Rick Santorum for President!


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014

I just worry about doing what's best for America. And the America workers who have been really left behind by both political parties, but particularly by this administration. The wealth gap, as Bernie Sanders says, has risen. It's not like we've been passing a whole bunch of conservative policies here in the last six years.

I mean the bottom line is that these liberal policies end up helping those who have resources. But if you're an investor, if you're someone who's an owner, you've done very, very well under President Obama. If you're someone who's a worker, you've seen wages flat line. And so what does this president want to do, and even Bernie Sanders, they want to bring in more people to this country who are primarily unskilled and have them compete so we can keep those wages down. And for one reason the Democrats want to do that, because they believe it's politically good for them, and they can win more elections. That is not in the interest of the American public. And so--


You think that the Democrats are for more immigration simply for politics, for votes, they're looking for votes?


Well, if you go back and look at the history of the Democratic Party, Chuck, they have not been the party of pro-immigration. I mean you can go back to the latest immigration report. Barbara Jordan, not a rock rib conservative, said that our immigration policy should be in the national interest, and we should have controls on immigration because of that. We have to look at the interest of American workers.

And for decades, Democrats looked at the interest of the American workers until it became important for them to be on this other side because of the politics of it. No one is standing for American workers, unfortunately, in either party. Big Business wants cheap labor costs. Hillary Clinton wants more votes. I want to make sure that the American worker has an opportunity to see their wages rise and their incomes increase.

Meet the Press Transcript - May 31 2015 - NBC News
Santorum is lying like all politicians do in a campaign season....as a Senator he and others have set upon their hands since Reagan was nice enough to give amnesty to illegals in the US........No real true effort has yet to be administered by either party when in position of power to counter this corporate slight to the US workers.....

I just worry about doing what's best for America. And the America workers who have been really left behind by both political parties, but particularly by this administration. The wealth gap, as Bernie Sanders says, has risen. It's not like we've been passing a whole bunch of conservative policies here in the last six years.

I mean the bottom line is that these liberal policies end up helping those who have resources. But if you're an investor, if you're someone who's an owner, you've done very, very well under President Obama. If you're someone who's a worker, you've seen wages flat line. And so what does this president want to do, and even Bernie Sanders, they want to bring in more people to this country who are primarily unskilled and have them compete so we can keep those wages down. And for one reason the Democrats want to do that, because they believe it's politically good for them, and they can win more elections. That is not in the interest of the American public. And so--


You think that the Democrats are for more immigration simply for politics, for votes, they're looking for votes?


Well, if you go back and look at the history of the Democratic Party, Chuck, they have not been the party of pro-immigration. I mean you can go back to the latest immigration report. Barbara Jordan, not a rock rib conservative, said that our immigration policy should be in the national interest, and we should have controls on immigration because of that. We have to look at the interest of American workers.

And for decades, Democrats looked at the interest of the American workers until it became important for them to be on this other side because of the politics of it. No one is standing for American workers, unfortunately, in either party. Big Business wants cheap labor costs. Hillary Clinton wants more votes. I want to make sure that the American worker has an opportunity to see their wages rise and their incomes increase.

Meet the Press Transcript - May 31 2015 - NBC News
It is important that workers set aside as much as they can afford on a regular basis. If the money is in a well managed mutual fund the savings will grow at an amazing rate because of compounding. Unfortunately there are those who cannot afford to set money aside
but doing so will help to narrow the income gap. Rich people have their money working for them as well as working for their money, and that is the secret to wealth.

Fidelity Investments have a number of decent mutual funds and their trading costs are low. You make your own decisions with them.

IMO taxing away people's wealth for the sake of losers is
dirty pool. Those people make investments that make jobs.

I just worry about doing what's best for America. And the America workers who have been really left behind by both political parties, but particularly by this administration. The wealth gap, as Bernie Sanders says, has risen. It's not like we've been passing a whole bunch of conservative policies here in the last six years.

I mean the bottom line is that these liberal policies end up helping those who have resources. But if you're an investor, if you're someone who's an owner, you've done very, very well under President Obama. If you're someone who's a worker, you've seen wages flat line. And so what does this president want to do, and even Bernie Sanders, they want to bring in more people to this country who are primarily unskilled and have them compete so we can keep those wages down. And for one reason the Democrats want to do that, because they believe it's politically good for them, and they can win more elections. That is not in the interest of the American public. And so--


You think that the Democrats are for more immigration simply for politics, for votes, they're looking for votes?


