHING. Wrong, dupe. He managed the stimulus and ACA. At least there was no corrupt GOP bubble.

Again he had 8 years an his idiotic polices cost him the Senate, the house and over a thousand state legislatures seats...

You have no one to blame but Obama and the stupid asinine democrat party for your failures dupe.

Bush drive for home ownership fueled housing bubble - The New York ...
Dec 21, 2008 - Bush drive for home ownership fueled housing bubble ... But his housing policies and hands-off approach to regulation encouraged ... "It would have conflicted with the president's own policies. ... A lot has changed since then. ... But Bush populated the financial system's alphabet soup of oversightagencies ...
Bush's Philosophy Stoked the Mortgage Bonfire - The New York Times
Dec 20, 2008 - President Bush, who vowed to spread the dream of homeownership, is leaving ... But hishousing policies and hands-off approach to regulation ... “No one wanted to stop that bubble,” Mr. Lindsey said. ... A lot has changed since then. .... said, that the Oxley bill would have produced “the worst of allpossible ...►
Government policies and the subprime mortgage crisis - Wikipedia
Government policies and the subprime mortgage crisis - Wikipedia
The U.S. subprime mortgage crisis was a set of events and conditions that led to a financial ... The FCIC wrote that U.S. government affordable housing policies and the .... policy or markets do not by themselves explain the U.S. housing bubble. .... possible—and they should have responded by extending regulationsand the ...
Hey, Barney Frank: The Government Did Cause the Housing Crisis ...
Dec 13, 2011 - The Bush administration was just as guilty of this error as the Clinton administration. ... It is certainly possible to find prime mortgages among borrowers below ... This continued through the 1990s and 2000s until the housing bubble--created by all ... Have the Republicans "blame[d] the housing crisis on the ...
George W. Bush - 25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis - TIME,28804,1877351_1877350_1877320,00.html
That trickled down to federal oversight agencies, which in turn eased off on ... Bush backed and signed the aggressively regulatory Sarbanes-Oxley Act. But ... he was blocked by Bush's advisers at the WhiteHouse as well as other powerful ...

The wiki article is pretty accurate and no very partisan and blames several reason. It wasn't one issue or action it was several by several people over the decades. Thanks for proving my point.

I have used the Time article several times, it will also show Clinton was one of 25 key players in the debacle.
The Times speaks the truth. Almost all the ridiculous mortgages came with BOOOSH.

I never said Bush was innocent. Did you read the issue with Clinton and his contribution? There were others besides Clinton and Bush.
Yes, and it was NOTHING in comparison. Mainly he signed the GOP long as we had Clinton regulators, nothing happened.
People don't realize how important it is we have the white house to keep them in check. If gore won no war with Iraq and no recession. Romney would have bankrupt the big 3 broke all the unions and finished off the middle class. It would have been their dream to win 2008 and 2012. America forgot how bad bush hastert and delay were.

You are smoking to much pot, the big three were doing fine in 2012 when the mod of the third debate threw the election to Obama over Romney.
The wiki article is pretty accurate and no very partisan and blames several reason. It wasn't one issue or action it was several by several people over the decades. Thanks for proving my point.

I have used the Time article several times, it will also show Clinton was one of 25 key players in the debacle.
The Times speaks the truth. Almost all the ridiculous mortgages came with BOOOSH.

I never said Bush was innocent. Did you read the issue with Clinton and his contribution? There were others besides Clinton and Bush.
Yes, and it was NOTHING in comparison. Mainly he signed the GOP long as we had Clinton regulators, nothing happened.
People don't realize how important it is we have the white house to keep them in check. If gore won no war with Iraq and no recession. Romney would have bankrupt the big 3 broke all the unions and finished off the middle class. It would have been their dream to win 2008 and 2012. America forgot how bad bush hastert and delay were.

You are smoking to much pot, the big three were doing fine in 2012 when the mod of the third debate threw the election to Obama over Romney.
Romney wanted to bankrupt them. You'll see trump will finish the job
The Times speaks the truth. Almost all the ridiculous mortgages came with BOOOSH.

I never said Bush was innocent. Did you read the issue with Clinton and his contribution? There were others besides Clinton and Bush.
Yes, and it was NOTHING in comparison. Mainly he signed the GOP long as we had Clinton regulators, nothing happened.
People don't realize how important it is we have the white house to keep them in check. If gore won no war with Iraq and no recession. Romney would have bankrupt the big 3 broke all the unions and finished off the middle class. It would have been their dream to win 2008 and 2012. America forgot how bad bush hastert and delay were.

