Richardson Pulls Out

Let's hope he uses this time to lose some weight. He's almost as fat as Al Gore and Michael Moore combined. Just yesterday I could see him on Google Earth.
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Considering this guy made up rediculous stories about his past (like he played minor league ball, something that was easily exposed as a fraud) it's hardly shocking he was up to no good.
Let's hope he uses this time to lose some weight. He's almost as fat as Al Gore and Michael Moore combined. Just yesterday I could see him on Google Earth.

Obesity is no laughing matter.

Hopefully your children will grow up to be nice and healthy and not have to worry about it.
Ah, what did I say weeks and weeks ago when a company tied to him for donations came under investigation.

Oh but I was merely a Obama hater.

Actually I believe that my response was something along the lines of I look forward to hearing what the outcome of the investigation would be.

I am, STILL looking forward to reading what the outcome of the investigation will be.

But I applaude Richardson for stepping aside.
Let's see lieberman is a leftwinger who like The clown at Vanity fair has only ever been right about one thing in his life and that is the War in Iraq. He isn't a centrist unless your definition is very loose, Bloomberg is a RINO. Which Jefferson?

bloomberg isn't a republican. he's an independent.

lieberman isn't a democrat by any stretch of the imagination.
bloomberg isn't a republican. he's an independent.

lieberman isn't a democrat by any stretch of the imagination.

Bloomberg and Lieberman decide which party they want to be affiliated with. Whichever one is convenient for them at the time. Party affilitiation has ceased to be a determined factor in ideology.
Heh, Richardson "pulls out".

Sooner or later that one ends up biting you in the ass.
Look at his voting record beyond the Iraq situation... he is indeed a DEM

... not anymore. I don't care about pre-Iraq... his behavior in putting his nose up Bush's butt and then sniffing around McCain hoping for a cabinet position?

traitor to his party. it's one thing to disagree. you don't go to the other guy's convention and speak against your own.
Look at his voting record beyond the Iraq situation... he is indeed a DEM

... not anymore. I don't care about pre-Iraq... his behavior in putting his nose up Bush's butt and then sniffing around McCain hoping for a cabinet position?

traitor to his party. it's one thing to disagree. you don't go to the other guy's convention and speak against your own.
... not anymore. I don't care about pre-Iraq... his behavior in putting his nose up Bush's butt and then sniffing around McCain hoping for a cabinet position?

traitor to his party.

Not beholding himself to the left wing does not mean he is not a DEM...

Supporting the REP candidate or supporting the war effort does not change the fact that this person traditionally and continually votes on the DEM side of the platform on most everything..

Just because those farther left are angry that he supported McCain over Obama, does not take away from how and what he is
Richardson out ..

... thus, his biggest/almost only hispanic appointment is out ...

... just makes more room for him to make another Jewish appointment

... by the middle of his term he should be about 100% Jewish.

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