Rev.Sharpton;Where Were You When O.J. Murdered Two Innocent White Americans?

you know how many whites have gon ebecause they murdered blacks. it obvious a bad story but there been hundreds of white murders that were let free that killed blacks because of racism.

True, now please explain how two wrongs make it right.

they are both wrong, the point is that this happens to blacks way more often

Blacks are the victims of murder at twice the rate whites are.. blacks are killed by other blacks 90% of the time, this time it was a hispanic not a white and you morons were desperate to get whitey.. I think it's blowing up in yer racist faces.. eyp I do.
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Hey, lets take the OJ scandal and reverse it. Lets say Charlie Sheen lost it and accidently killed two black people at one of his parties. He gets arrested, thrown in jail until his trial starts, ect, ect.
Now how would the black community of Los Angeles react if Charlie Sheen was let go?
would they burn the city down?

Let's just say Charlie Sheen was married to a black woman whom he subsequently killed. He'd probably hire a huge legal dream team, get acquitted, change his name, and flee to some desert island some place.
Dear disgruntled employee brain con.

OJ was ARRESTED!!!!!!!!

why cant you people figure out what people are asking for in this case?[/QUOTE]

We have figured it want someone to be thrown in jail before they even have any proof that he killed Trayvon for NO GOOD REASON. You think because he shot the kid, which COULD have been in self defense, that he should sit in jail waiting for someone to charge him with it. They must not have enough evidence yet to do this...he hasn't run away (although he's in hiding because people want him DEAD!), the cops know where he is and that's all that matters.

Why can't YOU PEOPLE just let the law take care of this the RIGHT WAY? Nobody has said Zimmerman should not be arrested IF they have enough on him to put him away.

YOU PEOPLE just want blood...doesn't matter if it may be INNOCENT BLOOD or not.
Sharpton was wondering why his evolutionary genetic code left him to function with only a few brain cells.....................

Imagine how cerebrally constrained his herd must be...............

With FOX News & talk radio bringing up past scenario's of when black have killed whites and never a peep out of the Black Panthers, Jackson, NAACP, Sharpton and Black Congressmen/women, The OJ killings should be brought up.
We all know what Al Sharpton and the rest are up to. Now that Obama is President, apparentley it is now legal for the Black Panthers to threaten death, legal for Black Flash Mobs to terrorize their local drug stores, it's no big deal when a black man/youth kills anyone. But when a White or Hispanic kills a Black Man/Female, all Black Reverends and Leaders Fly Off The Handle and demand an arrest or the Death Penalty.
Right? :oops:
And would these all black leaders be having panty uproars if we had a "White President" right now?

The administration is making a mistake not going after the NBPP for the bounty. Another nail in the coffin for the Bammster.
the history of racism and facts of racism in the justice system today, blacks really have no reason to trust whites.

With FOX News & talk radio bringing up past scenario's of when black have killed whites and never a peep out of the Black Panthers, Jackson, NAACP, Sharpton and Black Congressmen/women, The OJ killings should be brought up.
We all know what Al Sharpton and the rest are up to. Now that Obama is President, apparentley it is now legal for the Black Panthers to threaten death, legal for Black Flash Mobs to terrorize their local drug stores, it's no big deal when a black man/youth kills anyone. But when a White or Hispanic kills a Black Man/Female, all Black Reverends and Leaders Fly Off The Handle and demand an arrest or the Death Penalty.
Right? :oops:
And would these all black leaders be having panty uproars if we had a "White President" right now?

It's irrelevant. Trayvon was killed, either rightly or wrongly. That is the only relevant issue.
the history of racism and facts of racism in the justice system today, blacks really have no reason to trust whites.

So why is it that blacks love to blow away blacks? Look into the statistics, there are more brothers killing brothers then whites killing blacks. Another statistic to ponder with your amoeba sized brain is the number of blacks killing and committing crimes against whites, Asians, and Hispanics. I find it rather interesting that a minority always pulls out the race card and claims total innocence when caught, and then blames the legal system when they are sent away? I guess the next thing you will say is that it's whitey that keeps the brother down and fully justified?
Dear disgruntled employee brain con.

