Retired Special Forces Master Sergeant Stan Goff explains what military life really entails

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
He nails it spot on. The military exists to "assert the will of the United States government against other people through the force of arms." With the exception of Afghanistan, no war our government has sent us into since World War II has been in the defense of our nation or our Constitution. Our soldiers are abused by a bunch of old men in D.C. and used as political pawns and then tossed away and forgotten about when they come back broken.

This should be shown widely to the young.
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the military is a GREAT deal for 90+% of those who "serve", especially for those with smarts enough to get OUT ASAP, or at least, be in the airforce or Navy, or a "non combat" MOS in the Marines or Army. Free medical care for life, disability pensions (40 years later, for VERY minor things) (virtualy)free home loan, all sorts of goodies.
the military is a GREAT deal for 90+% of those who "serve", especially for those with smarts enough to get OUT ASAP, or at least, be in the airforce or Navy, or a "non combat" MOS in the Marines or Army. Free medical care for life, disability pensions (40 years later, for VERY minor things) (virtualy)free home loan, all sorts of goodies.
Working for goodies. What a novel concept.
the military is a GREAT deal for 90+% of those who "serve", especially for those with smarts enough to get OUT ASAP, or at least, be in the airforce or Navy, or a "non combat" MOS in the Marines or Army. Free medical care for life, disability pensions (40 years later, for VERY minor things) (virtualy)free home loan, all sorts of goodies.
I am not sure what Military service or which military in which country you are talking about. But if it is the US Military you are wrong, period.
We do not receive free medical care after retirement or after discharge if you do not retire. Disability pensions from the military are hard t get but if you get one you get paid now. Disability pensions from the VA are related to a service connected injury and also not easy to get but when you do get qualified you get paid monthly ; in any case there is no 40 year wait. Virtually free home loans is also a lie. The home loan guarantee is through the VA. They require an inspection and if approved by them they require lenders to follow guidelines concerning calculations of interest and escrow accounts. It is your responsibility to negotiate the interest rate , points, etc. The VA will only guarantee the loan if it meets their requirements, they have nothing to do with free loans. Next time you should speak from experience and knowledge not from making it up as you go.
Scuse me Mr. M.Sgt (retired) but you gotta be aware that a Soldier doesn't get to whine about the missions. Shit happens in the Military and ten times more Soldiers were killed in stupid training accidents in WW2 than the entire history of the conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan. Our Troops in Afghanistan are fed and housed better and have better medical treatment and spend less time in combat areas than any other conflict in American history. It's insulting to every other Veteran in history and border line treasonous to see a (retired) M.Sgt give aid and comfort to the enemy by characterizing Veteran heroes of the greatest Military in the world as "broken".
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