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Review of Obama's 100 Days in Office

Bo is a saint who does no wrong, just ask his boys.

I thought he was the Devil Incarnate...just ask the whiney Neocons...
I finds most of his oposition isn't whiners or Neocons, who actually like BO, he's there kind of guy.

Big spender who likes the empire and intends to keep it around.

He's trying to spend big to svae the economy. I bet he'd rather not spend, but he sees the bigger picture...
And 158 lies.

Obama WTF: Obama's Documented Lies: 158 and remarkably still growing

I'm thinking we won't see too many pro-Obama posts in this thread. They just can't handle it.


Ya sure, you silly little ass. President Barak Hussein Obama now has a 60 Dem Senate. And he has some very good ideas concerning Universal Health Care, and other matters that citizens of this nation care about.

You poor babies just cannot get over the fact that the man is competant, unlike Bush. And all you poor wimps can do is whine and cry, no, no.

pssssssssst...franken hasn't won yet you silly little ass
I thought he was the Devil Incarnate...just ask the whiney Neocons...
I finds most of his oposition isn't whiners or Neocons, who actually like BO, he's there kind of guy.

Big spender who likes the empire and intends to keep it around.

He's trying to spend big to svae the economy. I bet he'd rather not spend, but he sees the bigger picture...
That has been tried before, it doesn't work.

BTW, the 'stimulous' was a wish list of things the democrats wanted for years, not a big move to improve the economy.

Unless you care to argue that things like a monorail from LA to Vegas will make money.
That has been tried before, it doesn't work.

BTW, the 'stimulous' was a wish list of things the democrats wanted for years, not a big move to improve the economy.

Unless you care to argue that things like a monorail from LA to Vegas will make money.

Dunno if it will make money, but it will stimulate the economy while it's being built....
Considered old?

When you look at a thread title in "new posts", on the left it tells you the status of the thread - "old" ," New", "hot" etc. Up until my last post, this thread was considered "old", but I thought it hadn't been going that long. The status is done automatically I think...
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I thought he was the Devil Incarnate...just ask the whiney Neocons...
I finds most of his oposition isn't whiners or Neocons, who actually like BO, he's there kind of guy.

Big spender who likes the empire and intends to keep it around.

He's trying to spend big to svae the economy. I bet he'd rather not spend, but he sees the bigger picture...

Please document that you are other than a brain-dead pom pom waver by showing historical examples where 'stimulus' " svae the economy."
And 158 lies.

Obama WTF: Obama's Documented Lies: 158 and remarkably still growing

I'm thinking we won't see too many pro-Obama posts in this thread. They just can't handle it.


Ya sure, you silly little ass. President Barak Hussein Obama now has a 60 Dem Senate. And he has some very good ideas concerning Universal Health Care, and other matters that citizens of this nation care about.

You poor babies just cannot get over the fact that the man is competant, unlike Bush. And all you poor wimps can do is whine and cry, no, no.

pssssssssst...franken hasn't won yet you silly little ass

Oh yes he has. Just a matter of another sniveling incompetant trying to tie up the inevitable in the courts. Universal Health Care. A sane energy policy. Sane regulations on corperations to prevent a repeat of this debacle. And the wealthy paying their fair share of the taxes. Yessirree, good days ahead:razz:
Ya sure, you silly little ass. President Barak Hussein Obama now has a 60 Dem Senate. And he has some very good ideas concerning Universal Health Care, and other matters that citizens of this nation care about.

You poor babies just cannot get over the fact that the man is competant, unlike Bush. And all you poor wimps can do is whine and cry, no, no.

pssssssssst...franken hasn't won yet you silly little ass

Oh yes he has. Just a matter of another sniveling incompetant trying to tie up the inevitable in the courts. Universal Health Care. A sane energy policy. Sane regulations on corperations to prevent a repeat of this debacle. And the wealthy paying their fair share of the taxes. Yessirree, good days ahead:razz:

Yessirree.... this is exactly the kind of MORON I knew you'd support... do you change his diaper when he craps it too?

Just a matter of another sniveling incompetant trying to tie up the inevitable in the courts. -- Old Rocks

Yeah, reminds me of Al Gore.

