Revised Stimulus Bill Passes House (No Republicans Voted Yes) - $1400 Checks Going out Next Week

I'm twice as old as most of you so I demand TWO checks. If I don't get two then me and my gas can will mount a peaceful demonstration in protest. Well....peaceful except for the initial "Woooosssshhhh"!

If you utter ONE word against that then you are ageist and will immediately be cancelled.
Nice to see Congress do it’s job...
Their job is outlined in the Constitution. Show me where passing legislation, they dont have the authority to pass, is part of their job description.

If they do not have the authority to pass such legislation, than it should be challenged in the courts.
It wont. It usually isnt. Thats why congress gets away with whatever they want.
This morning we were in agreement that abuse of power is wrong but you support it here? What happened in such a short amount of time?

In all fairness we were discussing EOs this morning.

I support this because it came thru the legislature by process rather than a decree thru a Presidential order.
We agreed all three branches abuse their power. This is an explicit abuse by the legislative, but you are ok with it. What happened in such a short amount of time?

We are talking past each other.

Ok, how about you explain why this bill was not constitutionally passed. Specifically.
I have already asked you to show me where they get the power to do all this.

The Necessary and Proper Clause of the Constitution. If such legislation is unconstitutional, the Supreme Court should strike it down. The judiciary is the arbiter of what constitutes “abuse of power”.
Republicans motto, I got mine screw you!
Actually, the GOP 'motto' was the massive Democrat-Wish-List funded by tax-payers and our kids' future is unconscionable and wrong and we will not participate in it'.

During Barry's Porkulous Deficit Bomb both the Feinstein's and Pelosi's family businesses were bailed out of bankruptcy by interest-free tax-payer-funded loans they never had to pay back - I am sure they appreciate your generosity, TM....and your stupidity.

You would think even snowflakes would learn after being bent over by Barry with that one....but, NO....Biden, Schumer, and Pelosi just bent you over again......

...and snowflakes be like....

The GOP motto was that they wanted to play politics. They didn't give a damn about the deficit when Trump was in office. Biden's bill was far superior to what Republicans passed in January.

Better if you are a black farmer getting money cuz you are black.

Cause kkkers think you’re useless if black
Nice to see Congress do it’s job...
Their job is outlined in the Constitution. Show me where passing legislation, they dont have the authority to pass, is part of their job description.

If they do not have the authority to pass such legislation, than it should be challenged in the courts.
It wont. It usually isnt. Thats why congress gets away with whatever they want.
This morning we were in agreement that abuse of power is wrong but you support it here? What happened in such a short amount of time?

In all fairness we were discussing EOs this morning.

I support this because it came thru the legislature by process rather than a decree thru a Presidential order.
We agreed all three branches abuse their power. This is an explicit abuse by the legislative, but you are ok with it. What happened in such a short amount of time?

We are talking past each other.

Ok, how about you explain why this bill was not constitutionally passed. Specifically.
I have already asked you to show me where they get the power to do all this.

The Necessary and Proper Clause of the Constitution. If such legislation is unconstitutional, the Supreme Court should strike it down. The judiciary is the arbiter of what constitutes “abuse of power”.
That clause gives congress the power to create legislation supporting their enumerated powers(clause 1-17).
So, again, I will ask where they get the power to do this.
That clause gives congress the power to create legislation supporting their enumerated powers(clause 1-17).
So, again, I will ask where they get the power to do this.
Congress has control over the wallet of the government. Is this a money bill (Reconciliation)?
Nice to see Congress do it’s job...
Their job is outlined in the Constitution. Show me where passing legislation, they dont have the authority to pass, is part of their job description.

If they do not have the authority to pass such legislation, than it should be challenged in the courts.
It wont. It usually isnt. Thats why congress gets away with whatever they want.
This morning we were in agreement that abuse of power is wrong but you support it here? What happened in such a short amount of time?

In all fairness we were discussing EOs this morning.

I support this because it came thru the legislature by process rather than a decree thru a Presidential order.
We agreed all three branches abuse their power. This is an explicit abuse by the legislative, but you are ok with it. What happened in such a short amount of time?

We are talking past each other.

Ok, how about you explain why this bill was not constitutionally passed. Specifically.
I have already asked you to show me where they get the power to do all this.

The Necessary and Proper Clause of the Constitution. If such legislation is unconstitutional, the Supreme Court should strike it down. The judiciary is the arbiter of what constitutes “abuse of power”.
That clause gives congress the power to create legislation supporting their enumerated powers(clause 1-17).
So, again, I will ask where they get the power to do this.

Asked and answered.

What makes this COVID legislation an “abuse of power”?
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An historic bill and republicans once again are on the wrong side of history
49 of their slime in the senate should lose their jobs

"I like it, so that makes it the right side of history!!! History is what I say it's going to be!!!"

