Revised Stimulus Bill Passes House (No Republicans Voted Yes) - $1400 Checks Going out Next Week

Nice to see Congress do it’s job...
Their job is outlined in the Constitution. Show me where passing legislation, they dont have the authority to pass, is part of their job description.

If they do not have the authority to pass such legislation, than it should be challenged in the courts.
It wont. It usually isnt. Thats why congress gets away with whatever they want.
This morning we were in agreement that abuse of power is wrong but you support it here? What happened in such a short amount of time?

In all fairness we were discussing EOs this morning.

I support this because it came thru the legislature by process rather than a decree thru a Presidential order.
We agreed all three branches abuse their power. This is an explicit abuse by the legislative, but you are ok with it. What happened in such a short amount of time?

We are talking past each other.

Ok, how about you explain why this bill was not constitutionally passed. Specifically.
I have already asked you to show me where they get the power to do all this.

The Necessary and Proper Clause of the Constitution. If such legislation is unconstitutional, the Supreme Court should strike it down. The judiciary is the arbiter of what constitutes “abuse of power”.
That clause gives congress the power to create legislation supporting their enumerated powers(clause 1-17).
So, again, I will ask where they get the power to do this.

Asked and answered.

What makes this COVID legislation an “abuse of power”?
If you cant list the enumerated power, it is unconstitutional. IE abuse of power.
And it is quite obvious you dont know of an enumerated power.
Nice to see Congress do it’s job...
Their job is outlined in the Constitution. Show me where passing legislation, they dont have the authority to pass, is part of their job description.

If they do not have the authority to pass such legislation, than it should be challenged in the courts.
It wont. It usually isnt. Thats why congress gets away with whatever they want.
This morning we were in agreement that abuse of power is wrong but you support it here? What happened in such a short amount of time?

In all fairness we were discussing EOs this morning.

I support this because it came thru the legislature by process rather than a decree thru a Presidential order.
We agreed all three branches abuse their power. This is an explicit abuse by the legislative, but you are ok with it. What happened in such a short amount of time?

We are talking past each other.

Ok, how about you explain why this bill was not constitutionally passed. Specifically.
I have already asked you to show me where they get the power to do all this.

The Necessary and Proper Clause of the Constitution. If such legislation is unconstitutional, the Supreme Court should strike it down. The judiciary is the arbiter of what constitutes “abuse of power”.
That clause gives congress the power to create legislation supporting their enumerated powers(clause 1-17).
So, again, I will ask where they get the power to do this.

Asked and answered.

What makes this COVID legislation an “abuse of power”?
If you cant list the enumerated power, it is unconstitutional. IE abuse of power.
And it is quite obvious you dont know of an enumerated power.

Not going to quibble over this. There is no “abuse of power”.

The N+P clause has been interpreted to go beyond enumerated powers. If your supposition is accurate the law should be challenged and dealt with by the SC.
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Nice to see Congress do it’s job...
Their job is outlined in the Constitution. Show me where passing legislation, they dont have the authority to pass, is part of their job description.

If they do not have the authority to pass such legislation, than it should be challenged in the courts.
It wont. It usually isnt. Thats why congress gets away with whatever they want.
This morning we were in agreement that abuse of power is wrong but you support it here? What happened in such a short amount of time?

In all fairness we were discussing EOs this morning.

I support this because it came thru the legislature by process rather than a decree thru a Presidential order.
We agreed all three branches abuse their power. This is an explicit abuse by the legislative, but you are ok with it. What happened in such a short amount of time?

We are talking past each other.

Ok, how about you explain why this bill was not constitutionally passed. Specifically.
I have already asked you to show me where they get the power to do all this.

The Necessary and Proper Clause of the Constitution. If such legislation is unconstitutional, the Supreme Court should strike it down. The judiciary is the arbiter of what constitutes “abuse of power”.
That clause gives congress the power to create legislation supporting their enumerated powers(clause 1-17).
So, again, I will ask where they get the power to do this.

Asked and answered.

What makes this COVID legislation an “abuse of power”?
If you cant list the enumerated power, it is unconstitutional. IE abuse of power.
And it is quite obvious you dont know of an enumerated power.

