Retailers rejecting customers' cash as more ban paper money

I cant say I've ever been told I cant use cash.

I bought a new truck and the dealership said we do not accept cash so I went to the bank and got a cashers check for the full amount and paid off in full much to the destress of the dealership because I refused to buy the extended warranty. The dealership high pressured me to buy the extended warranty and I had to sign all kinds of papers saying I don't want it.
“Your cash is not wanted here”, a growing number of retailers and restaurants throughout the US and UK are telling customers. But are reasons being given by companies for the new “cashless” approach — speed, efficiency, and the safety of store employees — valid enough to require something as utterly and downright unAmerican as rejecting cash?
Retailers Rejecting Customers’ Cash As More Ban Paper Money

If you are a Trump hater you are to dumb to see the dangers of this. You morons were warned for years this was coming and the same losers who laughed and said once again oh it's a conspiracy get ot find out just how much of a fknn reality it is uninformed are usually the dumbest idiots around when it comes to being well informed on the real world.

Wait until they CONTROL YOUR EVERY MOVE MORONS including how much money you can or can not have. and WHEN.

Years ago I got a free meal because a Chinese restaurant closed out its drawer early and wouldn't take my card though displayed in their window. If I go somewhere and they refuse my cash, off hand then, I'd say they are offering it to me for free as the dollar is the basis of our economy, unless they tell you beforehand. In that case, I'll just go somewhere else.

The real reason behind this is more heinous---- while cash cannot be traced, electronic transactions can. They want to eliminate the dollar so that your every move has a digital footprint. Simple as that.

Some idiots don't get " CONTROL THE MONNEY CO\NTROL THE POPULATION" . it's that simple but pretty complexed for the brain deads who seem to think it's so spectacular.

Obama understood it when he took over the banking system early in his administration. Now your bank works for the Fed and tracks everything you do.
Some places. Kroger’s for example won’t accept VISA credit or debit cards because of the fee’s they have to pay.

Solution. Don’t shop there.

Same with no cash accepted stores/ restaurants.
Some places. Kroger’s for example won’t accept VISA credit or debit cards because of the fee’s they have to pay.

Solution. Don’t shop there.

Same with no cash accepted stores/ restaurants.

PIN based debit is a far cheaper electronic payment method for merchants - I'm surprised at the ones that use the VISA version.

I usually pay with either debit or credit for convenience - and pay my credit cards in full at the end of each month. But I like the option of cash for when I don't want to give someone my ID in a strange place.
And all the countries going cashless are SHIT HOLES just like all the countries turning to OPEN BORDERS are now being considered SHIT HOLES CONNECT THE DOTS.....

No 2nd amendment
no cash................

smart cities


Cities from Sweden to India are pushing for a totally cash-free society. But as more shops and transport networks insist on electronic payments, where does this leave the smallest traders and poorest inhabitants?

The Privacy Dangers of a Cashless Society Were Clear Over 40 Years Ago
Not many know that every time you use a freaking slave card......

The card ISSUER/OWNER gets paid huge bucks for that card. Every-time it's used you make those bastard banks all that much richer it's called a FEE.


EVEN FOOD STAMP CARD HOLDERS ARE CHARGED A FEE FOR THEIR F.S. CARD yeah how many have that logic picked up yet.
“Your cash is not wanted here”, a growing number of retailers and restaurants throughout the US and UK are telling customers. But are reasons being given by companies for the new “cashless” approach — speed, efficiency, and the safety of store employees — valid enough to require something as utterly and downright unAmerican as rejecting cash?
Retailers Rejecting Customers’ Cash As More Ban Paper Money

If you are a Trump hater you are to dumb to see the dangers of this. You morons were warned for years this was coming and the same losers who laughed and said once again oh it's a conspiracy get ot find out just how much of a fknn reality it is uninformed are usually the dumbest idiots around when it comes to being well informed on the real world.

Wait until they CONTROL YOUR EVERY MOVE MORONS including how much money you can or can not have. and WHENN.