Folks it ain't the dems or repubs, it's the goons in DC who only want power. We need to stop thinking of party. Maybe everyone should re-register as Independent then just vote the man or woman, if they deserve our vote because they are thinking of country and not themselves. The dems and repubs have taken sides, and then they attack the other side no matter the issue. The voters have registered dem or repub and just attack and vote no matter the person. We're all fiddeling while the U.S. burns.

Universal Health Care. A sane energy policy. Sane regulations on corperations to prevent a repeat of this debacle. -- Old Rocks

Yeah, reminds me of Cuba.

And the wealthy paying their fair share of the taxes. -- Old Rocks

And I guess you will decide how much the rich should pay and you will decide who is rich. Once again you have been brain washed to pit the poor against the rich. That's sad. Personally I admire rich people and respect the fact they have accomplished the American dream.

Many want to be rich yet they seem to hate the rich???

I suggest you check the IRS through Google and find out who pays the largest part of the collected income taxes. Did you know the bottom 50% of wage earners only pay 10% of the collected taxes. Look it up and face the facts so you can speak with knowledge rather than just repeating the party line.

Never let anyone think for you.
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Ya sure, you silly little ass. President Barak Hussein Obama now has a 60 Dem Senate. And he has some very good ideas concerning Universal Health Care, and other matters that citizens of this nation care about.

You poor babies just cannot get over the fact that the man is competant, unlike Bush. And all you poor wimps can do is whine and cry, no, no.

pssssssssst...franken hasn't won yet you silly little ass

Oh yes he has. Just a matter of another sniveling incompetant trying to tie up the inevitable in the courts. Universal Health Care. A sane energy policy. Sane regulations on corperations to prevent a repeat of this debacle. And the wealthy paying their fair share of the taxes. Yessirree, good days ahead:razz:

Good days?

President Obama has framed his budget as a break from the "failed policies" of the Bush Admin*istration. Actually, his budget doubles down on President George W. Bush's borrow, spend, and bail*out policies. For example:

* President Bush expanded the federal budget by a historic $700 billion through 2008. President Obama would add another $1 trillion.[3]
* President Bush began a string of expensive finan*cial bailouts. President Obama is accelerating that course.[4]
* President Bush created a Medicare drug entitle*ment that will cost an estimated $800 billion in its first decade. President Obama has proposed a $634 billion down payment on a new govern*ment health care fund.
* President Bush increased federal education spending 58 percent faster than inflation. Presi*dent Obama would double it.[5]
* President Bush became the first President to spend 3 percent of GDP on federal antipoverty programs. President Obama has already in*creased this spending by 20 percent.[6]
* President Bush tilted the income tax burden more toward upper-income taxpayers. President Obama would continue that trend.[7]

President Bush ran budget deficits averaging $300 billion annually. After harshly criticizing Bush's budget deficits, President Obama pro*posed a budget that would run deficits averaging $600 billion even after the economy recovers and the troops return home from Iraq.

The Obama Budget: Spending, Taxes, and Doubling the National Debt
pssssssssst...franken hasn't won yet you silly little ass

Oh yes he has. Just a matter of another sniveling incompetant trying to tie up the inevitable in the courts. Universal Health Care. A sane energy policy. Sane regulations on corperations to prevent a repeat of this debacle. And the wealthy paying their fair share of the taxes. Yessirree, good days ahead:razz:

Good days?

President Obama has framed his budget as a break from the "failed policies" of the Bush Admin*istration. Actually, his budget doubles down on President George W. Bush's borrow, spend, and bail*out policies. For example:

* President Bush expanded the federal budget by a historic $700 billion through 2008. President Obama would add another $1 trillion.[3]
* President Bush began a string of expensive finan*cial bailouts. President Obama is accelerating that course.[4]
* President Bush created a Medicare drug entitle*ment that will cost an estimated $800 billion in its first decade. President Obama has proposed a $634 billion down payment on a new govern*ment health care fund.
* President Bush increased federal education spending 58 percent faster than inflation. Presi*dent Obama would double it.[5]
* President Bush became the first President to spend 3 percent of GDP on federal antipoverty programs. President Obama has already in*creased this spending by 20 percent.[6]
* President Bush tilted the income tax burden more toward upper-income taxpayers. President Obama would continue that trend.[7]

