Rick Perry Says Aid To Israel ‘Would Start At Zero’ In His Administration

Who cares? Rick Perry will never be our nominee. Liberals are hilarious. LMAO

watching the debates i would say its not just liberals

is this really the mantra of the conservatives now? who cares blah blah blah.....romney will cause the election to go to obama as the gop loses the south....i just dont see the south voting for a mormon, do you?

The liberal south won't vote for a Republican if they managed to convince Jesus Christ or resurrected Ghandi to run. The conservative south might have to hold their nose, but they would vote for a chimpanzee before they'll vote to re-elect Obama.

It all depends on who shows up on election day.
By Ben Armbruster

Tonight during the CBS/National Journal GOP presidential foreign policy debate, Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) said that if he were president, “every country is going to start at zero dollars” in American foreign aid. “We need a president of the United States working with a Congress that sends a clear message to every country. It doesn’t make any difference whether it’s Pakistan, Afghanistan or whether it’s India,” he said.

Later in the debate, debate co-moderater Scott Pelley read a question from Twitter that asked, “Does governor Perry’s foreign aid starts at zero include Israel?” “Absolutely,” Perry said:

Perry Says Aid To Israel 'Would Start At Zero' In His Administration: 'Make Your Case' For U.S. Assistance | ThinkProgress

Are you capable of Honesty at all dude?

He said all countries, even our allies, would start at 0, and have to make their case to him why they deserved US aid.

Not that it matters Because Perry will not be the Nominee.
Who cares? Rick Perry will never be our nominee. Liberals are hilarious. LMAO

watching the debates i would say its not just liberals

is this really the mantra of the conservatives now? who cares blah blah blah.....romney will cause the election to go to obama as the gop loses the south....i just dont see the south voting for a mormon, do you?

You're a moron if you think the south won't come out in droves to beat Obama.

By Ben Armbruster

Tonight during the CBS/National Journal GOP presidential foreign policy debate, Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) said that if he were president, “every country is going to start at zero dollars” in American foreign aid. “We need a president of the United States working with a Congress that sends a clear message to every country. It doesn’t make any difference whether it’s Pakistan, Afghanistan or whether it’s India,” he said.

Later in the debate, debate co-moderater Scott Pelley read a question from Twitter that asked, “Does governor Perry’s foreign aid starts at zero include Israel?” “Absolutely,” Perry said:

Perry Says Aid To Israel 'Would Start At Zero' In His Administration: 'Make Your Case' For U.S. Assistance | ThinkProgress


probably because Perry can not count to three he want to avoid any arithmetical discussion.
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By Ben Armbruster

Tonight during the CBS/National Journal GOP presidential foreign policy debate, Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) said that if he were president, “every country is going to start at zero dollars” in American foreign aid. “We need a president of the United States working with a Congress that sends a clear message to every country. It doesn’t make any difference whether it’s Pakistan, Afghanistan or whether it’s India,” he said.

Later in the debate, debate co-moderater Scott Pelley read a question from Twitter that asked, “Does governor Perry’s foreign aid starts at zero include Israel?” “Absolutely,” Perry said:

Perry Says Aid To Israel 'Would Start At Zero' In His Administration: 'Make Your Case' For U.S. Assistance | ThinkProgress

And why would you have a problem with this?

I personally wonder why we need to give so much aid to Israel. It's a wealthy country. But it's our largest recipiant of foreign aid. The next ones on the list are Egypt, Jordan and the P.A., all getting money to play nice.

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