Rick Snyder's Misleading Claim About Who Changed Flint's Water

oh for crying out loud. do some damn Research. Instead of just relying on those snakes from the hufferpuffer and the snake Democrats who DID NOTHING about those (Democrats) who just released Toxins from a mine on US ALL

If Bernie Sanders & Michael Moore want to take Flint’s water problem to the top, here’s where they should start
By Doug Powers • January 17, 2016 10:50 PM
**Written by Doug Powers


At Sunday night’s Dem debate, Hillary Clinton expressed “outrage” about Flint, Michigan’s water for which President Obama has declared an emergency. Additionally, Bernie Sanders called on Michigan’s Republican Governor Rick Snyder to resign, and Michael Moore wants the governor arrested (apparently local officials in Dem-controlled cities are completely immune to criticism problems in their own districts).

But hey, if we’re gonna do this, let’s do it right and follow the accountability trail all the way to the top!

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s top Midwest official said her department knew as early as April about the lack of corrosion controls in Flint’s water supply — a situation that likely put residents at risk for lead contamination — but said her hands were tied in bringing the information to the public.

Starting with inquiries made in February, the federal agency battled Michigan’s Department of Environmental Quality behind the scenes for at least six months over whether Flint needed to use chemical treatments to keep lead lines and plumbing connections from leaching into drinking water. The EPA did not publicize its concern that Flint residents’ health was jeopardized by the state’s insistence that such controls were not required by law.

Instead of moving quickly to verify the concerns or take preventative measures, federal officials opted to prod the DEQ to act, EPA Region 5 Administrator Susan Hedman told The Detroit News this week. Hedman said she sought a legal opinion on whether the EPA could force action, but it wasn’t completed until November.

In fairness to the EPA, at the time they might have been preoccupied with telling the people along the Animas River that the water was going to be just fine.

We’ll now await Sanders, Moore, et al to call for the resignation and/or arrest of the head of the EPA (or higher-ups) — after which progs will demand that an even bigger government be created to solve the problems blamed on big government. If only irony was safe to drink.

If Bernie Sanders & Michael Moore want to take Flint's water problem to the top, here's where they should start
This bonehead is an evil man and should serve hard time for what he did to the people of Flint, Michigan.

Rick Snyder's Misleading Claim About Who Changed Flint's Water

At his annual State of the State address on Tuesday, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (R) accepted blame for the water crisis in Flint and offered an explanation for how it started.

"This crisis began in the spring of 2013, when the Flint City Council voted 7-1 to buy water from the Karegnondi Water Authority," he said.

It's simpler than that: Snyder's government gave Flint bad water treatment advice, and the city got bad water. And it's also more complicated: City officials did play a role, but Snyder's version of events oversells it.

"The governor's been trying to use that line -- that action that was taken by the city council -- to remove himself from this problem," former Flint City Council member Josh Freeman told "So That Happened," the HuffPost Politics podcast.

Well go make a citizens arrest on him if that's how you feel. You think the hufferpufferpost would go with you? naaa they're only around to stir up crap

So you think serving up the truth is crap! You surely must be a deeply disturbed individual.
we're still waiting for you to go arrest Snyder. and if you take the Hufferpuffer as the truth, the whole truth. then sadly you will be one of these they call: uninformed. sorry just letting you know the TRUTH about that site

You sir are a buffoon. And the last person in the world I'd take advice from! So don't bother wasting my time, or yours, telling me what to do.

you might want to look in a mirror to see the buffoon. Stephanie is a woman. so I don't care if you take advice from me. continue making a fool of yourself then just like you did here. go at it. no one cares big talking little brat.
This bonehead is an evil man and should serve hard time for what he did to the people of Flint, Michigan.

Rick Snyder's Misleading Claim About Who Changed Flint's Water

At his annual State of the State address on Tuesday, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (R) accepted blame for the water crisis in Flint and offered an explanation for how it started.

"This crisis began in the spring of 2013, when the Flint City Council voted 7-1 to buy water from the Karegnondi Water Authority," he said.

It's simpler than that: Snyder's government gave Flint bad water treatment advice, and the city got bad water. And it's also more complicated: City officials did play a role, but Snyder's version of events oversells it.

"The governor's been trying to use that line -- that action that was taken by the city council -- to remove himself from this problem," former Flint City Council member Josh Freeman told "So That Happened," the HuffPost Politics podcast.

