Rev. Al Sharpton eulogizes Jordan Neely: ‘Jordan, you didn’t die for nothing’

Let's help the homeless mentally ill. We can have social workers and medical professionals remove the mentally ill from their homeless tents. Send them to treatment centers where they will not be allowed to wander off. Put them in restraints for medication time. Sounds good to me. Keep people locked up without trial. Maybe for the rest of their lives. Yay!
Not a dry eye in the room. Al delivered a beautiful eulogy. A real "tear jerker"
In summary, Al wants to bring change in dealing with homelessness and the mentally ill.
I agree. It is about time. A civilized society should not support what happened in the case of Jordan Neely.
I agree that with many of Al's points. Let me just say, I disagree with nothing in this beautiful eulogy.
I hope when my time comes, I can have a eulogy as beautiful as this one. Will your eulogy be this beautiful?

The Rev. Al Sharpton delivered the eulogy on Friday at the funeral in Harlem for Jordan Neely, the homeless Black man who was killed on a New York City subway on May 1 after a white passenger restrained him with a chokehold. Sharpton said, “Jordan, you didn’t die for nothing,” promising to change the way the city deals with homelessness and the mentally ill. Sharpton also called for “equal justice under the law,” criticizing authorities for initially releasing Daniel Penny, the man seen on video putting Neely in the deadly chokehold, before arresting him for manslaughter over a week later.

Sharpton is a race baiting POS. The end.
Not a dry eye in the room. Al delivered a beautiful eulogy. A real "tear jerker"
In summary, Al wants to bring change in dealing with homelessness and the mentally ill.
I agree. It is about time. A civilized society should not support what happened in the case of Jordan Neely.
I agree that with many of Al's points. Let me just say, I disagree with nothing in this beautiful eulogy.
I hope when my time comes, I can have a eulogy as beautiful as this one. Will your eulogy be this beautiful?

The Rev. Al Sharpton delivered the eulogy on Friday at the funeral in Harlem for Jordan Neely, the homeless Black man who was killed on a New York City subway on May 1 after a white passenger restrained him with a chokehold. Sharpton said, “Jordan, you didn’t die for nothing,” promising to change the way the city deals with homelessness and the mentally ill. Sharpton also called for “equal justice under the law,” criticizing authorities for initially releasing Daniel Penny, the man seen on video putting Neely in the deadly chokehold, before arresting him for manslaughter over a week later.

Al Sharpton is a racist, and an anti-semite....he is a vile human being who incited a riot that got a man murdered.....he should never be allowed in polite society, but obama, also a racist and anti-semite, had him at the White House over and over again, and every democrat nominee has to kiss his ring......

That party is truly the party of evil...the devil's party.
Al Sharpton is a racist, and an anti-semite....he is a vile human being who incited a riot that got a man murdered.....he should never be allowed in polite society, but obama, also a racist and anti-semite, had him at the White House over and over again, and every democrat nominee has to kiss his ring......

The same things can be said about TRump... except no one is really trying to put Sharpton in the White House.
The same things can be said about TRump... except no one is really trying to put Sharpton in the White House.

No...they can't. Al sharpton is a racist, and an anti-semite, and a homophobe.......Trump is none of those things......and sharpton instigated an actual riot where a man was murdered.

Trump instigated no riot, and asked his people to peaceably assemble.......sharpton encouraged actual violence on several occasions..

Crown Heights riot

"If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house."[41]


Freddy's Fashion Mart

On December 8, 1995, Roland J. Smith Jr., one of the protesters, entered Harari's store with a gun and flammable liquid, shot several customers and set the store on fire. The gunman fatally shot himself, and seven store employees died of smoke inhalation.[51][52] Fire Department officials discovered that the store's sprinkler had been shut down, in violation of the local fire code.[53] Sharpton claimed that the perpetrator was an open critic of himself and his nonviolent tactics. In 2002, Sharpton expressed regret for making the racial remark "white interloper" but denied responsibility for inflaming or provoking the violence.[17][54]

No, it had to do with a white man using a lethal technique on a black man who was smaller and weaker.

That's why he's been indicted.

