Richard Dawkins: ‘Benign’ Christianity is About to be Replaced by ‘Something Worse’ – Islam


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
This is sure to make snowflake heads explode. How dare Dawkins speak the truth about Islam!

Richard Dawkins: ‘Benign’ Christianity is about to be replaced by ‘something worse’ – Islam

UNITED KINGDOM, March 23, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Despite his years of denouncing religion, Richard Dawkins does not welcome a European future without Christianity.

On Wednesday, the atheist author and evolutionary biologist warned those inclined to “rejoice at the death throes of the relatively benign Christian religion” to keep in mind the danger of "something worse" taking its place.

That worse alternative, Dawkins suggests, is Islam, which he has previously called “the most evil religion in the world.”

Dawkins was reacting to a Guardian report on recent polling that shows 70% of people in the United Kingdom between the ages of 16 and 29 do not identify with any religion, that 59% of them never attend religious services, and that almost two-thirds of them never pray.

The research, published by theology and sociology professor Stephen Bullivant of St. Mary’s University in London, finds similarly high numbers in other European nations. Sweden, the Netherlands, and the Czech Republic all have even higher percentages of non-religious young people, while the young populations of France, Belgium, and Hungary are all more than 60% non-religious. More than half of the age group in Finland, Denmark, Norway, and Spain is non-religious, as well.

“Christianity as a default, as a norm, is gone, and probably gone for good – or at least for the next 100 years,” Bullivant says. “Cultural religious identities just aren’t being passed on from parents to children. It just washes straight off them.”
He is absolutely correct. The last world empire will be the United Nations, and Islam. Iron and clay.
And to round things out, a Pope/false prophet who feels that America should be usurped by the UN, "for our own good".
Our new "Youth Movement" will see to it. The libs are graduating about 3 million of them per year.

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