Well go make a citizens arrest on him if that's how you feel. You think the hufferpufferpost would go with you? naaa they're only around to stir up crap

So you think serving up the truth is crap! You surely must be a deeply disturbed individual.
we're still waiting for you to go arrest Snyder. and if you take the Hufferpuffer as the truth, the whole truth. then sadly you will be one of these they call: uninformed. sorry just letting you know the TRUTH about that site

You sir are a buffoon. And the last person in the world I'd take advice from! So don't bother wasting my time, or yours, telling me what to do.

you might want to look in a mirror to see the buffoon. Stephanie is a woman. so I don't care if you take advice from me. continue making a fool of yourself then just like you did here. go at it. no one cares big talking little brat.

That's odd, because you write like a man. And like I already said, don't waste your time telling me what to do.
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Fucking Snyder was supposed to take out ALL the Democrat cities like the NY Crime families during Corleone baptism! What an incompetent

I guess it gives them something to bitch about even though they have no say in the matter. they don't LIVE THERE. I don't get it but whatever

What it means, is the Liberals will let people die in the street, before they openly criticize any Leftist politician, or administration.
Snyder is a piece of crap from the get go and long before this occurred. But, it's been fun watching the defend a republican folk operate as cheer leaders.
So if the Governor is responsible for this then who is responsible for all the democratic controlled cities that still have lead pipes for water delivery? Ohh wait, let me guess.... NOT a democrat right?
Snyder is a piece of crap from the get go and long before this occurred. But, it's been fun watching the defend a republican folk operate as cheer leaders.
So if the Governor is responsible for this then who is responsible for all the democratic controlled cities that still have lead pipes for water delivery? Ohh wait, let me guess.... NOT a democrat right?

Flint did not control their budget, hon. The STATE did. Another emergency manager was appointed to Flint.
You see in their warped world, every Republican is at fault. and their dear leader, Obama is never at fault for anything. he be as clean as a first fallen snow
This bonehead is an evil man and should serve hard time for what he did to the people of Flint, Michigan.

Rick Snyder's Misleading Claim About Who Changed Flint's Water

At his annual State of the State address on Tuesday, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (R) accepted blame for the water crisis in Flint and offered an explanation for how it started.

"This crisis began in the spring of 2013, when the Flint City Council voted 7-1 to buy water from the Karegnondi Water Authority," he said.

It's simpler than that: Snyder's government gave Flint bad water treatment advice, and the city got bad water. And it's also more complicated: City officials did play a role, but Snyder's version of events oversells it.

"The governor's been trying to use that line -- that action that was taken by the city council -- to remove himself from this problem," former Flint City Council member Josh Freeman told "So That Happened," the HuffPost Politics podcast.

Well go make a citizens arrest on him if that's how you feel. You think the hufferpufferpost would go with you? naaa they're only around to stir up crap

So you think serving up the truth is crap! You surely must be a deeply disturbed individual.
we're still waiting for you to go arrest Snyder. and if you take the Hufferpuffer as the truth, the whole truth. then sadly you will be one of these they call: uninformed. sorry just letting you know the TRUTH about that site

You sir are a buffoon. And the last person in the world I'd take advice from! So don't bother wasting my time, or yours, telling me what to do.

you might want to look in a mirror to see the buffoon. Stephanie is a woman. so I don't care if you take advice from me. continue making a fool of yourself then just like you did here. go at it. no one cares big talking little brat.
must have a lot of lead in your trailer park water supply
Snyder is a piece of crap from the get go and long before this occurred. But, it's been fun watching the defend a republican folk operate as cheer leaders.
So if the Governor is responsible for this then who is responsible for all the democratic controlled cities that still have lead pipes for water delivery? Ohh wait, let me guess.... NOT a democrat right?

Flint did not control their budget, hon. The STATE did. Another emergency manager was appointed to Flint.
So for 50 years the State controlled the budget? REALLY? You do know the emergency manager was a democrat right?
Snyder is a piece of crap from the get go and long before this occurred. But, it's been fun watching the defend a republican folk operate as cheer leaders.
So if the Governor is responsible for this then who is responsible for all the democratic controlled cities that still have lead pipes for water delivery? Ohh wait, let me guess.... NOT a democrat right?

Flint did not control their budget, hon. The STATE did. Another emergency manager was appointed to Flint.
So for 50 years the State controlled the budget? REALLY? You do know the emergency manager was a democrat right?

Since 2011 and appointed by Snyder. Snyder is big on emergency managers. For all intensive purposes the rest of the elected officials in those cities don't have any power once the emergency manager steps in. This has been a problem since Snyder came into office. A major problem.