Not going to quibble over this. There is no “abuse of power”.

The S+P clause has been interpreted to go beyond enumerated powers. If your supposition is accurate the law should be challenged and dealt with by the SC.
What is the S & P clause?
It doesnt matter what it is "interpreted" as.
The constitution says anything that wasnt listed is a states issue. The last clause of the enumerated powers list says
To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers,
Its fine. You dont ACTUALLY care about govt abuse. Its just when you dont agree with what is happening. You are just like most of this country. Integrity doesnt mean a damn thing. Selfishness reigns supreme.
Thats why this country is going down the shitter.
Nice to see Congress do it’s job...
Their job is outlined in the Constitution. Show me where passing legislation, they dont have the authority to pass, is part of their job description.

If they do not have the authority to pass such legislation, than it should be challenged in the courts.
It wont. It usually isnt. Thats why congress gets away with whatever they want.
This morning we were in agreement that abuse of power is wrong but you support it here? What happened in such a short amount of time?

In all fairness we were discussing EOs this morning.

I support this because it came thru the legislature by process rather than a decree thru a Presidential order.
We agreed all three branches abuse their power. This is an explicit abuse by the legislative, but you are ok with it. What happened in such a short amount of time?

We are talking past each other.

Ok, how about you explain why this bill was not constitutionally passed. Specifically.
I have already asked you to show me where they get the power to do all this.

The Necessary and Proper Clause of the Constitution. If such legislation is unconstitutional, the Supreme Court should strike it down. The judiciary is the arbiter of what constitutes “abuse of power”.
That clause gives congress the power to create legislation supporting their enumerated powers(clause 1-17).
So, again, I will ask where they get the power to do this.

Asked and answered.

What makes this COVID legislation an “abuse of power”?
If you cant list the enumerated power, it is unconstitutional. IE abuse of power.
And it is quite obvious you dont know of an enumerated power.

Not going to quibble over this. There is no “abuse of power”.

The S+P clause has been interpreted to go beyond enumerated powers. If your supposition is accurate the law should be challenged and dealt with by the SC.
What is the S & P clause?
It doesnt matter what it is "interpreted" as.
The constitution says anything that wasnt listed is a states issue. The last clause of the enumerated powers list says
To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers,
Its fine. You dont ACTUALLY care about govt abuse. Its just when you dont agree with what is happening. You are just like most of this country. Integrity doesnt mean a damn thing. Selfishness reigns supreme.
Thats why this country is going down the shitter.

Fixed. Meant to say N+P

That said, we are just going to disagree on this issue.
When Barry& the Democrats passed his non-stimulating stimulus pork-fest deficit bomb when he 1st took office not 1 single Republican added a piece of pork to it or voted for it. History repeats itself....

Republicans got their pork in January. Lobbyists carved that bill up like a Thanksgiving turkey while ordinary people got crumbs.
This bill cost every tax paying person $6000, you get $1400. What a deal!
Republicans motto, I got mine screw you!

You have it completely backwards. More Democrats will get checks than Republicans based on voting demographics with regards to salary.

We don’t get a stimulus check. We have never recevied one and never will. People who do not work and have thus not be negatively affected by COVID get a for each family member. Prisoners get checks. We pay more taxes than many folks and we get nothing. That is only “fair” in the mind of a liberal.
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When Barry& the Democrats passed his non-stimulating stimulus pork-fest deficit bomb when he 1st took office not 1 single Republican added a piece of pork to it or voted for it. History repeats itself....

Republicans got their pork in January. Lobbyists carved that bill up like a Thanksgiving turkey while ordinary people got crumbs.
This bill cost every tax paying person $6000, you get $1400. What a deal!

Many of those getting this money don’t pay taxes. Based on the income restrictons of this stimulus, even those paying taxes won’t be affected as much as those who won’t get any money.

This is the “rich”, you know, those making over 75/yr, paying their fair share. LOL
Nice to see Congress do it’s job...
Their job is outlined in the Constitution. Show me where passing legislation, they dont have the authority to pass, is part of their job description.

