retaliation for corona? Zimbabwe locals attack Chinese mine workers with shovels and crowbars, injuring many

hopefully it doesn't become a trend!

We can't assume it has anything to do with covid-19. If so, this is wrong on so many levels.

If they want to be angry, they should be angry at the communists or anyone in their government bowing down to the Communist Party. Not some poor sap working in a mine.
I do NOT know whether the attacks were in response to COVID-19. (A lot of the attacks in this country against Asians have been carried out by Americans of African ancestry.)

BUT I have read that there has long been a lot of unpleasant feelings between Africans and the Chinese working with them in Africa because the two groups' work ethics seem to be far apart.

I have read that the Chinese population in Africa is really growing, for China really, really, really needs that continent's raw materials.

I guess that there will be more and more marriages between the two groups, too. Wow! Is the world ever changing!
I guess that there will be more and more marriages between the two groups, too. Wow! Is the world ever changing
How did you come to that conclusion? These people are too different in mentality, except of that the Chinese tend to form 'closed' communities in the places they live abroad.
I guess that there will be more and more marriages between the two groups, too. Wow! Is the world ever changing
How did you come to that conclusion? These people are too different in mentality, except of that the Chinese tend to form 'closed' communities in the places they live abroad.

That is my guess.

I have read that some Chinese plan to settle permanently in Africa.

Have a nice weekend.
In a statement, CNRG said the dispute arose when the artisanal miners, working in a tunnel on a gold claim owned by one Zimunya and were approached by the Chinese nationals who wanted the fill the pit using an excavator.

The Chinese are reported to have told the artisanal miners to leave as they had a permit to mine at Premier Estates.

"This angered the artisanal miners who called for a back-up from their colleagues working along Mutare River and attacked the Chinese miners," CNRG.

The Chinese nationals angered the black miners by telling them to leave the gold-rich area called Premier Estates. Probably the Chinese are trying to seize the country's gold mines. The Chinese mining company Zhong Jin investments has been carrying out an illegal extraction of gold in the area.
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