No.....he was white, the criminal was black, we are nearing another election cycle so the democrats need a fig leaf to order their blm and antifa brown shirts to burn, loot and kill in black neighborhoods....

And the marine was only on of 3 people who subdued the violent criminal....
One was Bernie Saunders, and another was that crazy Marianne woman. I can’t remember the other two. Bit what difference does it make? You don’t hear Jews bitching that there hasn’t been even one Jewish prez.
You don't hear black folks bitching either, the point is you right wing fools try and tell black folks that Democrats are the racist and the Republican Party is the party of inclusion, but all the strides made in this country by black folks has been under Democrats.
No, it had to do with a white man using a lethal technique on a black man who was smaller and weaker.

That's why he's been indicted.
You state it wasn't about race and immediately state it was a "white man using a lethal technique on a black man". LOL You know full well the only reason this story made national news and has the good "Reverend" Sharpton spewing again is it was 'White man kills Black man'. I reiterate, this tragic event occurred due to the failure of NYC to keep their subways safe and keep dangerous mentally ill people away from innocent New Yorkers.
You state it wasn't about race and immediately state it was a "white man using a lethal technique on a black man". LOL You know full well the only reason this story made national news and has the good "Reverend" Sharpton spewing again is it was 'White man kills Black man'. I reiterate, this tragic event occurred due to the failure of NYC to keep their subways safe and keep dangerous mentally ill people away from innocent New Yorkers.

Don't forget the election coming up.......this summer the democrats will be burning, looting and murdering in black neighborhoods again...using their blm and antifa shock troops again.....
You don't hear black folks bitching either, the point is you right wing fools try and tell black folks that Democrats are the racist and the Republican Party is the party of inclusion, but all the strides made in this country by black folks has been under Democrats.
No, you were complaining that there hasn’t been a black Republican president yet. Who cares? There hasn’t been ANY Jewish president yet and you don’t hear Jews complain.

That’s because someone’s skin color or religion is irrelevant. It’s Dems who prior race over merit. What matters is that we get a GOOD president, not whether he’s black or not. Or Jewish or not.
No, you were complaining that there hasn’t been a black Republican president yet. Who cares? There hasn’t been ANY Jewish president yet and you don’t hear Jews complain.
I stating the fact that you clowns keep saying, "Oh I would vote for a black man". Funny how that changes when you get into the voting booth.
That’s because someone’s skin color or religion is irrelevant. It’s Dems who prior race over merit. What matters is that we get a GOOD president, not whether he’s black or not. Or Jewish or not.
Right wing propaganda. Let's see how Uncle Tim or Uncle Elder do in this race. I remember Herman Cain being the frontrunner until Newt and the boys sabotaged his campaign.
I stating the fact that you clowns keep saying, "Oh I would vote for a black man". Funny how that changes when you get into the voting booth.
See? That’s you trying to call people racists. I’ve voted for blacks before, when they were superior candidates to the white, and it was always a black Republican.
Right wing propaganda. Let's see how Uncle Tim or Uncle Elder do in this race. I remember Herman Cain being the frontrunner until Newt and the boys sabotaged his campaign.
No propaganda. You racists don’t even try to HIDE it anymore that your first determining factor in hiring is race and genitals. Why do you think the president chose a black female for VP? A black female for Press Secretary? A black female for SCOTUS, who couldn‘t even describe what a woman was?
I stating the fact that you clowns keep saying, "Oh I would vote for a black man". Funny how that changes when you get into the voting booth.

Right wing propaganda. Let's see how Uncle Tim or Uncle Elder do in this race. I remember Herman Cain being the frontrunner until Newt and the boys sabotaged his campaign.
I hear you loud and clear Brother!

Great eulogy. Very moving. I still am a bit choked up.
I stating the fact that you clowns keep saying, "Oh I would vote for a black man". Funny how that changes when you get into the voting booth.

Right wing propaganda. Let's see how Uncle Tim or Uncle Elder do in this race. I remember Herman Cain being the frontrunner until Newt and the boys sabotaged his campaign. doesn't......we didn't vote for obama because he is a socialist......I will vote for any republican and skin color never enters the equation.

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