Rick Perry Gets His Feelings Hurt


Gold Member
Nov 16, 2010
Poor baby. First he brags about how Texas has such low business regulations then he is shocked that one exploded, KILLING a lot of people.

Gov. Rick Perry said Friday he's disgusted a California newspaper ran a cartoon that depicts him boasting about booming business in Texas, then shows an explosion, a week after a fertilizer plant explosion killed 14 people in a Texas town.

Ohman defended his cartoon with an Internet post, noting that the fertilizer plant "had not been inspected by the state of Texas since 2006" and that many "Texas cities have little or no zoning, resulting in homes being permitted next to sparely inspected businesses that store explosive chemicals."

Perry disgusted by cartoon depicting explosion



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Perry is an idiot.

And.................the people in West, Texas were victims of those that wanted to make a lot of money. I mean, think about it...................it's planting season, they had a lot of fertilizer and thought they could get it sold before it blew up.

Sorry about their poor judgement.
Sadly, the people of Texas won't see the connection.
Poor baby. First he brags about how Texas has such low business regulations then he is shocked that one exploded, KILLING a lot of people.

Gov. Rick Perry said Friday he's disgusted a California newspaper ran a cartoon that depicts him boasting about booming business in Texas, then shows an explosion, a week after a fertilizer plant explosion killed 14 people in a Texas town.

Ohman defended his cartoon with an Internet post, noting that the fertilizer plant "had not been inspected by the state of Texas since 2006" and that many "Texas cities have little or no zoning, resulting in homes being permitted next to sparely inspected businesses that store explosive chemicals."

Perry disgusted by cartoon depicting explosion


To further demonstrate what an idjit he is, he makes a stink and draws even more attention to it.
Poor baby. First he brags about how Texas has such low business regulations then he is shocked that one exploded, KILLING a lot of people.

Gov. Rick Perry said Friday he's disgusted a California newspaper ran a cartoon that depicts him boasting about booming business in Texas, then shows an explosion, a week after a fertilizer plant explosion killed 14 people in a Texas town.

Ohman defended his cartoon with an Internet post, noting that the fertilizer plant "had not been inspected by the state of Texas since 2006" and that many "Texas cities have little or no zoning, resulting in homes being permitted next to sparely inspected businesses that store explosive chemicals."

Perry disgusted by cartoon depicting explosion


The Texas GOP has blood on its hands all over the world.
He's just trying to distract from the fact that he's getting a government bailout, while he continues to pursue protectionist policies against the rest of the Union.
It is strange that in Bangladesh they actually arrest negligent business owners. Perhaps they have a better grasp on the rule of law than in Texas :eusa_eh:
Poor baby. First he brags about how Texas has such low business regulations then he is shocked that one exploded, KILLING a lot of people.

Gov. Rick Perry said Friday he's disgusted a California newspaper ran a cartoon that depicts him boasting about booming business in Texas, then shows an explosion, a week after a fertilizer plant explosion killed 14 people in a Texas town.

Ohman defended his cartoon with an Internet post, noting that the fertilizer plant "had not been inspected by the state of Texas since 2006" and that many "Texas cities have little or no zoning, resulting in homes being permitted next to sparely inspected businesses that store explosive chemicals."

Perry disgusted by cartoon depicting explosion


I thought lefties abhorred "politicizig a tragedy" Guess not huh? hypocrite!
It would appear that not even waiting until the people are buried to try to score political points off of their deaths, especially since the majority of the deaths were of Volunteer Firefighters, doesn't show a lack of compassion or sympathy for the victim's families.

Just as they have built their party on the piles of dead babies, every three years one million more have been added to that pile, and the suffering of others while doing their best to keep people suffering, it's just another day in the life of the Democratic Party.

Perhaps they need to change their party symbol from the Dumb Jackass to either a Vulture, Cannibal, or a Zombie. They do seem to feed off the the deaths and misery of others.
The amount of stupid on this one thread is unreal. I especially love how these sophisticated high class liberals were railing about Republicans trying to score political points off the bodies of dead children in Newtown and now look at you doing the same thing with the dead in the West explosion that is hypocrisy of the first order.
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The amount of stupid on this one thread is unreal. I especially love how these sophisticated high class liberals were railing about Republicans trying to score political points off the bodies of dead children in Newtown and now look at you doing the same thing with the dead in the West explosion that is hypocrisy of the first order.

The only people trying to advance their agenda, thus score points, after Newtown were the Left Wing Gun Grabbers.

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