I don’t see this as anything to concerning. Sure, a select few retailers may adopt cashless operations, but it’s far from an epidemic, and the majority will keep accepting cash. I liken this to the paperless office. Remember when paper wasn’t going to be used in any offices because everything would be electronic. Still a hell of lot of paper out there.
GLENN: Nobody is paying attention to what's happening in India. I mean, gold prices in India shot through the roof because they didn't go cashless. They just took everything over a 50-dollar bill. And it almost stopped the country. This week, they just did it. This cashless society is closer than any of us think, and if you think somebody is not going to -- they're going to let a crisis go to waste, you're mistaken.

A Cashless Society Enslaves You to the System

Glenn Beck is an alarmist. It’s how he gets paid.
“Your cash is not wanted here”, a growing number of retailers and restaurants throughout the US and UK are telling customers. But are reasons being given by companies for the new “cashless” approach — speed, efficiency, and the safety of store employees — valid enough to require something as utterly and downright unAmerican as rejecting cash?
Retailers Rejecting Customers’ Cash As More Ban Paper Money

If you are a Trump hater you are to dumb to see the dangers of this. You morons were warned for years this was coming and the same losers who laughed and said once again oh it's a conspiracy get ot find out just how much of a fknn reality it is uninformed are usually the dumbest idiots around when it comes to being well informed on the real world.

Wait until they CONTROL YOUR EVERY MOVE MORONS including how much money you can or can not have. and WHENN.

I don’t see this as anything to concerning. Sure, a select few retailers may adopt cashless operations, but it’s far from an epidemic, and the majority will keep accepting cash. I liken this to the paperless office. Remember when paper wasn’t going to be used in any offices because everything would be electronic. Still a hell of lot of paper out there.

Donn't worry you will when you can't buy what you want when you want LOL..

As the time draws nearer, the coming world government & its eventual leader the Antichrist must speed up the move toward a cashless economy. To do that, he will use crisis after crisis in the nations of the world. One will be a nearly global economic crash–the recession of all recessions. He will use this crash to overcome the inertia of the status quo. Without such radical intervention, people change their ways too slowly to suit his purposes and fit his time frame.

Implantable RFID microchips can be used to make financial identification more secure. The use of RFID chips in animals and in humans is rapidly spreading. Some U.S. cities have already made it mandatory to implant microchips into all cats and all dogs so that they can be tracked. In Hungary it’s a law that all dogs must be chipped.


One thing is certain: A global cashless economy and a totally monitored and controlled society are in the making. Fiber optics, satellites, and computer databases have the potential to control the world in a way that boggles the imagination..

The Coming Cashless Society | | Countdown to Armageddon
Oh yay. Who doesn’t love being “nudged” along the road to Marxism and a cashless utopia? (This is sarcasm. Hold the angry comments and emails.)

Here’s why a cashless society is dangerous.
A cashless society is a danger to freedom. And this is why we should embrace cold hard cash, precious metals, and the barter system.

Most of the folks who will read this article will already be on board with this philosophy, but here is one of the best explanations I’ve read about the dangers. From The UK Guardian…

Digital systems may be “convenient”, but they often come with central points of failure. Cash, on the other hand, does not crash. It does not rely on external data centres, and is not subject to remote control or remote monitoring. The cash system allows for an unmonitored “off the grid” space. This is also the reason why financial institutions and financial technology companies want to get rid of it. Cash transactions are outside the net that such institutions cast to harvest fees and data.

A cashless society brings dangers. People without bank accounts will find themselves further marginalised, disenfranchised from the cash infrastructure that previously supported them. There are also poorly understood psychological implications about cash encouraging self-control while paying by card or a mobile phone can encourage spending. And a cashless society has major surveillance implications.

Despite this, we see an alignment between government and financial institutions. The Treasury recently held a public consultation on cash and digital payments in the new economy. It presented itself as attempting to strike a balance, noting that cash was still important. But years of subtle lobbying by the financial industry have clearly paid off. The call for evidence repeatedly notes the negative elements of cash – associating it with crime and tax evasion – but barely mentions the negative implications of digital payments.

CIBC Proved Again the Danger of Cashless Society - The Organic Prepper
GLENN: Nobody is paying attention to what's happening in India. I mean, gold prices in India shot through the roof because they didn't go cashless. They just took everything over a 50-dollar bill. And it almost stopped the country. This week, they just did it. This cashless society is closer than any of us think, and if you think somebody is not going to -- they're going to let a crisis go to waste, you're mistaken.

A Cashless Society Enslaves You to the System

Glenn Beck is an alarmist. It’s how he gets paid.