April 2014 and nobody moved. The DEQ has already admitted it's failure. Susan Hedman, regional Chief of the EPA, resigned. You can read Snyder's emails. By early 2015 it becomes apparent that Snyder doesn't give a damn. Yet, appeals for money for repairs are coming in.

So, we are up to 1.5 billion to repair the infrastructure per the mayor. All of the crap in the houses such as water heaters will have to be done by the people themselves. That's not even touching medical. That's not even touching disability later on. So, you have over 8,000 children now plus the number of pregnant women.

And you think I give a shit if the emergency manager was a Democrat? Really?
Fucking Snyder was supposed to take out ALL the Democrat cities like the NY Crime families during Corleone baptism! What an incompetent

I guess it gives them something to bitch about even though they have no say in the matter. they don't LIVE THERE. I don't get it but whatever

What it means, is the Liberals will let people die in the street, before they openly criticize any Leftist politician, or administration.

yep, if it's a Democrat at the helm they will.
To think Snyder is innocent is frankly stupid. To think he is alone to blame is even more stupid. Trying to save money when it comes to safe water is the most stupid thing ever. Lots of blame here and yes Snyder is part. When you are the boss you are supposed to keep track of this.
This bonehead is an evil man and should serve hard time for what he did to the people of Flint, Michigan.

Rick Snyder's Misleading Claim About Who Changed Flint's Water

At his annual State of the State address on Tuesday, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (R) accepted blame for the water crisis in Flint and offered an explanation for how it started.

"This crisis began in the spring of 2013, when the Flint City Council voted 7-1 to buy water from the Karegnondi Water Authority," he said.

It's simpler than that: Snyder's government gave Flint bad water treatment advice, and the city got bad water. And it's also more complicated: City officials did play a role, but Snyder's version of events oversells it.

"The governor's been trying to use that line -- that action that was taken by the city council -- to remove himself from this problem," former Flint City Council member Josh Freeman told "So That Happened," the HuffPost Politics podcast.
He is just your typical politician. Too bad silly partisans fail to see this and promote stupid divisive rhetoric.
Snyder is a piece of crap from the get go and long before this occurred. But, it's been fun watching the defend a republican folk operate as cheer leaders.
So if the Governor is responsible for this then who is responsible for all the democratic controlled cities that still have lead pipes for water delivery? Ohh wait, let me guess.... NOT a democrat right?

Flint did not control their budget, hon. The STATE did. Another emergency manager was appointed to Flint.
So for 50 years the State controlled the budget? REALLY? You do know the emergency manager was a democrat right?

Since 2011 and appointed by Snyder. Snyder is big on emergency managers. For all intensive purposes the rest of the elected officials in those cities don't have any power once the emergency manager steps in. This has been a problem since Snyder came into office. A major problem.

April 2014 and nobody moved. The DEQ has already admitted it's failure. Susan Hedman, regional Chief of the EPA, resigned. You can read Snyder's emails. By early 2015 it becomes apparent that Snyder doesn't give a damn. Yet, appeals for money for repairs are coming in.

So, we are up to 1.5 billion to repair the infrastructure per the mayor. All of the crap in the houses such as water heaters will have to be done by the people themselves. That's not even touching medical. That's not even touching disability later on. So, you have over 8,000 children now plus the number of pregnant women.

And you think I give a shit if the emergency manager was a Democrat? Really?
Ya cause after all the 45 years before 2011 were not democrats that so badly ran the city that it failed so miserably that the State had to step in. LOL you are beyond stupid.
To think Snyder is innocent is frankly stupid. To think he is alone to blame is even more stupid. Trying to save money when it comes to safe water is the most stupid thing ever. Lots of blame here and yes Snyder is part. When you are the boss you are supposed to keep track of this.

No one says he is. But that's up to the people who lives in his STATE. the rest of us can't do a damn thing about it. so all this wailing over it is for nothing if you don't LIVE in the STATE.

what did and will affect us ALL for a long time probably is that EPA under Obama. that's where you should have put your anger. but not one peep from you people who is now running down a Governor of a state. You don't care about anything but to use these things for your politics for your party
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Ya cause after all the 45 years before 2011 were not democrats that so badly ran the city that it failed so miserably that the State had to step in. LOL you are beyond stupid.

It's the number one requirement for democrats....
I don't know the governor but when has a liberal ever taken responsibility for anything?
The EPA knew about the contamination for months and didn't tell anyone. Since we're talking about prosecuting people.

Their regional director already resigned according to news reports. The governor should do the same.

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