If they do not have the authority to pass such legislation, than it should be challenged in the courts.
It wont. It usually isnt. Thats why congress gets away with whatever they want.
This morning we were in agreement that abuse of power is wrong but you support it here? What happened in such a short amount of time?

In all fairness we were discussing EOs this morning.

I support this because it came thru the legislature by process rather than a decree thru a Presidential order.
We agreed all three branches abuse their power. This is an explicit abuse by the legislative, but you are ok with it. What happened in such a short amount of time?

We are talking past each other.

Ok, how about you explain why this bill was not constitutionally passed. Specifically.
I have already asked you to show me where they get the power to do all this.

The Necessary and Proper Clause of the Constitution. If such legislation is unconstitutional, the Supreme Court should strike it down. The judiciary is the arbiter of what constitutes “abuse of power”.
That clause gives congress the power to create legislation supporting their enumerated powers(clause 1-17).
So, again, I will ask where they get the power to do this.

Asked and answered.

What makes this COVID legislation an “abuse of power”?
If you cant list the enumerated power, it is unconstitutional. IE abuse of power.
And it is quite obvious you dont know of an enumerated power.

Not going to quibble over this. There is no “abuse of power”.

The S+P clause has been interpreted to go beyond enumerated powers. If your supposition is accurate the law should be challenged and dealt with by the SC.
What is the S & P clause?
It doesnt matter what it is "interpreted" as.
The constitution says anything that wasnt listed is a states issue. The last clause of the enumerated powers list says
To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers,
Its fine. You dont ACTUALLY care about govt abuse. Its just when you dont agree with what is happening. You are just like most of this country. Integrity doesnt mean a damn thing. Selfishness reigns supreme.
Thats why this country is going down the shitter.

Fixed. Meant to say N+P

That said, we are just going to disagree on this issue.
You can disagree on basic english if you want :dunno:
Nice to see Congress do it’s job...
Their job is outlined in the Constitution. Show me where passing legislation, they dont have the authority to pass, is part of their job description.

If they do not have the authority to pass such legislation, than it should be challenged in the courts.
It wont. It usually isnt. Thats why congress gets away with whatever they want.
This morning we were in agreement that abuse of power is wrong but you support it here? What happened in such a short amount of time?

In all fairness we were discussing EOs this morning.

I support this because it came thru the legislature by process rather than a decree thru a Presidential order.
We agreed all three branches abuse their power. This is an explicit abuse by the legislative, but you are ok with it. What happened in such a short amount of time?

We are talking past each other.

Ok, how about you explain why this bill was not constitutionally passed. Specifically.
I have already asked you to show me where they get the power to do all this.

The Necessary and Proper Clause of the Constitution. If such legislation is unconstitutional, the Supreme Court should strike it down. The judiciary is the arbiter of what constitutes “abuse of power”.
That clause gives congress the power to create legislation supporting their enumerated powers(clause 1-17).
So, again, I will ask where they get the power to do this.

Asked and answered.

What makes this COVID legislation an “abuse of power”?
If you cant list the enumerated power, it is unconstitutional. IE abuse of power.
And it is quite obvious you dont know of an enumerated power.

Not going to quibble over this. There is no “abuse of power”.

The S+P clause has been interpreted to go beyond enumerated powers. If your supposition is accurate the law should be challenged and dealt with by the SC.
What is the S & P clause?
It doesnt matter what it is "interpreted" as.
The constitution says anything that wasnt listed is a states issue. The last clause of the enumerated powers list says
To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers,
Its fine. You dont ACTUALLY care about govt abuse. Its just when you dont agree with what is happening. You are just like most of this country. Integrity doesnt mean a damn thing. Selfishness reigns supreme.
Thats why this country is going down the shitter.

Fixed. Meant to say N+P

That said, we are just going to disagree on this issue.
You can disagree on basic english if you want :dunno:

And here I thought this was going to be civil.

When Barry& the Democrats passed his non-stimulating stimulus pork-fest deficit bomb when he 1st took office not 1 single Republican added a piece of pork to it or voted for it. History repeats itself....

