Restrict act


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2008
The federal government has been fearmongering over TikTok, an app that spies on you for the Chinese government no more or less than any other social media app.
And now we know why.
It's called the RESTRICT Act, and if it passes, it will be one of the biggest infringements on your rights and privacy in American history.
RESTRICT gives the government authority over every single form of communication, anywhere, and authorizes them to label you, or any other human being on earth, a "national security threat".
It will allow them to collect any communication or transaction data on you and everyone else, without any warrant or oversight, and it bans you from encrypting your data to stop them.
If you violate any section of RESTRICT, you will be labeled a "foreign adversary", even if you're an American citizen living in America.
Orwell's Oceania would be proud with that bit of newspeak.
Once you're labeled, the only way it could be removed is by a resolution from both the House of Representatives and the Senate.
That's right, you can't fight this. You can't ask for due process. You'd have to rely on an act of Congress.
And how could they punish you?
Just about any way they wish, and without any trial or due process.
At the very least, you could suffer a $1 million fine and 20 years in prison, and you would have to surrender every single thing you own.
RESTRICT also gives the government unlimited hiring power, and unlimited funding.
Want to file a FOIA request to see why you were labeled a "foreign adversary"?
RESTRICT gives government immunity from FOIA.
I want to put this plainly: RESTRICT, if passed, will remove any semblance of limitation on government's ability to frame you, rob you of everything, and destroy your life.
You will have no privacy, no due process, and no ability to even find out why they did this to you.
Now you know why they've been trying to scare you about foreign dictatorships: to distract you from the domestic dictatorship they're attempting to create.
Contact your Senators and Representative now, and tell them to oppose the Restrict Act.




The federal government has been fearmongering over TikTok, an app that spies on you for the Chinese government no more or less than any other social media app.
And now we know why.
It's called the RESTRICT Act, and if it passes, it will be one of the biggest infringements on your rights and privacy in American history.
RESTRICT gives the government authority over every single form of communication, anywhere, and authorizes them to label you, or any other human being on earth, a "national security threat".
It will allow them to collect any communication or transaction data on you and everyone else, without any warrant or oversight, and it bans you from encrypting your data to stop them.
If you violate any section of RESTRICT, you will be labeled a "foreign adversary", even if you're an American citizen living in America.
Orwell's Oceania would be proud with that bit of newspeak.
Once you're labeled, the only way it could be removed is by a resolution from both the House of Representatives and the Senate.
That's right, you can't fight this. You can't ask for due process. You'd have to rely on an act of Congress.
And how could they punish you?
Just about any way they wish, and without any trial or due process.
At the very least, you could suffer a $1 million fine and 20 years in prison, and you would have to surrender every single thing you own.
RESTRICT also gives the government unlimited hiring power, and unlimited funding.
Want to file a FOIA request to see why you were labeled a "foreign adversary"?
RESTRICT gives government immunity from FOIA.
I want to put this plainly: RESTRICT, if passed, will remove any semblance of limitation on government's ability to frame you, rob you of everything, and destroy your life.
You will have no privacy, no due process, and no ability to even find out why they did this to you.
Now you know why they've been trying to scare you about foreign dictatorships: to distract you from the domestic dictatorship they're attempting to create.
Contact your Senators and Representative now, and tell them to oppose the Restrict Act.




Well, here is another angle on this. Facebook or any other "American" social media outlet that is allowed in China is restricted on its content so we cannot manipulate the minds of Chinese people in China. So, why should we not restrict China's ability to manipulate America and control our free elections as well as pollute and corrupt our children? The bill doesn't eliminate TicTok.
Anytime the current administration says they are going to do something for our benefit or the benefit of the country for any reason at all you can bet your bottom dollar that it is only for their benefit and you can bet the farm there is far more hidden in their than what they say there in front of cameras.

I sincerely mean that, that's not colorfull language.

When people find out I was in the army I usually get some comment like thank you for protecting our freedom. Now I don't want to shit in their cereal so I keep my thoughts to myself but my thoughts are. America is not in danger of losing its freedom from a foriegn power. Any rights or freedoms or privelges we have lost or ever will lose will because of our own government and no one else. Even if a foriegn power took those away from us it's our government allowed it to happen either on purpose or through sheer stupidity and negligence.
So, why should we not restrict China's ability to manipulate America and control our free elections as well as pollute and corrupt our children?
because we have the 1st Amd, which should not restrict free speech
Now I don't want to shit in their cereal so I keep my thoughts to myself but my thoughts are. America is not in danger of losing its freedom from a foriegn power. Any rights or freedoms or privelges we have lost or ever will lose will because of our own government and no one else.
you sir.....get it..... :cool:

Its bipartisan.
This is why I always say when something is considered "bipartisan" it is a huge attack on our rights.
And people actually VOTE for these people!!
The RESTRICT Act is not limited to just TikTok. It gives the government authority over all forms of communication domestic or abroad and grants powers to “enforce any mitigation measure to address any risk” to national security now and in any “potential future transaction”

This is terrible legislation Patriot Act on steroids. Will absolutely be used against the American people.