Hahah I never even watch the bastard any more but he did have his good points, and he is far from beingn an alarmist reality is reality. Taking CASh is for conntrol,

Control the money control the population,,,,,,,,,,

Look what happens when the Gov. shuts down ppl on food stamps don't get their stamps, nor money ......
Look what happens to fathers who don't pay child support the banks freeze their bank accounts !

So tell me again how great a cashless society will be when the Gov can easily shut it off just because.

CIBC Proved Again the Danger of Cashless Society - The Organic Prepper

Digital systems may be “convenient”, but they often come with central points of failure. Cash, on the other hand, does not crash. It does not rely on external data centres, and is not subject to remote control or remote monitoring. The cash system allows for an unmonitored “off the grid” space. This is also the reason why financial institutions and financial technology companies want to get rid of it. Cash transactions are outside the net that such institutions cast to harvest fees and data.

A cashless society brings dangers. People without bank accounts will find themselves further marginalised, disenfranchised from the cash infrastructure that previously supported them. There are also poorly understood psychological implications about cash encouraging self-control while paying by card or a mobile phone can encourage spending. And a cashless society has major surveillance implications.

Despite this, we see an alignment between government and financial institutions. The Treasury recently held a public consultation on cash and digital payments in the new economy. It presented itself as attempting to strike a balance, noting that cash was still important. But years of subtle lobbying by the financial industry have clearly paid off. The call for evidence repeatedly notes the negative elements of cash – associating it with crime and tax evasion – but barely mentions the negative implications of digital payments.

The UK government has chosen to champion the digital financial services industry. This is irresponsible and disingenuous. We need to stop accepting stories about the cashless society and hyper-digital banking being “natural progress”. We must recognise every cash machine that is shut down as another step in financial institutions’ campaign to nudge you into their digital enclosures. (source)

It only took one day of the CIBC debacle to remind people of why digital transactions are at the mercy of the computers and those who control them.

The people who are pleading for the “progress” of a cashless society, the ones who can’t wait to get their debit card embedded into their arms as an RFID chip – they aren’t seeing the bigger picture. That’s the picture of them, losing everything they have at the whim of a bank, a prosecutor, or a computer error. It’s the picture of every single thing you buy and every transaction you make being tracked, filed away, and one day used against you.

It’s all about control. It’s always about control.

And without cash, you just handed all of your control to someone else.

CIBC Proved Again the Danger of Cashless Society - The Organic Prepper
Some places. Kroger’s for example won’t accept VISA credit or debit cards because of the fee’s they have to pay.

Solution. Don’t shop there.

Same with no cash accepted stores/ restaurants.

When shopping at Kroger's I only use my American Express credit card because I get cash back and tax free. My good friend only uses cash anywhere he shops and he drops money all over the place which I pick up and put in my pocket before someone else gets it. I then go to the ATM and deposit it in my checking account. I no longer use personal checks and closed down my Bank of America account which lowered my FICA score 50 points. Bank of America is a Tyrant and VISA is Bank of America.
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Not many know that every time you use a freaking slave card......

The card ISSUER/OWNER gets paid huge bucks for that card. Every-time it's used you make those bastard banks all that much richer it's called a FEE.


EVEN FOOD STAMP CARD HOLDERS ARE CHARGED A FEE FOR THEIR F.S. CARD yeah how many have that logic picked up yet.

Apparently you've never heard of cashback credit cards.

I use Ally bank and an ally cashback card. I get 1.5% cash back on every purchase, AND an additional 10% when I redeem my money back into my Ally account. With this free money I've already bought a tablet, a laptop computer and some car parts. All free money.

So no, you don't get poorer. You get a 1.5% discount on everything you buy because you get the money back. If you pay cash, you don't.
Not many know that every time you use a freaking slave card......

The card ISSUER/OWNER gets paid huge bucks for that card. Every-time it's used you make those bastard banks all that much richer it's called a FEE.


EVEN FOOD STAMP CARD HOLDERS ARE CHARGED A FEE FOR THEIR F.S. CARD yeah how many have that logic picked up yet.

Apparently you've never heard of cashback credit cards.

I use Ally bank and an ally cashback card. I get 1.5% cash back on every purchase, AND an additional 10% when I redeem my money back into my Ally account. With this free money I've already bought a tablet, a laptop computer and some car parts. All free money.