If that asteroid strike does aim for DC, do us all a favor and go see the monuments, would you?
The liberals gave the "people" 18% of 1.9 TRILLION dollars for COVID "relief".....Whoa...and the rest? Useless crap. That's what they call "progressivism......... :flameth:

That is bullshit.

$422 billion for checks to individuals. That alone is nore than the 18% you claim. $350 billion for states and local governments so they won't have to lay off people. $246 billion for unemployment. Those itens alone are over a trillion dollars. Then you have money for schools to re-open safely, money for small businesses and vaccines. That clearly shows you are a liar.

Let me get this straight...."Money for schools to re-open safely". Tell me, how much money does it cost to open a door? We spent billions after billions after billons nearly every year on "education". You want to call bullshit? Look into the mirror.

I also believe the schools still have a bunch of money for re-opening from before, which hasn't even been spent yet. And what, precisely, are they spending money on, since they aren't doing anything?
Nice to see Congress do it’s job...

When was it Congress's job to spend more money than we could ever hope to pay off on pork and bullshit?

It may have started during the previous administration when tax cut legislation further blew up the deficit...

No, it may not have, since only an economic imbecile thinks that tax cuts "blow up" the deficit. That's right up there with Alexandria Occasional Cortex babbling about how NY could spend the tax break Amazon would have gotten to move there after she scuttled the deal.
Nice to see Congress do it’s job...

When was it Congress's job to spend more money than we could ever hope to pay off on pork and bullshit?

It may have started during the previous administration when tax cut legislation further blew up the deficit...

No, it may not have, since only an economic imbecile thinks that tax cuts "blow up" the deficit. That's right up there with Alexandria Occasional Cortex babbling about how NY could spend the tax break Amazon would have gotten to move there after she scuttled the deal.

CBO released its regular update to the economic and budget outlook on January 28. The new estimates show a deficit of $1 trillion for 2020. This is the equivalent of 4.6% of gross domestic product. The federal budget deficit will grow to 5.4% of GDP by 2030, according to GDP.

Actually it did...
Hooray for draining the treasury for hundreds of billions of pure waste!

But as long as you moonbat fools get your crumbs, it's all good!
Trump was demanding $2k too.
And wasn't demanding fiscally irresponsible states get bailed out.

But as long as you get your crumbs....
Trump would have had a similar bailout, don’t kid yourself.
Yeah, right....He would have bailed out state bureaucrats and sent $1,400 checks to fucking prisoners and illegals.

Talk about kidding yourself.
Nice to see Congress do it’s job...

When was it Congress's job to spend more money than we could ever hope to pay off on pork and bullshit?

It may have started during the previous administration when tax cut legislation further blew up the deficit...

No, it may not have, since only an economic imbecile thinks that tax cuts "blow up" the deficit. That's right up there with Alexandria Occasional Cortex babbling about how NY could spend the tax break Amazon would have gotten to move there after she scuttled the deal.

CBO released its regular update to the economic and budget outlook on January 28. The new estimates show a deficit of $1 trillion for 2020. This is the equivalent of 4.6% of gross domestic product. The federal budget deficit will grow to 5.4% of GDP by 2030, according to GDP.

Actually it did...

"Look, my Google search found me someone saying what I want to believe! That makes it TRRUUUUEEEE!!!"
Nice to see Congress do it’s job...

When was it Congress's job to spend more money than we could ever hope to pay off on pork and bullshit?

It may have started during the previous administration when tax cut legislation further blew up the deficit...

No, it may not have, since only an economic imbecile thinks that tax cuts "blow up" the deficit. That's right up there with Alexandria Occasional Cortex babbling about how NY could spend the tax break Amazon would have gotten to move there after she scuttled the deal.

CBO released its regular update to the economic and budget outlook on January 28. The new estimates show a deficit of $1 trillion for 2020. This is the equivalent of 4.6% of gross domestic product. The federal budget deficit will grow to 5.4% of GDP by 2030, according to GDP.

Actually it did...

"Look, my Google search found me someone saying what I want to believe! That makes it TRRUUUUEEEE!!!"
Nice to see Congress do it’s job...

When was it Congress's job to spend more money than we could ever hope to pay off on pork and bullshit?

It may have started during the previous administration when tax cut legislation further blew up the deficit...

No, it may not have, since only an economic imbecile thinks that tax cuts "blow up" the deficit. That's right up there with Alexandria Occasional Cortex babbling about how NY could spend the tax break Amazon would have gotten to move there after she scuttled the deal.

CBO released its regular update to the economic and budget outlook on January 28. The new estimates show a deficit of $1 trillion for 2020. This is the equivalent of 4.6% of gross domestic product. The federal budget deficit will grow to 5.4% of GDP by 2030, according to GDP.

Actually it did...

"Look, my Google search found me someone saying what I want to believe! That makes it TRRUUUUEEEE!!!"


I’ll wait for the link that demonstrates otherwise.

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