You are smoking to much pot, the big three were doing fine in 2012 when the mod of the third debate threw the election to Obama over Romney.
Romney wanted to bankrupt them. You'll see trump will finish the job

Again it would of been no big deal if GM went bankrupt they would of still been around just like American Airlines is still around after it filed for bankruptcy, two Chrysler is now owned by fiat and Ford never took any money.

So how would of Romney done it in your universe?

And lastly why does Trump want to bankrupt them?
Top 10%'s share highest EVER!!!

Unions’ Decline and the Rise of the Top 10 Percent’s Share of Income

Just hang it up, dupe, it'll just get worse until Dems can change Reaganist tax rates and policies...

They had 8 years you dupe.

And the New BS GOP wouldn't let them do a gd thing. Obama had 60 votes to block fiibusters for about 3 weeks in session. You dupes think he had 2 years lol and that his new policies DID SOMETHING. Wrong, dupe. He managed the stimulus and ACA. At least there was no corrupt GOP bubble.

Again he had 8 years an his idiotic polices cost him the Senate, the house and over a thousand state legislatures seats...

You have no one to blame but Obama and the stupid asinine democrat party for your failures dupe.

What policies were those, dupe? LOL. What cost him was bs propaganda and lies. Jobs jobs jobs my ass. All the GOP is good for is cutting taxes on the rich, corrupt bubbles, screwing the nonrich and stupid wars. And constructing an imaginary planet for ignorant chumps like you...
Top 10%'s share highest EVER!!!

Unions’ Decline and the Rise of the Top 10 Percent’s Share of Income

Just hang it up, dupe, it'll just get worse until Dems can change Reaganist tax rates and policies...

They had 8 years you dupe.

And the New BS GOP wouldn't let them do a gd thing. Obama had 60 votes to block fiibusters for about 3 weeks in session. You dupes think he had 2 years lol and that his new policies DID SOMETHING. Wrong, dupe. He managed the stimulus and ACA. At least there was no corrupt GOP bubble.

Again he had 8 years an his idiotic polices cost him the Senate, the house and over a thousand state legislatures seats...

You have no one to blame but Obama and the stupid asinine democrat party for your failures dupe.

What policies were those, dupe? LOL. What cost him was bs propaganda and lies. Jobs jobs jobs my ass. All the GOP is good for is cutting taxes on the rich, corrupt bubbles, screwing the nonrich and stupid wars. And constructing an imaginary planet for ignorant chumps like you...

You mentioned it already the biggest one was Obama care..followed closely by his over reaching with the EPA.
I never said Bush was innocent. Did you read the issue with Clinton and his contribution? There were others besides Clinton and Bush.
Yes, and it was NOTHING in comparison. Mainly he signed the GOP long as we had Clinton regulators, nothing happened.
People don't realize how important it is we have the white house to keep them in check. If gore won no war with Iraq and no recession. Romney would have bankrupt the big 3 broke all the unions and finished off the middle class. It would have been their dream to win 2008 and 2012. America forgot how bad bush hastert and delay were.

You are smoking to much pot, the big three were doing fine in 2012 when the mod of the third debate threw the election to Obama over Romney.
Romney wanted to bankrupt them. You'll see trump will finish the job

Again it would of been no big deal if GM went bankrupt they would of still been around just like American Airlines is still around after it filed for bankruptcy, two Chrysler is now owned by fiat and Ford never took any money.

So how would of Romney done it in your universe?

And lastly why does Trump want to bankrupt them?
There was no Bank money in 2009 to pick up the pieces of GM in 2009 like when AA lost it.
Top 10%'s share highest EVER!!!

Unions’ Decline and the Rise of the Top 10 Percent’s Share of Income

Just hang it up, dupe, it'll just get worse until Dems can change Reaganist tax rates and policies...

They had 8 years you dupe.

And the New BS GOP wouldn't let them do a gd thing. Obama had 60 votes to block fiibusters for about 3 weeks in session. You dupes think he had 2 years lol and that his new policies DID SOMETHING. Wrong, dupe. He managed the stimulus and ACA. At least there was no corrupt GOP bubble.

Again he had 8 years an his idiotic polices cost him the Senate, the house and over a thousand state legislatures seats...

You have no one to blame but Obama and the stupid asinine democrat party for your failures dupe.

What policies were those, dupe? LOL. What cost him was bs propaganda and lies. Jobs jobs jobs my ass. All the GOP is good for is cutting taxes on the rich, corrupt bubbles, screwing the nonrich and stupid wars. And constructing an imaginary planet for ignorant chumps like you...

