Reuters “Fact checks” Thailand study that concluded 30% of children who get “vaxxed” experience cardiac abnormalities…Says its only 18%.

It happens with every vaccine ever made.
No it doesn’t. Another one making excuses for criminals. Do you feel compelled to support crooks because you somehow think doing so makes you an upstanding devoted anti-Trumper?
These "personal anecdotes" have been debunked by the scientific studies.

Vaccine deaths are like voter fraud. Rare, and not enough to change the outcome.
Hahahahahaha. Dumb!

Do you too think you must support the crooks in big pharma and government to be a good anti-Trumper?
No it doesn’t. Another one making excuses for criminals. Do you feel compelled to support crooks because you somehow think doing so makes you an upstanding devoted anti-Trumper?
Why do you think companies can't be sued over the side affects of vaccines?
The murderous fraud vax MFV should be the #1 issue

Who developed the MFV?

Who hyped the MFV?

Who pushed the MFV?

Who mandated the MFV?

Who has a vax card but NEVER got the shot?

A- dem elites, media, and w 911 Zionist " Biden republicans"

Anyone still confused...
Why do you think companies can't be sued over the side affects of vaccines?

Nothing to do with genuine vaccines, for which the manufacturers can, indeed, be sued and held liable for any harmful effects caused thereby.

In establishing the “emergency” authorization for these dangerous experimental mRNA drugs to be put into general use, without having to undergo the testing that is normally required of any new drug, the manufacturers were, in the deal, granted legal immunity from any such liability. No matter how badly these harmful drugs may fuck up how many people, the manufacturers don't have to worry about being sued.

No similar immunity exists for any other drugs, properly tested and vetted before they are put on the market.
This was my first thought. "ONLY" 18%? Of a heart abnormality? Not like, a mild fever or headache. A HEART problem.

Do they think we're stupid? (Wait...some of us ARE)
Heart inflammation in teens is common. It happens often because teens tend to experiment with things like mild stimulants (coffee, tea, energy drinks) and get things like common colds or other bacteriological infections or exposure to pollutants. But because most teens are young and healthy they survive their teenage years.

Analyzing the data properly is why scientists are scientists.
Even Reuters got some of the analysis wrong and tried to quote the lone dissenting opinion...which again is incomplete and therefore inaccurate.

What is still not being discussed or getting any press are the KNOWN COMPLICATIONS of the mRNA vaccines. (Which are mild but annoying) instead we get false hype and false scientific analysis and bad science.

Any medical procedure or treatment has a risk. Even seeing a doctor for a broken limb has a risk. But when you have a broken arm the risk/reward for seeking treatment becomes tilted towards reward.

Billions of people have been vaccinated....we aren't missing ⅓ of the global population because of vaccines. Bubonic plague did wipe out ⅓ of Europe's population...
Heart inflammation in teens is common. It happens often because teens tend to experiment with things like mild stimulants (coffee, tea, energy drinks) and get things like common colds or other bacteriological infections or exposure to pollutants. But because most teens are young and healthy they survive their teenage years.

Analyzing the data properly is why scientists are scientists.
Even Reuters got some of the analysis wrong and tried to quote the lone dissenting opinion...which again is incomplete and therefore inaccurate.

What is still not being discussed or getting any press are the KNOWN COMPLICATIONS of the mRNA vaccines. (Which are mild but annoying) instead we get false hype and false scientific analysis and bad science.

Any medical procedure or treatment has a risk. Even seeing a doctor for a broken limb has a risk. But when you have a broken arm the risk/reward for seeking treatment becomes tilted towards reward.

Billions of people have been vaccinated....we aren't missing ⅓ of the global population because of vaccines. Bubonic plague did wipe out ⅓ of Europe's population...

Keep the Zionist lies coming...

Keep 'em up...

We will develop a test to check if chosen vax card holders actually got the MFV or not...
Nothing to do with genuine vaccines, for which the manufacturers can, indeed, be sued and held liable for any harmful effects caused thereby.

In establishing the “emergency” authorization for these dangerous experimental mRNA drugs to be put into general use, without having to undergo the testing that is normally required of any new drug, the manufacturers were, in the deal, granted legal immunity from any such liability. No matter how badly these harmful drugs may fuck up how many people, the manufacturers don't have to worry about being sued.

No similar immunity exists for any other drugs, properly tested and vetted before they are put on the market.

Donald trump handed Zionist fascists the right to murder Americans who do not understand basic science
This was my first thought. "ONLY" 18%? Of a heart abnormality? Not like, a mild fever or headache. A HEART problem.

Do they think we're stupid? (Wait...some of us ARE)

I was reading this article in my moms kitchen and I literally fell out of my chair when I read that paragraph that concluded is was “only” 18% and not 30%….therefore the study is FALSE!

