Rev. Al Sharpton eulogizes Jordan Neely: ‘Jordan, you didn’t die for nothing’

No.....he was white, the criminal was black, we are nearing another election cycle so the democrats need a fig leaf to order their blm and antifa brown shirts to burn, loot and kill in black neighborhoods....

And the marine was only on of 3 people who subdued the violent criminal....
The vigilante over did it, 2aguy, and he pays the price.
Unfortunately, this is what Penny is up against - leftists so indoctrinated to rally behind violent criminals, if black; and demonize brave military men who step up and protect the vulnerable, of white, that he could see prison time.

I wish that Boosted's vulnerable female relative had been on that train car, in fear.

See? That’s you trying to call people racists. I’ve voted for blacks before, when they were superior candidates to the white, and it was always a black Republican.
I didn't call you a racist, I just called you folks hypocrites.
No propaganda. You racists don’t even try to HIDE it anymore that your first determining factor in hiring is race and genitals.
LOL, now that's funny. After all the racist trash you have posted you have the nerve to call a black man a racist. Trump told you Trump Humpers it was ok to be openly racist again.
Why do you think the president chose a black female for VP? A black female for Press Secretary? A black female for SCOTUS, who couldn‘t even describe what a woman was?
First black president, first black VP, first female VP, first black female SCOTUS, first Hispanic female SCOTUS a Democrat.
I didn't call you a racist, I just called you folks hypocrites.
LOL, now that's funny. After all the racist trash you have posted you have the nerve to call a black man a racist. Trump told you Trump Humpers it was ok to be openly racist again.

So NOW you call me a racist.
First black president, first black VP, first female VP, first black female SCOTUS, first Hispanic female SCOTUS a Democrat.
So, why is that an accomplishment? The first black President hated our country…..the first black/female VP is an unqualified idiot….the first black/female SCOTUS couldn't even define what a woman is.
Not a dry eye in the room. Al delivered a beautiful eulogy. A real "tear jerker"
In summary, Al wants to bring change in dealing with homelessness and the mentally ill.
I agree. It is about time. A civilized society should not support what happened in the case of Jordan Neely.
I agree that with many of Al's points. Let me just say, I disagree with nothing in this beautiful eulogy.
I hope when my time comes, I can have a eulogy as beautiful as this one. Will your eulogy be this beautiful?

The Rev. Al Sharpton delivered the eulogy on Friday at the funeral in Harlem for Jordan Neely, the homeless Black man who was killed on a New York City subway on May 1 after a white passenger restrained him with a chokehold. Sharpton said, “Jordan, you didn’t die for nothing,” promising to change the way the city deals with homelessness and the mentally ill. Sharpton also called for “equal justice under the law,” criticizing authorities for initially releasing Daniel Penny, the man seen on video putting Neely in the deadly chokehold, before arresting him for manslaughter over a week later.

I wasn’t there for you while you were alive and criming, but now that you were killed by a white guy, I’m gonna cash in better than the Bidens!
Your brain just froze again.

Obama, like most leftists.....realized that if race relations improve, that hurts the democrat party.....

Overall, 54% say relations between blacks and whites have gotten worse since Obama became president, including 57% of whites and 40% of blacks. That’s up sharply compared with last June, when 43% said things had gotten worse shortly after a racially motivated shooting at a black church in Charleston, South Carolina.


So NOW you call me a racist.

So, why is that an accomplishment? The first black President hated our country…..the first black/female VP is an unqualified idiot….the first black/female SCOTUS couldn't even define what a woman is.

They just can't resist the "R" word. :laughing0301:

It's their only weapon, as puny and ineffectual as it is.


They just can't resist the "R" word. :laughing0301:

It's their only weapon, as puny and ineffectual as it is.

they ride on their high and mighty WHITE HORSE and cast judgement like no tomorrow.
Al Sharpton, I want you to deliver my Eulogy. The one you delivered was GREAT!

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