REVOLT: N. Dakota To Vote On Eliminating All Property Tax...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Uh oh, Big Brother ain't gonna like this at all. Might have to go all NDAA up on their asses. Voting on eliminating Property Taxes? They must be Terrorists.

North Dakota Considers Eliminating Property Tax

Since Californians shrank their property taxes more than three decades ago by passing Proposition 13, people around the nation have echoed their dismay over such levies, putting forth plans to even them, simplify them, cap them, slash them. In an election here on Tuesday, residents of North Dakota will consider a measure that reaches far beyond any of that — one that abolishes the property tax entirely.

“I would like to be able to know that my home, no matter what happens to my income or my life, is not going to be taken away from me because I can’t pay a tax,” said Susan Beehler, one in a group of North Dakotans who have pressed for an amendment to the state’s Constitution to end the property tax. They argue that the tax is unpredictable, inconsistent, counter to the concept of property ownership and needless in a state that, thanks in part to wildly successful oil drilling, finds itself in the rare circumstance of carrying budget reserves.

“When,” Ms. Beehler asked, “did we come to believe that government should get rich and we should get poor?”

An unusual coalition of forces, including the North Dakota Chamber of Commerce and the state’s largest public employees’ unions, vehemently oppose the idea, arguing that such a ban would upend this quiet capital. Some big unanswered questions, the opponents say, include precisely how lawmakers would make up some $812 million in annual property tax revenue; what effect the change would have on hundreds of other state laws and regulations that allude to the more than century-old property tax; and what decisions would be left for North Dakota’s cities, counties and other governing boards if, say, they wanted to build a new school, hire more police, open a new park.

This is a plan without a plan,” said Andy Peterson, president and chairman of the North Dakota Chamber of Commerce, who acknowledged that property taxes have climbed in some parts of the state and that North Dakota’s political leaders need to tackle the issue. “But this solution is a little like giving a barber a razor-sharp butcher knife — and by the way, this barber is blind — and asking him or her to give you a haircut. You’ll get the job done, but you might be missing an ear or an eye"...

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I know ND is a pretty wealthy little State but I can't see no property taxes.

Taxes are what funds the cities and towns. Police, Fire, EMS, schools. Doesn't sound like a sustainable idea to me.
I know ND is a pretty wealthy little State but I can't see no property taxes.

Taxes are what funds the cities and towns. Police, Fire, EMS, schools. Doesn't sound like a sustainable idea to me.

Doesn't look like it will happen. The Polls indicate the measure will be defeated. And lucky for them, cause Big Brother had the NDAA papers all drawn up.
Of course you understand that the region is flush with cash...doing what...?

Oil Boom. They are within thier right to do it.

Have the Statists gotten into our psyche so bad that we belive Government can't do with less than what it has now?
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Of course you understand that the region is flush with cash...doing what...?

Oil Boom. They are within thier right to do it.

Have the Statists gotten into our psyche so bad that we belive Government can't do witrh less than what it has now?

It's what the Big Government-types always wanted. The People must now kneel and grovel for Government 'assistance.' They got the People hooked. Now most are completely reliant on Government to live. It's like a drug addiction. Big Brother is very happy with the current state of affairs in this country. More Citizens are on Welfare than ever before. They're completely hooked. And that's just the way the Big Government-types like it. Third World Totalitarianism here we come.
Of course you understand that the region is flush with cash...doing what...?

Oil Boom. They are within thier right to do it.

Have the Statists gotten into our psyche so bad that we belive Government can't do witrh less than what it has now?

It's what the Big Government-types always wanted. The People must now kneel and grovel for Government 'assistance.' They got the People hooked. Now most are completely reliant on Government to live. It's like a drug addiction. Big Brother is very happy with the current state of affairs in this country. More Citizens are on Welfare than ever before. They're completely hooked. And that's just the way the Big Government-types like it. Third World Totalitarianism here we come.

Public employee Unions are mainly behind the move to defeat this. Figures.
I would assume sales and excise taxes? in other words taxes from free flow of commerce.
Property taxes should NOT be abolished.

There are people running ads in the state claiming, or suggesting, that abolishing property taxes will lower people's taxes. No it won't, at least not for the middle-class. It'll just shift the taxes someplace else, probably to highly regressive sales taxes.

A property tax penalizes people for holding onto property that they should sell. For example, your neighbor moves out of his house and buys a new one across town. He decides to keep his old house. But, because no one lives there, the appearance rapidly deteriorates, creating a neighborhood eyesore. I like to think that such people are paying some sort of penalty for that, in the form of property tax.
A property tax is a great way to get the other guy to pay for your government tit. Gimme, gimme, gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it.

Every time government service demands go up, so do property and business taxes. This is not a coincidence.
A property tax is a great way to get the other guy to pay for your government tit. Gimme, gimme, gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it.

Hey fag, aren't all taxes a way to the other guy to pay for your government tit?

Eliminate the tit, and the taxes will go away. Eliminate just a tax, then another tax will go up.
Fuck infrastructure! WE GOT OILLLLLLLLLLL*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*until we use up all the oil, and then we're fucked. But who cares! FUCK TAXES!!!

Would they also give up all the oil subsidies that they get, that are helping make them all rich...on the tax payer's bill?

Shit. I'm a Liberal, I'm not allowed to speak for the tax payer. I forgot.
A property tax is a great way to get the other guy to pay for your government tit. Gimme, gimme, gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it.

Hey fag, aren't all taxes a way to the other guy to pay for your government tit?

Eliminate the tit, and the taxes will go away. Eliminate just a tax, then another tax will go up.

Very good. Other taxes go up. Including taxes on non-property owners. This widens the tax base. Get it, queer bait?

You can implement a sales tax, or increase the sales tax. That way tourists, hookers, pimps, drug dealers, and little stump-humping forest dwelling nazis are contributing.
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Property taxes are paid to the localities, not the state.
So how did the Localities pay their bills before Property Taxes were invented?

Tax appraisers ask politicians how much money they want and appraise accordingly.
I know that this was done by Appraisers employed by Bankers during the Housing Boom, but my question was "How did the LOCALITIES pay their bills BEFORE the Property Tax was invented"?

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