Rich, Smart, Nice Blacks prove it's not Whitey's fault.


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2017
I mean if it truly were Whitey's fault of oppression causing Blacks to be poor, stupid, mean thugs.

Then why aren't they all like that?

Truth is the best explanation is a genetic curve, yes there might be some environment involved.

However, genes are the building blocks of us, you can't turn a Chimp into a Human, because it doesn't have Human DNA.

Yes, some Chimps are smarter, nicer etc. than each other, but that's the case with everything.

Yes, it all fits nicely with a genetic curve.
I mean if it truly were Whitey's fault of oppression causing Blacks to be poor, stupid, mean thugs.

Then why aren't they all like that?

Because everything isnt just like all other things. Just like White Privilege doesnt mean all whites will be in Mansions and swim in money like Scrooge McDuck.

Also, since Scrooge McDuck swam in gold coins doesnt mean all ducks should be or will do the same thing. I know you think that all ducks should but its only because you're such a retard that you probably have a cork on the end of every fork in your home to prevent injuries
I mean if it truly were Whitey's fault of oppression causing Blacks to be poor, stupid, mean thugs.

Then why aren't they all like that?

Because everything isnt just like all other things. Just like White Privilege doesnt mean all whites will be in Mansions and swim in money like Scrooge McDuck.

Also, since Scrooge McDuck swam in gold coins doesnt mean all ducks should be or will do the same thing. I know you think that all ducks should but its only because you're such a retard that you probably have a cork on the end of every fork in your home to prevent injuries

Well, how do rich, smart, nice Black people exist, if it's Whitey who's keeping them down?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

No real refutation.
I mean if it truly were Whitey's fault of oppression causing Blacks to be poor, stupid, mean thugs.

Then why aren't they all like that?

Truth is the best explanation is a genetic curve, yes there might be some environment involved.

However, genes are the building blocks of us, you can't turn a Chimp into a Human, because it doesn't have Human DNA.

Yes, some Chimps are smarter, nicer etc. than each other, but that's the case with everything.

Yes, it all fits nicely with a genetic curve.
It’s interesting that you brought this up today, as I’ve just finished reading Ann Coulter’s book Mugged, in which she wrote some interesting things about the subject. She says:

“After slavery, most of black America was starting at the bottom rung of social advancement. Not only that, but they had spent centuries in the backwoods culture of Southern hillbillies. Thomas Sowell points out that much of what is thought to be black culture is actually Southern “cracker” culture, imported from the Northern Provinces of the British Isles.

In his book, Black Rednecks and White Liberals, Sowell traces behavior patterns of various early Americans back to their original regions in the British Isles. Much of the Southern population was made up of eighteenth-century immigrants from the “Celtic fringe” – Scotland, Ireland and Wales. As Sowell demonstrates with a mountain of hilarious examples, the unique cultural attributes of these British highlanders included wanton and brutal violence, hair-trigger tempers, unalterable sloth, illiteracy and a total lack of respect for human life, including their own.

Today the only place we see this culture is on the TV show Cops and in the black underclass.

The people of the Celtic fringe were practically a different species from those who settled New England. Around the time of the civil war, more than 20 percent of the Southern whites still couldn’t read. The very word “cracker” is thought by some scholars to refer to the prideful boasting of the transplanted British highlanders. Remnants of their fighting spirit proved a boon to the U.S. military, but a few centuries ago, their skirmishes included fights that involved biting off noses, gouging out eyes, and ripping off their opponents’ heads. Far from objecting, local crowds would enthusiastically cheer the combatants on. It was in these colorful folkways of the Celtic fringe that southern blacks were marinated in for centuries, but today are written about by 21st century sociologists as a specifically “black culture.”

These traits have nothing to do with Africa or the legacy of slavery. The quaint customs of southern rednecks came directly from their Scottish, Welsh and Irish ancestors and were passed on to southern blacks. The East coast-West coast hip-hop rivalry, with its “diss tracks” and shootings and murders, are not a distant echo from the plains of Africa, but a modern version of the Hatfields and Mccoys, with much greater use of the F-word.”

I personally have to wonder why these behaviors were referred to as “hilarious," "colorful," and “quaint” when white folks did them, and are called something quite different when black folks do them. And why these very same behaviors are taken as proof that blacks are inferior, stupid and mean, while for whites it was simply part of their unique culture.
I mean if it truly were Whitey's fault of oppression causing Blacks to be poor, stupid, mean thugs.

Then why aren't they all like that?

Truth is the best explanation is a genetic curve, yes there might be some environment involved.

However, genes are the building blocks of us, you can't turn a Chimp into a Human, because it doesn't have Human DNA.

Yes, some Chimps are smarter, nicer etc. than each other, but that's the case with everything.

Yes, it all fits nicely with a genetic curve.
It’s interesting that you brought this up today, as I’ve just finished reading Ann Coulter’s book Mugged, in which she wrote some interesting things about the subject. She says:

“After slavery, most of black America was starting at the bottom rung of social advancement. Not only that, but they had spent centuries in the backwoods culture of Southern hillbillies. Thomas Sowell points out that much of what is thought to be black culture is actually Southern “cracker” culture, imported from the Northern Provinces of the British Isles.

In his book, Black Rednecks and White Liberals, Sowell traces behavior patterns of various early Americans back to their original regions in the British Isles. Much of the Southern population was made up of eighteenth-century immigrants from the “Celtic fringe” – Scotland, Ireland and Wales. As Sowell demonstrates with a mountain of hilarious examples, the unique cultural attributes of these British highlanders included wanton and brutal violence, hair-trigger tempers, unalterable sloth, illiteracy and a total lack of respect for human life, including their own.

Today the only place we see this culture is on the TV show Cops and in the black underclass.

The people of the Celtic fringe were practically a different species from those who settled New England. Around the time of the civil war, more than 20 percent of the Southern whites still couldn’t read. The very word “cracker” is thought by some scholars to refer to the prideful boasting of the transplanted British highlanders. Remnants of their fighting spirit proved a boon to the U.S. military, but a few centuries ago, their skirmishes included fights that involved biting off noses, gouging out eyes, and ripping off their opponents’ heads. Far from objecting, local crowds would enthusiastically cheer the combatants on. It was in these colorful folkways of the Celtic fringe that southern blacks were marinated in for centuries, but today are written about by 21st century sociologists as a specifically “black culture.”

These traits have nothing to do with Africa or the legacy of slavery. The quaint customs of southern rednecks came directly from their Scottish, Welsh and Irish ancestors and were passed on to southern blacks. The East coast-West coast hip-hop rivalry, with its “diss tracks” and shootings and murders, are not a distant echo from the plains of Africa, but a modern version of the Hatfields and Mccoys, with much greater use of the F-word.”

I personally have to wonder why these behaviors were referred to as “hilarious," "colorful," and “quaint” when white folks did them, and are called something quite different when black folks do them. And why these very same behaviors are taken as proof that blacks are inferior, stupid and mean, while for whites it was simply part of their unique culture.

Well, all groups have a genetic curve.
It just happens to be that a lot of British lowlifes crammed into the U.S South.
Even so they are higher collectively speaking than the Black average, be it in the U.S.A, or the Caribbean, or in Africa it's self.

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