Richard Rose, who served 9 years in Iraq & Afghanistan, died of corona after refusing to wear a mask since he didn’t want to buy into “that damn hype"

This guy Rose was no celebrity. How would the left know his attitude toward wearing masks? Do they interview the neighbors, friends and family of every corona/virus victim to look for this kind of stuff? That's pretty scary.
Great points... It's as if they needed a heroe type figure who was a redneck Nascar lover, and that refused to wear a mask to commit corona suicide for them, so they could drive their point home about Mask working. Yeah take that all you alledged Nascar loving, war mongering, redneck HEROES, because now we got one of your kind in our statistical count, even if we're not real sure as to how it all went down, whether the mask was an issue or not, and whether or not he passed from his injuries from the war or just caught the Virus because his immune system was lowered due to all the meds he was taking.

Anyways a flu virus running around rampant in the middle of July is another highly suspicious thing. Makes one wonder if the virus has been weaponized somehow, and it is actually being spread by carriers as in the same form used in mail carriers (not postal carriers in the literal sence), but carriers in the terrorist sense of the term to be used. DHS might want to heavily investigate that avenue as well, because none of this is adding up really.

A flu running around rampant outside of flu season, otherwise where the conditions are highly unfavorable for the spread of a corona virus, but here we are.

After the Russia hoax, and all that came with that situation, one can't help but be suspicious of this stuff in these ways.
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This picture was taken in California in 1918, during the second wave of the Spanish flu pandemic that killed more than 50 million people around the world.
Do your part, wear a mask.

They were wearing masks and it still killed 50 million?
Yeah, and where did they get all those mask in 1918 ??
They wore masks during the previous pandemic in the 1340's as well. Still killed 1/3 of the population or more.

10 surprising facts about the Black Death | History Extra
Such mutated viruses don't care about any mask, as it is looking for it's host through any means possible. Humans have a weakness, it's called breathing, eating, and touching in order to live normal lives or to live at all. These viruses exploit those weaknesses, and they do it well at times.

Most were wearing the mask when needed, because no one wants to catch the thing, but during an election year it seems mighty convenient for one side of a political party to seemingly want to be the HEROES leading up to the election by pushing things above and beyond.... So they've taken the bull by it's horns without any reservations on whether or not the bull will end up kicking their aces in this thing or not. It's all they have left, so grab holt to them horns is their thinking.
Richard Rose was a US vet who loved NASCAR and his 2 cats. He died from covid on July 4 and is now being dragged all over the internet for his refusal to wear a mask.
The COVID period has been the moment that Trumpism went from being ugly to being dangerous.

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