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"Reward??? For What???"

Is that why they pay such low wages to the masses?
Most do not.
Again, most millionaires are self made, work exceptionally hard and are not dumb.
There are people who suck at all levels of income. Rich people are no different.
In my line of work I have met, and personally know a fairly large number of self made millionaires.
Most of them are simply workaholics.
I would not want to live their lives. All they do and care about is their business(es) and working.
Most do not.
Again, most millionaires are self made, work exceptionally hard and are not dumb.
There are people who suck at all levels of income. Rich people are no different.
In my line of work I have met, and personally know a fairly large number of self made millionaires.
Most of them are simply workaholics.
I would not want to live their lives. All they do and care about is their business(es) and working.
Just my old man the stock broker was the other old timers were not like that nor did they believe that the only reason why people interacted with them was that they had money. I used to work seven days a week around 12-16 hour days..
The greatest proportion of high earners (sometimes called, "rich people") is largely out of public view, because they want to be out of public view. They are entrepreneurs. The people who start and build businesses, or build investment portfolios (often in real estate). Many of them do not "look" rich. They wear old, not-stylish clothes, drive around in pickup trucks (not the opulent sort, the "work truck" sort), and eat at common restaurants. The golf with their buddies on public courses, and have a few beers after playing 18. They have a modest Winter home in Florida, to which they will retire at 55.

Interestingly, these are the people for whom President Biden proposed hiring the seventy-some thousand IRS agents. They normally play fast and loose with reported income, business expenses, and assets. Their FIT returns show that they earn $40-50k per year, but they seem to be doing so much better than that. If you are a wage slave, you have nothing to fear from this army of auditors; they are laser-focused on small business folks and investors.

While envy is deservedly one of the Seven Deadly Sins, in our society it is understandable, to say the least. There are hordes of Rich People who seem to have done nothing to reach that economic status. Former President Donald Trump is "Exhibit A." He often seems like a buffoon, with little business - or even common - sense, and yet he lives in multiple palaces that most Americans would have to pay Admission to even see. The envious, mainly Leftists, often write that he is a "business failure." How pathetic. I wish I could "fail" so spectacularly. FOUR BANKRUPTCIES! Can you believe it??? (Of course if you own or control 500 mostly-speculative businesses, four bankruptcies is a pretty good record).

The political Left exploits the "unfairness" of highly-visible mediocrities living lavishly and "paying no taxes." Of course, the same could be said of most of them, but who notices? Who cares?
Just my old man the stock broker was the other old timers were not like that nor did they believe that the only reason why people interacted with them was that they had money.
Most are pretty down to earth. Some are dicks and always looking out for themselves, but most are pretty normal people other than they live and breath working.
More than one has wanted to hire me, I had breakfast with one, no shit, his name is Richard Gold... I always laughed that his name is "Rich Gold".... anyway, he was at the time 67 years old and was ready to slow way down. He wanted to hire me to run his two operations. I was I think 45 or so at the time. He would pay me handsomely, and also give me a percentage of profits I made. I thought about it, didn't tell my wife... I know she would have been all for it, but I also knew what it meant. Working for this man would be a life choice. Not a job. I would have a lot more money than I do now for sure, but I wouldn't have liked who I would have to become in order to get that bank account.
Progs believe everything government about anything of growth. Obama said it. "You didn't build that" when it came to private enterprise.

6. They believe far more than that:
They believe that your money is theirs......and every vote for a Democrat is "duh.....yup....yup....."

"As a Nairobi bureaucrat, Barack Hussein Obama Sr. advised the pro-Western Kenyan government there to “redistribute” income through higher taxes. He also demonized corporations and called for massive government “investment” in social programs.

“Theoretically,” he wrote, “there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100% of income so long as the people get benefits from the government commensurate with their income which is taxed.”

Therefore, he added, “I do not see why the government cannot tax those who have more and syphon some of these revenues into savings which can be utilized in investment for future development.”
Like Father, Like Son – Obama’s Father: Government 100% Taxation of Income OK

The same view can be found in the Democrat FDR administration:

The attitude of the FDR government can be seen in these words of A.B. “Happy” Chandler, a former Kentucky governor: “[A]ll of us owe the government; we owe it for everything we have—and that is the basis of obligation—and the government can take everything we have if the government needs it. . . . The government can assert its right to have all the taxes it needs for any purpose, either now or at any time in the future.”

