Review why the Affiliation gang behavior 2 party sytem fails us


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Just looking at what lengths the Dems are willing to go to in order to demonize & deligitimize the other party and set up to regain power 4 years from now.
Let's review:
1)willing to start a war with China and Russia so they can displace blame on the incoming president.
2)Willing to sabotage the President elects chance at diplomacy with Russia.
3)Willing to sabotage the appointed officials, so they have less credibility in doing their jobs, including defamation of character willing to destroy their lives for sake of this demonization process.
4)Willing to put the U.S. security at risk through opening borders for reasons of tampering with the election, which also risked the occasional trojan horse being let in hidden amongst them. Also by scaring Muslims into believing this new administration was against them, fuels the radicals reach towards moderates.
Furthermore the risk within, by demonizing them toward the Black and Hispanic communities creating true division and instability and lack of trust in our authority figures throughout. All done for sake of keeping their base of voters who are kept by playing the race card and not policy or performance.
5)Willing to sabotage getting anything done in order to prevent the other party from looking good and sucessful. Thus willing to neglect the will & needs of the nation or globe for sake of regaining office.
6)Willing to use the people of the nation, like how they squashed the various commodity markets and the laborers it entailed.
7)Willing to control & prevent 3rd or more parties from having equal rights and media access thus tampering with elections through controling who has equal access.
8)Willing to destroy our news access &
reporting, which now is no longer news, it's just Demonize Trump propaganda 24/7 while avoiding all pertinent events and news.
9)Even the History channel is no longer historical or accurate. They are feeding us propaganda, but for what purpose does creating a dumb blind nation except to put one over on us.
There's a saying embedded in the Saudis Royals logos: "in the country of the blind, the one- eyed man is king"
Saudis paid to play "our one eye king" and in 1998 when Clinton had a chance to take out Bin Laden he decided not to.
Little did he know how much that payoff would cost him. 911, Iraq>Isis ,
Global destabilisation.
So the ruse to look Right is to keep us blind to the performer covering up his left hand which holds the key to why we are where we are.
1 of many hand offs. Literally and figuratively paid to keep hands off.

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Obama continued that tradition of hands off the Saudis dealings. Don't know if he took money for it, but we'll find that out when he suddenly becomes rich like Clinton after he leaves office. Wouldn't be surprised if some of the returned Iran bag of cash makes it's way to some foreign account in a pseudo name or shell company used to divert funds to the orchestrators of the deal. Why else would it be untraceable cash?

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