RFK Jr. Against CBDC Like Trump, Gives Government Power to "Starve" You, Return to "Feudal Serfdom"


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Media is busting a hemorrhoid trying to make opposition to CBDC into another Trump "right-wing" fever dream, but it is a rare instance where there is universal agreement that it would be a tyrannical coup over America freedom.

Investment banker, former Bush official Catherine Austin Fitts says with CBDC "Financial Control Grid" they can force vax you and take your kids.

Also Tulsi Gabbard is dead set against it.

Former Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard: “They want to b able to control We the People” with CBDC. (view at Rumble)

Investment Banker, Ex- Bush Official Catherine Austin Fitts: With CBDC "Financial Control Grid" They Can Force Vax & Take Your Kids. (view at Rumble) (VIEW FULL VIDEO)
Rfk still ruined himself in my eyes when he went in on thinking reparations was a good idea.

So while he is absolutely correct a cbdc is a evil and corrupt idea I still can't get past him wanting reparations for people who weren't ever slaves and pretty much playing the race card. Which is a shame because everything else he has said has been spot on.
Ignorant (in the true sense of the word) Americans often assume that people in foreign countries (including Canada) retain the same guaranteed freedoms that U.S. citizens take for granted. Chalk it up to the federal education system that teaches kids how to cut a condom on a banana but nothing about the Constitution. The United States is the only Country in the world that spells out the 1st ten Amendments to the Constitution aka the Bill of Rights. Learn it and thank God every day for it.
Media is busting a hemorrhoid trying to make opposition to CBDC into another Trump "right-wing" fever dream, but it is a rare instance where there is universal agreement that it would be a tyrannical coup over America freedom.

Investment banker, former Bush official Catherine Austin Fitts says with CBDC "Financial Control Grid" they can force vax you and take your kids.

Also Tulsi Gabbard is dead set against it.

Former Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard: “They want to b able to control We the People” with CBDC. (view at Rumble)

Investment Banker, Ex- Bush Official Catherine Austin Fitts: With CBDC "Financial Control Grid" They Can Force Vax & Take Your Kids. (view at Rumble) (VIEW FULL VIDEO)

All the kooks are against it? Thanks for letting us know.
Media is busting a hemorrhoid trying to make opposition to CBDC into another Trump "right-wing" fever dream, but it is a rare instance where there is universal agreement that it would be a tyrannical coup over America freedom.

Investment banker, former Bush official Catherine Austin Fitts says with CBDC "Financial Control Grid" they can force vax you and take your kids.

Also Tulsi Gabbard is dead set against it.

Former Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard: “They want to b able to control We the People” with CBDC. (view at Rumble)

Investment Banker, Ex- Bush Official Catherine Austin Fitts: With CBDC "Financial Control Grid" They Can Force Vax & Take Your Kids. (view at Rumble) (VIEW FULL VIDEO)

Cash = Privacy

Privacy = Hitler

Hitler = Trump

Orange Man = Bad!!!! :eek:
The idiot conman speaks to his rubes.
Come on, fool. No one in their right mind thinks this is a good idea. Left, right, or indifferent, it's simply not a good idea.

Go ask the leftard bankers at Goldman Sachs if THEY think it's a good idea. You have hundreds and hundreds of companies including Goldman Sachs, who've invested billions into Blockchain, and every single one of them and their customers assumes there's CASH on the other end of that
Come on, fool. No one in their right mind thinks this is a good idea. Left, right, or indifferent, it's simply not a good idea.

Go ask the leftard bankers at Goldman Sachs if THEY think it's a good idea. You have hundreds and hundreds of companies including Goldman Sachs, who've invested billions into Blockchain, and every single one of them and their customers assumes there's CASH on the other end of that

Even a Federal Reserve president has come out and said CBDC is a terrible idea.

Central Bank Digital Currency – would allow the federal government to “monitor every one of your transactions.” “ I get why China would be interested. Why would the American people be for that?” – Neel Kashkari. Minneapolis Fed

Rfk still ruined himself in my eyes when he went in on thinking reparations was a good idea.
Reparations are not that far out as a concept (e.g., Japanese-American internment), especially if tied to past governmental discrimination. It might even be financially possible, since there aren't many people left who lived under racial segregation laws.

However, reparations for wealth disparities is an entirely different matter. Many other factors beside race are involved. Also, it is income rather than wealth that determines the standard of living for most Americans. It would be an insult, as well as unconstitutional, to reward selected people based on their DNA at the expenses of other hard working Americans.
Reparations are not that far out as a concept (e.g., Japanese-American internment), especially if tied to past governmental discrimination. It might even be financially possible, since there aren't many people left who lived under racial segregation laws.

However, reparations for wealth disparities is an entirely different matter. Many other factors beside race are involved. Also, it is income rather than wealth that determines the standard of living for most Americans. It would be an insult, as well as unconstitutional, to reward selected people based on their DNA at the expenses of other hard working Americans.


South Dakota joins Florida, Indiana in passing anti-CBDC bill

Come on, fool. No one in their right mind thinks this is a good idea. Left, right, or indifferent, it's simply not a good idea.

Go ask the leftard bankers at Goldman Sachs if THEY think it's a good idea. You have hundreds and hundreds of companies including Goldman Sachs, who've invested billions into Blockchain, and every single one of them and their customers assumes there's CASH on the other end of that

It's a good idea if your goal is to have a tyrannical system like China's. You eat whatever shit the government dishes out or you are punished. They can cut your wages in half and there is nothing you can do about it.

Step out of line and you can't buy food. Anyone trying to buy it for you will be cut off too.


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