Well, if you go back and look at the history of the Democratic Party, Chuck, they have not been the party of pro-immigration. I mean you can go back to the latest immigration report. Barbara Jordan, not a rock rib conservative, said that our immigration policy should be in the national interest, and we should have controls on immigration because of that. We have to look at the interest of American workers.

And for decades, Democrats looked at the interest of the American workers until it became important for them to be on this other side because of the politics of it. No one is standing for American workers, unfortunately, in either party. Big Business wants cheap labor costs. Hillary Clinton wants more votes. I want to make sure that the American worker has an opportunity to see their wages rise and their incomes increase.

Meet the Press Transcript - May 31 2015 - NBC News
It is important that workers set aside as much as they can afford on a regular basis. If the money is in a well managed mutual fund the savings will grow at an amazing rate because of compounding. Unfortunately there are those who cannot afford to set money aside
but doing so will help to narrow the income gap. Rich people have their money working for them as well as working for their money, and that is the secret to wealth.

Fidelity Investments have a number of decent mutual funds and their trading costs are low. You make your own decisions with them.

IMO taxing away people's wealth for the sake of losers is
dirty pool. Those people make investments that make jobs.
Bull shit. Where are the jobs from the 1%, it seems to not be growing in proportion to their wealth..The largest job growth comes from the small business sector...
Isn't Santorum the goof ball that brought home one of his wife's miss carriages for his family including the kids to look at? There is REALLY something "fundamentally" wrong with that boy. :lol:
Isn't Santorum the goof ball that brought home one of his wife's miss carriages for his family including the kids to look at? There is REALLY something "fundamentally" wrong with that boy. :lol:

Santorum is a loon. No doubt about that. And, thankfully, he has no chance of being elected.

But I can almost (ALMOST) understand showing the kids the dead body of a miscarriage.


It does make me uncomfortable but I was just recently looking at photos of dead children (and adults) that were popular in Victorian times. The whole family gathered around, dressed in their best and one dead person.

I just worry about doing what's best for America. And the America workers who have been really left behind by both political parties, but particularly by this administration. The wealth gap, as Bernie Sanders says, has risen. It's not like we've been passing a whole bunch of conservative policies here in the last six years.

I mean the bottom line is that these liberal policies end up helping those who have resources. But if you're an investor, if you're someone who's an owner, you've done very, very well under President Obama. If you're someone who's a worker, you've seen wages flat line. And so what does this president want to do, and even Bernie Sanders, they want to bring in more people to this country who are primarily unskilled and have them compete so we can keep those wages down. And for one reason the Democrats want to do that, because they believe it's politically good for them, and they can win more elections. That is not in the interest of the American public. And so--


You think that the Democrats are for more immigration simply for politics, for votes, they're looking for votes?


Well, if you go back and look at the history of the Democratic Party, Chuck, they have not been the party of pro-immigration. I mean you can go back to the latest immigration report. Barbara Jordan, not a rock rib conservative, said that our immigration policy should be in the national interest, and we should have controls on immigration because of that. We have to look at the interest of American workers.

And for decades, Democrats looked at the interest of the American workers until it became important for them to be on this other side because of the politics of it. No one is standing for American workers, unfortunately, in either party. Big Business wants cheap labor costs. Hillary Clinton wants more votes. I want to make sure that the American worker has an opportunity to see their wages rise and their incomes increase.

Meet the Press Transcript - May 31 2015 - NBC News

In 2024 ya mean? :)
Rick Santorum has as much chance of being elected President as ALF does. At least his campaign will provide hours of comic relief.
Let us pray....Oh Saint Santorum!...Please give us our evangelical country. Pft!
Immigrants have a negligible impact on the plight of the American worker. They are not the reason for low wages or high unemployment. Santorum is full of shit and is just pounding the same anti-Mexican drum as every other Republican.

The American worker is being robbed by legislation which tilts the playing field to the advantage of entrenched special interests. The future American worker is being robbed by sub-standard education.

Darkies have nothing to do with it.
Let us pray....Oh Saint Santorum!...Please give us our evangelical country. Pft!
Go ahead and make a joke out of it if you must, but when Rick becomes president he will make sure that prayer gets put back in public schools, and then all of our problems will magically go away.

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