Reuters: Trump Widens Lead In Poll To 32% After Hardline Immigration Stance

Playing to racist morons is a great way to get headlines, it just can't win elections anymore. Too many darkies, and liberals...
"Even when Trump was pitted directly in the poll against just his top two competitors, 44 percent backed him. Bush won about 29 percent of respondents, and Carson 25 percent."

This is good news. 73% of the GOP are backing progressive statists, with the true small-government reduced-tax GOP backing Carson. More and more GOP realize that conservative progressivism is viable because it can be used to reach their goals, which requires Big Government.
He is 'resonating' with the GOP base...the racist, xenophobes...
People are sick of seeing our wages being driven down by cheap labor....No wonder they want something done!!!!

They also want corporations to stop bringing in cheap labor and outsourcing to places of cheap labor.
He is 'resonating' with the GOP base...the racist, xenophobes...

Please quote anything Trump has said that is racist. Post the actual comment he made. You can't

Reading comprehension 101...

He is 'resonating' with the GOP base...the racist, xenophobes...

By George F. Will Opinion writer August 21

Trump’s immigration plan could spell doom for the GOP

It has come to this: The GOP, formerly the party of Lincoln and ostensibly the party of liberty and limited government, is being defined by clamors for a mass roundup and deportation of millions of human beings. To will an end is to will the means for the end, so the Republican clamors are also for the requisite expansion of government’s size and coercive powers.

Today’s big government finds running Amtrak too large a challenge, and Trump’s roundup would be about 94 times larger than the wartime internment of 117,000 persons of Japanese descent. But Trump wants America to think big. The big costs, in decades and dollars (hundreds of billions), of Trump’s project could be reduced if, say, the targets were required to sew yellow patches on their clothing to advertise their coming expulsion. There is precedent.

Birthright citizenship, established by the 14th Amendment and opposed by Trump and his emulators, accords with America’s natural-rights doctrine. Arguably, this policy is unwise. But is this an argument Republicans should foment in the toxic atmosphere Trump has created, an argument that would injure the next Republican nominee even more than Mitt Romney injured himself? Romney, who advocated making illegal immigrants’ lives so unpleasant they would “self-deport,” might be president if he had received 10 points more than his 27 percent of the Hispanic vote.

A substantial majority of Americans — majorities in all states — and, in some polls, a narrow majority of Republicans favor a path for illegal immigrants not just to legal status but to citizenship. Less than 20 percent of Americans favor comprehensive deportation.

This may, however, be changing now that so many supposed Republicans embrace a candidate who, six years into Ronald Reagan’s presidency, disparaged Ronald Reagan as someone who tried to “con” the public. Looking on the bright side, perhaps Trump supporters are amiably broadminded in their embrace of a candidate who thinks we cannot presently be proud to be American citizens (he says his presidency will enable us to again be proud).

If, after November 2016, there are autopsies of Republican presidential hopes, political coroners will stress the immigration-related rhetoric of August 2015. And of October 1884.

Washington Post
He is 'resonating' with the GOP base...the racist, xenophobes...

Please quote anything Trump has said that is racist. Post the actual comment he made. You can't

Reading comprehension 101...

He is 'resonating' with the GOP base...the racist, xenophobes...

By George F. Will Opinion writer August 21

Trump’s immigration plan could spell doom for the GOP

It has come to this: The GOP, formerly the party of Lincoln and ostensibly the party of liberty and limited government, is being defined by clamors for a mass roundup and deportation of millions of human beings. To will an end is to will the means for the end, so the Republican clamors are also for the requisite expansion of government’s size and coercive powers.

Today’s big government finds running Amtrak too large a challenge, and Trump’s roundup would be about 94 times larger than the wartime internment of 117,000 persons of Japanese descent. But Trump wants America to think big. The big costs, in decades and dollars (hundreds of billions), of Trump’s project could be reduced if, say, the targets were required to sew yellow patches on their clothing to advertise their coming expulsion. There is precedent.

Birthright citizenship, established by the 14th Amendment and opposed by Trump and his emulators, accords with America’s natural-rights doctrine. Arguably, this policy is unwise. But is this an argument Republicans should foment in the toxic atmosphere Trump has created, an argument that would injure the next Republican nominee even more than Mitt Romney injured himself? Romney, who advocated making illegal immigrants’ lives so unpleasant they would “self-deport,” might be president if he had received 10 points more than his 27 percent of the Hispanic vote.