Republicans got their pork in January. Lobbyists carved that bill up like a Thanksgiving turkey while ordinary people got crumbs.
This bill cost every tax paying person $6000, you get $1400. What a deal! cost EVERY American close to $6000.
When Barry& the Democrats passed his non-stimulating stimulus pork-fest deficit bomb when he 1st took office not 1 single Republican added a piece of pork to it or voted for it. History repeats itself....

Republicans got their pork in January. Lobbyists carved that bill up like a Thanksgiving turkey while ordinary people got crumbs.
This bill cost every tax paying person $6000, you get $1400. What a deal!

Many of those getting this money don’t pay taxes. Based on the income restrictons of this stimulus, even those paying taxes won’t be affected as much as those who won’t get any money.

This is the “rich”, you know, those making over 75/yr, paying their fair share. LOL

While Failed Democrat policy and mismanagement of their bloated, unrealistic, pension plans get bailed out by Americans who get no benefit from it at all.


"Thank you, tax payers, for your contribution to the Blue State Bailout, er...COVD Relief Fund."
Nice to see Congress do it’s job...
Their job is outlined in the Constitution. Show me where passing legislation, they dont have the authority to pass, is part of their job description.

If they do not have the authority to pass such legislation, than it should be challenged in the courts.
It wont. It usually isnt. Thats why congress gets away with whatever they want.
This morning we were in agreement that abuse of power is wrong but you support it here? What happened in such a short amount of time?

In all fairness we were discussing EOs this morning.

I support this because it came thru the legislature by process rather than a decree thru a Presidential order.
We agreed all three branches abuse their power. This is an explicit abuse by the legislative, but you are ok with it. What happened in such a short amount of time?

We are talking past each other.

Ok, how about you explain why this bill was not constitutionally passed. Specifically.
I have already asked you to show me where they get the power to do all this.

The Necessary and Proper Clause of the Constitution. If such legislation is unconstitutional, the Supreme Court should strike it down. The judiciary is the arbiter of what constitutes “abuse of power”.
That clause gives congress the power to create legislation supporting their enumerated powers(clause 1-17).
So, again, I will ask where they get the power to do this.

Asked and answered.

What makes this COVID legislation an “abuse of power”?
If you cant list the enumerated power, it is unconstitutional. IE abuse of power.
And it is quite obvious you dont know of an enumerated power.

Not going to quibble over this. There is no “abuse of power”.

The S+P clause has been interpreted to go beyond enumerated powers. If your supposition is accurate the law should be challenged and dealt with by the SC.
What is the S & P clause?
It doesnt matter what it is "interpreted" as.
The constitution says anything that wasnt listed is a states issue. The last clause of the enumerated powers list says
To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers,
Its fine. You dont ACTUALLY care about govt abuse. Its just when you dont agree with what is happening. You are just like most of this country. Integrity doesnt mean a damn thing. Selfishness reigns supreme.
Thats why this country is going down the shitter.

Fixed. Meant to say N+P

That said, we are just going to disagree on this issue.
You can disagree on basic english if you want :dunno:

And here I thought this was going to be civil.

Thats what you are doing :dunno:
Get all emotional if you want.
Good day.

'You're welcome, citizens, for your $1.400
GIFT from your government. You can use
it any way you choose - pay off bills, use
it to try to re-open your minority-owned
small business we forced to close, go buy
a 65 inch flat screen TV, or apply it to the
$17,000 per person / $69,000 per family

you now
owe the government for the cost
of the $1.9 TRILLION dollar stimulus bill.

The bill gives almost $4000 to a married family with 2 kids.

Nostra, Death Angel, y'all are my two children now. I need your Social # please.

Yes, it's a transfer of wealth from the middle class to the 'poor', has nothing to do with COVID..
Yes, it's a transfer of wealth from the middle class to the 'poor', has nothing to do with COVID..
It's ripping off the American tax payers and the future of our kids, using COVID-19 as an excuse, to pay for a Barry 2.0 Democrat-Only Porkulus Debt Bomb to bail out failed Democrat policy and planning - a 'Blue State bail-out' and Liberal Wish List 2.0!

The CBO declared publicly way before this was rammed through that this 'COVID Relief' was NOT NEEDED and that the economy would recover WITHOUT IT!

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