You mentioned it already the biggest one was Obama care..followed closely by his over reaching with the EPA.
Neither of which had any effect on the economy, dupe. According to everyone BUT your lying cheating billionaire brainwashers and their bought off lying HS grad pundits....
I never said Bush was innocent. Did you read the issue with Clinton and his contribution? There were others besides Clinton and Bush.
Yes, and it was NOTHING in comparison. Mainly he signed the GOP long as we had Clinton regulators, nothing happened.
People don't realize how important it is we have the white house to keep them in check. If gore won no war with Iraq and no recession. Romney would have bankrupt the big 3 broke all the unions and finished off the middle class. It would have been their dream to win 2008 and 2012. America forgot how bad bush hastert and delay were.

You are smoking to much pot, the big three were doing fine in 2012 when the mod of the third debate threw the election to Obama over Romney.
Romney wanted to bankrupt them. You'll see trump will finish the job

Again it would of been no big deal if GM went bankrupt they would of still been around just like American Airlines is still around after it filed for bankruptcy, two Chrysler is now owned by fiat and Ford never took any money.

So how would of Romney done it in your universe?

And lastly why does Trump want to bankrupt them?
To destroy unions
Yes, and it was NOTHING in comparison. Mainly he signed the GOP long as we had Clinton regulators, nothing happened.
People don't realize how important it is we have the white house to keep them in check. If gore won no war with Iraq and no recession. Romney would have bankrupt the big 3 broke all the unions and finished off the middle class. It would have been their dream to win 2008 and 2012. America forgot how bad bush hastert and delay were.

You are smoking to much pot, the big three were doing fine in 2012 when the mod of the third debate threw the election to Obama over Romney.
Romney wanted to bankrupt them. You'll see trump will finish the job

Again it would of been no big deal if GM went bankrupt they would of still been around just like American Airlines is still around after it filed for bankruptcy, two Chrysler is now owned by fiat and Ford never took any money.

So how would of Romney done it in your universe?

And lastly why does Trump want to bankrupt them?
There was no Bank money in 2009 to pick up the pieces of GM in 2009 like when AA lost it.

They would of restructure tired the Union contracts and pension programs. You know damn well it was all about keeping those outrages pension programs.

And they are still in trouble today which I told you at least 8 times in the past year.
They had 8 years you dupe.

And the New BS GOP wouldn't let them do a gd thing. Obama had 60 votes to block fiibusters for about 3 weeks in session. You dupes think he had 2 years lol and that his new policies DID SOMETHING. Wrong, dupe. He managed the stimulus and ACA. At least there was no corrupt GOP bubble.

Again he had 8 years an his idiotic polices cost him the Senate, the house and over a thousand state legislatures seats...

You have no one to blame but Obama and the stupid asinine democrat party for your failures dupe.

What policies were those, dupe? LOL. What cost him was bs propaganda and lies. Jobs jobs jobs my ass. All the GOP is good for is cutting taxes on the rich, corrupt bubbles, screwing the nonrich and stupid wars. And constructing an imaginary planet for ignorant chumps like you...

You mentioned it already the biggest one was Obama care..followed closely by his over reaching with the EPA.
Neither of which had any effect on the economy, dupe. According to everyone BUT your lying cheating billionaire brainwashers and their bought off lying HS grad pundits....

Why don't you all do us a favor and start a lemonade stand so you could see first hand and from experience what crappy liberal decisions you make to stall the growth of your lemonade empire.

Yes, and it was NOTHING in comparison. Mainly he signed the GOP long as we had Clinton regulators, nothing happened.
People don't realize how important it is we have the white house to keep them in check. If gore won no war with Iraq and no recession. Romney would have bankrupt the big 3 broke all the unions and finished off the middle class. It would have been their dream to win 2008 and 2012. America forgot how bad bush hastert and delay were.

You are smoking to much pot, the big three were doing fine in 2012 when the mod of the third debate threw the election to Obama over Romney.
Romney wanted to bankrupt them. You'll see trump will finish the job

Again it would of been no big deal if GM went bankrupt they would of still been around just like American Airlines is still around after it filed for bankruptcy, two Chrysler is now owned by fiat and Ford never took any money.

So how would of Romney done it in your universe?

And lastly why does Trump want to bankrupt them?
To destroy unions

They do that on their own, no need for help...

See the recent South Carolina Boeing vote on rejecting the unions



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