OJ was ARRESTED!!!!!!!!

why cant you people figure out what people are asking for in this case?

Dear mindless liberal: I KNOW OJ was arrested. It was a joke! The whole trial was a joke! he got away with murder.

And yes, beats me why Zimmerman had to shoot somebody who was unarmed. And why didn't more men come out to help and beat the tar out of that little twit. Now he's dead, and from I'm hearing he wasn't worth going to prison over. If some punk was roaming our neighborhood and attacked somebody in that manner, the men in the neighborhood would run and put the little SOB in a headlock until the police came. He wasn't worth killing. He wasn't worth the powder to blow him to hell.

If some punk was roaming our neighborhood and attacked somebody in that manner, the men in the neighborhood would run and put the little SOB in a headlock until the police came.

That makes sense, unless it was the "punk" being attacked ....

.... he got away with murder.

The same reason the black community in Sanford are equally upset - and the law used by Zimmerman as his defense for shooting a perfect stranger he was following.

With FOX News & talk radio bringing up past scenario's of when black have killed whites and never a peep out of the Black Panthers, Jackson, NAACP, Sharpton and Black Congressmen/women, The OJ killings should be brought up.
We all know what Al Sharpton and the rest are up to. Now that Obama is President, apparentley it is now legal for the Black Panthers to threaten death, legal for Black Flash Mobs to terrorize their local drug stores, it's no big deal when a black man/youth kills anyone. But when a White or Hispanic kills a Black Man/Female, all Black Reverends and Leaders Fly Off The Handle and demand an arrest or the Death Penalty.
Right? :oops:
And would these all black leaders be having panty uproars if we had a "White President" right now?

The administration is making a mistake not going after the NBPP for the bounty. Another nail in the coffin for the Bammster.

You can't call something a political party that only has 3 to 4 members. Ever wonder why it is always the same three jackasses on TV every time they show the New Black Panther Party. They are about as dangerous as the Sharks or the Jets in Westside Story. The only reason they are relevant is because Fox will not let it go. For the party of trying to do away with wastefull spending this would be a complete waste of time. Ignore them and they will fade into obscurity.
What Al Sharpton is doing is bringing us back to the 60's dividing us again. Regardless of what happens now and along with Obama already taking sides on this issue, we are now a nation divided again. Will we now even anger Latinos? The congresswoman in the gay pink attire has already decided that Zimmerman followed a black man wearing a hood and shot him in the back soley because he was a black man walking in a white neighborhood. Now isnt this insulting all blacks? we all know fair minded blacks are lauging at Congresswoman Jackson(is that who it was?)
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What Al Sharpton is doing is bringing us back to the 60's dividing us again. Regardless of what happens now and along with Obama already taking sides on this issue, we are now a nation divided again. Will we now even anger Latinos? The congresswoman in the gay pink attire has already decided that Zimmerman followed a black man wearing a hood and shot him in the back soley because he was a black man walking in a white neighborhood. Now isnt this insulting all blacks? we all know fair minded blacks are lauging at Congresswoman Jackson(is that who it was?)

Wow, some guy shot a kid. Sharpton cries foul and Sharpton (the guy who didnt kill anyone) is responsible for dividing the nation?

Man that Sharpton guy is almost godlike in his power huh? Fuckouttahere
The OJ trial proved that justice can be bought.

OE: WillowTree neg repped this post.
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The difference was OJ was arrested for those murders. Zimmerman wasn't.
But vigilantism is wrong.

that's true.

but the MAIN difference is that those murders were not race based.

the o/p is absurd.

this one isn't race based either unless you can prove that hispanics target blacks in which case we might have a problem..

What pathetic logic!!! Zimmerman is heard on tape, saying Martin is a black man in his late teens, "they always get away", and "fucking coons" on the 911 call.

You're very luck there's not a literacy test for breathing.

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