Just insane.

The article should be about how bad it is that 18% of kids suffer heart aliments after the vax.

How any of you cult fucks can defend this is beyond me.



I guess you are self culling? Thats one way to fix the country….or you could just wake the fuck up and make the nation betterm not worse.

Either way, its fine by me. Kill yourselves and your kids by poisoning yourselves with this “vax”.
Heart inflammation in teens is common. It happens often because teens tend to experiment with things like mild stimulants (coffee, tea, energy drinks) and get things like common colds or other bacteriological infections or exposure to pollutants. But because most teens are young and healthy they survive their teenage years.

Analyzing the data properly is why scientists are scientists.
Even Reuters got some of the analysis wrong and tried to quote the lone dissenting opinion...which again is incomplete and therefore inaccurate.

What is still not being discussed or getting any press are the KNOWN COMPLICATIONS of the mRNA vaccines. (Which are mild but annoying) instead we get false hype and false scientific analysis and bad science.

Any medical procedure or treatment has a risk. Even seeing a doctor for a broken limb has a risk. But when you have a broken arm the risk/reward for seeking treatment becomes tilted towards reward.

Billions of people have been vaccinated....we aren't missing ⅓ of the global population because of vaccines. Bubonic plague did wipe out ⅓ of Europe's population...

You act like this is no big deal, which is eye-popping. My eyes DID pop when I read this.

Why would ANY parent risk heart inflammation for a virus that poses virtually no risk to teenagers whatsoever?

Why is ANYONE still defending these vaccines? If you're sick, and they benefitted you, okay. The fact is: many people who are NOT sick are now sick because of them. And have died. And are dying.
You act like this is no big deal, which is eye-popping. My eyes DID pop when I read this.

Why would ANY parent risk heart inflammation for a virus that poses virtually no risk to teenagers whatsoever?

Why is ANYONE still defending these vaccines? If you're sick, and they benefitted you, okay. The fact is: many people who are NOT sick are now sick because of them. And have died. And are dying.

Because the mild heart inflammation in teens is EXTREMELY common. It comes from a variety of various factors not associated with the vaccines including such things as hayfever and stress.

However, this is an endocrine system virus and not a pulmonary system virus. The true damages from this virus will not be seen for decades. This isn't influenza or meningitis...

Currently the treatment of endocrine system disorders is still in the dark ages. We use one type of insulin manufactured from sheep when the human body requires four. We treat testosterone, estrogen, and thyroid deficiencies with sledgehammers instead of scalpels. This deficiency especially shows up in the use of psychotropic medications used for mental illnesses. We don't know enough about the endocrine system to adequately treat the issues and if this virus continues the human race will experience huge problems with successive generations in the population with the increase in abnormalities.

At one time nobody thought anything about lead plumbing pipes or lead based paint pigments....or the various types of asbestos that seemed inert...or even silicon dust or how an unseen gas coming from under your house will give you cancer.
True science demonstrated that these things were dangerous. Currently I see lots of hysteria over nothing burgers. However I also see hysteria over "long covid" symptoms that are likely caused by endocrine system issues.

I really don't recommend giving out medical advice or make determinations based upon a layman understanding of research.

Sure, you are entitled to an may not allow your teens to engage in the consumption of stimulant beverages like Soda, tea, or coffee...your choice as a parent. But your child will have to suffer from the consequences you thrust upon them too.
Why do you think companies can't be sued over the side affects of vaccines?

"I, ____________________________, have voluntarily chosen to request and obtain the ___________________ COVID-19 vaccination...

, _________________________ assume all risks of requesting the vaccination including... the potential risk of having side effects due to the vaccine,...

I understand that it is not possible to predict all possible side effects or complications associated with receiving vaccine(s). I understand the risks and benefits associated with the above vaccine and have received, read and/or had explained to me the Emergency Use Authorization Fact Sheet on the COVID-19 vaccine I have elected to receive. I also acknowledge that I have had a chance to ask questions and that such questions were answered to my satisfaction.

WAIVER OF LAWSUIT/LIABILITY: I __________________________ do hereby waive, release and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Saint Leo University, its officers, agents, employees, the organizers, sponsors, activity supervisors, co-sponsoring organizations and participants on behalf of myself, my heirs, assigns, representatives, or any other individual acting on my or my estate’s behalf, for any claim, demand, liability, costs, suits, charges or compensation for loss or injury of any kind arising out of a loss or an injury, including losses or injuries arising in whole or in part from the negligence...

I understand that this waiver means I give up my right to bring any claims including for personal injuries, death, disease or property losses, or any other loss, including but not limited to claims of negligence and give up any claim I may have to seek damages, whether known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen."

Did you read what you signed?

So they claim the study is false because REUTERS says its only 18%, not 30%?


