Rice, Samantha Powers Among 7 Subpoenaed By Congress


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2008
Ft Worth,TX
The ball is finally rolling and justice will be served.

During the often contentious, sometimes bizarre election of 2016, Donald Trump was beginning to secretly gather his transition team and cabinet picks so that he could get to work on minute one of day one. Of course, this information had to be kept hush-hush, due to the democrats’ love of playing dirty during elections. Should a name slip here or there, that future Trump advisor would soon be the victim of endless character assassination attempts and history-drudging inquiries in order to give the corrupt Hillary Clinton a better shot at somehow stopping the conservative uprising in America.

Of course, none of the scruples of the rest of America had ever nested between the ample ears of former President Barack Obama and his administration, who allegedly utilized government tools and agencies to “unmask” who these potential Trump appointees would be in an effort to keep his hope for a virtual third term alive, via Clinton the surrogate. Now, these allegations are getting the official treatment, as subpoenas started flying today.

“Three of the nation’s intelligence agencies received subpoenas Wednesday afternoon issued by the House Intelligence Committee, Fox News has confirmed, with each of the three demands for documents explicitly naming three top officials of the Obama administration: Susan Rice, who served as President Obama’s White House national security adviser; former CIA Director John Brennan; and former U.N. ambassador Samantha Power.

Unmasking Scandal Gets House Subpoena; Susan Rice Included
Funny. Those subpoenas were issued by disgraced Devon Nunez. I don't believe that Rice and Powers were directly subpoenaed.
Like all special investigations, they must find something to justify their cost. Clinton we got a blow job, Trump we will probably get some guy on his staff wears dresses. I posted this on a Day 1 of his appointment, now watch.
Funny. Those subpoenas were issued by disgraced Devon Nunez. I don't believe that Rice and Powers were directly subpoenaed.

Perhaps. But Mueller is going after everyone. Are you concerned?

My only concern is that the whole thing could turn into a partisan pissing match. Question everybody, but stay on point and expose and punish the guilty, no matter who they are. We don't need another partisan witch hunt like the right has done over the last several years.
Funny. Those subpoenas were issued by disgraced Devon Nunez. I don't believe that Rice and Powers were directly subpoenaed.

Perhaps. But Mueller is going after everyone. Are you concerned?

Nope, I'm not concerned. Let the chips fall where they may. I just want honest and thorough investigations and the facts and truth reported. I despise Trump, but if he's innocent - so be it.

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