Review - The Darkness... holy cow


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
This very well might be the worst movie we have seen this year. Whoever did the screenplay should never be allowed to write a movie ever again. There are so many plot holes and scenes where people do things that no one would ever do.
The wife and I actually watched the whole thing as it became a source of entertainment at how bad it was. So in that sense you might actually enjoy it while you are laughing.

1) The mother believes there are demons in the home. Experiencing several terrifying things that seem to center around the youngest child... so they think it is a good idea to go out for a late dinner and leave the kids home alone.
2) The youngest child sets his room on fire, so they think it is best to take him to visit his old grandmother while they "talk".
3) The middle daughter is a raving mad child who attacks her mother...literally... screaming at the top of her lungs and pulling her hair, hitting etc. because she walked into her room while she was storing her vomit in containers under her bed. Oh... I didn't mention that?

And of course it is new Hollywood.... so every male in the movie...every one of them... is a douche bag. All cheat on their wives, never listen to them and the wives of course are the ones always right if only they could get their jerk husbands to listen for 2 seconds.

1.5 out of 5 stars.

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