From a speech delivered on the Senate floor

May 14, 1943
Happy Chandler's dangerous statism - The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions
How much highway infrastructure have you financed and built by yourself?
The same can be asked of you. The overwhelming majority of the people the left wants to transfer wealth to haven't built or financed that shit either in fact a lot of them don't pay income tax at all and don't work. The loons expect the people who work hard everyday to finance the life styles of those that don't.
The same can be asked of you. The overwhelming majority of the people the left wants to transfer wealth to haven't built or financed that shit either in fact a lot of them don't pay income tax at all and don't work. The loons expect the people who work hard everyday to finance the life styles of those that don't.
Just ask how any life politician made his/her money?
Here the Democrat validating your envy.

Whites Who Are Born Rich Deplore and Fear All Other White People

Obai Juan Kenyobi is the not the opposite of your precious HeirDad and HeirHead economic bullies at all. The only Whites who voted for him just because he is Black are graduates of the anti-American prep schools.
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Thats not always true. Lots of people have worked hard to get their money and glory.
They just aren't martyred in the media like the corrupt ones are.
Privileges That Go to the Extent of Getting Their Sons Out of Fighting Our Enemies Are Capital Treason

If they desperately need to make sure their sons don't have to do it on their own, that proves they really regret what they themselves had to do to get rich.
Most are pretty down to earth. Some are dicks and always looking out for themselves, but most are pretty normal people other than they live and breath working.
More than one has wanted to hire me, I had breakfast with one, no shit, his name is Richard Gold... I always laughed that his name is "Rich Gold".... anyway, he was at the time 67 years old and was ready to slow way down. He wanted to hire me to run his two operations. I was I think 45 or so at the time. He would pay me handsomely, and also give me a percentage of profits I made. I thought about it, didn't tell my wife... I know she would have been all for it, but I also knew what it meant. Working for this man would be a life choice. Not a job. I would have a lot more money than I do now for sure, but I wouldn't have liked who I would have to become in order to get that bank account.
In a Rat Race, Only Rats Win

That was in the Gregory Peck movie, The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit. Also, in Russell Crowe's A Good Year.
6. They believe far more than that:
They believe that your money is theirs......and every vote for a Democrat is "duh.....yup....yup....."

"As a Nairobi bureaucrat, Barack Hussein Obama Sr. advised the pro-Western Kenyan government there to “redistribute” income through higher taxes. He also demonized corporations and called for massive government “investment” in social programs.

“Theoretically,” he wrote, “there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100% of income so long as the people get benefits from the government commensurate with their income which is taxed.”

Therefore, he added, “I do not see why the government cannot tax those who have more and syphon some of these revenues into savings which can be utilized in investment for future development.”
Like Father, Like Son – Obama’s Father: Government 100% Taxation of Income OK

The same view can be found in the Democrat FDR administration:

The attitude of the FDR government can be seen in these words of A.B. “Happy” Chandler, a former Kentucky governor: “[A]ll of us owe the government; we owe it for everything we have—and that is the basis of obligation—and the government can take everything we have if the government needs it. . . . The government can assert its right to have all the taxes it needs for any purpose, either now or at any time in the future.”

From a speech delivered on the Senate floor

May 14, 1943
Happy Chandler's dangerous statism - The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions
Ideology Is a Spitball Fight at a Prep School

Socialism is the mirror-image of laissez-faire disasters. Reversed from Right to Left, but just as ugly an anti-democratic oligarchic tyranny. They both were invented by "Born to Rule" richkids, who have no right to exist because they are an existential threat to human progress.
Whites Who Are Born Rich Deplore and Fear All Other White People

Obai Juan Kenyobi is the not the opposite of your precious HeirDad and HeirHead economic bullies at all. The only Whites who voted for him just because he is Black are graduates of the anti-American prep schools.

You are truly a dunce, imbued with the indoctrination of the Left.

New figures from Smart Money show that only 3% of millionaires inherited their wealth. That means 97% earned their vast fortune themselves. Smart Money also reports that 80% of millionaires are extra thrifty shoppers. Many of them even clip coupons! "

Millionaires clip coupons and other secrets of the rich! on clarkhoward.com

"In the Millionaire Next Door," Stanley and Danko tell us that "most of America's millionaires are first-generation rich." They earned their money themselves. Not through inheritances or dad's teachings. "Most people who become millionaires have confidence in their own abilities. They do not spend time worrying about whether or not their parents were wealthy."
The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy​


Thomas J. Stanley,

William D. Danko

" 80% of U. S. millionaires are first generation affluent. Contrary to popular belief, most people are not born into wealth. They earn their money the old fashioned way, they work for it."

Making money: The path to becoming a millionaire - by Terry Marsh - Helium

"The vast majority of today's millionaires did not inherit their money -- they're self-made."

