Zone1 Rich, Black, Flunking

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
I came across an interesting article about two weeks ago. Somebody had posted a link to a 20 year old article archived on the East Bay Express titled "Rich, Black, Flunking." The premise of the article was about a study conducted by Nigerian-born UC Berkeley Anthropology Professor John Ogbu at the behest of wealthy black parents in the Cleveland suburb of Shaker Heights to determine why their kids weren't performing as well as the white kids despite coming from well educated and financially well-off families like their peers. In summary, the study concluded that the average black student in the district put in far less effort than their non-black counterparts, they viewed doing well in school as "acting white," and their parents overall didn't involve themselves in their children's education at the rate other non-black parents did. Faced with this inconvenient truth they were, of course, outraged and claimed the study was bunk and flawed because the reason couldn't possibly be them. It had to be racism.

I bookmarked this article with the intention of creating a thread on it. Interestingly enough, when I returned today, poof! It's gone.

Evidently, the folks at East Bay Express must have noticed this old article was suddenly getting excessive hits and when they saw the subject content they decided it had to be removed so nobody could view it. Race relations were at their height in this country through much of the 1990s and into the 2000s. A Gallup poll I saw a few years ago also noted that and then something happened around 2010 or 2011 and racial harmony started going south. I have firmly placed that collapse on the shoulders of our media. It was the media who began assigning racism to any criticism of Obama's big government policies. It was the media who began emphasizing white on black violence, police on black violence, despite how little of it there actually was, while ignoring the inverse which is far more common. It is the media who has been treating black Americans like children who can neither be criticized nor held responsible for their actions and we are the seeing the results of that. There has been a serious decay in African American culture and it's getting worse by the day because they are being protected by the media. We cannot solve a problem if we aren't permitted to have an honest discussion about it. The deletion of this article is another example of the media running interference in the name of political correctness.

The media is the enemy of the people.

You can still find some sites with excerpts of the article by doing a search of the title:

Return discipline and consequences for wrong doing to our schools and teach the kids how to succeed not whom to blame if they don't....
This goes for teachers as well... if your students are failing at a high level you need to find a different path.....
When blacks tell their fellow students that they shouldn't speak proper English, they don't get it that whatever nation you go to, if you don't speak the predominant language of that nation with fluency, even in African nations, you aren't going to advance far, unless you have some particular talent that sets you apart from the general populace.
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Yea, that's pretty fucked up they scrubbed the story off their website. I'd like to read it.

I actually found a copy and paste of the full article, but I can't link to it because it's on another discussion board. If you google the article title, though, you'll probably come across it.
I came across an interesting article about two weeks ago. Somebody had posted a link to a 20 year old article archived on the East Bay Express titled "Rich, Black, Flunking." The premise of the article was about a study conducted by Nigerian-born UC Berkeley Anthropology Professor John Ogbu at the behest of wealthy black parents in the Cleveland suburb of Shaker Heights to determine why their kids weren't performing as well as the white kids despite coming from well educated and financially well-off families like their peers. In summary, the study concluded that the average black student in the district put in far less effort than their non-black counterparts, they viewed doing well in school as "acting white," and their parents overall didn't involve themselves in their children's education at the rate other non-black parents did. Faced with this inconvenient truth they were, of course, outraged and claimed the study was bunk and flawed because the reason couldn't possibly be them. It had to be racism.

I bookmarked this article with the intention of creating a thread on it. Interestingly enough, when I returned today, poof! It's gone.

Evidently, the folks at East Bay Express must have noticed this old article was suddenly getting excessive hits and when they saw the subject content they decided it had to be removed so nobody could view it. Race relations were at their height in this country through much of the 1990s and into the 2000s. A Gallup poll I saw a few years ago also noted that and then something happened around 2010 or 2011 and racial harmony started going south. I have firmly placed that collapse on the shoulders of our media. It was the media who began assigning racism to any criticism of Obama's big government policies. It was the media who began emphasizing white on black violence, police on black violence, despite how little of it there actually was, while ignoring the inverse which is far more common. It is the media who has been treating black Americans like children who can neither be criticized nor held responsible for their actions and we are the seeing the results of that. There has been a serious decay in African American culture and it's getting worse by the day because they are being protected by the media. We cannot solve a problem if we aren't permitted to have an honest discussion about it. The deletion of this article is another example of the media running interference in the name of political correctness.

The media is the enemy of the people.

You can still find some sites with excerpts of the article by doing a search of the title:

Okay but having been to Shaker Heights several times, I am not sure they are representative of much. It is a fairly Jewish/Liberal white area that hides its racism behind economics. A friend of mine said his school's cheerleaders used to chant when their team was losing "That's alright; that's okay; you'll be working for us one day". Paul Newman grew up as a poor kid in that area and he was treated so harshly he vowed to never return after graduating to do any appearances there.
Lol! More blacks are going to college than ever before. These anecdotes mean nothing. I'm black, got good grades all during school and was never told that I was acting white. The OP posts a study by a Nigerian as if Nigerians can't be Uncle Toms. The story is 20 years old, it is based on a very small sample size of even the black population in Cleveland. It is irrelevant and meritless as a determinant of the success of all 48 million blacks in the American population. This thread is another example of racist opinion.

So how about I go find a study by some white person based on research of a small portion of a white suburban population then post it as if it shows what the problem is in the entire white culture? After all, we have seen that whites paid people to take college entrance exams for their children. Do we determine by that small segment of the white population that all whites need to be more disciplined and take responsibility for whatever their problem are?

And this is the problem with white racist attitudes. More specifically to the OP, it is an indicator of a severe psychological problem created by the wish to be white caused by internalized racism.
When blacks tell their fellow students that they shouldn't speak proper English, they don't get it that whatever nation you go to, if you don't speak the predominant language of that nation with fluency, even in African nations, you aren't going to advance far, unless you have some particular talent that sets you apart from the general populace.
That doesn't happen.
Race relations were at their height in this country through much of the 1990s and into the 2000s. A Gallup poll I saw a few years ago also noted that and then something happened around 2010 or 2011 and racial harmony started going south. I have firmly placed that collapse on the shoulders of our media.

This is garbage. According to who was this the case? I happened to attend an event in 1995 called the Million Man March, that was a protest about the virulent racism of that time. There were protests and racist incidents in the 2000's and the first Obama candidacy full full of examples of white racism. That racism created the tea party and the media did not do this:


There has been no height of race relations in this country.
Return discipline and consequences for wrong doing to our schools and teach the kids how to succeed not whom to blame if they don't....
This goes for teachers as well... if your students are failing at a high level you need to find a different path.....

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