A substantial majority of Americans — majorities in all states — and, in some polls, a narrow majority of Republicans favor a path for illegal immigrants not just to legal status but to citizenship. Less than 20 percent of Americans favor comprehensive deportation.

This may, however, be changing now that so many supposed Republicans embrace a candidate who, six years into Ronald Reagan’s presidency, disparaged Ronald Reagan as someone who tried to “con” the public. Looking on the bright side, perhaps Trump supporters are amiably broadminded in their embrace of a candidate who thinks we cannot presently be proud to be American citizens (he says his presidency will enable us to again be proud).

If, after November 2016, there are autopsies of Republican presidential hopes, political coroners will stress the immigration-related rhetoric of August 2015. And of October 1884.

Washington Post

Once again, show me what Trump said that is racist. I'm not interested in your opinion piece. You're shooting off your mouth w/o using facts
He is 'resonating' with the GOP base...the racist, xenophobes...

Please quote anything Trump has said that is racist. Post the actual comment he made. You can't

Reading comprehension 101...

He is 'resonating' with the GOP base...the racist, xenophobes...

By George F. Will Opinion writer August 21

Trump’s immigration plan could spell doom for the GOP

It has come to this: The GOP, formerly the party of Lincoln and ostensibly the party of liberty and limited government, is being defined by clamors for a mass roundup and deportation of millions of human beings. To will an end is to will the means for the end, so the Republican clamors are also for the requisite expansion of government’s size and coercive powers.

Today’s big government finds running Amtrak too large a challenge, and Trump’s roundup would be about 94 times larger than the wartime internment of 117,000 persons of Japanese descent. But Trump wants America to think big. The big costs, in decades and dollars (hundreds of billions), of Trump’s project could be reduced if, say, the targets were required to sew yellow patches on their clothing to advertise their coming expulsion. There is precedent.

Birthright citizenship, established by the 14th Amendment and opposed by Trump and his emulators, accords with America’s natural-rights doctrine. Arguably, this policy is unwise. But is this an argument Republicans should foment in the toxic atmosphere Trump has created, an argument that would injure the next Republican nominee even more than Mitt Romney injured himself? Romney, who advocated making illegal immigrants’ lives so unpleasant they would “self-deport,” might be president if he had received 10 points more than his 27 percent of the Hispanic vote.

A substantial majority of Americans — majorities in all states — and, in some polls, a narrow majority of Republicans favor a path for illegal immigrants not just to legal status but to citizenship. Less than 20 percent of Americans favor comprehensive deportation.

This may, however, be changing now that so many supposed Republicans embrace a candidate who, six years into Ronald Reagan’s presidency, disparaged Ronald Reagan as someone who tried to “con” the public. Looking on the bright side, perhaps Trump supporters are amiably broadminded in their embrace of a candidate who thinks we cannot presently be proud to be American citizens (he says his presidency will enable us to again be proud).

If, after November 2016, there are autopsies of Republican presidential hopes, political coroners will stress the immigration-related rhetoric of August 2015. And of October 1884.

Washington Post
George Will is part of the out of touch GOP elite that Trump threatens. They are trying their best to derail him.
Trump's words are not what it is about, sassy.

It is the nativist, racist hate of the far right is that clear it will hurt the GOP in the fall.

Read George Will, a good, decent, conservative. The ones who are out of touch are those who think Will is not a great mainstream Republican of decency.
"If, after November 2016, there are autopsies of Republican presidential hopes, political coroners will stress the immigration-related rhetoric of August 2015. And of October 1884."

Yeppers. GOP Whitey slits his own throat over little brown Americans, and the Dems couldn't be more pleased.
Trump's words are not what it is about, sassy.

It is the nativist, racist hate of the far right is that clear it will hurt the GOP in the fall.

Read George Will, a good, decent, conservative. The ones who are out of touch are those who think Will is not a great mainstream Republican of decency.

No, his words is what it about and you assholes are trying to put words there that were never used. Stop the fucking charade, it's not working
You are showing the other great majority of Americans that you are nasty racist and xenophobic butts. You hurt Trump's candidacy. America will tolerate him, but it will not tolerate you bigots.
You are showing the other great majority of Americans that you are nasty racist and xenophobic butts. You hurt Trump's candidacy. America will tolerate him, but it will not tolerate you bigots.

You're insane
America as a whole despises xenophobia and racism and meanness, which is what so many of the far right are all about.

You folks will drag Trump down eventually if he does not cut you loose,

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