According to a study by Prince & Associates, less than 10% of today’s multi-millionaires cited “inheritance” as their source of wealth.
The Decline of Inherited Money - The Wealth Report - WSJ

The Decline of Inherited Money

Most of America's millionaires are first-generation rich. How is it possible for people from modest backgrounds to become millionaires in one generation? Why is it that so many people with similar socioeconomic backgrounds never accumulate even modest amounts of wealth?
washingtonpost.com: The Millionaire Next Door

Most of America's millionaires are first-generation rich. How is it possible for people from modest backgrounds to become millionaires in one generation? Why is it that so many people with similar socioeconomic backgrounds never accumulate even modest amounts of wealth?

Most people who become millionaires have confidence in their own abilities. They do not spend time worrying about whether or not their parents were wealthy. They do not believe that one must be born wealthy. Conversely, people of modest backgrounds who believe that only the wealthy produce millionaires are predetermined to remain non-affluent. Have you always thought that most millionaires are born with silver spoons in their mouths? If so, consider the following facts that our research uncovered about American millionaires:

* Only 19 percent receive any income or wealth of any kind from a trust fund or an estate.

* Fewer than 20 percent inherited 10 percent or more of their wealth.

* More than half never received as much as $1 in inheritance.

* Fewer than 25 percent ever received "an act of kindness" of $10,000 or more from their parents, grandparents, or other relatives.

* Ninety-one percent never received, as a gift, as much as $1 of the ownership of a family business.

* Nearly half never received any college tuition from their parents or other relatives.

* Fewer than 10 percent believe they will ever receive an inheritance in the future.

America continues to hold great prospects for those who wish to accumulate wealth in one generation. In fact, America has always been a land of opportunity for those who believe in the fluid nature of our nation's social system and economy.

More than one hundred years ago the same was true. In The American Economy, Stanley Lebergott reviews a study conducted in 1892 of the 4,047 American millionaires. He reports that 84 percent "were nouveau riche, having reached the top without the benefit of inherited wealth."

Don't be stupid your entire life.....

......take a day off.
The Millionaire Next Door
7. What if you find that based on Federal taxes, state taxes, local taxes, sales tax, parking fees, license fees, speed cameras, hidden taxes of all sorts......

....and the insidious tax, inflation.........amounted to more than half your income at least?

Have we reached slavery????

8. "Feudal systems of the past concentrated all ownership of land, and therefore all power, away from the masses and into the hands of the ‘elite’ few. It was nothing short of a total system of slavery, and therefore, the elimination of freedom. This sounds ominous, and it is, but feudalism is exactly what is being pursued today by the ruling and political class. In this current rapidly advancing transformation toward a feudal society, there is certainly a private land takeover plot in the works, but this system being built today is based more on total control of all economies and monetary systems, in order to subdue all."
Left wing idiots don't know their history. Most roads in the 1700's through early 1900's were built by private citizens and companies. Then government decided to grow and get into the road building business.
Name one federal road improvement company?
The sheeples don't SEE how these corrupt rich people BECAME rich though.

The sheeples believe the corrupt rich LIES and CON GAMES they play, as well as the proganda they spew out.

The sheeples believe, as the religious do to their "gods", that all they have to do is praise their names and do as they bid, and the sheeples will have it all, without ever getting off their asses.

And as such..........this has been going on for centuries, and yet...........the sheeples STILL haven't caught on!!! There's a reason they are sheeples, and exependable.

Are you...on...drugs?

We need a Constitutional Amendment for term limits. Two terms and your out sounds about right and no tax payer funded retirement or healthcare.

Eight year combined lifetime limit in ALL Federal elected offices. No retirement, no pension, I would honestly be for no pay.

Whites Who Are Born Rich Deplore and Fear All Other White People

Obai Juan Kenyobi is the not the opposite of your precious HeirDad and HeirHead economic bullies at all. The only Whites who voted for him just because he is Black are graduates of the anti-American prep schools.


Privileges That Go to the Extent of Getting Their Sons Out of Fighting Our Enemies Are Capital Treason

If they desperately need to make sure their sons don't have to do it on their own, that proves they really regret what they themselves had to do to get rich.

What. The.

Ideology Is a Spitball Fight at a Prep School

Socialism is the mirror-image of laissez-faire disasters. Reversed from Right to Left, but just as ugly an anti-democratic oligarchic tyranny. They both were invented by "Born to Rule" richkids, who have no right to exist because they are an existential threat to human progress.

What. The. Fuck.

Are you on some sort of mind-altering chemicals?
How much highway infrastructure have you financed and built by yourself?

In fact, most of the historically huge infrastructure projects in this country were privately financed by investors who purchased government bonds. The government borrows money from the bond investors, and pays interest. In return, the government can collect taxes on the created infrastructure while the operators can collect fees.

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