Rick Perry declines Obama offer for ‘quick handshake’ at Austin airport

Rick Perry family’s hunting camp still known to many by old racially charged name

Rick Perry family?s hunting camp still known to many by old racially charged name - The Washington Post

Thankfully this fecal matter rightwing sludge and his ilk are dying off

so in your estimation....independent hard-working educated pro-Americans like Perry being replaced by socialist welfare-sucking uneducated anti-American racist La Raza types is a good thing......?

more guano from guano....:eusa_hand:
Perry will be running for President in 2016, he doesnt want to be seen with this POS president.
Obama will not be getting a warm Texas greeting. He is shit in this state.

Kind of like what they did to JFK

"The president is a socialist. He is neutering the United States on the world stage. He is spending us into bankruptcy. He is hellbent on expanding national health care, which will surely lead to government death panels.

He is advancing big-government agendas everywhere from Main Street to Wall Street. And do we really know the truth about his personal history and religion?

Perhaps the man in the Oval Office should be impeached — even tried for treason.

If today’s extremist rhetoric sounds familiar, that’s because it is eerily, poignantly similar to the vitriol aimed squarely at John F. Kennedy during his presidency.

And just like today, Texans were leading what some of them saw as a moral crusade."

Tea party has roots in the Dallas of 1963 - The Washington Post

So it is plain to see these same type of white trash are leading the charge

"The ad hominem attacks against a “socialist president.” The howling broadcasters. The mega-rich men from Texas funding the political action campaigns. There is even another charismatic, Ivy-educated ideologue: Sen. Ted Cruz would have been quite comfortable in Dallas 1963."
If Perry was pro American he would negotiate with everyone as I correctly hear him state that immigration is a Federal issue.
And Obama is the lead executive there.
What he is doing is grandstanding like he always does. Same as Harry Reid in the Senate and most all politicians these days.
And you wonder why nothing gets done.
Bottom line

NO potential Republican candidate in 2016 wants to risk a photo-op with Obama

If Perry was pro American he would negotiate with everyone as I correctly hear him state that immigration is a Federal issue.
And Obama is the lead executive there.
What he is doing is grandstanding like he always does. Same as Harry Reid in the Senate and most all politicians these days.
And you wonder why nothing gets done.

you're one dumbfuck...

of course Perry said it was a Federal issue and that's why he wanted to have a substantive meeting with Obama...

nothing gets done because Obama does nothing...

Obama is the one who offered a 2 sec handshake at the airport....and that's it.....until Valerie Jarrett set up and offered Perry a meeting....she knew avoiding a meeting wouldn't look good...

so now Obama has to at least go through the motions...
That's Ricky-boy for ya, making friends again.

You'd do more than shake his hand, huh.

You're correct, I'd go out to the airport, a whopping ten miles away, and not ignore the leader of the free world when he was in town. But then again, unlike Perry, I'm a man.

Perry's crap has more integrity than Obama. I disagree that you're a man. A man defends his country from all enemies, foreign AND domestic. I see you as more of a useful idiot.
Like Obama, Kennedy was an internationalist. He believed in and supported the United Nations and sought to have nations working together to solve the problems of the world, particularly for the poor and unfortunate. He reached across the oceans and was popular in Europe – and as Obama discovered, that popularity was treated by the rightwing as something shameful and un-American.

Like Obama, JFK spoke of hope, and a better America. He asked us to give our best and to all work together. And just as now, JFK’s opponents preached fear, and hatred.

Most of all, Kennedy was the object of the rage of right-wingers – particularly in the south – for his support for civil rights. The racism of his opponents, like Obama’s, was virulent and unrelenting.

When Kennedy went to Dallas, he was going to the belly of the beast.

Donald E. Wilkes, Jr., Professor of Law, University of Georgia School of Law, wrote about Kennedy’s fatal visit.

JFK wanted poster “Two days before President Kennedy’s trip to Dallas, right-wingers began circulating around the city some 5,000 anti-Kennedy handbills. Entitled ‘Wanted for Treason,’ these leaflets were designed to look like a police ‘wanted’ poster, with front and profile photographs of Kennedy’s head.” Right-wingers held posters and jeered at the president throughout his motorcade, including at Dealey Plaza, where the murder took place.

Despite current media reports that indicate that all of America mourned the loss of the young president, Wilkes reports a different reality:

“Not even Kennedy’s death at 1 p.m. at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas stopped right-wingers from publicly displaying their loathing of JFK. As William Manchester notes in his classic The Death of a President (1967): ‘At 3:05 p.m., when 80 percent of the American People were in deep grief, an NBC camera panned toward a group of spectators outside Parkland’s emergency entrance and picked up a young man with a placard that read, ‘Yankee, Go Home.’ ’ (In a wealthy Dallas suburb, Manchester reminds us, ‘pupils of a fourth-grade class, told that the President of the United States had been murdered in their city, burst into spontaneous applause.’)
Screw Barry. Go raise your money for other lefty cocksuckers just like yourself.

Seems like the demographic shift in America isn't working out to well for you :eusa_whistle:

It will be a rude slap in the face in 2016, when the GOP realizes that even their petty gerrymandering is now ineffective.

you're looking forward to America becoming a third world country like Mexico....aren't you...?

You'd do more than shake his hand, huh.

You're correct, I'd go out to the airport, a whopping ten miles away, and not ignore the leader of the free world when he was in town. But then again, unlike Perry, I'm a man.

Perry's crap has more integrity than Obama. I disagree that you're a man. A man defends his country from all enemies, foreign AND domestic. I see you as more of a useful idiot.

I couldn't care less what you see me as and Ricky-boy isn't qualified to polish my dog's turd, let alone walk the animal that made it.
Latest is Perry will meet with Obama and did not want to just have a handshake.

Followup after the theatrics.
wow...so gracious of Obama to fit Perry into his busy fundraising schedule for a two second handshake......:rolleyes:

In a letter to the president, Perry wrote, “I appreciate the offer to greet you at Austin-Bergstrom Airport, but a quick handshake on the tarmac will not allow for a thoughtful discussion regarding the humanitarian and national security crises enveloping the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas. I would instead offer to meet with you at any time during your visit to Texas for a substantive meeting to discuss this critical issue. With the appropriate notice, I am willing to change my schedule to facilitate this request.”

“At any point while you are here, I am available to sit down privately so we can talk and you may directly gain my state’s perspective on the effects of an unsecured border and what is necessary to make it secure,” Perry wrote the president.

The president will not be visiting the border while in Texas, an omission which Perry has said would be a “real reflection of his lack of concern of what’s really going on there.”

In his letter to Obama, Perry writes, “Since first calling the issue of border security to your attention in a 2009 letter requesting 1,000 National Guard troops to assist with securing our border, I have followed up with several further communications inviting you to tour the border and view this crisis firsthand. In addition, I have provided information on how the Texas National Guard and the Texas Department of Public Safety have supported, and continue to support, surge operations along a border, which has become a nexus for criminal activity of all kinds.”

Rick Perry declines Obama offer for ?quick handshake? at... | www.statesman.com

If there is no video of it I call it BS

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