President Bush ran budget deficits averaging $300 billion annually. After harshly criticizing Bush's budget deficits, President Obama pro*posed a budget that would run deficits averaging $600 billion even after the economy recovers and the troops return home from Iraq.
The Obama Budget: Spending, Taxes, and Doubling the National Debt

And the economic recovery projections were far too optimistic - even liberal economists were calling BS on them. Which of course simply means the actual debt will be far greater than the already alarming projections...
The CBO estimated that the "cumulative deficit from 2010 to 2019 under the President's proposals would total $9.3 trillion dollars", and that the debt held by the public would rise to 82% of GDP by 2019.

The CBO estimates that the total national debt will be $17.27 trillion dollars by 2019 under the proposed Obama budget, while the GDP will be just under $21 trillion dollars.

As it stands right now, the current national debt of the United States is just over $11 trillion dollars. This number is rapidly increasing due to the intense effort to reflate the economy.

The CBO estimates that the deficit will come in at around $1.85 trillion dollars in 2009.

This number is expected to drop to $1.38 trillion in 2010, and then fall further to $970 billion dollars in 2011.

Looking further into the future, the CBO anticipates trillion dollar plus deficits in 2018 ($1.02 trillion dollars) and 2019 ($1.19 trillion dollars).

The smallest deficit, according to the CBO's findings, would come in 2012, when the US government is expected to post a deficit of $672 billion dollars.

$17.2 Trillion Dollars In Total US National Debt By 2019 Under President Obama's Budget Plan?

And when all this happens BO will be retired, lounging around counting his money from his book and tv deals.
What about not another 9/11 during his first 100 days? What terror attacks did the US have during his first 100 days?

Most of his accomplishments so far have yet to be shown (stimulus bills, ...), we won't know if they are effective untill we wait at least a couple more months.

His accomplishments:

Improving the image of the US around the world, it is clear that it hasn't shown much effect yet but we all know that politics works on the long run: this is the mark of the beginning of better relations with most other countries around the world. The history books will mark this president as one of the most globally populair presidents in the history of the US/world. We changed from bush (let s hope he doesn't screw up), to a new attitude.

"His" (at least he had a hand in them) stimulus/spending bills have been historically big and controversial, but you got to give it to him: he s got balls. I mean it takes a lot of courage to undertake such a big effort, an effort that will only show results after months or even years.

His position as a president, as the first black president he had to walk a thin line. Pro-black activists try to abuse the black status of this president (although he also is half white) to prioritise blacks above other colored people, with the argument that the blacks should now be "repaid" for the damage that was done to them in the past.
Obama clearly has a mixed relationship with the black community, mostly because he ran to be president of all americans (not just blacks). This resulted in frustration of other black icons among the afro american community ( Jesse Jackson Insults Barack Obama - Associated Content ), ever since he has shown to be a good president for all americans. His handling of racism is maybe his biggest accomplishment so far, his role as the first black american president has made him the role model for the whole afro american community in the US: it directly influenced the behavior of many afro americans and also non-afro americans.

His handling of the military so far has been good: he has sent more troops to afghanistan and started with wat the american people voted for (withdraw from Iraq). His handling of this withdraw has been very responsibly, he didn't rush and listened to the military commanders (unlike some previous presidents). He has given the go-ahead for the kill of the somali pirates so an american captain could be saved. He also increased the support for veterans and active troops.

As far as bi-partisanship goes: you need 2 parties to have bi-partisanship, but you can not force bi-partisanship. The republican party isn't even something that you can define as "a party" right now, because a party is defined by its unity: "What does the republican party stand for?" . He did show that he wanted bipartisanship, for one by approaching MCCAIN and other republicans to coöperate on certain projects. But as far as widespread bypartisanship is concerned: he didn't get it.

And the biggest indicator of how his first 100 days were: His aproval rating is still skyhigh, unlike the aproval rating of the republican party (only 1/5 americans still identify themselves as republican). I d say that he s doing very good for his first 100 days, as a president he still represents the majority of the american people: and that is what he is elected for.
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