Reuters is running interference for BIG PHARMA.

This shot should NOT be on the CDC vax schedule for children!

18% or 30%? Both are insanely high….why should the vax cause ANY heart problems?

Children are at very low risk to get COVID at all.


From study:

One young man was admitted to the hospital intensive care unit for observation of his arrhythmia over four days, treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, and his symptoms resolved within days, with no detectable damage to his heart, according to the report.

Of that patient -- the only one formally diagnosed with myocarditis -- the study authors write, “One patient with myopericarditis in our study follow-up with [cardiac MRI] at 5 months after vaccination showed complete recovery and no scar.”

So 1 of 300 in the study actually developed a serious condition and even in that case made complete recovery.
From study:

One young man was admitted to the hospital intensive care unit for observation of his arrhythmia over four days, treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, and his symptoms resolved within days, with no detectable damage to his heart, according to the report.

Of that patient -- the only one formally diagnosed with myocarditis -- the study authors write, “One patient with myopericarditis in our study follow-up with [cardiac MRI] at 5 months after vaccination showed complete recovery and no scar.”

So 1 of 300 in the study actually developed a serious condition and even in that case made complete recovery.

Go ahead and give your kids 200 shots each. Come near my kids, and we will have a serious fucking problem.
From study:

One young man was admitted to the hospital intensive care unit for observation of his arrhythmia over four days, treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, and his symptoms resolved within days, with no detectable damage to his heart, according to the report.

Of that patient -- the only one formally diagnosed with myocarditis -- the study authors write, “One patient with myopericarditis in our study follow-up with [cardiac MRI] at 5 months after vaccination showed complete recovery and no scar.”

So 1 of 300 in the study actually developed a serious condition and even in that case made complete recovery.

Your quote was not from the study; it was from an article. Just saying.

Also, you left a lot of important stuff out. Not sure why you would do that, unless you think chest pain and stuff is no cause for alarm.

You poison pushers really astonish me.

You think an excellent chance of damaging one's heart is worth the risk for a flu vaccine?????

54 participants (18%) had rapid heartrate or abnormal heart rhythm.
39 of these had reported symptoms such as palpitations or chest pain.

Among the participants with abnormal ECG, seven – all males -- also had elevated biomarkers of heart muscle injury or inflammation.
Of these seven, four had reported chest discomfort or pain

All seven also had normal heart function and no sign of reduced pumping ability that can signal heart failure.

Would you tell your male children to get the jab knowing this???
Your quote was not from the study; it was from an article. Just saying.

Also, you left a lot of important stuff out. Not sure why you would do that, unless you think chest pain and stuff is no cause for alarm.

You poison pushers really astonish me.

You think an excellent chance of damaging one's heart is worth the risk for a flu vaccine?????

54 participants (18%) had rapid heartrate or abnormal heart rhythm.
39 of these had reported symptoms such as palpitations or chest pain.

Among the participants with abnormal ECG, seven – all males -- also had elevated biomarkers of heart muscle injury or inflammation.
Of these seven, four had reported chest discomfort or pain

All seven also had normal heart function and no sign of reduced pumping ability that can signal heart failure.

Would you tell your male children to get the jab knowing this???

Yes. That poster is a cultist. They will give their children whatever the government tells them to give their children…and if their child dies…they will say they did it for the greater good.

They are fucked in the head, but at least they are self culling.
Your quote was not from the study; it was from an article. Just saying.

Also, you left a lot of important stuff out. Not sure why you would do that, unless you think chest pain and stuff is no cause for alarm.

You poison pushers really astonish me.

You think an excellent chance of damaging one's heart is worth the risk for a flu vaccine?????

54 participants (18%) had rapid heartrate or abnormal heart rhythm.
39 of these had reported symptoms such as palpitations or chest pain.

Among the participants with abnormal ECG, seven – all males -- also had elevated biomarkers of heart muscle injury or inflammation.
Of these seven, four had reported chest discomfort or pain

All seven also had normal heart function and no sign of reduced pumping ability that can signal heart failure.

Would you tell your male children to get the jab knowing this???

4 people reporting some chest pain that went away?

Thats what you think is a resonable counterweight to all the complications Covid-19 causes, which btw includes ALL those symptoms at much higher rates?

If so, FDA considred risk and benefits and disagrees with your expert opinion:
  • The FDA’s evaluation and analysis of the safety, effectiveness and manufacturing data of these vaccines was rigorous and comprehensive, supporting the EUAs.
  • The agency determined that the known and potential benefits of the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines outweigh the known and potential risks in the pediatric populations authorized for use for each vaccine.
  • Prior to making the decision to authorize these vaccines for the respective pediatric populations, the FDA’s independent Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee was consulted and voted in support of the authorizations.
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