So no, you don't get poorer. You get a 1.5% discount on everything you buy because you get the money back. If you pay cash, you don't.


apparenntly you never heard how you PAY FOR THOSE cards
Not many know that every time you use a freaking slave card......

The card ISSUER/OWNER gets paid huge bucks for that card. Every-time it's used you make those bastard banks all that much richer it's called a FEE.


EVEN FOOD STAMP CARD HOLDERS ARE CHARGED A FEE FOR THEIR F.S. CARD yeah how many have that logic picked up yet.

Apparently you've never heard of cashback credit cards.

I use Ally bank and an ally cashback card. I get 1.5% cash back on every purchase, AND an additional 10% when I redeem my money back into my Ally account. With this free money I've already bought a tablet, a laptop computer and some car parts. All free money.

So no, you don't get poorer. You get a 1.5% discount on everything you buy because you get the money back. If you pay cash, you don't.

There is no such thing as free money. If you don't pay the balance back at the end of the cycle, you pay interest which is greater than 1.65% (your stated rate of return).
“Your cash is not wanted here”, a growing number of retailers and restaurants throughout the US and UK are telling customers. But are reasons being given by companies for the new “cashless” approach — speed, efficiency, and the safety of store employees — valid enough to require something as utterly and downright unAmerican as rejecting cash?
Retailers Rejecting Customers’ Cash As More Ban Paper Money

If you are a Trump hater you are to dumb to see the dangers of this. You morons were warned for years this was coming and the same losers who laughed and said once again oh it's a conspiracy get ot find out just how much of a fknn reality it is uninformed are usually the dumbest idiots around when it comes to being well informed on the real world.

Wait until they CONTROL YOUR EVERY MOVE MORONS including how much money you can or can not have. and WHENN.

I don’t see this as anything to concerning. Sure, a select few retailers may adopt cashless operations, but it’s far from an epidemic, and the majority will keep accepting cash. I liken this to the paperless office. Remember when paper wasn’t going to be used in any offices because everything would be electronic. Still a hell of lot of paper out there.

Donn't worry you will when you can't buy what you want when you want LOL..

As the time draws nearer, the coming world government & its eventual leader the Antichrist must speed up the move toward a cashless economy. To do that, he will use crisis after crisis in the nations of the world. One will be a nearly global economic crash–the recession of all recessions. He will use this crash to overcome the inertia of the status quo. Without such radical intervention, people change their ways too slowly to suit his purposes and fit his time frame.

Implantable RFID microchips can be used to make financial identification more secure. The use of RFID chips in animals and in humans is rapidly spreading. Some U.S. cities have already made it mandatory to implant microchips into all cats and all dogs so that they can be tracked. In Hungary it’s a law that all dogs must be chipped.


One thing is certain: A global cashless economy and a totally monitored and controlled society are in the making. Fiber optics, satellites, and computer databases have the potential to control the world in a way that boggles the imagination..

The Coming Cashless Society | | Countdown to Armageddon

You realize that your name will always be associated with that paranoid post, don’t you?
Not many know that every time you use a freaking slave card......

The card ISSUER/OWNER gets paid huge bucks for that card. Every-time it's used you make those bastard banks all that much richer it's called a FEE.


EVEN FOOD STAMP CARD HOLDERS ARE CHARGED A FEE FOR THEIR F.S. CARD yeah how many have that logic picked up yet.

Apparently you've never heard of cashback credit cards.

I use Ally bank and an ally cashback card. I get 1.5% cash back on every purchase, AND an additional 10% when I redeem my money back into my Ally account. With this free money I've already bought a tablet, a laptop computer and some car parts. All free money.

So no, you don't get poorer. You get a 1.5% discount on everything you buy because you get the money back. If you pay cash, you don't.

There is no such thing as free money. If you don't pay the balance back at the end of the cycle, you pay interest which is greater than 1.65% (your stated rate of return).

So don't buy anything you can't afford. I never said credit cards were free money, I said the CASH BACK I get is free money. I've been using a CC since my 18th birthday and not ONCE not paid my balance in full at the end of the month. My credit scores are 814 right now at 2 of the agencies.


Using cash doesn't build credit which makes it almost impossible to buy a house or a car.
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