What if they try to ban me from being your bro? Would you still be my bro?
The federal government has been fearmongering over TikTok, an app that spies on you for the Chinese government no more or less than any other social media app.
And now we know why.
It's called the RESTRICT Act, and if it passes, it will be one of the biggest infringements on your rights and privacy in American history.
RESTRICT gives the government authority over every single form of communication, anywhere, and authorizes them to label you, or any other human being on earth, a "national security threat".
It will allow them to collect any communication or transaction data on you and everyone else, without any warrant or oversight, and it bans you from encrypting your data to stop them.
If you violate any section of RESTRICT, you will be labeled a "foreign adversary", even if you're an American citizen living in America.
Orwell's Oceania would be proud with that bit of newspeak.
Once you're labeled, the only way it could be removed is by a resolution from both the House of Representatives and the Senate.
That's right, you can't fight this. You can't ask for due process. You'd have to rely on an act of Congress.
And how could they punish you?
Just about any way they wish, and without any trial or due process.
At the very least, you could suffer a $1 million fine and 20 years in prison, and you would have to surrender every single thing you own.
RESTRICT also gives the government unlimited hiring power, and unlimited funding.
Want to file a FOIA request to see why you were labeled a "foreign adversary"?
RESTRICT gives government immunity from FOIA.
I want to put this plainly: RESTRICT, if passed, will remove any semblance of limitation on government's ability to frame you, rob you of everything, and destroy your life.
You will have no privacy, no due process, and no ability to even find out why they did this to you.
Now you know why they've been trying to scare you about foreign dictatorships: to distract you from the domestic dictatorship they're attempting to create.
Contact your Senators and Representative now, and tell them to oppose the Restrict Act.




Google Chrome collects more data than Tik-Tok...
The federal government has been fearmongering over TikTok, an app that spies on you for the Chinese government no more or less than any other social media app.
And now we know why.
It's called the RESTRICT Act, and if it passes, it will be one of the biggest infringements on your rights and privacy in American history.
RESTRICT gives the government authority over every single form of communication, anywhere, and authorizes them to label you, or any other human being on earth, a "national security threat".
It will allow them to collect any communication or transaction data on you and everyone else, without any warrant or oversight, and it bans you from encrypting your data to stop them.
If you violate any section of RESTRICT, you will be labeled a "foreign adversary", even if you're an American citizen living in America.
Orwell's Oceania would be proud with that bit of newspeak.
Once you're labeled, the only way it could be removed is by a resolution from both the House of Representatives and the Senate.
That's right, you can't fight this. You can't ask for due process. You'd have to rely on an act of Congress.
And how could they punish you?
Just about any way they wish, and without any trial or due process.
At the very least, you could suffer a $1 million fine and 20 years in prison, and you would have to surrender every single thing you own.
RESTRICT also gives the government unlimited hiring power, and unlimited funding.
Want to file a FOIA request to see why you were labeled a "foreign adversary"?
RESTRICT gives government immunity from FOIA.
I want to put this plainly: RESTRICT, if passed, will remove any semblance of limitation on government's ability to frame you, rob you of everything, and destroy your life.
You will have no privacy, no due process, and no ability to even find out why they did this to you.
Now you know why they've been trying to scare you about foreign dictatorships: to distract you from the domestic dictatorship they're attempting to create.
Contact your Senators and Representative now, and tell them to oppose the Restrict Act.





I can't imagine what China could get from all this TikTok information.

However I think TikTok should be banned because it leads to zombie-ism in people. Also that China manipulates what can and cannot be seen.

How many anti-Chinese things do you get to see? Not much. We know they don't ban anti-Chinese things, but make sure the algorithms don't pass on those videos to many people, like 10 or something at most.
because we have the 1st Amd, which should not restrict free speech

you sir.....get it..... :cool:

Funny when all wokeism is restriction of free speech. When it works for you, you support it. When it doesn't you act like you are against it. It's also quite ironic that for a group of people to be okay with other American social media outlets restricting the President of the United States from free speech, but want the Communist Chinese to manipulate the voter's minds to control our nation. Restricting our enemies of foreign nations for attempting to over throw our government or controlling our government is not against the 1st Amendment. The 1st Amendment is for the rights of the Citizens of the United States of America only.
Restricting our enemies of foreign nations for attempting to over throw our government or controlling our government is not against the 1st Amendment.
creating our own political prisoners simply for responding to foreigners on the internets isn't a remedy Cougar ~S~
Anytime the current administration says they are going to do something for our benefit or the benefit of the country for any reason at all you can bet your bottom dollar that it is only for their benefit and you can bet the farm there is far more hidden in their than what they say there in front of cameras.

The same can be said of every administration this century
This bill was introduced by a Democrat, and quickly supported by Biden (as if he read it). Which means the Deep State/Establishment wrote it and are trying to ram it through.

11 Repub Co-sponsors and 10 Dem.

This is not a Dem thing, this is a Fed Govt coming after you thing. But you are the perfect patsy, you will always blame the other side and let your side get away with stealing your freedoms.
Using a VPN could result in prison time if this passes.
What in the holy fuck!

Can't be blocking the Feds access to what you are doing!

This bill should be the story of the day and get a ton of responses on here, but since it is being brought to us by both parties, this thread will be off the front page in a couple hours.

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